Leizi's guide to HEAVY MALEE CLERIC (HMC)



  • Leizi - Lost City
    Leizi - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    *Raises hand*

    Actually, with no mag and no mag weapon, Diamond Sutra would heal approximately 1384 more HP at level 10 than a maxed Ironheart of the same level assuming you had 5500 HP. What should I do to make up for this difference?

    heal more i guess, my heavy cleric is only lvl 7 b:surrender
  • Leizi - Lost City
    Leizi - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    HAHAHA I had a HAC (same lvl) ask me to duel with him... I dropped him like a bag of potatoes :)

    yup they r weak with pvp but i designed these HAC for easy grinding, once ur high lvl, u can restatb:victory
  • Leizi - Lost City
    Leizi - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    But the person posted that she "use axes, fists, swords n poles" Also to be able to heal your self you are required to use a Magical instrument or be unarmed.

    yea make sure u carry a mag staff so u can heal yor self. since u have only 5 mag pts, u can only carry low lvl mag staffb:bye
  • Leizi - Lost City
    Leizi - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ewingoil wrote: »
    What spells are you suppose to use in the concept as you can't use any with a melee weapon?

    the purpose of HAC is for easier grindingb:kissonce ur high enough, its time for restatb:thanks
  • Maragon - Dreamweaver
    Maragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    yup they r weak with pvp but i designed these HAC for easy grinding, once ur high lvl, u can restatb:victory

    Easier grinding? My first cleric was LA but i deleted it after about 22 because I died too often and grinding was easier as full mag. I have a fist bm and tank build barb and grinding was always easier on my cleric because I could stand at a safe distance and kill what I wanted. yes sometimes I aggroed more than I wanted to but a few IH and I was fine. Thats better than running into a grioup and hoping they dont all kill me.
  • Sir_Martin - Lost City
    Sir_Martin - Lost City Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    u wont be able to kill mobs fast kuz phy weapons r weaker than magics. but its less tedious compare to a normal cleric kuz u don have to spam plume shot while waiting for its cool down.

    repairs will be a lil expensive kuz r ditching out pain with a mob but u don use a lot of mp, so ur actually paying less cost than a normal cleric that spam MPs. mp pots r expensive u kno XD

    grinding is easy, click on a mob 2 times n watch yor char wail on it. b:victory

    Just in overall you kind of pay less with going and sticking with the typical cleric since your mp recovery rate is really high for having high magic. Even if u if get to let say lvl 90 u will have like 2.5k mp or so since u didnt put points into magic and you maxed out your heals you will drain your mp so fast just because of heal so in overall you be using more pots. Also to put that your mp recovery will be really low. If you choose to restat in the just that will cost even more. No one will want you in squad because your a heavy cleric the most common thing like in a Bounty Hunter they will just drop you from squad because you are trying to tank the boss you probably telling them that your a heavy cleric
    [SIGPIC]8x Epic Cleric =P[/SIGPIC]
  • ewingoil
    ewingoil Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    the purpose of HAC is for easier grindingb:kissonce ur high enough, its time for restatb:thanks

    I found it easier to grind with just being robed Cleric learn to kite so.b:chuckle I never had to restat except for some dex I took out.

    The edit button is really usefull so stop multi posting.
  • Shintera - Sanctuary
    Shintera - Sanctuary Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lol well i'm not a fan of only one type of cleric so a HA cleric sure why not. but if i did that it'd be say 2.5 mag 2str .5 dex per lvl which is just bellow the reqs for HA and just bellow what you need to keep updated on mag wep (2.5 str for HA 3 mag for mag wep) so you'll be a rank or 2 behind in your weapon but you wouldnt lack TO much on ur heals. it'd still be a good chunk but lets face it. IH spam is nice but if ur a HA build you'd be using stream of rejuvenation as a primary heal to make up for the loss of lower magic and the only real suffering that is is a highe cast time and alot higher mp but much stronger heal and it isn't based as much off ur mag as others are becuase it also has a rather high base heal so only ur BB would really suffer from this build late game but you'd still have extremly low hp if you didn't hp shard up the **** and back plus good refines to keep up with it. all in all if you build it right it'a a viable build just not as strong in spells and such as the other classes that's about it.

    ps: this is just my 2 cents on how a HAC could be adjusted from how he mentioned earlier (and just use wep switch as mentioned before this for using normal weapons and magic for healing)

    edit: for grinding on a robe cleric just toss up a IH or 2 on yourself and boom ur a great tank for anything shy of 2-3 shot kills (personally if i'm prepared for a mob then I wont die unless they kill me in 2-3 shots)
  • SaberArturia - Dreamweaver
    SaberArturia - Dreamweaver Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This sounds just like a Blademaster. Except without any skills. It's probably better to use a Blademaster if you want to use these weapons.
  • Sir_Martin - Lost City
    Sir_Martin - Lost City Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lol well i'm not a fan of only one type of cleric so a HA cleric sure why not. but if i did that it'd be say 2.5 mag 2str .5 dex per lvl which is just bellow the reqs for HA and just bellow what you need to keep updated on mag wep (2.5 str for HA 3 mag for mag wep) so you'll be a rank or 2 behind in your weapon but you wouldnt lack TO much on ur heals. it'd still be a good chunk but lets face it. IH spam is nice but if ur a HA build you'd be using stream of rejuvenation as a primary heal to make up for the loss of lower magic and the only real suffering that is is a highe cast time and alot higher mp but much stronger heal and it isn't based as much off ur mag as others are becuase it also has a rather high base heal so only ur BB would really suffer from this build late game but you'd still have extremly low hp if you didn't hp shard up the **** and back plus good refines to keep up with it. all in all if you build it right it'a a viable build just not as strong in spells and such as the other classes that's about it.

    ps: this is just my 2 cents on how a HAC could be adjusted from how he mentioned earlier (and just use wep switch as mentioned before this for using normal weapons and magic for healing)

    edit: for grinding on a robe cleric just toss up a IH or 2 on yourself and boom ur a great tank for anything shy of 2-3 shot kills (personally if i'm prepared for a mob then I wont die unless they kill me in 2-3 shots)

    You know that type of build of every 2 lvls its 5 mag 4 str and 1 dex is still not enough, by lvl 30 you will have 82 magic 62 str and 16 dex, you will not have enough dex for weapon or armor
    [SIGPIC]8x Epic Cleric =P[/SIGPIC]
  • Alantor - Dreamweaver
    Alantor - Dreamweaver Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Like i said at start somewhere on this post martin (if i can call you that), any build different from what the programmers intended, is maybe worthwile to be "explored" but not more then that as you yourself will probably know.

    I don't know what your build is, but i'm betting it's nothing "exotic" like most (2nd) class chars want to try.

    You point is very valid. Indeed, it is correct. Thus, we can conclude that there is a "fault" in the build proposed.

    Although we migh differ from opinion, would you yourself try a different build as stated here ? Not as exotic, but more mainstream ? And if so, what would your suggestion as to that be ? Would you consider a melee build ? If not, why ?

    I ask these questions, not because you are right, but because i would like to see what other contradictions can be put down to this buid.

    I personnaly believe that the main build is the best (with variations), but there must be something different that DOES work. Maybe a full VIT/MAG build ?
  • Nyxya - Harshlands
    Nyxya - Harshlands Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    this is a build for fun not a real one..on pw-my rich guys and i mean really rich made heavy cleric with hi refines and still after a while they went back arcane and full mag..because ur dmg is nerfed really bad, your mag def is on ground u get 1 hit by pure mag... and archers can always shot mag instead phys..you win 1-2 battles then what? go out die 1 hitb:surrender