

  • brutal1111
    brutal1111 Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I think Asiris's posts sums it up. b:cute
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    HI Xtacyb:laugh

    Lol I guess since I made space I can add you :3

    Wadzio, this will be my last time giving you the attention you seek. When people that used to be in Spectral are calling you out like that there is no point in continuing.

    Take my advise. It will do you good in the future.

    1- Stop flipping out on people it makes you look weak.
    2- Be truthful to your posts. I see that you lied a couple times about rukhmath being you. I'll forgive you.
    3- Relax and stop playing the game like you would real life. You don't have to get all angry at past guildies because they left to go to another guild. Seriously, it makes you weak when you show this side of you.

    I don't know what else to say in my last post that will ever give you attention... Oh yes, you fail in pvp. I see you hate targeting me in war and it's hilarious because you have trouble killing me. You tick my hiero about...... I can't even count. The only way I die is when someone comes to help you.

    You are by far the worst mage in your guild. I give more respect to the upcoming mages in your guild. You talk like an idiot. Everything you say relates to CQ. Your obsession with us is like your own little curse.

    Everytime you randomly pm me like you've become a factor you speak with such hate. It's pathetic to see you get angry through a game. Unfortunately for me I can't verbally abuse you up front to see your reactions toward everything.

    I also have a question:

    Do you have nightmares about Conqueror taking every single land? (You don't need to respond because whatever response you give I most likely won't be answering to.)

    Well since none of your posts in the past has ever made me say "Oh, I guess I was wrong," I don't feel any regret from this. I had to make my final post to you long btw :3

    P.S. You're garbage.

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Yeah Xtacy. Thats Cool.

    Seeing as how you're talking to Wadzio, i'm sure he feels it.
    Me? I don't feel anything. Cos it's not addressed to me.
    Failed again Xtacy.

    Final post to me? Riiiiiiiiight.
    You can't stay away "brah". I am that, wich gives you purpose on the forums and you know it.b:chuckle

    Watch this folks, he'll come back after his "final post"

    Love Wadziob:kiss


    Can't be bothered to quote, multi quote, or whatever. You're not worth that much effort on my part.

    You can twist it all u want.
    "I denied then admitted"
    Moron...........i was not the one to say the initial "shes an idiot" Phrase in the first place.
    I used the word "could" because, how in blueblazes would i know who Des meant???
    I'm not a telepath......are you?

    My entire rant was centered around the way Rose up and jumped on it, like She was certain, without the shadow of a doubt, that Des was referring to her, when there could(again with the could fool) be so many other females Des meant......You keep pressing your point of how , you know rose and she sweet, yadda yadda.....So what if i put it to you, That i know Des and she is sweet she could(Again could, cos i'm not in anyones head, moron) never have meant Rose and meant someone esle.
    What then?b:kiss

    Is your brain incapable of fathoming this?
    Let me know what other language i can put it to you in k?
    I'll see what i can do to help.b:surrender
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Devil - Lost City
    Devil - Lost City Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hi Wadizo b:bye

    How many land do you have?
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Spectral isn't falling apart. Conqueror is. I think we need to focus on that the most.

    If Conqueror can't hold their own, they will break and QQ. We must make haste and do what we can while they are weak. Lets go!

    P.S. I'm sleepy. Good night all.

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • Miss_QQ - Lost City
    Miss_QQ - Lost City Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You know what Wadizo.. stfu

    1. It's a game where everyone can have fun with others
    2. who care about what guild you're in as long as you're having fun
    3. If you're not having fun.. this isnt just a game for you. Get a Life pls
  • Caldaster - Lost City
    Caldaster - Lost City Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I thank you for this thread.

    I really cant fathom the pains you take to login to xtacy to make a thread.

    then wait for some random noob to make some post.

    then login to llamma and devil and continue the flame.

    then login to rukhmath and make some randm accusations.

    I must congratulate you on your so nice effort to make this forum a perfect drama.

    Btw just one Q, you login to redrose too, or ask her to "personalise" each thread when you dont have enough time to xtrapolate the drama.
    Poor thing ... lucky me b:victory
  • Showharu - Lost City
    Showharu - Lost City Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    Yeah Xtacy. Thats Cool.

    Seeing as how you're talking to Wadzio, i'm sure he feels it.
    Me? I don't feel anything. Cos it's not addressed to me.
    Failed again Xtacy.

    Final post to me? Riiiiiiiiight.
    You can't stay away "brah". I am that, wich gives you purpose on the forums and you know it.b:chuckle

    Watch this folks, he'll come back after his "final post"

    Love Wadzio


    Can't be bothered to quote, multi quote, or whatever. You're not worth that much effort on my part.

    You can twist it all u want.
    "I denied then admitted"
    Moron...........i was not the one to say the initial "shes an idiot" Phrase in the first place.
    I used the word "could" because, how in blueblazes would i know who Des meant???
    I'm not a telepath......are you?

    My entire rant was centered around the way Rose up and jumped on it, like She was certain, without the shadow of a doubt, that Des was referring to her, when there could(again with the could fool) be so many other females Des meant......You keep pressing your point of how , you know rose and she sweet, yadda yadda.....So what if i put it to you, That i know Des and she is sweet she could(Again could, cos i'm not in anyones head, moron) never have meant Rose and meant someone esle.
    What then?b:kiss

    Is your brain incapable of fathoming this?
    Let me know what other language i can put it to you in k?
    I'll see what i can do to help.b:surrender

    You are embarrassing your self right now, just a heads up.
    I think its time for you to know when it has ended. I'm pretty sure you dont want to reach minitanks rep, you're very close.

    P.S. Wadizo take my advice clean yourself up.b:bye
    I don't care.
    Keeps me happy, everyone should do it.
  • TemptingYou - Lost City
    TemptingYou - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »

    Can't be bothered to quote, multi quote, or whatever. You're not worth that much effort on my part.

    All you do is click the Quote option. One button is too much effort? Laughable.

    You can twist it all u want.
    "I denied then admitted"
    Moron...........i was not the one to say the initial "shes an idiot" Phrase in the first place.
    I used the word "could" because, how in blueblazes would i know who Des meant???
    I'm not a telepath......are you?

    You are going around in circles here and not supporting your argument very well. Is this maybe because you have voided your argument two times already and are trying to recover? What in tarnation? (A much better choice of words then "blueblazes" in my opinion, which by the way is generally applied as two separate words, unless you are talking about the movie that was made in 1936. Additionally, I am not a telepathist and have never claimed to be but you on the other hand I am afraid may think that you are. You seem to "think" (hard to imagine) that you know everything about everything. Nice try though.

    My entire rant was centered around the way Rose up and jumped on it, like She was certain, without the shadow of a doubt, that Des was referring to her, when there could(again with the could fool) be so many other females Des meant......You keep pressing your point of how , you know rose and she sweet, yadda yadda.....So what if i put it to you, That i know Des and she is sweet she could(Again could, cos i'm not in anyones head, moron) never have meant Rose and meant someone esle.
    What then?b:kiss

    For the record, I know Des as well and I can assure you that she is a nice person. However, maybe the forums brings out the rebel side in her. If you notice her posts, they are for the most part opposite of the personality she portrays in both guild chat and in vent. Although I will give the benefit of the doubt on the previous statement since she hardly talk on vent and is overall a rather quiet person unless with very specific people. Also, you claim that I have made Rose out to be the sugary sweet angel, which I never did. The point I was making was and is that she is not this horrid evil backstabbing monster that you and others have made her out to be. I am not advertising her, I am simply responding more bs posts that you have written in some attempt to gain the attention that you so desperately seek. b:kiss (See, I can do it too, although you might get some sick enjoyment out of this. See previous thread if you need a refresher.)

    Is your brain incapable of fathoming this? My brain has wrapped itself around this entire thread and it is obvious who is incapable of making valid arguments.
    Let me know what other language i can put it to you in k? Zrobił wy potrzebujecie innego języka rozumieć?
    I'll see what i can do to help.b:surrender

    This will be my last post since you obviously failed in arguing any of your points. Learn to back things up without spewing more insults that only lessen your credibility in anything that you attempt to say.

    You my friend have failed more then anyone in this thread.

    The troll has been trolled. b:bye
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    This will be my last post since you obviously failed in arguing any of your points. Learn to back things up without spewing more insults that only lessen your credibility in anything that you attempt to say.

    You my friend have failed more then anyone in this thread.

    The troll has been trolled. b:bye

    Yeah, cool story.

    Again you are, avoiding the subject, twisting out of context, blabbering on about god knows what, making stupid references to one phrase........trying to distract the "audience" with smoke and mirrors.

    Let me put my point in the form of a question that even a 5 year old could understand k?
    Stay with me now......
    Q: Why did Rose, think Des was referring to her, when Des made a statement, not specifically relating to her?

    You think you can handle that? Or do i have to dumb it down further?(Honestly i dunno how i can....but for you, i will try)b:surrender

    By the way......I am sure one would think, when a single person reacts to a general statement, Not specifically targeted at anyone, with no names mentioned........That person that reacted, is in fact guilty of something. Don't you think so?
    I'm sure 99% of the normal intelligent humans on earth would think so. i addressing that other 1% here?

    Troll got trolled.
    Yeah right........Sorry to say, no matter what misdirection u try. The above Question and statement speaks for itself.
    Try again and put some heart into it next time k cupcake?b:kiss
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hi Xtacy b:bye
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
This discussion has been closed.