Server Fail



  • Llama - Lost City
    Llama - Lost City Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i Hear Spectral Has A Lot Of Warriors That Doesnt Afraid Of Maxing Out Their Daily Limit.
    I Also Hear Bloodlust's True Friendship, True Care And Concern For One Another, True Support With No Salary Incentive Has Lasted The Guild Through This Harsh Year. That Is Why We See Bloodlust Members Roaming Around Pwi Lc In Unity!!!!!!

    Serious Business Guys.

    We Must Destroy The Infidels(cq) Jihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad Jiiiiiiiiiiihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddd!!!!!!

    For Alah!!! Alalalalalalaaaaaah
    Hey Elayne. Its illegal to harass underage girls. And CQ won the map without you.
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    I can't stand the amount of bs being shoved down my throat.
    Thats all i can stands, i can't stands no more!

    1.) Salary not a factor?
    Here's a little true scenario....
    CQ member: "Guys the enemy have a 3 party roving pk squads at volume 29! Haaaalllp! I can't get my vol 29!"

    The few not in it for salary.....

    Midnight: "K i'll come"

    Llama: "I has a big E-peen! I'll come!"

    Tika: "Yeah i'll come"

    Rest of guild chat: *Crickets in the night*

    Cq 4 man party:"**** guys we're getting zerged! moar ppl now!"

    Rest of guild chat: *Cow moos, tumble weed blows by*

    Special appearance from Daikoku: "All go and support or no salary this week!"

    Rest of guild chat:X50 pplz "WTF???? ENEMIES???WHERE??I IZ KEEL THEMMMM ALLLZZZZ! rawwwwrrrr!!!!!"

    The reason why you win TW is cos salary is at stake. The only reason u win anything is when salary is at stake.
    Thats why u get rolled in world pvp.
    No salary? Your "members" won't even give a camel's hump whether u live or die.
    You know this to be true.

    2.) Cq rpking scary?

    Lmfao! Coming from someone who has been on cq kos since BLT times. I can tell you. They are nothing. Once in awhile they get itchy and bother to go round finding ppl to pk. This consists of maybe 6 itchy ppl max.
    Once every week when they all gather for TW(salary la!!!), before and after, maybe cq send a good force to pk.

    Any other time....they can't be bothered.
    Simple, they're not getting paid for it.
    Not getting paid for it = "i don't give a flying fark to my fellow factionmate"

    You can boast and threaten and what not.
    You may have lands and virtual coins and E-peen stroking rights.
    But you will never have what your enemies have.

    True friendship.
    True care and concern for one another.
    True support with no salary incentive.

    Disclaimer: The core cq, the above is not directed at you.
    But you know this to be true of your false new members.

    So stop with all the "salary aint a thing" bs.
    I grow tired of your propaganda.

    Proof of statement: Go see haiz tw video. You can see in cq guild chat......
    Daikoku: "all below 95 GTFO!"
    Random muttering in cq guild chat: "mur mur mumble......we still gonna get paid for the time we we're in tw right?"


    In the words of Leonidas: "You have many slaves, but few warriors"

    Salary realy ISN'T a factor no propaganda involved lol.
    You think that ****ty Salary even pays for my hieros on a good tw week?

    Someone isn't in CQ guild chat very much haha.

    CQ does not have people in pk 90% of the time because cq for better or worse is a ****ing pve guild. It is always I'll be done with hh or fb in 15 minutes then I'll come pk. By then the pk is over win or lose.

    True friendship.
    True care and concern for one another.
    True support with no salary incentive.

    This right here makes me laugh beyond belief in so many ways I fear I might spout out tears from the giggling like a school girl.

    "True friendship" What exactly does true friendship entail to you?
    Because I'm pretty sure plenty of people in cq have what they would call "true friendship" with others.

    And Beyond that True friendship is 110% irrelevant in video games. You don't have to like the people you work with as long as everyone does their job.. same goes with mmos in a guild. You do not have to get along with anyone as long as it doesn't affect your productivity.

    Your "true friendships" and inter guild squabble made BLT disband in the first place. CQ may or may not have one giant happy family but they @ least can tolerate each other enough to keep things in tact lol.

    The "care and concern for others" portion also makes me chuckle.
    Spectral could really give a **** less about the members in their guild who do not CS. I have spawn camped Wadzio, Vangora etc and not seen any sort of spectral retaliation but oh if Athran or Mapster die it's "ALL HANDS ON DECK PK WAR NOW I SPENT MONEY AND DIED THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE".

    Your whole guild and basis for arguing is really a joke.

    Oh and 300 quotes stopped being relevant or bad **** a week after the movie was released in 2007.

    Enjoy rolling around with your buddies in your life long DEEP friendships filled with caring and concerned bros while trying to stop the terrible, emotionless, money hungry, tyrants.... let me know how that works out for you b:bye
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • Llama - Lost City
    Llama - Lost City Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Salary realy ISN'T a factor no propaganda involved lol.
    You think that ****ty Salary even pays for my hieros on a good tw week?

    Someone isn't in CQ guild chat very much haha.

    CQ does not have people in pk 90% of the time because cq for better or worse is a ****ing pve guild. It is always I'll be done with hh or fb in 15 minutes then I'll come pk. By then the pk is over win or lose.

    True friendship.
    True care and concern for one another.
    True support with no salary incentive.

    This right here makes me laugh beyond belief in so many ways I fear I might spout out tears from the giggling like a school girl.

    "True friendship" What exactly does true friendship entail to you?
    Because I'm pretty sure plenty of people in cq have what they would call "true friendship" with others.

    And Beyond that True friendship is 110% irrelevant in video games. You don't have to like the people you work with as long as everyone does their job.. same goes with mmos in a guild. You do not have to get along with anyone as long as it doesn't affect your productivity.

    Your "true friendships" and inter guild squabble made BLT disband in the first place. CQ may or may not have one giant happy family but they @ least can tolerate each other enough to keep things in tact lol.

    The "care and concern for others" portion also makes me chuckle.
    Spectral could really give a **** less about the members in their guild who do not CS. I have spawn camped Wadzio, Vangora etc and not seen any sort of spectral retaliation but oh if Athran or Mapster die it's "ALL HANDS ON DECK PK WAR NOW I SPENT MONEY AND DIED THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE".

    Your whole guild and basis for arguing is really a joke.

    Oh and 300 quotes stopped being relevant or bad **** a week after the movie was released in 2007.

    Enjoy rolling around with your buddies in your life long DEEP friendships filled with caring and concerned bros while trying to stop the terrible, emotionless, money hungry, tyrants.... let me know how that works out for you b:bye

    QFT la.

    True friendship.
    True care and concern for one another.
    True support with no salary incentive.


    I suppose our salary incentive is what made us break up your hard fought bonds when Spectral had the same amount of money as us. You are purely motivated by hatred. And its quite amusing.
    Hey Elayne. Its illegal to harass underage girls. And CQ won the map without you.
  • krazyness34
    krazyness34 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The Epic nature of this post is astounding.

    You have core CQ, the new/lowbie CQ (traitors in their own right...removed from there original guilds or in it for the name of CQ) and the mid CQ (those how have been around for a few and yet consider themselves core), all of these categories talking as if CQ was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Even denying that they themselves have Cash Shoppers. b:shocked OMFG THEY DO?!?

    If anyone would walk into there guild chat, vent or even forums, they would see that CQ is not the "happy family" that they claim to be. Will they deny and flame? Most likely, but as one is in these genera's, truth be told: there is SO much drama in CQ that people fail to see.

    I can say that what many of the so-called "anti" CQ speak is the truth. Salary does play a large role in what many members do, even though overall the salary is carp. Yes, there are some that do not get salary and those are the wannabes who want the name over there head. Those are disposable should better players/levels become interested. 191 people does not mean the guild is closed to new ones that actually level and do things other then log in for TW and dailies. Those who PK are few and far between. You see the same group of people out there and very rarely do you see "new" ones coming to join in.

    Needless to say, CQ members are bored. I am bored. The most recent TW's with Spectral have actually been fun for many of us members, no joke. The difference, several pages of 100+ versus a few 100+. The gear comparison is lame because us smart ones know that there are a few in Spectral that cash shop and fund the server but that does not make for the majority of them. In fact, take a look at many Spectral members and many have non-refined gear. They may be to there level, but refinery is a huge deal and everyone knows that we get refinement based on certain levels. What the hell are we supposed to do with all this money anyways?

    Will we take the map? Most likely, but then what? The e-peens of many of our members will grow and the lame **** attitudes and ridiculous "I am the best you all suck" attitudes might get worse, but what do you expect. Words is all they have and these forums is there entertainment to make themselves feel like "Gods" of the server. We know that members think that they are hot stuff and we let them think that to a point. But know this, the bs from CQ members that is spewed on this forum is laughable. They just want the attention and that is all.

    Sadly, you all feed into the bait and they revel in the "fight." Ignore the posts and the bait = they are even more bored then they were/are. The bickering and hatred between CQ and Spectral is stupid at best. Both sides are comparing things they have no idea about. Be in both guilds and learn the differences. Learn the friendships and the hatred that runs rampant in all guilds. Then maybe the "I am so much better then you because I am in CQ/Spectral/Cash Shop/have Refined Gear" will cease.

    Fact is, CQ is beatable. Other guilds just have to learn the weaknesses and know how. Learn those and GG CQ. Spectral is getting stronger and they are obviously getting the gear for there members, it is only a matter of time and many in CQ know this as well. The past few weeks have proved this. CQ now has 1+ hour TW's and we cannot use the "trifeca" **** as an excuse since the other guilds get rolled in minutes. If we were truly 100% dominant, Spectral would fall as fast as the others regardless of a 1 v 1 or 3 v 1. Besides, this past weekend = lame. Yes, defended 18 lands but seriously, only Spectral was a factor and we know it.

    You can all chew on that as this is all I will say on this matter.

    And for those who say to post on my main, get a life. CQ is full of alt forum trolls. It is easier to say serious things in this form and not get the lame **** drama in guild chat or the forums that would follow if on my main.

    Oh and btw, I do have an alt in Spectral, so I am not talking out of my behind. You can all kiss it really because I do not care what any of you think. I for one do not want the map all red, I want a challenge and I think we are finally getting one.

    Thank goodness, this game has gotten too boring.
  • brutal1111
    brutal1111 Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The Epic nature of this post is astounding.

    You have core CQ, the new/lowbie CQ (traitors in their own right...removed from there original guilds or in it for the name of CQ) and the mid CQ (those how have been around for a few and yet consider themselves core), all of these categories talking as if CQ was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Even denying that they themselves have Cash Shoppers. b:shocked OMFG THEY DO?!?

    If anyone would walk into there guild chat, vent or even forums, they would see that CQ is not the "happy family" that they claim to be. Will they deny and flame? Most likely, but as one is in these genera's, truth be told: there is SO much drama in CQ that people fail to see.

    I can say that what many of the so-called "anti" CQ speak is the truth. Salary does play a large role in what many members do, even though overall the salary is carp. Yes, there are some that do not get salary and those are the wannabes who want the name over there head. Those are disposable should better players/levels become interested. 191 people does not mean the guild is closed to new ones that actually level and do things other then log in for TW and dailies. Those who PK are few and far between. You see the same group of people out there and very rarely do you see "new" ones coming to join in.

    Needless to say, CQ members are bored. I am bored. The most recent TW's with Spectral have actually been fun for many of us members, no joke. The difference, several pages of 100+ versus a few 100+. The gear comparison is lame because us smart ones know that there are a few in Spectral that cash shop and fund the server but that does not make for the majority of them. In fact, take a look at many Spectral members and many have non-refined gear. They may be to there level, but refinery is a huge deal and everyone knows that we get refinement based on certain levels. What the hell are we supposed to do with all this money anyways?

    Will we take the map? Most likely, but then what? The e-peens of many of our members will grow and the lame **** attitudes and ridiculous "I am the best you all suck" attitudes might get worse, but what do you expect. Words is all they have and these forums is there entertainment to make themselves feel like "Gods" of the server. We know that members think that they are hot stuff and we let them think that to a point. But know this, the bs from CQ members that is spewed on this forum is laughable. They just want the attention and that is all.

    Sadly, you all feed into the bait and they revel in the "fight." Ignore the posts and the bait = they are even more bored then they were/are. The bickering and hatred between CQ and Spectral is stupid at best. Both sides are comparing things they have no idea about. Be in both guilds and learn the differences. Learn the friendships and the hatred that runs rampant in all guilds. Then maybe the "I am so much better then you because I am in CQ/Spectral/Cash Shop/have Refined Gear" will cease.

    Fact is, CQ is beatable. Other guilds just have to learn the weaknesses and know how. Learn those and GG CQ. Spectral is getting stronger and they are obviously getting the gear for there members, it is only a matter of time and many in CQ know this as well. The past few weeks have proved this. CQ now has 1+ hour TW's and we cannot use the "trifeca" **** as an excuse since the other guilds get rolled in minutes. If we were truly 100% dominant, Spectral would fall as fast as the others regardless of a 1 v 1 or 3 v 1. Besides, this past weekend = lame. Yes, defended 18 lands but seriously, only Spectral was a factor and we know it.

    You can all chew on that as this is all I will say on this matter.

    And for those who say to post on my main, get a life. CQ is full of alt forum trolls. It is easier to say serious things in this form and not get the lame **** drama in guild chat or the forums that would follow if on my main.

    Oh and btw, I do have an alt in Spectral, so I am not talking out of my behind. You can all kiss it really because I do not care what any of you think. I for one do not want the map all red, I want a challenge and I think we are finally getting one.

    Thank goodness, this game has gotten too boring.

    From your post, I knowz who you be. b:shutup
  • Devlinne - Lost City
    Devlinne - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    At this point in time........
    I'd like to pull the BRAKES on the HATE.

    Lets get a few thing STRAIGHT and out in the open.

    @Llama: Your statements about the "Cq gods" thing is fine and all, i mean whatever floats your boat.
    But i'd watch it on the "allah" "jihad" comments my friend. You are steppng over the line. I know at least ONE muslim in your own guild, and i bet he aint gonna take too kindly to that stuff, joke or not.

    @The rest of cq: i got to agree with that Krazyness guy.
    Think bout it for a second........How'd ya'll feel if really spectral,Rq,Harvester did NOT exist and did NOT fight ya'll??
    Super mario bros much?^___^
    Vice versa
    > What would WE have to do without ya'll?

    So INSOFACTO..........we need EACH other no?
    S'what keeps the wheels turning in this game.

    Lets not lose sight of that, in the hate fest!

    P.S...... it's my birthday in 5 hours MOAR MILLIONS IN MY MAILBOX PLOX!!!!!!!!!^_^

    Have a good one ya'll, i'm of to the clubs to celebrate!!
    A GOAT always THINKS it's a lion......untill it meets a REAL LION!!!!!
  • MyBish - Lost City
    MyBish - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    [link removed for profanity]
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    We Must Destroy The Infidels(cq) Jihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad Jiiiiiiiiiiihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddd!!!!!!

    For Alah!!! Alalalalalalaaaaaah
    Done at the right time this could of been funny.

    Sadly, it was misused, and will never realize it's true potential.

    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Main two things CQ is good at = TW + WB = salary

    Coincidence? I think not. Note how like half the guild never shows up in any kind of PvP other than TW. Denying it is pretty pointless, money matters for quite a few people in there.

    dunno what was in the tl;dr posts btw, cba to read them
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    CQ, read this and become better people. YOU TOO CAN HAVE TRUE FRIENDSHIP

    Thanks for the laugh btw, I nearly spilled my damn coffee all over
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Caldaster - Lost City
    Caldaster - Lost City Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    At this point in time........
    I'd like to pull the BRAKES on the HATE.

    Lets get a few thing STRAIGHT and out in the open.

    @Llama: Your statements about the "Cq gods" thing is fine and all, i mean whatever floats your boat.
    But i'd watch it on the "allah" "jihad" comments my friend. You are steppng over the line. I know at least ONE muslim in your own guild, and i bet he aint gonna take too kindly to that stuff, joke or not.

    @The rest of cq: i got to agree with that Krazyness guy.
    Think bout it for a second........How'd ya'll feel if really spectral,Rq,Harvester did NOT exist and did NOT fight ya'll??
    Super mario bros much?^___^
    Vice versa
    > What would WE have to do without ya'll?

    So INSOFACTO..........we need EACH other no?
    S'what keeps the wheels turning in this game.

    Lets not lose sight of that, in the hate fest!

    P.S...... it's my birthday in 5 hours MOAR MILLIONS IN MY MAILBOX PLOX!!!!!!!!!^_^

    Have a good one ya'll, i'm of to the clubs to celebrate!!

    Ditto ...

    Fyi - Kinda sad that q lot of 9x is spread over a lot of guilds who if joined could have formed a formidable faction.
    Poor thing ... lucky me b:victory
  • MavLOLs - Lost City
    MavLOLs - Lost City Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    really, why pk when its a zerg competition, like i said, no point in world pvp, nothing to gain from it, lets pvp where it matters no? i mean spectral does have something to gain in TW right? maybe a land? what do you guys gain from world pvp? something that possibly cant get any bigger? lets be serious, theres more at stake in TW than there is in world pvp
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Umm world PvP has consequences, HUGE consequences.

    What do you get from TW huh? Land? Money? That's nice and all.

    What do you get from world PvP? E-Peen, that's what.

    Also the occasional +8 helm, but that's just for lulz
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • MavLOLs - Lost City
    MavLOLs - Lost City Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ditto ...

    Fyi - Kinda sad that q lot of 9x is spread over a lot of guilds who if joined could have formed a formidable faction.

    i think those 9x are coming to CQ IJS b:cute
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    At this point in time........
    I'd like to pull the BRAKES on the HATE.

    Lets get a few thing STRAIGHT and out in the open.

    @Llama: Your statements about the "Cq gods" thing is fine and all, i mean whatever floats your boat.
    But i'd watch it on the "allah" "jihad" comments my friend. You are steppng over the line. I know at least ONE muslim in your own guild, and i bet he aint gonna take too kindly to that stuff, joke or not.

    @The rest of cq: i got to agree with that Krazyness guy.
    Think bout it for a second........How'd ya'll feel if really spectral,Rq,Harvester did NOT exist and did NOT fight ya'll??
    Super mario bros much?^___^
    Vice versa
    > What would WE have to do without ya'll?

    So INSOFACTO..........we need EACH other no?
    S'what keeps the wheels turning in this game.

    Lets not lose sight of that, in the hate fest!

    P.S...... it's my birthday in 5 hours MOAR MILLIONS IN MY MAILBOX PLOX!!!!!!!!!^_^

    Have a good one ya'll, i'm of to the clubs to celebrate!!

    Aside from agreeing with all you had to say:

    Happy Birthday Devlinne!!!! b:victory
    Umm world PvP has consequences, HUGE consequences.

    Also the occasional +8 helm, but that's just for lulz

    That was epic b:chuckle
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Why does CQ have to post on alt accounts to talk about their guild?
    CQ isn't perfect, in fact, I hate ~90% of the people in this guild. A lot of them are salary leeching douchebags who do nothing but come to TW and otherwise be utterly useless. I think I'm in CQ for the TW... not the salary, but the TW. And the few close friends I have in this guild. And maybe the guild ports b:cute

    Also, N'Sync vent rules.
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Also, N'Sync vent rules.

    Gimme info b:cute
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Also, N'Sync vent rules.

    Talking about the lobster story again was interesting.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Talking about the lobster story again was interesting.

    b:surrender That story still scares me....LOL
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Llama - Lost City
    Llama - Lost City Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    At this point in time........
    I'd like to pull the BRAKES on the HATE.

    Lets get a few thing STRAIGHT and out in the open.

    @Llama: Your statements about the "Cq gods" thing is fine and all, i mean whatever floats your boat.
    But i'd watch it on the "allah" "jihad" comments my friend. You are steppng over the line. I know at least ONE muslim in your own guild, and i bet he aint gonna take too kindly to that stuff, joke or not.

    @The rest of cq: i got to agree with that Krazyness guy.
    Think bout it for a second........How'd ya'll feel if really spectral,Rq,Harvester did NOT exist and did NOT fight ya'll??
    Super mario bros much?^___^
    Vice versa
    > What would WE have to do without ya'll?

    So INSOFACTO..........we need EACH other no?
    S'what keeps the wheels turning in this game.

    Lets not lose sight of that, in the hate fest!

    P.S...... it's my birthday in 5 hours MOAR MILLIONS IN MY MAILBOX PLOX!!!!!!!!!^_^

    Have a good one ya'll, i'm of to the clubs to celebrate!!

    Oh you mean that one rich cash shopping **** that if I have my way will be kicked from guild?

    And no I won't be stopping the jihad references considering your entire mindset and everyone who is in your guild/leads it thinks along the same lines. "Crusade!!" == more modern reference of "Jihad".
    Hey Elayne. Its illegal to harass underage girls. And CQ won the map without you.
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Oh you mean that one rich cash shopping **** that if I have my way will be kicked from guild?

    And no I won't be stopping the jihad references considering your entire mindset and everyone who is in your guild/leads it thinks along the same lines. "Crusade!!" == more modern reference of "Jihad".
    Y SO SRS

    He was just trying to promote peace and love.
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Oh you mean that one rich cash shopping **** that if I have my way will be kicked from guild?

    And no I won't be stopping the jihad references considering your entire mindset and everyone who is in your guild/leads it thinks along the same lines. "Crusade!!" == more modern reference of "Jihad".

    You do know that "Jihad" is a noun meaning "struggle" right?

    Therefore your reference, although displeasing to many, is out of context in what you are attempting to accomplish in your responses.

    Some even translate it to mean that "Jihad requires Muslims to "struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society."

    Words to live by I guess.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Llama - Lost City
    Llama - Lost City Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You do know that "Jihad" is a noun meaning "struggle" right?

    Therefore your reference, although displeasing to many, is out of context in what you are attempting to accomplish in your responses.

    Some even translate it to mean that "Jihad requires Muslims to "struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society."

    Words to live by I guess.

    Its been scewed into a holy war. Ok yes "jihad" is a doctrine devout muslims live by. I am making a reference to the crazy ones though. Blow themselves up just because you don't agree with em. Same concept.
    Y SO SRS

    This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets and immovable object.
    Hey Elayne. Its illegal to harass underage girls. And CQ won the map without you.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    once this turned into a religious discussion it became......


    The reason why discussions like this aren't allowed even as a "joke" is because they still in effect trivialize another persons beliefs. This is a game forum, no need for that here.
This discussion has been closed.