Building Assassin



  • Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    b:laugh if pic size too large, save it on your comp.
    lv61 vs lv75 mob

  • Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Now I know I can roll a sin. I was afraid they'd have issues with death because of the speed they'd lose hp compared to gain it,but it doesn't look like that'll be an issue.

    So unless it's a really long, drawn out fight, or against an Elite mob, Sins shouldn't have too much trouble grinding.
    -Switching over to Dreamweaver. See you Dreamweavers soon.
  • Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    OoO thats right...make em eat those words.b:shocked
  • Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    b:laugh if pic size too large, save it on your comp.
    lv61 vs lv75 mob


    nice. i assume that those blue numbers that pop up over the sin is the ammount of HP he gets back per hit?
    so um what game wer you talking about with that race and class ?bcryb:cryb:cry telll me PLEAS

    theres ALOT of games that have assassin like classes. infact all MMos have a assassin class even tho its not always called an assassin just like all MMOs have mage/knight/assist type classes even tho the names are diffrent in other MMOs.
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    As this thread has largely been answered (although somewhat rudely at times) I'd just like to thank you Rexberry, for bringing this up. The opinions of everyone who's posted here have been a great help, as I intend to roll an Assassin when the expansion finally comes out b:victory
    So again, thanks to Rex for bringing it up, and all those who responded with they're opinions and thoughts.
  • Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Foltern - Yeah I can see what you're saying. The sacrifice in damage output by investing points into strength is definitely a significant factor.
    The thing I'm concerned about is this: Many people say Light Armor is underpowered (less HP bonus per refine, not enough physical defense, etc) and how evasion is much less valuable end game.
    I was also worried about fighting melee wraiths, but sins have the skill to slow an opponents attack by 50% and it lasts 30 seconds - the skill only has a 8 second cooldown, so this will definitely help out along with all the other status ailment skills b:pleased.
    One thing I find funny is that you don't care about pvp much, but you pick the best pvp classes to play b:chuckle.

    _MonoxidE_ - I believe the life leech skill doesn't disperse life throughout the party. When a party member buffed with this skill attacks a wraith with a melee weapon, 2% of the damage they deal per attack will be reimbursed into just their own life.

    TigerLily -
    "For those that don't get how **** LA is: my lvl 9X heavy veno has 2k more mag def 2k more phy def than my lvl 101 archer in full 99 gold and event stuffs."
    I think your venom has higher magical defense because of her magic points. Your archer most likely doesn't have much vit or any magic, and probably has only a little amount of strength, so that makes both her physical and magical defenses very weak. You've invested the majority of your points into dexterity, which doesn't help your defenses much except by giving you more evasion - but dexterity does have other benefits, like granting you a very high critical rate.
    "I can just see an assassins trying to kill a kiting veno, god luck trying to tank nukes + nix + bleed + armor break in LA armor while you're trying to get in mele range of the fox."
    Oh yeah, kiting might just be the last thing assassins have to worry about. They have sleep, stun, freeze, etc. skills. Ontop of that, they have two teleportation skills, one of which has a range of 35 meters and stuns the target for 3 seconds upon arrival. These teleportation skills give sins a lot of potential in pvp vs casters/archers.

    Asurr - "nice. i assume that those blue numbers that pop up over the sin is the ammount of HP he gets back per hit?"
    Yep, that's right ^ ^. One thing I'm wondering about though ~ when you're fighting a barbarian or a blademaster, their high physical defense will reduce your damage output significantly - do you guys think the sin's life leech aura will still be useful in these kinds of battles?

    Reylenn - You're very welcome, and thank you for being so generous. It's a shame that we're not on the same server, otherwise we could play new assassins together :c. We need more people like you on Lost City b:shedtear. Good luck to you though b:mischievous
  • Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    rexberry wrote: »
    _MonoxidE_ - I believe the life leech skill doesn't disperse life throughout the party. When a party member buffed with this skill attacks a wraith with a melee weapon, 2% of the damage they deal per attack will be reimbursed into just their own life.

    I believe it has been confirmed that when a assassin deals damage the Assassins/Barb/BM in squad receive 2% of the damage the assassin dealt into hp. But it only works for the assassins damage, not barbs or bm, so hope your assassin in squad can deal high damage and get lots of crits xD
    And when you turn you around, you see yourself on the ground.
    And for the first time, no one cares just who you really are.
  • Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    I can just see an assassins trying to kill a kiting veno, god luck trying to tank nukes + nix + bleed + armor break in LA armor while you're trying to get in mele range of the fox.

    So i kinda have my doubt about assassins, classes that are luck/crit/evasion builds tends to be pretty nerfed unless you cash shop like crazy b:surrender

    teleport b:victory
    (or tele-stun)
  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    teleport b:victory
    (or tele-stun)

    their teleport actually teleports unlike wizard's distance shrink.

    tele stun to get in battle.
    teleport to get out.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Anyone playing a high lvl archer knows how terribly squishy and gimped LA is compare to heavy and yes even robe at higher lvls. This is why i find it pretty damn funny with assassins - a mele class in squishy La armor. Only reason you don't die all the time as archer is the fact that u have more range than your targets and can kite. As soon as you get stun locked in mele range ure kinda fked unless you get out of there asap, since evasion really means nothing endgame and you have 0 defense.

    For those that don't get how **** LA is: my lvl 9X heavy veno has 2k more mag def 2k more phy def than my lvl 101 archer in full 99 gold and event stuffs.

    So unless assassins has some amazing self buffs + range stuns + can afford to add vit + will 2 shoot ppl + can spam hide skills, they will suck in pvp endgame if they're LA.

    I can just see an assassins trying to kill a kiting veno, god luck trying to tank nukes + nix + bleed + armor break in LA armor while you're trying to get in mele range of the fox.

    So i kinda have my doubt about assassins, classes that are luck/crit/evasion builds tends to be pretty nerfed unless you cash shop like crazy b:surrender

    they do have skills that make them immune to stuns/seals/sleeps and a skill that makes thes them completly avoid dmg all together. and i seriously seriously dobt they have to worry about kitting since they have a skill that auto teleports them to a target. they also have stealth so they can get in close that way as well.

    as for dealing dmg well i dont think it will be a problem either. they have buffs to not only increase there crit rate but increase there critical dmg as well. so they will have very high spiked criticals and crit often.
  • Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Assassins will be tricky to play, those that spam scarlet fruits and Orcales will not last that long.
    I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.
  • Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    well about those who spam oracles is that they use cash to become OP.

    i was wondering what will i do to my BM now that he is 90 lol
  • Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Anyone playing a high lvl archer knows how terribly squishy and gimped LA is compare to heavy and yes even robe at higher lvls. This is why i find it pretty damn funny with assassins - a mele class in squishy La armor. Only reason you don't die all the time as archer is the fact that u have more range than your targets and can kite. As soon as you get stun locked in mele range ure kinda fked unless you get out of there asap, since evasion really means nothing endgame and you have 0 defense.

    For those that don't get how **** LA is: my lvl 9X heavy veno has 2k more mag def 2k more phy def than my lvl 101 archer in full 99 gold and event stuffs.

    So unless assassins has some amazing self buffs + range stuns + can afford to add vit + will 2 shoot ppl + can spam hide skills, they will suck in pvp endgame if they're LA.

    I can just see an assassins trying to kill a kiting veno, god luck trying to tank nukes + nix + bleed + armor break in LA armor while you're trying to get in mele range of the fox.

    So i kinda have my doubt about assassins, classes that are luck/crit/evasion builds tends to be pretty nerfed unless you cash shop like crazy b:surrender

    b:surprised when did u became a pvp machine?
    and i have more pdef then u IJS b:chuckle

    Metal raging Perfect Worlds since 2007
  • Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm gonna make Assassin just bcos they have HairStyle that I've been dreamed of since the 1st time I play this game :p


    and a Cool Standing Style too


    I've been trying to edit the file, so Veno can get that HairStyle...but...but...
    this what happened T __T


    And me personally, won't make HA Assassin, bcos you need their Crit.
    In Mermaid-Form, they will deal 200% Critical Damage.
    (and in common situation, I think Assassin = Archer, so I prefer to see Crit more often)


    For Pure DEX Build with low refine.. get ready to not get invited to TT/Lunar/whatever Parties.
    (except they're ur rl friends and you threaten them to death if they not invite you)
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Sorry to be rude, but I've always thought something... Most so-called "builds" are bull. Specialized builds (e.g. light armor wizards, foxform venos), yes, but standard builds?

    You'd have to be completely **** to need to look up a build.

    The typical build for the assassin is really nothing difficult. Lowest STR available to equip your weapons and armor, pour the rest into DEX. Same deal as with arcane venos and pure int clerics/wizards, but you're pouring into DEX instead of MAG.
  • Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Not really, it depends how much the assassin will benefit from each stat too, and maybe some people like assurance that their gonna do it right and not **** up. If someone didnt know dex improves dagger damage and wanted to do high damage, so they put a lot of points in strength, they wont be too happy about the outcome ^^

    Every 2 levels:

    8 dex
    2 str


    7 dex
    2 str
    1 vit

    And when you turn you around, you see yourself on the ground.
    And for the first time, no one cares just who you really are.
  • Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I believe it has been confirmed that when a assassin deals damage the Assassins/Barb/BM in squad receive 2% of the damage the assassin dealt into hp. But it only works for the assassins damage, not barbs or bm, so hope your assassin in squad can deal high damage and get lots of crits xD

    Hi Zelinity. We're on the same server but I haven't seen you around. Maybe someday b:mischievous. Anyways, here's the skill description from the perfect world tideborn expansion launch website (I just highlighted the important part):

    Blood Bath

    Few versus many has been a common theme in the history books of the Assassin's guild. Throughout time, these warriors have been faced with overwhelming odds. As a result, the Tideborn Assassins have developed an ability known as "Blood Bath". This ability grants an aura to the Assassin and any party members in their vicinity. The Blood Bath buff takes a portion of damage dealt, and channels that life back into the one who inflicted the pain.

    If you've ever played D2 before, it's kind of like how life leech works in that game.

    Lol Myumyu ... the thing that happened to your veno is cute xD.
  • Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    rexberry wrote: »
    Few versus many has been a common theme in the history books of the Assassin's guild. Throughout time, these warriors have been faced with overwhelming odds. As a result, the Tideborn Assassins have developed an ability known as "Blood Bath". This ability grants an aura to the Assassin and any party members in their vicinity. The Blood Bath buff takes a portion of damage dealt, and channels that life back into the one who inflicted the pain.

    If you've ever played D2 before, it's kind of like how life leech works in that game.

    Hmmm i remember reading someone say only the assassins damage will be turned into hp for the melee party members... if im wrong then just ignore what I said :P

    And yes i played D2, very familiar with life leech cause i was a lvl 93 zealer paladin :P
    And when you turn you around, you see yourself on the ground.
    And for the first time, no one cares just who you really are.


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