Endgame foxform veno

Posts: 257 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Venomancer
As a fist bm I was curious to see how much dps a foxform veno could do, and came up with this. It's impossible to achieve but still fun to look at.


In PvE an endgame fist BM will win hands down due to infinite demon spark, but due to phoenix, purge, and amp damage this veno build actually WAY outclasses a fist bm for pvp.
Post edited by Drunken_Chu - Dreamweaver on


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  • Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Thats a nice LA/AA mix build. heres the pure HA build veno. its not as good as that build though, but its still possible to achieve it ingame, buffs are sage. http://pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=c12c6f3d10a98338
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    As a fist bm I was curious to see how much dps a foxform veno could do, and came up with this. It's impossible to achieve but still fun to look at.


    In PvE an endgame fist BM will win hands down due to infinite demon spark, but due to phoenix, purge, and amp damage this veno build actually WAY outclasses a fist bm for pvp.

    instead of stone of gaea, better add stone of anc knowledge, coz those r 20vit n 20vit owns 150hp,... (assuming u can get stone of gaea, i guess a load of stone of anc knowledge aint out of reach either,... ;-) (severe cashshopping needed for both though))
    n why not the rank gear pataka??? (rank 8 is 200k rep,... but cashshopping can achieve that too,... (thingys for 25 rep are available at 100k each i think,... in shops in archo, so i guess by tokens u d get em even cheaper,... so for 200k rep that d be like 8k of those rep-thingys,... so that meens a week of clicking that quest at that rep-trade-npc,... XD and approx 800mil XD,... ) and i guess for foxvenos its not that bad, if u can get it,...)
    but yeah,... extreme cashshoppings needed,... or a year of reselling stuff in archo XD
  • Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    mmm, for a veno 1 vit is only 12 hp, the stone for 150 takes it by 30hp per
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
  • Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    My goal was to find a foxform veno setup that could match or even exceed the dps of an unsparked fist BM. Patakas are AWEFUL for this because they only have an attack speed of 1, whereas everything else is 1.25.

    With purge, sage soul degeneration (20% max hp decreased), Sage amp damage (30% extra damage), myriad tail rainbow (chance to decrease phys defense by 100%), and of course a phoenix, I think this build might actually be able to beat a barb in 1v1 using melee attacks.

    The problem though of course is it's relying on warsoul +12 2 drakeflame stones. I tried it with a much more realistic TT100 +10 2 garnet gems and the DPS was MUCH worse, so I don't think its worth it.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Why would a veno want to use melee foxform to beat either a barb or any sort of bm in pvp when she can do so with ease as a caster with significantly less fancy gears?
  • Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    Possible, though it requires heavy use of $$. Just slightly lower phys/mag attack than OP's build (sans 50 attack level of course and warsoul refines since PWcalc doesn't have those). Lower on the -interval/-chan (No G16 cape or second set of TT99 gear that can provide -interval bonus). 1% less crit and lower accuracy/evasion (Less dex due to being Heavy/Robe instead of LA with AA). Less HP/phys def (Only weapon is refined to +10. With +12 refines, this would have greater phys def and only slightly less HP from lack of lunar cape). Higher mdef.

    Oh, forgot to check OP's tome when doing this and assumed it was the Love Up and Down we currently have. Guess not. Anyways, Love Up and Down's -interval doesn't show in calc as well as the OP's tome in general having more bonuses. Would use a lunar cape instead of the current one but those stat bonuses don't show on PWcalc, so can't compare to everything we have available right now.

    Same buffs as OP except with Demon wings of protection added.

    rinuruc wrote: »
    instead of stone of gaea, better add stone of anc knowledge, coz those r 20vit n 20vit owns 150hp,... (assuming u can get stone of gaea, i guess a load of stone of anc knowledge aint out of reach either,... ;-) (severe cashshopping needed for both though))
    n why not the rank gear pataka??? (rank 8 is 200k rep,... but cashshopping can achieve that too,... (thingys for 25 rep are available at 100k each i think,... in shops in archo, so i guess by tokens u d get em even cheaper,... so for 200k rep that d be like 8k of those rep-thingys,... so that meens a week of clicking that quest at that rep-trade-npc,... XD and approx 800mil XD,... ) and i guess for foxvenos its not that bad, if u can get it,...)
    but yeah,... extreme cashshoppings needed,... or a year of reselling stuff in archo XD
    Can't be completely sure that ancestral knowledge give 20 vit, for one thing. (We used to think primevals were 20 vit as well but once released here they turned out to be 10 vit and were changed in calc). And, as already explained, the patkia is awful if you're going for higher DPS since it's so slow compared to your other weapon choices.
    mmm, for a veno 1 vit is only 12 hp, the stone for 150 takes it by 30hp per
    From a pure HP perspective, true.

    But when you consider that the added vit would boost phys/mag defense and (for PvE) the HP recovery speed you'd gain. The Primevals become a better overall choice.
  • Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Ok this is a MUCH more realistic version of what I'm going for, and can definitely be achieved in game. The dps is still terrible, but if you can get your weapon to +12 2 drakeflame stones then its really, REALLY good. Just pretend the tome is love up and down and the cape is lunar cape.

    Realistic Build

    Same build +12 2 drakeflames
  • Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Just a thought, have you considered using a setup like this to increase the -interval and minimize the points needed in magic?
    Or, if you think the pataka is too much a liability

    I kept the refines a bit lower to keep in line with what I would consider decently feasible; the important part is the use of triple set bonus.
    Edit: Ah, scratch that. I didn't look closely enough at your last post. >.<; You already had the same idea.

    Edit #2: In hopes of adding something more useful... Maybe a weapon like this?
    So, I heard HA veno is the way to go? :3
  • Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I wish this build was possible, but it exceeds the lvl cap, and most of the EQs (if not all) aren't even in the game yet, that i know of. http://pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=706170f0f01a19fb (lvl 150 heavy veno)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I wish this build was possible, but it exceeds the lvl cap, and most of the EQs (if not all) aren't even in the game yet, that i know of. http://pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=706170f0f01a19fb (lvl 150 heavy veno)

    try the level 95 want tyreseus power,... gives 5% more critrate,... and loses you about 2k phys atk,... imo slight improvement,... 20% crits compared to 15% crits will hurt a lot,...
    and two times sign of frost chaos, instead of those two rings,... loses a bit of atk, but gains 100% accuracy,... kinda necessary since the accuracy u got atm will make you miss a lot,...
  • Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You can do this with AA just use good garnets shards.I was out today at lvl 51 in tusk town lvling up my herc more.I am AA hybrid and was trying out my werefox and my skills are all lvl3.There was another one there as well in LA.

    I didn't have garnets i have citrines on.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You can do this with AA just use good garnets shards.I was out today at lvl 51 in tusk town lvling up my herc more.I am AA hybrid and was trying out my werefox and my skills are all lvl3.There was another one there as well in LA.

    I didn't have garnets i have citrines on.

    I'm not sure you understand what the attempt is here--they're going for damage per second, melee. Both TT99 LA and HA have set bonuses that make you hit faster, while AA does not.
    So, I heard HA veno is the way to go? :3
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    not to mention that with AA you have less accuracy
    you dont miss in pve but in pvp is another story...
  • Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    kenlee wrote: »
    not to mention that with AA you have less accuracy
    you dont miss in pve but in pvp is another story...

    less accuracy is an understatement. I throw on 1 misty forest ring onto my LA build for level 83.. my veno has 2.6k acc in fox.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
  • Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I'm thinking of bringing back the foxform veno idea, this is what I've come up with

    any thoughts on how to make it better?
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I'm thinking of bringing back the foxform veno idea, this is what I've come up with

    any thoughts on how to make it better?

    Just equip Deicides? Derp. Inbetween all these $50.000 unrealistic builds, maybe it's time someone showed you some real numbers and acceptable gear. Warsoul weapons, +12 sets to make a Fox Veno... yeah right.

    Using my sins' uncompleted gear (need to Gold the green lunar armour) to win the Nien Beast Event for Venos give me these stats:

    Since I pretty much use it only for Nien Event, this build gives me 5-6k basic damage per hit, 11-13k when sparked. Topping out at about 55k max crit with HF and all sorts of **** on the boss. Only a small space inbetween the next triple spark, which I can't overcome (not buying more interval gear, Sin can already hit 5/sec when it hits 99)

    Average damage log (sparked)
    Points when squadding the #2 Veno

    Kep in mind this build is just a mock build to **** off the veno that was winning the Nien Event (hf with 3rd place quest stacker), but this is what you would get when you made a Fox Form Veno.
    Gotta love the cash shop idiots.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    you used melee mastery, that means you break your weapon every time before event. if you didnt used fox form, just normal atk in human form you would have more dps with lunar sword (same refines/shard) and min points to vit/mag and min equip str and rest dex plus fox form. this way, with deicide, you have about 35% or more dps than sword but just saying... if you want to use a magic weapon around your lvl, magic lunar sword or even tt100 gold sword for atk and dps... its better to use sword. less problems with equiping a weapon around your lvl and less troubles with break/repair
    do you still want to use a magic weapon and deicide, already posted in other thread
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    kenlee wrote: »
    you used melee mastery, that means you break your weapon every time before event. if you didnt used fox form, just normal atk in human form you would have more dps with lunar sword (same refines/shard) and min points to vit/mag and min equip str and rest dex plus fox form. this way, with deicide, you have about 35% or more dps than sword but just saying... if you want to use a magic weapon around your lvl, magic lunar sword or even tt100 gold sword for atk and dps... its better to use sword. less problems with equiping a weapon around your lvl and less troubles with break/repair
    do you still want to use a magic weapon and deicide, already posted in other thread

    More unrealistic builds that barely anyone can attain.. great...

    I don't have to break my claws everytime, as long as you stay logged on it can stay. Also, why the sword? The wand has +2% Crit. It's not like you need more Def in Fox Form.
    Gotta love the cash shop idiots.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    except the refines and shards (you can ignore) everything is very possible.

    why not wand? ofc you can change the helmet with warsoul for less str requirement but you gain less hp, less str and you get 1% more crit. now you have the stats to equip lunar wand (require more mag than sword) you have less str than before so you have less dps with deicide than before and that 1% more crit doesnt change it. of course you get better magic atk and that 2% more crit is for wand not deicide

  • Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    - all items available
    - setup work for lv103 with crafted +stat rings...
    - 40k pdef and thats not even the max possible...wheeeee~ D:

    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    lol esuna, nice to know the build is just to **** me off.
    but i dont even questack nab, arcane venos can get 10k+ easy in event with some
    mediocre tt99 and channelgear(33%)+frenzy+atk blessing
    yours sincerly, Mara
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ketzer wrote: »
    lol esuna, nice to know the build is just to **** me off.
    but i dont even questack nab, arcane venos can get 10k+ easy in event with some
    mediocre tt99 and channelgear(33%)+frenzy+atk blessing
    yours sincerly, Mara

    Hmhm, and right after you ask me and I explain you how the quest stacking works, you proceed to PM Hentai "how i quest stack? que?" Sounds fishy.

    Also, 10k+ easily? My screenshots say otherwise for you. Perhaps at times I wasn't present or you had an entire spawn to yourself, but on my watch you're not even hitting 10k. Not even before I went Fox Form;

    Gotta love the cash shop idiots.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    according to my recent events im making around
    4k points on mobs, which is like 50 mobs with full dmg and aoes while nix soloes mobs.
    around 1.5k on first boss and 4.5k on mainboss makes me get an average of 9-11k
    ofc the contri varies in every event according to the amount of people on my spot and on the boss additionally to hfing bms.
    avg hit on boss 10k and 30k sparked with another 5k per nix hit.
    ofc that wont mess with fists but with channelgear arcanes venos can get decent points aswell.
    from answers of u and hentai i only know u can take some contri from the quests of a previous events, but since i never tried any quests im still not rly sure how it exactly works. still it doesnt matter anymore since i cant be nr1 anyway so i started pushing a clericfriend of mine so we are both top5. that way i end up with 2k contri less than possible solo, which ur screenshots show pretty good.
    mara out
  • Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    The equips I already have, and added level to add sage melee mastery. Something dont add up completely, as I miss some attack at 91 (lvl 10 melee mastery). Getting gear isnt very easy, and the builds Ive seen in this thread is just way off of what I think is doable without major cash spending. Currently working on getting enough best tokens to get those nifty Tide of Elysium. Just 165 million to go......


    At 99 I plan on getting TT99 chest and bracers at least. Boots iwant to be thhee Tide of elysium ones, but thats not easy to get. Also, for weapon, Ill stay at the lunar one, since I need to have some of the mag stats in str. As for that build, I imagine osmething like this:

    No I dont have a herc, I AM the herc! b:mischievous

    Youtube channel for NW vids: /channel/UCV9DguJZ0LGMlv5IorA5kVg

    Please do drop by n tell me hints on how to improve c:
    Current build for pwcalc: /bd6d5c1459cf7d94
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    The equips I already have, and added level to add sage melee mastery. Something dont add up completely, as I miss some attack at 91 (lvl 10 melee mastery). Getting gear isnt very easy, and the builds Ive seen in this thread is just way off of what I think is doable without major cash spending. Currently working on getting enough best tokens to get those nifty Tide of Elysium. Just 165 million to go......


    At 99 I plan on getting TT99 chest and bracers at least. Boots iwant to be thhee Tide of elysium ones, but thats not easy to get. Also, for weapon, Ill stay at the lunar one, since I need to have some of the mag stats in str. As for that build, I imagine osmething like this:


    Those builds don't even make it worth going Fox tbh.
    Gotta love the cash shop idiots.
  • Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I see my name. b:cute
    Note to self: Next marriage needs to be to a fist BM. b:dirty

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i recently tested a foxform glitch which makes it possible to wear fists in foxform.
    but its way too much work to do it all the time thou the dmg output turned out to be nice.
    maybe ill make a foxform veno with tt100 fists just for the laughs xD.
    wondering if the foxformclawusage is able to outdd bms. ill keep you posted how it goes
  • Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    the ONLY way it might we possible is why having a 0% durability turning foxform and repairs it in foxform.
    glitch or no glitch not worth it


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