Helping people



  • Future_Angel - Heavens Tear
    Future_Angel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am a bm and I like helping lower lvl ones but I usually never ask for help even when I was very low lvl. I lose much money when repairing my stuff + buying pots but it feels good to help someone although some ppl add me on their friendlist immediately and think I am always there if they need. They ask for help everytime they need their bh - it's rude isn't it. And yet again it's hard to say no although I'm wasting my precious time + money and I don't lvl fast because of that. And yes some ppl never say thank you, they leave squad as fast as they can to do their other stuff and never ask if I need something for return. Today I ended up dying 3 times in a row in bh because cleric was afk and I ran out of hp pots. But I respect clerics who waste their time on going and ressing some random people because I know how hard it is to be needed like clerics are. b:pleased
  • Ninn_x - Heavens Tear
    Ninn_x - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am a bm and I like helping lower lvl ones but I usually never ask for help even when I was very low lvl. I lose much money when repairing my stuff + buying pots but it feels good to help someone although some ppl add me on their friendlist immediately and think I am always there if they need. They ask for help everytime they need their bh - it's rude isn't it. And yet again it's hard to say no although I'm wasting my precious time + money and I don't lvl fast because of that. And yes some ppl never say thank you, they leave squad as fast as they can to do their other stuff and never ask if I need something for return. Today I ended up dying 3 times in a row in bh because cleric was afk and I ran out of hp pots. But I respect clerics who waste their time on going and ressing some random people because I know how hard it is to be needed like clerics are. b:pleased

    It really is hard to say no sometimes...
    I don't mind helping, not at all, I help as much as I can, with buffs, rez and heals, but hearing at least "thank you" is obviously too much for some people >.>
  • PinkSuccubuS - Lost City
    PinkSuccubuS - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Srry i dont play cleric cos i am a nice wana help person but play cos its the most needed class in this game.
    Even barb can we replaced at some bosses.
    It feels wierd that ppl say u play a cleric cos u wana we a helpfull person
    tho its true u have most freandly buffs in game but cleric is not 1 sided.
    PWI would die without cleric thats all now if the person wana we a saint
    and help stranger all day its their own problem.
    We must exist thats all wheter we are frendly or not.
    b:victory CLERIC rule also b:surrender tell me how PWI would do without clerics b:chuckle

  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I used to help people alot on my paladin, even though it was a solo fun build for lulz and I was meant to take a DD role and never pretended I was a healer. But after successfully keeping a psy alive on a full BH59 with 5 mag stat, burning a full charm, because the current cleric was a DD obsessed idiot who went on and on about uber TT weapons and his DPS and didn't heal...and the psy THANKS the DD cleric....then proceeds to poke fun at and bash my build....well, I've been a little hesitant helping ever since.

    Who bother doing a good job and learning your class if the idiot players get the same, or even more praise for doing **** all?
  • Vivre - Harshlands
    Vivre - Harshlands Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I play cleric so I don't have to depend on any one else's heals .. b:surrender
    I have a hard time being nice tbh and I really go out of my way to help someone only if I know they'd do the same for me... which cuts out the majority of players I meet x]
    What is this 'res' you speak of? b:cute
  • PinkSuccubuS - Lost City
    PinkSuccubuS - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    its true i never get why i see so many full mag clerics when our role is survive
    over DD.
    I for one only put 3mag each lv have str helmet my lv and some vit full garnet
    robe user cos i am a cleric.
    The most needed class in this game.
    In my own opinion 3mag is ok mag more is a waste if ur skill are maxed(heals).
    No matter how good party u have if ur a 1 shooted why boss aoe ur heal wont matter will they.
  • Sylredrae - Sanctuary
    Sylredrae - Sanctuary Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Not sure how this thread survived but anyways...

    Recently I LITERALLY flew all across the map to res a couple of facmates... I had just got back from TT when they died... one was in Ridge of the Dreaming Cloud and the other was in Swamp of the Wraiths. And guess what? They thanked me and really appreciated it! I gave the second facmate squad buffs after I ressed him, since he was grinding and all. He later told me that they helped immensely. I was so happy! b:pleased

    Um... Pink? I do see your side of the story that clerics need to have hp to survive, but I'd also like to say that more magic than 3 per lvl is NOT a waste. Magic will affect heals greatly even they they are maxed, especially Ironheart. Personally, I find that having higher magic means having stronger heals which means more room for error when keeping tank alive. 'Sides, you can always refine and use citrines if you want hp, as I'm hoping to do with my lvl 80 equips.
    Syredrae ~ lvl 100 Cleric (main character)

    Auryl ~ lvl 100 Venomancer

    Mainas ~ lvl 80 Barbarian

    Suirune ~ lvl 2X Psychic
  • Anfallas - Harshlands
    Anfallas - Harshlands Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Lol, I've had all of these problems too, getting yelled at, being called fail when the barb runs away on a boss and the squad gets wiped. Having people call me in on TT and BHs and even FBs where the squad is dead including the cleric already in the squad. Getting spammed pms/whispers for rez's and heals and buffs, being called "the cleric," and "Her" rather than "An" (which is what I tell everyone to call me cause its so short and easier to yell during boss fights) Having people expecting me to fly across the entire map for some goofy **** reason, (seriously, I was down near RT doing public quest when someone in EB asked me to come buff them, WHILE they already had cleric buffs.. O_O ) Having people with NO cleric alts or mains telling me what heals to use, which irritates the **** out of me actually, unless you have a cleric my lvl with all my heals at the lvls they're at, PLEASE don't tell me what to use.. because seriously??? pureheart is NOT friggin better than IH when your health is still full. b:angry
    BUT my favorite is when you keep the squad alive even though the teamwork is complete **** and you've died repeatedly on a bh or whatever and keep getting up and going back to heal the squad, and no one says ANYTHING. Not even "oops" instead they say "WTF? Get back here! you need to heal!" OR "I'm dead! WTF are you doing?!" b:sad It makes me want to cry because they don't even realize how much xp is lost because a cleric can't rez themselves. :(
    They save 90% of their exp they would of lost when I rez them, clerics don't save ANY.... b:cry
  • PinkSuccubuS - Lost City
    PinkSuccubuS - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    well in my mind is i dont wana die iff party but me dies who cares i res them they will only lose 20% xp anyways.
    i aint lving my res **** moore then lv9 anyways even if i am lv 10000000.
    i have 3mag that good enought the rest goes 2 my survival wisg is str and a little vit.
    just got my phys deff to 4300 with self buff 2900 atherwise
    and that is **** low i want crazy moreb:angry 3k hp is not high even but deff comes 1.
    anyways we all play hw we want 2 i love mine do u love ursb:chuckle
  • Crescentia - Harshlands
    Crescentia - Harshlands Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    People are so ungrateful!

    Bh squads ALWAYS tells me a cleric's job when they dont' even know there job!
    Like one time we were in a bh, and barb arrgos, all the mobs, and only attacks one.
    He dies, and then yells at me because I wasn't doing my job. SORRY THAT I DIDN'T WANT TO HEAL YOU AND DIE!

    And seriously, people ALWAYS complain and whine about how much exp they're loosing, but look. Your saving 90% of exp because you have me. I die more then 4 times in bh's. Most clerics don't have their rez levelled. So I only save like 2% of the exp lost. Like honestly, I wish people would just understand.. I get called weak, and stupid and pathetic because I let my squad down, when it's not my fault. My Faction knows I'm the best healing cleric there, if you can't do your job, then I can't do mine. D;

    And I hate people who refuse to move their butt back to town because they're dead. Seriously, were people too! we're not healing/rezing/buffing machines. I mean we are, but we have feelings and lives too.
  • PinkSuccubuS - Lost City
    PinkSuccubuS - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    serriusly dnt max res ppl that die in stupid way should lose some xp 2 show their stupidity
    why agring and only attacking 1 mob at a time.
    also why in hell max res anyways non will res us iff we die so shuldent res we equally 2 ather members.
    its not pro diying anyways and yes even god partys agr mobs why accident but why devs not halv our xp lose or something its plain stupid.
  • Nieka - Harshlands
    Nieka - Harshlands Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    When i first started playing i helped out just about anyone whether they asked me to or not. However, now that i have played for a while ive stopped helping as much so i could lvl my own character. Now i only help with bosses that i know the player cant beat alone.
  • Sheyde - Sanctuary
    Sheyde - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Thats how clerics life looks like, at first people starting game are thankful for help. Later they literally DEMAND you to help.
  • SirJinger - Lost City
    SirJinger - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I enjoy helping people a lot. on my cleric, i heal anyone who's hp i notice going down, and rez anyone who's dead. once, when i was recruiting for my fac at broken bow bluff, 2 lvl 20+ players asked me to help w/ their quests, and i did, even though they were fac less lol :P
    and yea, it's true that some people don't give a thought to pushing around clerics. but there are also people who know how to be nice. yea i may be the only player in squad, but i also need the quest reward as much as everyone else, and i'm not the most important player. the barb/veno/dd is just as important, and everyone has to sacrifice a little something to get it done =.= maybe cleric's sacrifice is a little more lol
    if there's a squad wipe i will go to town and rez again to save time, unless the squad is totally fail. i can deal w/ ppl pushing me around and stuff but no to fail players >>'
  • Aaratull - Sanctuary
    Aaratull - Sanctuary Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    b:sad I know....even ended up tanking Cordash in 3-1 because of a lag issue with the BM and the Veno, but I did not want to lose the instance...It hurt b:cry

    To be good is not a shame ... i gratz you for what you do. b:victory