What's up with some people?

Illina - Dreamweaver
Illina - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
edited September 2009 in General Discussion
This is just another newbie rant but there's some things in this game that bother me.

1) People who keep hitting on me or ask to carry me. What the hell guys? I'm not interested in pursuing any kind of relationship online so just back off. Besides, how do you know that I'm not some middle aged bald guy in real life? It's gotten so bad that I've been telling anyone who hits on me that I'm a guy.

2) The player shops in West Archosaur. I have no problems with the lag, it's annoying but not unexpected. What pisses me off are the people who are buying something for 200 coins and at the same time selling the same item for 4000 coins. I don't mind paying for something if I really need it but I refuse to feed such obvious greed. I'd much rather buy from someone buying and selling for a reasonable difference even if I do end up paying a bit more in the end.

3) People who steal my kills. I know there's a few other topics on this but I might as well add this in here. Yes, I know that the ranged classes have longer channeling times that I do. I have one of each class at or slightly below my level so I know how 'long' the channeling times are. I check around to make sure that no one else is targeting the monster I'm about to attack so it pisses me off when someone comes in and starts attacking when I already did most of the work.
I recently had to do a quest to kill wolves, centipedes, and rhinos. There was a one hour time limit on it which should have been more than enough. Because of jackasses deciding to use me as a meat shield and refusing to accept my squad invites, I failed. Twice.

4) This doesn't really affect me in any way but it bothers me. I like to check out the equipment of higher level players to see what I should be using once I get to their level. Most people have nice stuff, glowing weapons and green/yellow/blue armor.
Every now and then I'll see someone on one of those giant rides that takes up half the screen and some clothes that I really like so I check what equipment they have. One person had a weapon for level 40, rings for level 20, and armor that ranged from 30 to 70. All fluff with absolutely no substance.
What's the point of wasting your time getting to level 70 just to walk around looking nice? I know it's just a game but isn't the point of a game to have fun? I doubt that those kind of people have much fun standing in the same spot in West Archosaur for hours.

Ranting aside, this is a fun game. Not the best out there but it's free so I won't complain about any gameplay issues. Considering that it only supports itself through people who are willing to pay money for items in the boutique I didn't expect much. Glad to know that Perfect World is much better than I'd expected.
Post edited by Illina - Dreamweaver on


  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1) People who keep hitting on me or ask to carry me. What the hell guys? I'm not interested in pursuing any kind of relationship online so just back off. Besides, how do you know that I'm not some middle aged bald guy in real life? It's gotten so bad that I've been telling anyone who hits on me that I'm a guy.

    I know! D:

    I tell them that I am a guy too.

    Then I Cloud Sprint/Will of the Bodhisatva/Holy Path/Hell Hound.
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    As far as your first point...a lot of random carry invites are for chi.
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • SultryShade - Dreamweaver
    SultryShade - Dreamweaver Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Alrighty, first off, welcome to PWI, glad to see we do still get new people once in awhile. Now to address your points one at a time.

    1) People are morons, and this is the curse of female characters. I always play under the assumption that all players are male despite their character, sadly I seem to be among the few who do so. On the subject of morons, DW seems to have one of the highest populations of pre-teen to teen idiots, or at least from what I've seen, so get used to it, sorry but thats how it is.

    2) Greed, that's all I have to say on that.

    3) Again back to morons, and it really does suck it took you three tries to do that quest, but believe me, once you get into the higher levels that **** happens a lot less.

    4) The thing with armor and accessories is that certain special affects are worth more worth it than others, and the more worth it the less willing you are to part with it. For example, I used the same rings from lvl 33 (or something like that) until 58 when I got better ones, and I won't get rid of those rings until 90, when there are better ones available. I have used three weapons from 30-75 (now), sting of thorns til 50, lotus malevolence til 70, and now dark flash, because the abilities or attack power were good enough to keep that long. I won't get rid of my dark flash til 85 or so, and my calamity axes I may never get rid of, I haven't decided yet. So its not always about the best defense or attack rating (though that usually plays a part), its about the added effects as well.

    I suggest you continue leveling, once you get into your late 30s early 40s the noobs start thinning out, or there is more than one place to level or do quests, so it isn't as noticeable. If you like this game you'll stick with it until it bores you, if you don't you'll simply move on.
    I will not hesitate to beat you over the head with your own stupidity.

    Yes I am a hypocrite.
  • shlomo2
    shlomo2 Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    you could also join the dark side of pw and exploit the poor stalkers. enslave them! i'm a man but i must tell SEVERAL men are pathetic and desearve to be used and then booted.
    I'm King_Solomon, from Heaven's Tear server.

    If you're willing to join another online game, do NOT join any game hosted by K2 NETWORK. Wanna know why? See BBB complaints.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I know! D:

    I tell them that I am a guy too.

    Then I Cloud Sprint/Will of the Bodhisatva/Holy Path/Hell Hound.

    ewwww people hit on your bm? but she looks so...plain...
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    shlomo2 wrote: »
    you could also join the dark side of pw and exploit the poor stalkers. enslave them! i'm a man but i must tell SEVERAL men are pathetic and desearve to be used and then booted.

    do not log in away from home If your IP Is not consistant then you will likly get banned due to it (my thinking is this the account was banned) so the way to fix this is. IS oddly enough to send a ticket in and talk with them as it is odds are you will need to likly do this and send in a Dxdiag file as well as likly a Hijack this file to you can likly find them all at the support section hope man and hope to see ingame again soon b:victory
    (this being if you were playing fair)<==means no cheat hax ect

    If you were this should help you fix that problem it will take time to as well because of the amount of likly problems you created by making that alt account

    sorry to tell ya man but thats how you likely gotta do itb:surrender

    Laterb:bye b:avoid
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • HatedSoul - Sanctuary
    HatedSoul - Sanctuary Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I know! D:

    I tell them that I am a guy too.

    Then I Cloud Sprint/Will of the Bodhisatva/Holy Path/Hell Hound.

    u are a guy =.= LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
    I MISS AYANOb:cryb:sad
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    do not log in away from home If your IP Is not consistant then you will likly get banned due to it (my thinking is this the account was banned) so the way to fix this is. IS oddly enough to send a ticket in and talk with them as it is odds are you will need to likly do this and send in a Dxdiag file as well as likly a Hijack this file to you can likly find them all at the support section hope man and hope to see ingame again soon b:victory
    (this being if you were playing fair)<==means no cheat hax ect

    If you were this should help you fix that problem it will take time to as well because of the amount of likly problems you created by making that alt account

    sorry to tell ya man but thats how you likely gotta do itb:surrender

    Laterb:bye b:avoid

    ...That has nothing to do with anything?
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • HatedSoul - Sanctuary
    HatedSoul - Sanctuary Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Alrighty, first off, welcome to PWI, glad to see we do still get new people once in awhile. Now to address your points one at a time.

    1) People are morons, and this is the curse of female characters. I always play under the assumption that all players are male despite their character, sadly I seem to be among the few who do so. On the subject of morons, DW seems to have one of the highest populations of pre-teen to teen idiots, or at least from what I've seen, so get used to it, sorry but thats how it is.

    2) Greed, that's all I have to say on that.

    3) Again back to morons, and it really does suck it took you three tries to do that quest, but believe me, once you get into the higher levels that **** happens a lot less.

    4) The thing with armor and accessories is that certain special affects are worth more worth it than others, and the more worth it the less willing you are to part with it. For example, I used the same rings from lvl 33 (or something like that) until 58 when I got better ones, and I won't get rid of those rings until 90, when there are better ones available. I have used three weapons from 30-75 (now), sting of thorns til 50, lotus malevolence til 70, and now dark flash, because the abilities or attack power were good enough to keep that long. I won't get rid of my dark flash til 85 or so, and my calamity axes I may never get rid of, I haven't decided yet. So its not always about the best defense or attack rating (though that usually plays a part), its about the added effects as well.

    I suggest you continue leveling, once you get into your late 30s early 40s the noobs start thinning out, or there is more than one place to level or do quests, so it isn't as noticeable. If you like this game you'll stick with it until it bores you, if you don't you'll simply move on.

    Sry to quot all hehe to laizy to delete what i dont want ... but i think all will learn there lesson i did not in this game tho .. ye the char looks good huh almost too good .. peeps realise this half is 14-16 they dun care they will foool u .. be sure of what u do , and i for 1 do not flirt with every girl i see that would be pathetic lawl .. but as this person above me wrote he or she also thinks most are, want good advice trust no1 ppl i knew for years scammed me over .. u cant unless u know m in rl or talk to m personally tru vent skype w/e thats diff then only chatt i guess altho i dont use skype i would recommend before u start loving this online girl that is not the 1 u think she is b:laugh oh wait also here a lil with my ex wify but i do know her from that last game so that could explain allot =O whahah

    consider this there allot of too nice guys .. other guys see this how nice they are for girls ... make girl char fool them allt he time .. get loods millions all equip all allllllll alllllllllllllll and u been foooled big time loololol im 1 of m tho ^^ i bet lelilya is a guy a fat old dude but ah well
    I MISS AYANOb:cryb:sad
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    u are a guy =.= LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

    Yeah, that's why I tell them I'm a guy xD. Honesty.
  • HatedSoul - Sanctuary
    HatedSoul - Sanctuary Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    lolz ... ok haha what u want man or girl xD
    I MISS AYANOb:cryb:sad
  • Shandelzare - Sanctuary
    Shandelzare - Sanctuary Posts: 732 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Sry to quot all hehe to laizy to delete what i dont want ... but i think all will learn there lesson i did not in this game tho .. ye the char looks good huh almost too good .. peeps realise this half is 14-16 they dun care they will foool u .. be sure of what u do , and i for 1 do not flirt with every girl i see that would be pathetic lawl .. but as this person above me wrote he or she also thinks most are, want good advice trust no1 ppl i knew for years scammed me over .. u cant unless u know m in rl or talk to m personally tru vent skype w/e thats diff then only chatt i guess altho i dont use skype i would recommend before u start loving this online girl that is not the 1 u think she is b:laugh oh wait also here a lil with my ex wify but i do know her from that last game so that could explain allot =O whahah

    consider this there allot of too nice guys .. other guys see this how nice they are for girls ... make girl char fool them allt he time .. get loods millions all equip all allllllll alllllllllllllll and u been foooled big time loololol im 1 of m tho ^^ i bet lelilya is a guy a fat old dude but ah well

    That was more painful to read than some of Ayano's posts...
  • ilystah
    ilystah Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1. Wow, you are so lucky, I flirt a lot but only manage to get 1 guy, and none ever trying to hit on me. Also, did they hit on YOU or your character? If it is the second case then there is nothing wrong with it.
    2. Do you hate the greed or the lag due to these greedy people?
    3. Short channeling time meant lesser chance you can cancel the spell when you realize someone hit it first. And don't forget lag which will even revert the KSer and the KS victim. Unless it is very obvious KS (which you should report), you can't straightaway judge people like that.
    4. Sorry to know that your limited knowledge stop you from knowing what people can do to have fun. It does not even take 1 day in library to expand it.
  • ColdSteele - Lost City
    ColdSteele - Lost City Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I think i'm getting these in the right order but here goes

    1. i think it's really weird too. ppl are kinda creepy on games sometimes.

    2. as long as ppl will sell their stuff low to these ppl and others will buy high, these shops will stick around. if ppl didn't pay it, they wouldn't exist.

    3. makes me mad too. join a pvp server, or try to find a secluded area.

    4. for example i can wear 68 rings. i have a 58 3star ring. it gives me extra vitality and dexterity. my 68 ring i've gotten so far just gives me more attack. because of the 3rd star on my 58 it's still almost as much attack as the 68. you have to look beyond the lvl of equips and to the attributes.
    It's too bad but "free to play, pay to win"-sckye

    These "updates" are seeming more and more like downgrades.

    aryannamage: Not PWE GM's they are all greedy b:angry
  • Dicentra - Heavens Tear
    Dicentra - Heavens Tear Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1. When someone holds someone else, the one holding is able to charge up their sparks. At your level, players don't have sparks so you're prolly getting hit on or either that person hasn't held anyone and just wants to see what it looks like.

    2. There are less greedy players out there but its expected when even the npc's pay horribly.

    3. yep, there are jerks out there. I love it when they try and don't succeed. Don't give in to doing as they do. Kill stealing is more frequent at lower levels. There are more areas as you get higher in level to grind on and more variety of mobs. Plus, the players act better imho.

    4. Sometimes its harder to find gear that has the right stats on it. I know I went around for the longest time with a level 30 something shoes since they had really good added stats and I couldn't find a better pair in higher levels. Also some people put alot of coins into adding stones and upgrades to the gear that they really can't find any thing better without putting alot more coins into it.
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1) People who keep hitting on me or ask to carry me. What the hell guys? I'm not interested in pursuing any kind of relationship online so just back off. Besides, how do you know that I'm not some middle aged bald guy in real life? It's gotten so bad that I've been telling anyone who hits on me that I'm a guy.

    Hey there cutie

    2) The player shops in West Archosaur. I have no problems with the lag, it's annoying but not unexpected. What pisses me off are the people who are buying something for 200 coins and at the same time selling the same item for 4000 coins. I don't mind paying for something if I really need it but I refuse to feed such obvious greed. I'd much rather buy from someone buying and selling for a reasonable difference even if I do end up paying a bit more in the end.

    Sounds like a good deal to me

    3) People who steal my kills. I know there's a few other topics on this but I might as well add this in here. Yes, I know that the ranged classes have longer channeling times that I do. I have one of each class at or slightly below my level so I know how 'long' the channeling times are. I check around to make sure that no one else is targeting the monster I'm about to attack so it pisses me off when someone comes in and starts attacking when I already did most of the work.
    I recently had to do a quest to kill wolves, centipedes, and rhinos. There was a one hour time limit on it which should have been more than enough. Because of jackasses deciding to use me as a meat shield and refusing to accept my squad invites, I failed. Twice.

    I never really have a problem with that. Then again I'm an archer and can attack from 30 meters away with a fast attack.

    4) This doesn't really affect me in any way but it bothers me. I like to check out the equipment of higher level players to see what I should be using once I get to their level. Most people have nice stuff, glowing weapons and green/yellow/blue armor.
    Every now and then I'll see someone on one of those giant rides that takes up half the screen and some clothes that I really like so I check what equipment they have. One person had a weapon for level 40, rings for level 20, and armor that ranged from 30 to 70. All fluff with absolutely no substance.
    What's the point of wasting your time getting to level 70 just to walk around looking nice? I know it's just a game but isn't the point of a game to have fun? I doubt that those kind of people have much fun standing in the same spot in West Archosaur for hours.

    There's no rule that says you have to use certain equips.

    Ranting aside, this is a fun game. Not the best out there but it's free so I won't complain about any gameplay issues. Considering that it only supports itself through people who are willing to pay money for items in the boutique I didn't expect much. Glad to know that Perfect World is much better than I'd expected.

    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This is just another newbie rant but there's some things in this game that bother me.

    1) People who keep hitting on me or ask to carry me. What the hell guys? I'm not interested in pursuing any kind of relationship online so just back off. Besides, how do you know that I'm not some middle aged bald guy in real life? It's gotten so bad that I've been telling anyone who hits on me that I'm a guy.
    They just want to build up chi for spark.
    2) The player shops in West Archosaur. I have no problems with the lag, it's annoying but not unexpected. What pisses me off are the people who are buying something for 200 coins and at the same time selling the same item for 4000 coins. I don't mind paying for something if I really need it but I refuse to feed such obvious greed. I'd much rather buy from someone buying and selling for a reasonable difference even if I do end up paying a bit more in the end.
    It has been like since I have been playing consider it to be financial(sp) street of Arch.
    3) People who steal my kills. I know there's a few other topics on this but I might as well add this in here. Yes, I know that the ranged classes have longer channeling times that I do. I have one of each class at or slightly below my level so I know how 'long' the channeling times are. I check around to make sure that no one else is targeting the monster I'm about to attack so it pisses me off when someone comes in and starts attacking when I already did most of the work.
    I recently had to do a quest to kill wolves, centipedes, and rhinos. There was a one hour time limit on it which should have been more than enough. Because of jackasses deciding to use me as a meat shield and refusing to accept my squad invites, I failed. Twice.
    I see your class do this all the time but I do play one as well.It is always best to wait for when there isn't many around.
    4) This doesn't really affect me in any way but it bothers me. I like to check out the equipment of higher level players to see what I should be using once I get to their level. Most people have nice stuff, glowing weapons and green/yellow/blue armor.
    Every now and then I'll see someone on one of those giant rides that takes up half the screen and some clothes that I really like so I check what equipment they have. One person had a weapon for level 40, rings for level 20, and armor that ranged from 30 to 70. All fluff with absolutely no substance.
    What's the point of wasting your time getting to level 70 just to walk around looking nice? I know it's just a game but isn't the point of a game to have fun? I doubt that those kind of people have much fun standing in the same spot in West Archosaur for hours.

    Ranting aside, this is a fun game. Not the best out there but it's free so I won't complain about any gameplay issues. Considering that it only supports itself through people who are willing to pay money for items in the boutique I didn't expect much. Glad to know that Perfect World is much better than I'd expected.

    That person might have change of armour as it maybe its favourite can't say anything about the rings.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Illina - Dreamweaver
    Illina - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ilystah wrote: »
    1. Wow, you are so lucky, I flirt a lot but only manage to get 1 guy, and none ever trying to hit on me. Also, did they hit on YOU or your character? If it is the second case then there is nothing wrong with it.
    2. Do you hate the greed or the lag due to these greedy people?
    3. Short channeling time meant lesser chance you can cancel the spell when you realize someone hit it first. And don't forget lag which will even revert the KSer and the KS victim. Unless it is very obvious KS (which you should report), you can't straightaway judge people like that.
    4. Sorry to know that your limited knowledge stop you from knowing what people can do to have fun. It does not even take 1 day in library to expand it.

    1) That's funny, I don't feel lucky. Does it matter if they were hitting on me or my character? It's creepy and pathetic. I'm starting to regret making my characters female.

    2) I don't mind lag. My computer isn't the best when compared to most others out there but it gets the job done. I expected lag so no, it's not the lag caused by the shops that bothers me.

    3) I assume that KS stands for kill stealing? What would you consider an obvious KS? Standing behind me and waiting until I get the monster's health 1/3 down before starting to cast? Following me around and attacking the same monsters I am? Telling me that it's not their fault that I do so little damage?
    I know that some spells are a little glitchy when you try to cancel them. Like I said before, I have one of each class. I know that gush, pyrogram, stone rain, and plume shot only give you a second to cancel them. I know that even if you cancel an archer's take aim then they still like to fire one last arrow. I'm not talking about someone attacking right after I did. I'm talking about people waiting until I have enough of the monster's health down that they know it won't go running to them before they start attacking. Is that obvious enough or does it only count if they wait until the monster has only a tiny bit of health left?

    4) And how, if I may ask, is standing in the same spot for hours on top of a red lion and wearing fancy clothes in any way fun? I log in, there they are. I grab my quests, there they are. I go out and finish my quests and come back, there they are. I come back from classes and they're still standing in the same spot. I know that they're not sitting at their computers the whole - or even some - of the time but what's the point of logging in just to park your character to show off somewhere?
    Would you please explain how that could be considered "fun" to someone? I apologize for being so uneducated compared to someone as sophisticated as yourself. You see, my narrow idea of fun happens to involve me doing something. Playing soccer, games, guitar, piano, etc. I'm not great at playing soccer or guitar but I enjoy playing. Because I enjoy playing I want to improve in those two activities. I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure that if anyone enjoys doing something then they'll also want to improve themselves in whatever it is that they enjoy.

    Nice attempt at a put down. I'd say it was almost high school level. You brought up a good counter to my third gripe but then ran over that accomplishment with the idiocy in your fourth point.
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    3) People who steal my kills. I know there's a few other topics on this but I might as well add this in here. Yes, I know that the ranged classes have longer channeling times that I do. I have one of each class at or slightly below my level so I know how 'long' the channeling times are. I check around to make sure that no one else is targeting the monster I'm about to attack so it pisses me off when someone comes in and starts attacking when I already did most of the work.
    I recently had to do a quest to kill wolves, centipedes, and rhinos. There was a one hour time limit on it which should have been more than enough. Because of jackasses deciding to use me as a meat shield and refusing to accept my squad invites, I failed. Twice.

    I see the same happen all the time, but more common for me is when someone (90% of the time it's a BM) follows me around and hits my kill a few times simply to leech experience. They don't do enough damage to take drops, or even try to take them, they just use me to get a few points of exp.
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ilystah wrote: »
    Unless it is very obvious KS (which you should report)
    say what? since when do people get reported or get disciplinary action for doing something that they may actually consider to be helpful? It may be someones first MMORPG and they may have no clue as to the whole "KS" concept. Heck.. some players likely dont even do quests the first 15 or so levels and just enjoy themselves randomly running around hitting things.
    1) That's funny, I don't feel lucky. Does it matter if they were hitting on me or my character? It's creepy and pathetic. I'm starting to regret making my characters female.
    although its not a preventative thing for the first go around, you can always Blacklist them if they whisper stuff like that to you. Or do what I do and stay in whisper or party chat mode all the time - thus ignoring the usual mindless banter of WC and Normal chat.
    3)Is that obvious enough or does it only count if they wait until the monster has only a tiny bit of health left?
    well.. if something like that happened - I would certainly find it odd. but you would be the one that gets credit for the kill if you did most of the damage. Someone KS'ing and Leeching is annoying though - like what happened here in this video (actually happened both times I fought Dismal) -
    4) And how, if I may ask, is standing in the same spot for hours on top of a red lion and wearing fancy clothes in any way fun? I log in, there they are. I grab my quests, there they are. I go out and finish my quests and come back, there they are. I come back from classes and they're still standing in the same spot. I know that they're not sitting at their computers the whole - or even some - of the time but what's the point of logging in just to park your character to show off somewhere?
    Would you please explain how that could be considered "fun" to someone? I apologize for being so uneducated compared to someone as sophisticated as yourself. You see, my narrow idea of fun happens to involve me doing something. Playing soccer, games, guitar, piano, etc. I'm not great at playing soccer or guitar but I enjoy playing. Because I enjoy playing I want to improve in those two activities. I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure that if anyone enjoys doing something then they'll also want to improve themselves in whatever it is that they enjoy.

    Nice attempt at a put down. I'd say it was almost high school level. You brought up a good counter to my third gripe but then ran over that accomplishment with the idiocy in your fourth point.

    now this bit here sounds pretty intolerant and uncalled for in my opinion. I do agree with the other points, but this is just ludicrous. simply because you can't understand why someone would want to do that doesn't make it stupid or boring. to be totally honest with you, my first MMO I ever played felt to me more like a chat room that I just so happened to get to play a game in. And this one brings that to life as well. These people who are sitting there on there mounts for a long time may either be AFK or else they may be out of quests, trying to line up a party for a hard quest (there's lots of them in the upper levels) or they may be shootin the breeze with their friends. there's been plenty of times I've sat still and just chatted with people rather than playing the game. sometimes I do both. sometimes I do none and just sit and watch the world go round. pwi has something for everyone. not everyone must do as you do in order to enjoy the game. its not all about doing quests and beating on bosses like they're a bunch 'o pinatas and youre hoping for some candy to drop out of it. Its about enjoying it the way you see fit to. My advice is to worry less about what others do, and just do your thing.
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Make a guy character.
    BMs have a choice of gender, you know. Venomancers are forced to be girls even if they are guys in RL.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
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  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Make a guy character.
    BMs have a choice of gender, you know. Venomancers are forced to be girls even if they are guys in RL.

    It's kinda fun how people always say that Venomancers are the easiest class and make the most money. Well, assuming that it is true, which I wouldn't know of, there's still the downside of playing a female character, which makes some people, such as myself, discard Venomancers as possible characters to play.
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • KeranoWasEmo - Harshlands
    KeranoWasEmo - Harshlands Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    To the OP:

    1) 90% they're just messing with you. They don't want a relationship outside the game, they are just bored. 5% do it to get chi fast. 5% are the sad ones that really take the game seriously.

    2)People know that if you need something badly you will pay as much as they ask for it. Also people know that if you really need money you will give your stuff for peanuts. Welcome to the ideea of commerce...

    3)PvP servers solve the KSer problems. Just plant an axe between his eyes if he KS you.

    4)People like clothes and useless flashy stuff. It's in our nature. So if they want something and have the money they will buy it regardless how much they need other vital things. Let them show off, who cares.

    Anyway PWI is a good game. SO try to enjoy it.b:cuteb:bye

    PS. My last statement in my siggy is not to be taken seriously.b:cute
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <--Little siggy.b:pleased
    Server: Harshlands (PvP)
    Started: 9-11-2009
    Class: Cleric (hybrid-vit. build)
    Pet: Emoticon (antelope)
    Kills (Pk only): 0
    Death (Pk only): 0
    Ladies embraced b:pleased: 0
  • Kedth - Sanctuary
    Kedth - Sanctuary Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1) Because they are stupid

    2) Get used to it, free commerce

    3) Get used to it, archers and venos are expert on ksing

    4) Because they want to, ppl is free and that way we can make money

    Peace b:victory
  • Xeian - Dreamweaver
    Xeian - Dreamweaver Posts: 720 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1) Because they are stupid

    2) Get used to it, free commerce

    3) Get used to it, archers and venos are expert on ksing

    4) Because they want to, ppl is free and that way we can make money

    Peace b:victory
    veno has a long cast time for sme of their spells, I get KS'd alot actually..
  • Kedth - Sanctuary
    Kedth - Sanctuary Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    From my experience watching a veno steal mobs from you with pet when you are doing AoE grind quietly in your zone (without doing mass AoE when other ppl is around) its sooooo classic.
  • Damewort - Sanctuary
    Damewort - Sanctuary Posts: 573 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Make a guy character.
    BMs have a choice of gender, you know. Venomancers are forced to be girls even if they are guys in RL.

    One of reasons Venos get hit on less. Possibilities of veno being a guy is too huge to try to hit on them. I would guess that around 50-75% of venos are guys. For other classes the % of chance that behind character is opposite sex is smaller.

    I have 2 venos - I have gotten "random hit-ons" only two or three times on both accounts together. In same time my BM gets hit on quite often. Just for lulz - my barb gets hit on the most. Why barbs aren't complaining about random girls asking for rides?

    As for those who stay in the same spot all the time - they actually might be afk. I have a friend who leaves for night without logging out or setting catshop. She just leaves her character in the closest city.
  • ilystah
    ilystah Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Regarding point 4: the game have no defined goal, so everyone who play the game are free to make goal for themselves. They either define goal that are fun to achieve, or fun in the process of achieving, or both; or they can play without goal. I find nothing fun in killing 100 monster of the same type using the same macro, yet I find it much more fun to explore the world, or walk around in nice outfit, which many people don't find fun. If you don't find it fun it's fine, but complaining that other people find it fun is not fine. Your limited knowledge is obvious from the fact that you don't understand why they find it fun, all you need is to read some game design or psychology book to know that.
    Regarding point 1: there is a different between hitting on the character and the player. Hitting on the character is normal, just like how girl in real life get hit on by guy, if you don't want just refuse. Hitting on player is different, because it is dangerous not distinguish between real and fiction.
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    4) And how, if I may ask, is standing in the same spot for hours on top of a red lion and wearing fancy clothes in any way fun? I log in, there they are. I grab my quests, there they are. I go out and finish my quests and come back, there they are. I come back from classes and they're still standing in the same spot. I know that they're not sitting at their computers the whole - or even some - of the time but what's the point of logging in just to park your character to show off somewhere?
    Would you please explain how that could be considered "fun" to someone? I apologize for being so uneducated compared to someone as sophisticated as yourself. You see, my narrow idea of fun happens to involve me doing something. Playing soccer, games, guitar, piano, etc. I'm not great at playing soccer or guitar but I enjoy playing. Because I enjoy playing I want to improve in those two activities. I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure that if anyone enjoys doing something then they'll also want to improve themselves in whatever it is that they enjoy.

    If you're trying to level a mount, you have to ride it. So people sitting on mounts may be trying to level it and just afk so it will be as fast as it can be.

    Also, there's more to the game than leveling up. I've found myself hovering in the air seemingly doing nothing...but I was actually chatting with my faction ingame. Maybe I just didn't feel like killing things at that time. That doesn't mean I'm not having fun, and that certainly doesn't mean you should PM me and ask me why I'm not doing enough for you to be "satisfied" with my performance in the game.
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • chipsing1234
    chipsing1234 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Why do so many think random carry invites are just for chi? It's almost like you guys are trying to display knowledge you think the thread opener doesn't know instead of giving a reasonable answer.
    In my experience, people have always asked verbally or said "chi" before asking to embrace. The other times random females have asked to embrace me, they showed signs of hitting on me after that (random kissing, etc). So why do you think a random invite to embrace is so often for chi only? Maybe I just havent gotten enough invites for a large sample size, but I don't think that's the primary reason everyone's making it to be. Not to mention that reason would be rude in the first place.