Unlike most other players I............



  • Davitiel - Heavens Tear
    Davitiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Unlike most players I made my character to look just like me, except his awesome hair.

    Unlike most players I made my character with long flowing wavy hair that's the same color as mine.

    And now faith, hope, and charity remain; but the greatest of these is charity.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Unlike most other players my job involves logging into the game and posting on the forums like a mad manb:cool
  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Unlike other venos/barbs I have craptastic gear.
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • HealHamsta - Lost City
    HealHamsta - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Unlike most other players my job involves logging into the game and posting on the forums like a mad manb:cool

    I already do both!

    Unlike other people me am forced to roam the forums on thursdays due to a strange cage called "school".
  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited October 2009


    9x Demon Cleric
  • HatedSoul - Sanctuary
    HatedSoul - Sanctuary Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    "Unlike most other players I............"

    whats something that you noticed you DO or DO NOT do unlike others, compared to similar pple of your class or lvl
    (try not to spam please)

    "Unlike most clerics I............"

    never kited a mob b:chuckle

    1e:i dislike the mentality most players saying TW dont matter while it does it controls the whole game the intire server depends on TW gold wise pk wise b*ttkissing wise i see xD

    clerics: mm dunno i like the heals b:bye
    I MISS AYANOb:cryb:sad
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Unlike most archers im hybrid and have 17 mag.
    And pures my level only do 200 more dmg than me =)
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • SilverCleric - Lost City
    SilverCleric - Lost City Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Unlike some clerics...

    I know when there's going to be a party wipe especially when im the only cleric in squad doing BH 39 Farren and they say "Heal Me!, Heal Me!"
    and they all die while i keep away from all the mobs and bosses and rez them after the party wipe. b:laugh

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • Drazo - Dreamweaver
    Drazo - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,187 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Unlike most players....

    - I level sanely. No bots, no zhen parties, no cheating (I'm not saying zhening is cheating though). I don't (and can't) level from 1 to 70 in less than a month let alone less than 2 weeks.

    - I have a sense of humour. It might be bad sometimes (if not often), but at least I can see the funny side of things when I want to (and don't want to).

    - I have a mind of my own. Call me stubborn or stuck up, I don't care or at least it's not going to change my ways.

    - Although I'm a guy playing a veno, I have the bust set on minimum.

    - I paid $50 worth for my herc. I did a lot of bargain hunting and reselling to earn the rest and took advantage of a battle pack sale. Little grinding, little real money even if it did take me a few months.

    - I know how online games work. Heck I'm actually making one now....two in fact. Don't expect it to be big and amazing and out anytime soon though.

    - I realised many of my posts are about me or opinionated and have a lot of I's in them.

    - I don't spend too much time on PWI.

    - I don't spend tons of teles chatting or arguing in WC everyday.

    - I'm not amazing or anything special. In fact, I kinda suck at PWI as with most other games.

    - I don't spam in normal chat. I use whispers, team chat, etc appropiately.

    - I think too much, yet I'm still clumsy.

    - I agree.

    - I disagree.

    - I don't troll. b:victory

    That's all for now....
    Non-mule characters:

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]....and Drazomyst.
  • XxLady_XelxX - Dreamweaver
    XxLady_XelxX - Dreamweaver Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Unlike most players I...prefer a charmless Barb. b:shocked
  • Drazo - Dreamweaver
    Drazo - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,187 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Unlike most players, I don't and should never fall asleep whilst playing PWI.
    Non-mule characters:

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]....and Drazomyst.
  • Purra_Pearl - Sanctuary
    Purra_Pearl - Sanctuary Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Unlike most venoes I DONT have a magmite and I STILL have my Sharptooth Wolflingb:pleased

    My heavy veno has a Qingfu! ^_^

    But I did break down and get Purra a herc when battle pet packs were half off (and it was my birthday). I loves it.

    And if they ever release the legendary water pet I will be getting it. b:victory
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    (b:sad so like its sad I do everything venos have said they do on hear cept pk with golem and use the wolf.)
    b:surrender Unlike most level 92 venos I have neither herc or nix (curse being poor qq)

    Unlike most other venos I learned to lure when luring Qinqzi thru the door about a year ago.

    Unlike most other venos my level I have never had more then one guild.

    Unlike most other venos I spent 4 hours in my fb 39 with level 39s luring every single mob.

    Unlike most other venos I have owned or had in my bag at least one egg of every tamable mob in the game at some point and time (level permitting)

    Unlike most venos I didn't learn how to turn off pet skills until 65.

    Unlike most other venos I am a barb at heart and will steal aggro and try to tank if I can despite being robes. b:lipcurl

    Unlike most venos I have a level 63 purple buggy.
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I forgot.

    Unlike most venos...

    I don't run around in circles when I take aggro

    I got my first pet at lv30-40ish X.x I missed the pet quest XD But I still did good without.b:victory

    I love jumping into physical mobs and owning themb:cute

    I don't freak when my pet dies.

    I can revive pet while getting attacked if I want. Hehee it tickles.
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    As BM

    -I rarely use axes
    -my main weapon, sword and fists.
    -High dex
    -Low vit
    -I use bow too
  • I_missU - Dreamweaver
    I_missU - Dreamweaver Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    unlike most archers i dont like steal aggro b:cry b:surrender

    its a PAIN >.<
    I got demon quickshot at last b:victoryb:thanks
  • vendie
    vendie Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    Unlike most venos I didn't learn how to turn off pet skills until 65.

    b:chuckle aw.... i learned that at level 66 when i had my herc... before that i had to keep on clicking on the pet skills i wanted to useb:sad
    and.... unlike most venos, i only learned of the "halt" option at level 60+

    hmmm.... unlike other players.... i don't allow my faction leader to level...
    b:angryhe has to take me to another rb gamma before he is allowed to....

    and.... unlike other players...i was pk-ed by my faction leader right after a successful gamma run... >.<
  • Miasora - Lost City
    Miasora - Lost City Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    unlike most other clerics...

    i like to solo/ tank boss and fb... no kidding ^.^

    everytime i start to aggro a boss... it's always a heart beating <3

    Glad days, sad days... are all brighter made with the...
    "Happy Knowledge", that our...
    Friendship will not fade.

    me: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=3656331#post3656331 ^.^
    my family: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=4077892#post4077892 <3
  • Oni_utsuki - Sanctuary
    Oni_utsuki - Sanctuary Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    unlike most male players, im riding a scarlet fox...

    unlike most BMs, im a weapon collector...

    unlike most BMs, i've high hp for a sword (main) bm...

    unlike mo..st.... ZZZZZZzzZZZZZZZZzzzZZZZ