Level of satisfaction with the customer service.

Davechapelle - Sanctuary
Davechapelle - Sanctuary Posts: 86 Arc User
edited August 2009 in General Discussion
I just finished reading the thread regarding the bonus zen sale that ended early and it prompted me to make this thread...why you ask?

I find that the lack of sympathy from the GMs quite unacceptable. I didn't see anything resembling 'We are very sorry about this and we will try our best so things like this won't happen again".

Yet when players inquire about the status of their ticket, they get their heads bitten off and handed back to them by the GMs. Keeping in mind that this mess was created by PWI in the first place, i find this behavior quite appalling.

In my opinion, it's high time that PWI starts taking responsibility for its actions. So I'm hoping other players will contribute to this thread and post things that they wish to see change in the customer service of this game, because it really is a great game :).

Disclaimer: The above is purely my opinion based on what I see, I hope that this thread won't get locked and that both the player base and GMs can contribute and learn from this.
Post edited by Davechapelle - Sanctuary on


  • Mizorie - Lost City
    Mizorie - Lost City Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    INB4LCK b:shocked
    Dalamaar: Mizorie you have no soul.
  • Soho - Lost City
    Soho - Lost City Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I actually find the customer service here 100x better than some other MMO's I could mention. I sent in a ticket the other day and got a reply back within a couple of hours. On other MMO's people wait months for simple replies like I needed.

    So, no complaints from me.


  • Fellinia - Dreamweaver
    Fellinia - Dreamweaver Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    1 vote for satisfied. I agree with the above sentiment that this game has some of the best staff-player communication I've seen in the last few years. If a staff member doesn't come on and adress something, which is fairly quick, it is at least a mod trying to take care of things. I can't remember the last game forum I ever looked at that the mods were worth a damn. The only reason I didn't vote higher would be a few too many problems in the "mishaps and shenanigans" department. (ie: sales ending early, etc)
  • ChronicDose - Harshlands
    ChronicDose - Harshlands Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The GM's job is not to be your friend, it is to solve the problem.
    In every situation where I have contacted a GM through ticket or Live support, I was unhappy in only one out of probably 20+ situations.
    In general the GM's in PWI do their job well, efficiently and listen to your problem and do their best to solve it.
    Props to the GMs
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Highly Satisfied here...no ticket incidents for me...and the GM's are quite friendly here, even entertaining us sometimes during maintenance...which there SHOULD have been last Tuesday...


    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • ThommiX - Lost City
    ThommiX - Lost City Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Satisfied. They can always be better ;)

    This game still has best customer service i've ever seen in any mmo during my years of playing.

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    -Lost city-
  • TheGoliath - Heavens Tear
    TheGoliath - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I don't care if GMs are idiots or rude till they do their job right
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    this game is the best 1 by a long shot......ewen with gold prices
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Raydoit - Sanctuary
    Raydoit - Sanctuary Posts: 377 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Bonus zen should last a week not a few days.

    I'm neutral as far as buying zen goes.

    See its black and white now. It means I quit! How poetic and stuff.
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    We're learning from this experience but we definitely agree b:victory and are already aware. What's done is done so for now we just have to work with the situation. We don't mind doing a little cleanup every now and then, but we'll be triple checking sales durations from now on.

    So nobody ever said they didn't learn from this? They are sorry and are doing their best to work with everyone to sort this out. With so many players though it will take some time.
  • Davechapelle - Sanctuary
    Davechapelle - Sanctuary Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    So nobody ever said they didn't learn from this? They are sorry and are doing their best to work with everyone to sort this out. With so many players though it will take some time.

    Sorry but that doesn't sound very apologetic to me. But that might just be me.
  • Desiree - Harshlands
    Desiree - Harshlands Posts: 635 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Forum moderation is great. Ticket replying is great. GM activity on the servers is so-so, depending on the server (obviously being a GM on either LC or HL is much harder than on the other servers). GM honesty, however, is uterly lacking and completely disappointing. Just look at the "Rising Gold Prices" sticky (edit: whoops, forgot they removed the "sticky" status of the thread after it reached over 20 pages of complaining). It really isn't hard to come out (and it is perfectly acceptable) to either say "our company is currently experiencing minor financial troubles in this economic recession, so we are having such sales in order to be able to keep maintaining the high quality of service we've always been offering" or even "we're sorry, we did not expect such consequences of the recent updates - we are aware of the negative impacts of the event on the gold prices in the auction house and doing our best in talking to the devs and looking into a way to fix the mishap". Professional and acceptable. Unfortunately, the higher ups don't seem to be willing to admit mistakes, even with the extreme and highly visible level of community dissatisfaction. I would also want to bring up Lost City's Harpy Wraith incidence, but I would prefer not to get forum-banned like the others who tried bringing it up and becoming silenced. In the end though, an official investigation was undertaken, although I did not follow the results/community acceptance before moving to Harshlands.
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    It's unfortunate that the game is developed the way it is. I see GMs here as having a LOT of frustration in that they:

    1) have no say in how the game in actually developed
    2) can only pass back problems to the devs, and hope that their emails are even read
    3) can't tell people on the forums due to non-disclosure agreements (been there, signed that)
    4) have to do the mopping up anyway.

    Considering all that, I'm pretty satisfied. The only 2 tickets I ever sent in were answered promptly and the forum moderation is pretty decent. I won't rate on developer quality, because GMs aren't responsible for any of that here.
  • nederlandse
    nederlandse Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    i have to agree, this is by far the best f2p mmo i've tried, and while i didn't give the others enough time to need to test out customer service, i'd probably be safe to assume the staff here are by and large exemplary in how customer service reps should be... i've had multiple ticket problems myself (mostly just minor things that i honestly shouldn't bother them with b:chuckle) but all my tickets were responded to within 15-30 minutes, and the entire problem was solved 100% of the time within the hour.. not to mention the GMs were extremely understanding and patient with my asinine requests b:laugh

    1 vote for pure satisfaction b:pleased

    l\led, Level 4x Barbarian, Dreamweaver
    b:sad Had to leave his home in Kinetic b:sad
    (that's lower-case "L" btw)
    I love all these people who look at my level
    and assume I'm some nub that doesn't know
    what he's talking about... Sorry, I've been
    around since the East Coast servers launched.
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Why, no! I think our GM's and Moderators are wonderful!



    \GM's have been good to me in-game, if not overloaded
    \\always assumed from response time 1 GM covers all servers 8-5 weekdays
    \\\absolutely *delighted* with our mods in the forum. Trolls here are discouraged.

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Forum moderation is great. Ticket replying is great. GM activity on the servers is so-so, depending on the server (obviously being a GM on either LC or HL is much harder than on the other servers).

    This I would have to 100% agree with you. In terms of GM presence, I know they say that the GM's are "everywhere" and that is fine. But they are very, very rarely "seen." Also, it would seem as though some servers have "perks" that others do not....the most recent "unofficial" event put on in only one server. Hmmmm...that is something that the other servers want to see....

    It really isn't hard to come out (and it is perfectly acceptable) to either say "our company is currently experiencing minor financial troubles in this economic recession, so we are having such sales in order to be able to keep maintaining the high quality of service we've always been offering" or even "we're sorry, we did not expect such consequences of the recent updates - we are aware of the negative impacts of the event on the gold prices in the auction house and doing our best in talking to the devs and looking into a way to fix the mishap". Professional and acceptable.

    In all honesty, why would they say this. The company as a whole is gaining and in terms of the Gold Prices = It is a free market. It is the greediness of select people that drive (and keep up prices) and more so it is the buyers whom are willing to pay the price. If people did not buy the Gold at those prices, then they would not be that high.

    Unfortunately, the higher ups don't seem to be willing to admit mistakes, even with the extreme and highly visible level of community dissatisfaction.

    I think a better term is frustration.

    I agree with your points but I also disagree with some.

    I think the issue right now is....and for whatever reason....the Dev's are adding all of this new stuff in a WAY short period of time b:surrender

    As such, there is not enough time to "cool-down" from the previous additions. The players are being inundated with sale after sale and new item release after new item release. Is it a Zhen purchaser dream? Most likely....but for the many who do not have the means nor the desire, feel the crunch the most. This is where the frustration comes from. It APPEARS as though the game would be edging closer and closer to a F2P that you have to P2P....lol.

    I have gone back and forth with Customer Service on a few things, but I can say that at least they were constructive in nature (regardless of whether I liked the end result or not) and they always responded.

    I think the most frustration people feel are from in-game glitches, that have nothing to do with the GM's....unless you need them in-game to help b:surrender (this I have never gotten, even after going through all correct steps)
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Sorry but that doesn't sound very apologetic to me. But that might just be me.

    Want me to go warm a bottle for u?

    I mean come on what u do u want they admit a mistake was made and they will do everythign they can to prevent it
  • Centetric - Lost City
    Centetric - Lost City Posts: 1,528 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    this game has amazing customer service. For the amount of work they have to do daily the customer service is outstanding
    So nobody ever said they didn't learn from this? They are sorry and are doing their best to work with everyone to sort this out. With so many players though it will take some time.

    EDIT: whoa i havent seen aryannamage post in general discussion in a long time :O

    "Through the darkness light can always emerge, it is only when the unwilling come upon this light that fear takes over. Emerging from this darkness takes more then courage, it takes faith in ones own mind and more importantly in ones own heart. To deny the light is to deny yourself the feeling of true happiness and true peace within your own soul. Denying your own happiness and your own soul is denying all that one has to live for."
  • Jonnykins - Dreamweaver
    Jonnykins - Dreamweaver Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Forum moderation is great. Ticket replying is great.

    Yep that customer service is great.
    GM activity on the servers is so-so, depending on the server (obviously being a GM on either LC or HL is much harder than on the other servers).

    GM activity on servers =/= customer service, I would class this a PR work. I would rather there be GMs replying to emails and such, I'm sure they are busy than just to stand around on the servers going 'Hay dudes'.

    Some ingame involvement is good, but jobs are busy you can't have fun all the time.
    GM honesty, however, is uterly lacking and completely disappointing. Just look at the "Rising Gold Prices" sticky (edit: whoops, forgot they removed the "sticky" status of the thread after it reached over 20 pages of complaining). It really isn't hard to come out (and it is perfectly acceptable) to either say "our company is currently experiencing minor financial troubles in this economic recession, so we are having such sales in order to be able to keep maintaining the high quality of service we've always been offering" or even "we're sorry, we did not expect such consequences of the recent updates - we are aware of the negative impacts of the event on the gold prices in the auction house and doing our best in talking to the devs and looking into a way to fix the mishap". Professional and acceptable. Unfortunately, the higher ups don't seem to be willing to admit mistakes, even with the extreme and highly visible level of community dissatisfaction.

    The Jolly Jones event, oh ye. The event that was stated on the first page with the words 'It has helped the gold prices before', hence it is tried again thing. So what it didn't work, also if they took it out early you would've had even more complaints. This is kinda what annoys me, people choose to rant their heads off when its not required. It didn't work as well as they wanted too. Also please note EVERYONE complained during the event, they didn't see what the aftermath was, nevermind being patient and waiting.

    So to ease the threads being made, they made a thread for people to post in.

    In this case people need to read the first post and also engage their brains when you rant about such things and to be calm.

    But the event didn't end how they predicted, they messed up so what GM's are human, people make mistakes
    I would also want to bring up Lost City's Harpy Wraith incidence, but I would prefer not to get forum-banned like the others who tried bringing it up and becoming silenced. In the end though, an official investigation was undertaken, although I did not follow the results/community acceptance before moving to Harshlands.

    Wasn't here when that happened, but it seems exploiting happened by the sounds of it not too clever.
    It's unfortunate that the game is developed the way it is. I see GMs here as having a LOT of frustration in that they:

    1) have no say in how the game in actually developed
    2) can only pass back problems to the devs, and hope that their emails are even read
    3) can't tell people on the forums due to non-disclosure agreements (been there, signed that)
    4) have to do the mopping up anyway.

    They have their say I'm sure because the GM's aren't treating the company as a hotel are they, they get bugs fixed and give us all patch notes to look at so we can tell ourselves whats being done.

    Considering all that, I'm pretty satisfied. The only 2 tickets I ever sent in were answered promptly and the forum moderation is pretty decent. I won't rate on developer quality, because GMs aren't responsible for any of that here.

    Well ye, not seen too bad of an update really for me
  • Absoluth - Heavens Tear
    Absoluth - Heavens Tear Posts: 764 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Great to see all the positive replies here. Clearly when you're making alot of money, you can pay a decent staff to handle costumer support. Ill just ask each of you to do a simple thing: Send in a ticket about the venomancer pet damage glitch (bugged fleshream on pvp or general damage vs skull bosses) and see if the problem gets fixed.
    "Free to play. Pay to win"

  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    b:chuckleoh we all know the answer to that
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Ill just ask each of you to do a simple thing: Send in a ticket about the venomancer pet damage glitch (bugged fleshream on pvp or general damage vs skull bosses) and see if the problem gets fixed.

    b:surrenderPlease don't, it's been reported multiple times, so at this point it is out of our hands, no need to waste your time sending an e-mail about it
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Great to see all the positive replies here. Clearly when you're making alot of money, you can pay a decent staff to handle costumer support. Ill just ask each of you to do a simple thing: Send in a ticket about the venomancer pet damage glitch (bugged fleshream on pvp or general damage vs skull bosses) and see if the problem gets fixed.

    Take your QQ to the 1000 Nix threads already out there.

    Atleast if your gonna start your post off positive try to be consistent and end it better.

    BTW, I have had fast response times while ingame and am very happy how the GM's do in-game.

    Keep up the good work.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    b:surrenderPlease don't, it's been reported multiple times, so at this point it is out of our hands, no need to waste your time sending an e-mail about it

    See people u might not get the answer u want but at least they listen and try

    I love you GMs b:cute (now give me free stuff or ill send my love away)
  • Starrr - Harshlands
    Starrr - Harshlands Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    9 for GM response time
    -10 for GM honesty

    they lie all the time saying they will punish people yet nothing ever happens to the offenders.

    @spoons you cant deny this. i have received 20 different emails saying action has been taken and none of the people reported were ever banned ever.

    just be honest and say we are not going to do anything instead of claiming action has been taken. also quit posting threads on the forum saying actions are bannable when you never ban the offenders.
    Staring at the wall is much more rewarding than playing PW.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    9 for GM response time
    -10 for GM honesty

    they lie all the time saying they will punish people yet nothing ever happens to the offenders.

    @spoons you cant deny this. i have received 20 different emails saying action has been taken and none of the people reported were ever banned ever.

    just be honest and say we are not going to do anything instead of claiming action has been taken. also quit posting threads on the forum saying actions are bannable when you never ban the offenders.

    We do not discuss disciplinary action with anyone other than the account holder, so I'm not sure where you're getting your information. Making blanket accusations on the forums like this is not allowed. We invite constructive criticism, not finger pointing.

    There's no way to confirm your statements, since it has to do with private information, so I'm not quite sure what you expect me to say.
  • Kannone - Heavens Tear
    Kannone - Heavens Tear Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    In every case where I've had a *noobeh* barb get stuck right before rebirth run b:angry the GMs have been great, like within seconds of requesting help they've been there.

    When I had a paypal problem they were right on it, like i'd expect any business to be.

    To the naysayers: this game is here for entertainment purposes; if you are not entertained by the services offered by Perfect World Entertainment, then why still here? I dunno about you; but I have no problems walking out of stupid movies or leaving theme parks, fairs, dates, etc. when they are no longer fun/entertaining.

    Everything except money and **** has diminishing returns, when you've had too much- go for a walk?
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    so far all my tickets have been answered or saw effects later. Im not unhappy.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'm satisfied with customer service. Everything I've asked has been taken care of in a timely manner. Not so satisfied with the way you guys have to be vague about important things, though. Such as when our Chip prices went up, and we were informed that it was due to Bounty Hunter. And then later only found out that it was for level 100s only... I know you said Highest Tier... But that's kinda vague in the sense that quite a few people would consider Highest Tier to be anything after Sage/Demon.
  • TheGoliath - Heavens Tear
    TheGoliath - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I will probably burn 100$ on teles and spam till I get banned if they someday fix that flesh ream