Sin vs Psy for Overall better PvPer

doctoryak Posts: 4 Arc User
edited January 2010 in General Discussion
So, which 1 do u think is better at:

a) Duels

b) PKs

c) TWs

d) Overall PvP

I wanna hear what YOU have to say! So get typing b:victory
Post edited by doctoryak on


  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • eternalnab
    eternalnab Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    my mom and her creditcard
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    eternalnab wrote: »
    my mom and her creditcard

    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
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  • eternalnab
    eternalnab Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    veno mmmmm
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Niether no-one has yet leveled them high enough legitmately without using oracles as yet to know all the in's and out's of the class and there for the strengths and weakness for all you have listed.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    They both seem useless to me.
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Speak for uhmm yourself?I'm not rich enough for guardian scrolls so i stick to duels for now.Yup barbarians still kick ****.Easier class for a psy to kill is actually archer and bm if it's not a huge vit boosted one and wizards.Clerics are an equal fight and depends moslty on how fast the cleric is sleep you and if your stun misses.Venos are a pain but still far less worse than barbs.As for assassins vs psy it's doable sicne most are noobs for now and i can outsmart them but the fact i can't dmg them while they're in stealth sucks so they will be much stronger than psychs in near future if skills remain like this for both assassins and psychics.
  • Morty - Raging Tide
    Morty - Raging Tide Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Assassin > Psy.
    Wanna try proove me wrong, come find me.
    Is Now On Lost City Under The Name; Mortyy
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Archers have advantage over psychic. Why?

    If an archer is hitting me and I'm a wizard, I'll warp inside of that half damage circle of theirs. If I'm a cleric, I'll plume shell and put them to sleep. Pyschic can't do jack squat about it other than using that voodoo whatever skill to increase their def while destroying their attack power.

    BM's? Good luck getting out of their stunlock bro.

    Venos? HAHAHAH right.

    Barbs? Maybe, assuming they aren't hitting you.

    You roll a psychic, you roll the squishiest class in the game. And they don't hit THAT hard. People only say they do to compensate for the fact that they wasted so much money oracling up a secondary DD class.
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    And they don't hit THAT hard. People only say they do to compensate for the fact that they wasted so much money oracling up a secondary DD class.

    That small section of words just made my day b:thanks.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I like when people imagine a fight while the other player does nothing.Psychics can:stun silence become immune to phy dmg reflect negative statuses back(like stun,silence,sleep).As I said it all comes from experience and I didn't said a psy owns archers or whatever.those were my conclusions from my experience from my fights.Yes archers(mostly LA in general)get hit the worse.
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    And yes they hit hard this is my base dmg unbuffed without black voodoo etc. with tt60 weapon.
  • Morty - Raging Tide
    Morty - Raging Tide Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I like when people imagine a fight while the other player does nothing.Psychics can:stun silence become immune to phy dmg reflect negative statuses back(like stun,silence,sleep).As I said it all comes from experience and I didn't said a psy owns archers or whatever.those were my conclusions from my experience from my fights.Yes archers(mostly LA in general)get hit the worse.

    I 2 hit a psy today same level because I crit, then ganked another, but all he did was use all tht voodo buff **** by then he was dead, then again to a fully buffed one I got dmg reflected but at the end of the day...they wear robes, he died in 4 hits. Wizards are a more worthy opponent.

    Is Now On Lost City Under The Name; Mortyy
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    That was the QQ about people that oracle and learn sht and those like me who actually learn to play the class.You can only imagine how many things you can do with the psy and how much tactic they are open too.
  • Morty - Raging Tide
    Morty - Raging Tide Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    That was the QQ about people that oracle and learn sht and those like me who actually learn to play the class.You can only imagine how many things you can do with the psy and how much tactic they are open too.

    yeah eyah psy has stratagies and there wierd skills like disturb, but no class will ever be better and be more versitile than an Assassin in pvp, in any game. So get over it.
    Is Now On Lost City Under The Name; Mortyy
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Ok I got over it.
    Goes and rereads his own post"Assassin are much better than psychics in pvp even in the hands of a noob,because you can't hurt them while in stealth mode".Well i got over it fast.
    But i like your post:"they do like shinny things and.. "gotta love it
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    And yes they hit hard this is my base dmg unbuffed without black voodoo etc. with tt60 weapon.
    That's about what mine was at that level. It's not anything special.
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Nobody said was special since the points you put in magic aren't different from those of a wiz.But to that you add 22 att lvl which is pure dmg as in goes over the defense of mag resistant mobs which i hit almost as a normal mob and same for TT/cube bosses with high def lvl.The output is really high.PLUS you have another skill(1spark cost)that increases mag dmg by 55% at lvl 1 60%lvl2 etc for 15 secs.Believe they can hurt alot and I have to do alot of DD control at bosses.
  • Ussichu - Sanctuary
    Ussichu - Sanctuary Posts: 429 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I really don't see how psychics can beat sins. Sleep and silence leave them too open to sin's physical attacks.
    Navarre was your everyday veno, until she learned her true form. Now she's fox walloping and purging over and over again.. all for a deep stinging, head hunting, wind pushing Assassin. Will there be inner harmony and myriad rainbows? But of course! Yuri&Lemon Find it on Fanfiction XD "Discovering Sanctuary" Chapter 2 is up ^_^
  • EternalSiege - Dreamweaver
    EternalSiege - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    yeah eyah psy has stratagies and there wierd skills like disturb, but no class will ever be better and be more versitile than an Assassin in pvp, in any game. So get over it.

    Lol that's assuming the battle stays on the ground, if it takes to the air...b:bye Also Psys have a skill that can immobilize you from a distance. As for that teleporting skill (hate it with a burning passion) just cast soul of stunning which will absorb an attack and stun the target instead. It's all about how you use your skills, no one is perfect at using their class. People will say "no wai dewd, this class ish better." acting as if they've fought every person on every server and know this for a fact.

    No class is better than another because no one will ever play their class perfectly. Everyone is human meaning everyone screws up somewhere along the line and have a weakness.
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I really don't see how psychics can beat sins. Sleep and silence leave them too open to sin's physical attacks.
    You can try with psychic will and become immune to phy dmg(8 secs at lvl 10)
    and double spark and use landslide which does the most dmg for a skill without chi.If you're good those 5-8secs will be more than enough to kill him.Of course he can always go to shadows and wait but it all comes to how fast are you to cast and hit him.Remeber all psy skills have 1 sec chan and with good gear your cast is almost instant.
  • Panthalassa - Dreamweaver
    Panthalassa - Dreamweaver Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If both are charmed at equal level with access to all their skills, I'm going to say the Psychic. Psychic can just hit the Assassin with the debuff that lengthens charm cooldown and simply out last the tick.

    If neither are charmed at equal level with access to all their skills, I'm saying the opposite as above. The Assassin's magic resistance is going to be higher than the Psychic's physical defense. Even if the Psychic uses voodoo, it'll just turn from cutting through wet tissue paper to cutting through less wet tissue paper.
    Also Known As: Sora_Kaiyou

    I got tired of my avatar not showing up. b:sad
  • Fishtaco - Lost City
    Fishtaco - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Assassin > Psy.
    Wanna try proove me wrong, come find me.

    lol classic gung-ho style morty comments
    suppose if you do win (im assuming this will be highly unlikely)
    all you will prove is that you beat a psychic in pvp
    lern some brains morty
  • Morty - Raging Tide
    Morty - Raging Tide Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Lol that's assuming the battle stays on the ground, if it takes to the air...b:bye Also Psys have a skill that can immobilize you from a distance. As for that teleporting skill (hate it with a burning passion) just cast soul of stunning which will absorb an attack and stun the target instead. It's all about how you use your skills, no one is perfect at using their class. People will say "no wai dewd, this class ish better." acting as if they've fought every person on every server and know this for a fact.

    No class is better than another because no one will ever play their class perfectly. Everyone is human meaning everyone screws up somewhere along the line and have a weakness.

    I've had it, Assassins have 2 teleports, 1 than stuns and 1 that don't, Sins shouldn't use the stun one first if they do they should reroll. So soul of stunning will go to waste, if not they can just shadow escape, and the fight restarts while sin has power over you. Now don't go saying its easier said than done, all it is, is 1 click and it happens, simple.
    Is Now On Lost City Under The Name; Mortyy
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Really news flash :You don't teleport in air Stop So no sane psychic will battle you on the ground Stop.
  • Morty - Raging Tide
    Morty - Raging Tide Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    lol classic gung-ho style morty comments
    suppose if you do win (im assuming this will be highly unlikely)
    all you will prove is that you beat a psychic in pvp
    lern some brains morty

    Is Now On Lost City Under The Name; Mortyy
  • Morty - Raging Tide
    Morty - Raging Tide Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Really news flash :You don't teleport in air Stop So no sane psychic will battle you on the ground Stop.

    Hmm, I thought it was glitched, it worked in this fight with Wizard, but didn't in another, anyway I'm sure it will get sorted out soon to work in the air, so have fun trying to have a temporary advantage, even though once again, assassin can start invis and you can go where ever the hell you want.
    Is Now On Lost City Under The Name; Mortyy
  • jadeswift
    jadeswift Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Lol that's assuming the battle stays on the ground, if it takes to the air...b:bye Also Psys have a skill that can immobilize you from a distance. As for that teleporting skill (hate it with a burning passion) just cast soul of stunning which will absorb an attack and stun the target instead. It's all about how you use your skills, no one is perfect at using their class. People will say "no wai dewd, this class ish better." acting as if they've fought every person on every server and know this for a fact.

    No class is better than another because no one will ever play their class perfectly. Everyone is human meaning everyone screws up somewhere along the line and have a weakness.

    ^^^ This. The classes are are generally balanced so theres no point babbling "OMG sin pwns leetness psy sux lololol" because you can't say for certain that the player knows their class well enough to bring out the best in it.

    But when it comes to which one I find good for pvp I would say I had more luck with the psychic as it hits very hard and has a very short cast time.
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It's not possible period just like wizards don't teleport in air or blademasters using their rush skill.So nope hope it wasn't your only way to kill others b:victory you have alot of better skills and i know without having an assassin.
  • EternalSiege - Dreamweaver
    EternalSiege - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I've had it, Assassins have 2 teleports, 1 than stuns and 1 that don't, Sins shouldn't use the stun one first if they do they should reroll. So soul of stunning will go to waste, if not they can just shadow escape, and the fight restarts while sin has power over you. Now don't go saying its easier said than done, all it is, is 1 click and it happens, simple.

    Lol I love how easy it is to get to you. Go outside and get some fresh air. I never knew stunning your target before they could make a move would be at the user's disadvantage.b:chuckle

    Just goes to show you're making up **** as you go along now. You're saying what skills Sins should and should not use but you don't give any reasoning for it.