I would like to take the time to

Phenoix - Heavens Tear
Phenoix - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
edited January 2010 in General Discussion
I would like to take the time to thank the dervs and gm's.. i know u have a hard time with all the qqing and the new stuff that is added.so i would like to say thanx for all ur eforts and i hope to see great things to come..
Post edited by Phenoix - Heavens Tear on


  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I would like to take the time to thank the dervs and gm's.. i know u have a hard time with all the qqing and the new stuff that is added.so i would like to say thanx for all ur eforts and i hope to see great things to come..

    and I would like to say, this is some nice spam, you sound like a nice Lenn_

    I said spam again!!
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • Lenn_ - Sanctuary
    Lenn_ - Sanctuary Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    would your name be pronounced like.. FEE NO WAH?
  • Phenoix - Heavens Tear
    Phenoix - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    do u think u all could do better by encourageing instead of alwas complaining i mean give them credit they are trying to give ppl a good game to play that has some issues but they are also trying to help and fix the issues .. i say for once give thanx to there hard work.. i mean are u the best at ur job or school work .i think not
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    do u think u all could do better by encourageing instead of alwas complaining i mean give them credit they are trying to give ppl a good game to play that has some issues but they are also trying to help and fix the issues .. i say for once give thanx to there hard work.. i mean are u the best at ur job or school work .i think not

    well i give credit to the developers of the chinese company for making this game. however, i can not give PWE any credit for anything, besides their lame excuses, lies, avoidance of serious topics, and fail sales and cash shop "events"
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    do u think u all could do better by encourageing instead of alwas complaining i mean give them credit they are trying to give ppl a good game to play that has some issues but they are also trying to help and fix the issues .. i say for once give thanx to there hard work.. i mean are u the best at ur job or school work .i think not

    If they fixed the bugs, kept things away like they said, cared more about the players and not cash, held some events, answered serious questions, thought of the game before they released certain cash shop items n not the wallet n then erm sure id be happy to.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • IDaun - Dreamweaver
    IDaun - Dreamweaver Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If they fixed the bugs, kept things away like they said, cared more about the players and not cash, held some events, answered serious questions, thought of the game before they released certain cash shop items n not the wallet n then erm sure id be happy to.


    The people that developed the game itself? Sure, they're doing a great job. I like the game. I have some nice screenshots from the graphics at max settings.

    The people making the event/cash shop/marketing in general decisions? They've done a horrible job at making the f2p portion happy (aside from the game itself, which, is good-- most of the 'events' are cash shop related, and there aren't many 'events' to begin with).

    And the priorities they're setting suck. Stop with the expansions, and set the team to making it a better game overall before more content is added.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited January 2010

  • dieseasily
    dieseasily Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If they fixed the bugs, kept things away like they said, cared more about the players and not cash, held some events, answered serious questions, thought of the game before they released certain cash shop items n not the wallet n then erm sure id be happy to.

    I cannot take this type of comment anymore. 'If they cared less about the cash and more about the players...' is the dumbest thing you can say about this game. If PWI does not consider their cash flow and they do everything in that the whiners want, then they lose money. If they lose money then they have no menye to pay the programers to fix the gliches, their staff, or their bills, server costs, and eventually they close the game. No game, no players. Up side is no more complaints.

    Cash flow has to remain their number 1 concern because without it there is no game.

    No cash, No game.

    Customer Service is their second concern. The people who submit tickets because of glich abuse, cheats, problems with cash shop.

    Their third concern would gliches and new content. When not working on one they are working on the other.

    Don't like it? Then find a way for them to run everything for free. Find free staff, free servers, free power, free licensing.

    Like it or not this is a business. It is impossible to please everyone 100% of the time, and PWI understands this. As does a lot of the player base. And because we understand this we are not going to all quit just because a few bugs were not fixed fast enough. Or because they decided to re-release some cash shop items that some people found annoying but MORE people purchased. Sure a few people may quit, but the alternative is PWI goes broke and they quit.

    Let me say it again NO CASH NO GAME.
    Dumb people are blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are. - Patrick Starfish
  • Vixey - Raging Tide
    Vixey - Raging Tide Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    dieseasily wrote: »
    I cannot take this type of comment anymore. 'If they cared less about the cash and more about the players...' is the dumbest thing you can say about this game. If PWI does not consider their cash flow and they do everything in that the whiners want, then they lose money. If they lose money then they have no menye to pay the programers to fix the gliches, their staff, or their bills, server costs, and eventually they close the game. No game, no players. Up side is no more complaints.

    Cash flow has to remain their number 1 concern because without it there is no game.

    No cash, No game.

    Customer Service is their second concern. The people who submit tickets because of glich abuse, cheats, problems with cash shop.

    Their third concern would gliches and new content. When not working on one they are working on the other.

    Don't like it? Then find a way for them to run everything for free. Find free staff, free servers, free power, free licensing.

    Like it or not this is a business. It is impossible to please everyone 100% of the time, and PWI understands this. As does a lot of the player base. And because we understand this we are not going to all quit just because a few bugs were not fixed fast enough. Or because they decided to re-release some cash shop items that some people found annoying but MORE people purchased. Sure a few people may quit, but the alternative is PWI goes broke and they quit.

    Let me say it again NO CASH NO GAME.

    It is understandable that a business has to think of money first and foremost. But when glitches and bugs have gone months without being fixed its a little rediculous to say the least.

    Also for them to make money they have to keep their customer's happy so they will spend it.
    "There are no stupid questions, just stupid people." -Anonymous


    Aww my cat likes you b:chuckle
  • Pixydust - Heavens Tear
    Pixydust - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    lets face it ppl u can make a qq on the game no matter what u do.basically this person was trying to tell the gms and derv a ty for there hard work and u all just qqed the thanx without even thinking of anything but the bad...
    i was alwas taught to take the bad with the good ..
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    dieseasily wrote: »
    I cannot take this type of comment anymore. 'If they cared less about the cash and more about the players...' is the dumbest thing you can say about this game. If PWI does not consider their cash flow and they do everything in that the whiners want, then they lose money. If they lose money then they have no menye to pay the programers to fix the gliches, their staff, or their bills, server costs, and eventually they close the game. No game, no players. Up side is no more complaints.

    Cash flow has to remain their number 1 concern because without it there is no game.

    No cash, No game.

    Customer Service is their second concern. The people who submit tickets because of glich abuse, cheats, problems with cash shop.

    Their third concern would gliches and new content. When not working on one they are working on the other.

    Don't like it? Then find a way for them to run everything for free. Find free staff, free servers, free power, free licensing.

    Like it or not this is a business. It is impossible to please everyone 100% of the time, and PWI understands this. As does a lot of the player base. And because we understand this we are not going to all quit just because a few bugs were not fixed fast enough. Or because they decided to re-release some cash shop items that some people found annoying but MORE people purchased. Sure a few people may quit, but the alternative is PWI goes broke and they quit.

    Let me say it again NO CASH NO GAME.

    So....basically.....you dont give a flying [insert word] about anything i mentioned and of course PW is a business jesus christ im not an idiot i understand and except this but they make money on the game being enjoyable.

    Keeping players should be their first concern who will then recommend there friends and so on and so forth and continue you too or start charging zhen, so its in there best interests to listen to the player base in general.

    Don't get me wrong i don't mean the odd one or two who QQ about everything they see/do/hear but those who have spent alot of time and money on this game, and like myself and thousands of others, we are still here and still love the game but they could make it so much better with out cutting their cash flow and that's what we aren't happy with or disagree with.

    Next time you wanna rage at something make sure you know what the person meant before you sarted.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • ChaoticTears - Harshlands
    ChaoticTears - Harshlands Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    well i give credit to the developers of the chinese company for making this game. however, i can not give PWE any credit for anything, besides their lame excuses, lies, avoidance of serious topics, and fail sales and cash shop "events"

    Quit already then.

    Its really getting old news people complaining how bad they think everything is but still continue to play. Am I the only one who finds the hypocrisy in that ?
  • dieseasily
    dieseasily Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It is understandable that a business has to think of money first and foremost. But when glitches and bugs have gone months without being fixed its a little rediculous to say the least.

    Also for them to make money they have to keep their customer's happy so they will spend it.

    You think months is a problem? I work for a major insurance company. We profited around $500,000,000 last year. Every time there is a change to the insurance laws the programing in our systems has to change. Problem is our computer programs are so complex that a team of programers has to spend months just to program in the new change and then if there is a glich they have to go thru billions of lines of code to correct it. I have been working there for 10 years. There is one glich that we have had since before I started. And no one can figure out how to fix it without creating 100 new gliches. A company that makes 1/2 a billion a year cannot fix what appears to be a simple glich. Some times the fix is just worse then the glich itself. So months without all the gliches being fixed is nothing to me. I know that even what appears to be a simple glich is not always what it seems.
    Dumb people are blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are. - Patrick Starfish
  • dieseasily
    dieseasily Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    So....basically.....you dont give a flying [insert word] about anything i mentioned and of course PW is a business jesus christ im not an idiot i understand and except this but they make money on the game being enjoyable.

    Keeping players should be their first concern who will then recommend there friends and so on and so forth and continue you too or start charging zhen, so its in there best interests to listen to the player base in general.

    Don't get me wrong i don't mean the odd one or two who QQ about everything they see/do/hear but those who have spent alot of time and money on this game, and like myself and thousands of others, we are still here and still love the game but they could make it so much better with out cutting their cash flow and that's what we aren't happy with or disagree with.

    Next time you wanna rage at something make sure you know what the person meant before you sarted.

    Actually, I don't care about what you mentioned. Reason being; the last several free events they had people complained about. PWI has answered all of my serious concerns when I submitted a ticket to them, and I could care less what they release in the cash shop. And the speed that they answered my tickets tells me that they do care about me as a player. And Im sorry but what other concerns did you mention? Oh waite, you did not mention them.

    I have not spent a dime on this game since March, but I have been able to purchase stuff thru the cash shop thanks to understanding the market we have. I have opened around 100 anniv packs, I have a spurred Kirin, I have a cash shop flying mount, 8 different outfits. I am a player that uses the AH on a regular basis to get what he wants. I drive the economy of this game just as much as a paying player. And PWI is keeping me. Yes I lost alot money when the anniversary packs were first released. But since then I have been able to manupulate the market just as easily as I did before they were released and I have earned more. Rather then coming to the forums to complain about them, I learned to use them to get more for me.
    Dumb people are blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are. - Patrick Starfish
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    dieseasily wrote: »
    Actually, I don't care about what you mentioned. Reason being; the last several free events they had people complained about. PWI has answered all of my serious concerns when I submitted a ticket to them, and I could care less what they release in the cash shop. And the speed that they answered my tickets tells me that they do care about me as a player. And Im sorry but what other concerns did you mention? Oh waite, you did not mention them.

    I have not spent a dime on this game since March, but I have been able to purchase stuff thru the cash shop thanks to understanding the market we have. I have opened around 100 anniv packs, I have a spurred Kirin, I have a cash shop flying mount, 8 different outfits. I am a player that uses the AH on a regular basis to get what he wants. I drive the economy of this game just as much as a paying player. And PWI is keeping me. Yes I lost alot money when the anniversary packs were first released. But since then I have been able to manupulate the market just as easily as I did before they were released and I have earned more. Rather then coming to the forums to complain about them, I learned to use them to get more for me.

    b:laugh. I have used the new market to my needs aswell and make money from doing it, except my money from TTs is falling quickly, so you cannot use that as a reason against my 'complaining', the reason i disagree with the anni. packs themselves is because what is in them. Also. stop using my words in a different context to what they where meant in order to get your general points across its annoying and at 3.40am and outta milk so i cant drink my coffee i really cant be bothered with it.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This thread is being closed since there have been many duplicate topics liek this recently.
This discussion has been closed.