Official Dominance.



  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Fool enough to almost be it and cool enough to not quite see it and old enough to always feel this. Always old, I'll always feel this. No more promise no more sorrow. No longer will I follow. Can anybody hear me? I just want to be me.

    When I can, I will try to understand that when I can, I will.

    Guess the song before it's over without cheating and I'll stop posting for life. <3
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    **** I wanted to stop posting you fagrats.
  • MAGEALLDAY_ - Harshlands
    MAGEALLDAY_ - Harshlands Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I like mayonaise and smashing pumpkins on halloween ;o
  • PequetteV - Lost City
    PequetteV - Lost City Posts: 1,202 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    1- good job to old CQ for winning this ( about time, u could have done it 3-4 months ago )

    2- Map reset not really cause CQ is not disband making u get more pot and more gold for incoming tw b:shutup [ /troll off ]

    3- GG to spectraI guild lol making spectraL look bad ;)

    4- NorthPole adress: Santa Claus , northpole , canada HOH OHO b:laugh

    5- hope u chose nice epic name for your next conquering wave
    genesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
    starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender

    go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI

  • MYWolf - Lost City
    MYWolf - Lost City Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    So here a serious question :)
    NP will recruit 90+ same as CQ ? cause its 8 more lvls b:victory
  • TidusFTW - Lost City
    TidusFTW - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    LOL now the Greedy CQ decided to "Disband" are u such big ******* *a word similiar to Cats <_<* now when the fun start u are tired and sick of beeing hated ?Cmon CQ u never had much enemies bc the Lost City ppl are stupid butt's and u managed to get more friends then enemys. On the one side the Server let CQ win on the other side CQ had the power of money to gather enough ppl./GG GO RDMPK CQ GO u will see with RDMPK u will N E V E R get whole map :Db:cry
    btw bai for Fail decision no one asked Daikoku to disband guild.Ur doing this just to show of u are such great Hero's and got the honor of whole PWI lolz
    CQ=ZERG thats the only way u won "buy ppl" and Zerg everyone down thats no skill lol if u bought 100 100+ ppl and the other guilds have to work hard to get 90+ ppl in TW.And pls dun QQ about other ppl had better gear then CQ had u have more then half of all CS cashshopper in guild.
    so far thank u for fail CQ ;D i will buy teles from the TW money to scream in World Chat :D:Db:bye
    so far thank u for fail CQ ;D i will buy teles from the TW money to scream in World Chat :D:Db:bye
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    LOL now the Greedy CQ decided to "Disband" are u such big ******* *a word similiar to Cats <_<* now when the fun start u are tired and sick of beeing hated ?Cmon CQ u never had much enemies bc the Lost City ppl are stupid butt's and u managed to get more friends then enemys. On the one side the Server let CQ win on the other side CQ had the power of money to gather enough ppl./GG GO RDMPK CQ GO u will see with RDMPK u will N E V E R get whole map :Db:cry
    btw bai for Fail decision no one asked Daikoku to disband guild.Ur doing this just to show of u are such great Hero's and got the honor of whole PWI lolz
    CQ=ZERG thats the only way u won "buy ppl" and Zerg everyone down thats no skill lol if u bought 100 100+ ppl and the other guilds have to work hard to get 90+ ppl in TW.And pls dun QQ about other ppl had better gear then CQ had u have more then half of all CS cashshopper in guild.
    so far thank u for fail CQ ;D i will buy teles from the TW money to scream in World Chat :D:Db:bye

    This is pretty childish. Why can't you just acknowledge the fact that we were actually good. No guild could have owned the map if they aren't good. I don't understand why Spectral is like this. You guys will never be a guild worth mentioning across servers.


    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    btw bai for Fail decision no one asked Daikoku to disband guild.Ur doing this just to show of u are such great Hero's and got the honor of whole PWI lolz

    CQ=ZERG thats the only way u won "buy ppl" and Zerg everyone down thats no skill lol if u bought 100 100+ ppl and the other guilds have to work hard to get 90+ ppl in TW.And pls dun QQ about other ppl had better gear then CQ had u have more then half of all CS cashshopper in guild.


    [something that got removed]

    You are very well mis informed...[removed] What would their reason to do so be?

    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Nothing to see here, move along and wear flame retardant clothing.
  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    LOL now the Greedy CQ decided to "Disband" are u such big ******* *a word similiar to Cats <_<* now when the fun start u are tired and sick of beeing hated ?Cmon CQ u never had much enemies bc the Lost City ppl are stupid butt's and u managed to get more friends then enemys. On the one side the Server let CQ win on the other side CQ had the power of money to gather enough ppl./GG GO RDMPK CQ GO u will see with RDMPK u will N E V E R get whole map :Db:cry
    btw bai for Fail decision no one asked Daikoku to disband guild.Ur doing this just to show of u are such great Hero's and got the honor of whole PWI lolz
    CQ=ZERG thats the only way u won "buy ppl" and Zerg everyone down thats no skill lol if u bought 100 100+ ppl and the other guilds have to work hard to get 90+ ppl in TW.And pls dun QQ about other ppl had better gear then CQ had u have more then half of all CS cashshopper in guild.
    so far thank u for fail CQ ;D i will buy teles from the TW money to scream in World Chat :D:Db:bye

    you seem to be the only one so far...b:mischievous
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • DarkNovus - Lost City
    DarkNovus - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lol at the Mod for Banning my Main Acc:Reason :Troll Account haha good boy and its not Flame its a Fact nvm go ahead GM/Mods u do a good work at least for getting more money and let this Game die

    btw dun complain about grammar <_<b:bye

    actualy can i make u Ban urself spoon for calling me a re tard in a indirect way?since u dk anything dun throw around big words because ur a MOD as ur a better Human then everyone shush btw /GG in case u ban this acc too hahaha
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Dunno about the fun just starting. It was fun when you could actually take a land with a triple attack. This last week you lasted 22 minutes. The Spectral war ended almost right after GZ was steam rolled.

    I think they're just really butthurt they couldn't be the ones to defeat the evil CQ who was stealing all the coins on the server inflating prices.

    You know what, if next week the gold deflates down to 150k, I'm going to laugh.
  • DarkNovus - Lost City
    DarkNovus - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    as i ever cared for money lol i just dk the advantage ppl get bc greedy ppl start join and leech tho
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lol at the Mod for Banning my Main Acc:Reason :Troll Account haha good boy and its not Flame its a Fact nvm go ahead GM/Mods u do a good work at least for getting more money and let this Game die

    btw dun complain about grammar <_<b:bye

    actualy can i make u Ban urself spoon for calling me a re tard in a indirect way?since u dk anything dun throw around big words because ur a MOD as ur a better Human then everyone shush btw /GG in case u ban this acc too hahaha

    Can you QQ more for being a fail??


    Wait, you probably could.....
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • DarkNovus - Lost City
    DarkNovus - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lol ya im so fail who ever asked u to talk here? actualy i only posted second time to get an answer from this smart MOD for his post since he has to follow the rules as everyone too tho
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I guess you don't realize that the GM/MOD actually speak to people the way most of us should be treating ourselves.

    The part where you feel that he was calling you something in a indirect way. Well guess what, thats you knowing he's right and are pissed because sadly he pointed the truth.

    And learn how to type. Don't be so damn lazy cutting out letters. It looks childish and if you want someone to take you serious you might want to start with your basic typing skills.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Devil - Lost City
    Devil - Lost City Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Do you even know what flame retardant suit means?
  • DarkNovus - Lost City
    DarkNovus - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lol actualy i said how it was on LC server and dun start argue with me miss lvl 70 pro forum user or are u hiding ur main acc bc ur afraid from smt?And sure im pissed teh MOD is allowed to tell ppl such words wtf a MOD should be not dumb... but its PWI i forgot lol GM's dun care MOD's run around ban ppl and start writing such posts hahaha some reasons i dun use forums b:shockedb:laugh

    btw thats flame thingy suits :D
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Its getting pretty hot in here.

    Sometimes the truth hurts.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well gratz CQ maybe this time I will be able to join you before you raise the lvl req on me again b:angry. Hope to see you in blue soon ^.^ <3 most of you...except Llama especially the flying bird kind b:chuckle.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lol actualy i said how it was on LC server and dun start argue with me miss lvl 70 pro forum user or are u hiding ur main acc bc ur afraid from smt?And sure im pissed teh MOD is allowed to tell ppl such words wtf a MOD should be not dumb... but its PWI i forgot lol GM's dun care MOD's run around ban ppl and start writing such posts hahaha some reasons i dun use forums b:shockedb:laugh

    btw thats flame thingy suits :D

    LOL mod calling you names? Do you know what retardant means? I understand if English isn't your first language or whatever, but before you take offense to something like that its a good idea to look up the meaning because it's nothing like what you're assuming.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    LOL mod calling you names? Do you know what retardant means? I understand if English isn't your first language or whatever, but before you take offense to something like that its a good idea to look up the meaning because it's nothing like what you're assuming.

    ^ This

    And also...there is a difference between a MOD and a GM...ijs
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    this thread went from 'meh' to 'LOL.'
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Wow! For the record I was referring to the clothing, if I was to insult someone I would do it directly, but that was not my intention at all.

    I'm just trying to calm the flames so I don't have to lock this thread, keep the conversation civil and free of accusations or I will be forced to do it.
  • DarkNovus - Lost City
    DarkNovus - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    damn he didnt close it QQ how much more bs i have to write till u close it xD?
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    damn he didnt close it QQ how much more bs i have to write till u close it xD?
    If you are found to be posting for the express purpose of getting a thread locked, I will be forced to take disciplinary action.
  • Gilforin - Lost City
    Gilforin - Lost City Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well gratz CQ maybe this time I will be able to join you before you raise the lvl req on me again b:angry. Hope to see you in blue soon ^.^ <3 most of you...except Llama especially the flying bird kind b:chuckle.

    we where the same lvb:shocked
  • Lilasian - Lost City
    Lilasian - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    D: You were gonna leave me? ;_; I thought we shared something! b:cry

    Slightly on topic: CQ decide on a new name yet? Even if it's anything different, they'll probably still be called CQ.

    Noooo I'm *not* going to leave you!!! b:kiss We do share something o.o *wink wink*

    Yawns, CQ just go pk me when you see me b:cry

    Bad Typos.....
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Noooo I'm going to leave you!!! b:kiss We do share something o.o *wink wink*

    Yawns, CQ just go pk me when you see me b:cry
    sure sure :o i dun love u anymore. You.. you... guild peeping home wrecker! and i can't believe your leaving ._. lamesauce.

    Wow! For the record I was referring to the clothing, if I was to insult someone I would do it directly, but that was not my intention at all.

    its true >:

    he calls me troll all the time, hurts my feelings QQb:sad
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    its true >:

    he calls me troll all the time, hurts my feelings QQb:sad

    But you are one...ijs
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous