same sex marriage? o.o
Tigriss - Heavens Tear wrote: »I only Trust the one constant I found and thats the 10 commandments.
b:chuckleBe kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.0 -
People are too touchy and prude over here it seems - lighten up for hell's sake - morals ingame...
If i were to shout at you for being X across the street would you really come to me and go on a rant?0 -
lol people in this game would.
buttkisser post:i dont think that its a subject that belongs in a game, it should be left out to remain neutral on the topic, as if it raises the flag supporting either, it just erupts into argument.
im tolerant of the lifestyle, but i dont think its appropriate on grounds of religions, morals of parents, and what their children should be exposed to against their will. until its a unified front, i dont want to see it in PW.
my real opinion:
i really dont give a damn what they think is 'equal,' theyre a bunch of people living a specific life choice, trying to shove it down our throats to accept it, just as bad as the christians who throw it in our faces to reject it (which is totally opposite of how they should behave according to their book) **** need to gtfo, just as much as the christians do.0 -
As if any ranting on the forums will change anything but their postcount - i hope some mod is atleast killing time with this thread.0
Same sex marriage should not be allowed in the game, i have little problem with **** but too many kids play online and it being allowed on a MMO would give them the impression its normal for people from the same sex to have that kind of a relationship, male and female have x and y parts for reason, i dont give a dam if you believe you were born ****, your just stupid.0
Saitada - Sanctuary wrote: »1. I have as much right to be on these forums as you. And I'm smarter.
2. Pot, meet kettle. Funny, same color.
3. That is the plan.
Have a nice day Cupcake.
P.S. When your IQ catches up to your age, please let me know.
You do have as much right to be here as anyone; IF (big if) you follow the same forum rules we are all asked to follow. In all your posts I saw at least 10 of them you broke. I'm shocked you are even still allowed to post.
How do you know you are smarter than someone else based upon views you have of the world? That does not indicate intelligence. I have a fairly high iq of 130. However; when it comes to street smarts I'm kind of naive. Your arrogance is staggering. Whatever cards life has dealt you that has made you so bitter, I wish you could face up against and change. Its awful.Saitada - Sanctuary wrote: »god Exists
*How do you know*
because my book/preacher/belief says he/she/it/moo does
*Who wrote your book*
god did
*How do you know*
my book/preacher/belief says he/she/it/moo did
*Did you see god write this book*
no, but my book/preacher/belief says he/she/it/moo did so I believe it
lol um sure ok.
We are all allowed to believe/think what we want. As much as you are upset that this person is trying (as you say) push their religion down your throat you are in the same token trying to convince them their belief is false. You were right, pot meet kettle. In my world when you don't like something someone does, then turn around and do it yourself; that makes you a hypocrite.
There are plenty of people outside of religion that do NOT believe that being **** is right. So please do not assume its just those who practice religion. And insulting them b/c of their religion is also not relevant. Calling someone a nut job just b/c they believe different than you is absurd.Tigriss - Heavens Tear wrote: »How about this. Everyone STFU about religion. To beleivers keep your religion to yourself.
There are far too many religions out there. I don't push mine on you don't push yours on me. About the same sex marrage thing. Every religion has marrage. How do christians and jews know the person wanting to get married doesn't worship a god that allows it. Who are you to tell someone can't do something just because you don't beleive in it? I say christians and jews cause they are the ones that mostly argue this subject. The fact is this game is based in a time B4 abraham, and a place that still Has very little fallowers of your religion residing in it. So your religiouse beleifes have no place here. Keep them out of my game and off my forums.
Oh to clerify what i mean about when the game is set. Its basicly made up of chineese mythology. so ancient china is its setting as far as i see it.
I agree with a lot of the posts on here, but lets look at this from a different point of view unbiased shall we:?
I am an adult in age. I am between 25-35I don't like all the world chats that get nasty, are about inappropriate things (as far as I'm concerned), and things that have nothing to do with the game. I may or may not be a religious person but there is a reason these things do not belong here.
As fast as the nasties submit their nastiness on the world chat I should equally be allowed (if I so choose) to talk about my religion. If you are going to slam your lewdness down my throat and make me choke on it, why can't I submit my religion on world chat as well and make you choke on it too? See it goes both ways.
This is why NEITHER thing belongs here. This is why the rules in the forum state we are not to talk about them here. Because it causes controversy and it also causes flames and trolling.
To sit here and say that we can't talk about religion, politics/ and then for you to talk about same sex marriage and sex and nasty talk is hypocrisy. I don't want to hear about your things no more than you want to hear about mine.
AND THAT IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT CUPCAKE! Get over your lewd attitude and bitterness or I'm going to submit a ticket myself. All I see you doing on here is flaming and trolling (aimed toward the cupcake girl). You made a statement that you would do this and spoons asked you to keep it within reason. You have crossed a line in this entire thread).
And as for my thoughts on **** marriage it should be tossed out the window, as well as regular marriage in this game. I don't feel either have a place here.
Although it would be nice if 2 ppl of the same sex could ride a mount. Not carrying each other of course. In real life I see this on horses and the like.0 -
This thread needs to be deleted.
End of discussion.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International
b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye0 -
I'm guessing the GMs are off today. Otherwise this would have been locked ages ago. This whole thread has gone way too far.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Saitada is still here for the same reason I'm still here. We know how far we can push the rules B4 we get ourselves banned. Saitada's cupcake thing is just a saying she uses. Doubt you ticket will get anywhere cause the cupcake thing isnt directed at 1 specific person. She just calls everyone cupcake.
Honestly I'm not trying to push anything down your throat. Name one thing I honestly tried to push down your throat. I don't talk about my religion. I never said make same sex marrage a feature. All I'm doing is Stateing facts. And maybe a little trolling. The samesex marrage thing. I think if they allow regular they should allow it for equallity. Id prefer no marrage tho. I don't see the point of marrying in a game. How often have you seen me say anything on WC??? The thing is Chat is chat and it don't have anything to do with the game. If you dont like world chat You can turn it off. Just like if you don't like what we say on here you don't have to read it. If it offends you move the hell on.
Oh I'm and adult age between 25-35. Your friggin point is??? Ive been looking at everything from and unbiased point of view. I came to one conclusion. I'm gonna quote saitada on this.
Jesus Friggen Christ On A Pogo Stick Your A Mass of Friggen Idiots.
I take it your pretty much new OneHott arn't you. Trust me most of us on here know what we can and can not get away with."Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
Thankies Crystalynnex0 -
Tearvalerin - Sanctuary wrote: »but those, and the laws of moses were considered invalid and no longer the way, hence their name, 'the old covenant.' christ's death is supposedly a new covenant between man and god for a new way to live lives, making all that junk in like exodus and leviticus no longer law for the jews. its all in hebrews ;o.
Always making stuff up, aren't you?
Matt 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
That means that all the sex slavery, genital mutilation, racism, genocide, and female oppression rules are endorsed by Jesus. The false Apostle Paul is the one that contradicts the laws: not Jesus.Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.0 -
Tigriss - Heavens Tear wrote: »@OneHott
Saitada is still here for the same reason I'm still here. We know how far we can push the rules B4 we get ourselves banned. Saitada's cupcake thing is just a saying she uses. Doubt you ticket will get anywhere cause the cupcake thing isnt directed at 1 specific person. She just calls everyone cupcake.
Honestly I'm not trying to push anything down your throat. Name one thing I honestly tried to push down your throat. I don't talk about my religion. I never said make same sex marrage a feature. All I'm doing is Stateing facts. And maybe a little trolling. The samesex marrage thing. I think if they allow regular they should allow it for equallity. Id prefer no marrage tho. I don't see the point of marrying in a game. How often have you seen me say anything on WC??? The thing is Chat is chat and it don't have anything to do with the game. If you dont like world chat You can turn it off. Just like if you don't like what we say on here you don't have to read it. If it offends you move the hell on.
Oh I'm and adult age between 25-35. Your friggin point is??? Ive been looking at everything from and unbiased point of view. I came to one conclusion. I'm gonna quote saitada on this.
Jesus Friggen Christ On A Pogo Stick Your A Mass of Friggen Idiots.
Tigriss very little of my post was directed at you. And I couldn't remember HOW to spell her name so I just called her the cupcake girl as I've noticed its a saying she uses and that she'd pick up it was meant for her.0 -
ok Well this thread has me kinda steamed and easy to rant so just ignore me anyways."Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
Thankies Crystalynnex0 -
You two just want to drag people into a debate. All I want is to shut down an offensive thread that's trashing the forums. Someone already showed that religious discussions are not allowed. Get over it. This is all ridiculous. Have you asked yourself why you care so much about trying to prove that God doesn't exist? That's a question for you to answer in your own time... not here in the PWI forums.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
I'm not trying to prove god don't exist. I'm just trying to say you cant trust everything to read in the bible or the church for that matter."Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
Thankies Crystalynnex0 -
I agree with Baraya, religious beliefs and sexual preferences are not game related. Stop taking advantage of the GMs being off on weekends to get your trolling and flaming out.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International
b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye0 -
Actually sexual preferences is game related cause of the Embrace and marrage functions.
But on a side note I didn't start the religiouse **** anyways I just jumpped into it cause i was bored. So Bugger Off.
Risen you are high enough lvl to know we do this stuff weither or not the GMs are here. The threads just run longer when they arnt here. Them being off on the weekends got nothing to do with it."Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
Thankies Crystalynnex0 -
Baraya - Dreamweaver wrote: »Someone already showed that religious discussions are not allowed. Get over it.
There's a lot that isn't allowed but yet is being permitted all over the forums such as the religion advertisement in the Guild forum, or the constant personal attacks and insults from time wasters like tearvalerin.This is all ridiculous. Have you asked yourself why you care so much about trying to prove that God doesn't exist?
When your God is behind the enslavement of people for having a different appearance, or endorses sex slavery, or demands infant genital mutilation, or instructs on female oppression, demands the killing of homosexuals, herbalists, and so called adulterers, or influenced the land grabbing in the USA, Australia, and Palestine, then we have a problem with your God. I don't need to prove to someone that their God exists when they can't provide a sliver of evidence that he/she does. The real issue is the results of that belief which are the cause of most of the atrocities in the world.Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.0 -
Baraya - Dreamweaver wrote: »You two just want to drag people into a debate. All I want is to shut down an offensive thread that's trashing the forums. Someone already showed that religious discussions are not allowed. Get over it. This is all ridiculous. Have you asked yourself why you care so much about trying to prove that God doesn't exist? That's a question for you to answer in your own time... not here in the PWI forums.
I agree completely. But this is what makes the world go round. We all have different beliefs, opinions and theories. But this is way out of hand. I don't specifically like jello. To call everyone stupid and insult them because they don't would be idiocy. It goes the same way with anything else in life. You can not condemn one person because their views are different than yours.
PWI has really (I feel) been very productive in trying to keep out things that are potentially upsetting to the community as a whole. With the exception of world chat which just seems to keep getting worse and worse. But they are working on it, it just takes time. It would be stupidity for them to implement something in the game that would cause more problems than it would solve.
Yes ****/lesbians are everywhere. We all know this. "protecting" as someone put it our children from seeing it on a game doesn't change this. However; for those who don't like it, they simply can choose to stay away from **** bars, or other places that **** ppl frequent. Even so much as wal mart you can get away from them. Most people who play this game do so several hours a day. The last thing the company wants to do is cut their player base in half due to a decision that may or may not make 1/3 of the playerbase happy. I don't pay to go to the park, if I seen someone there who was **** I could leave. (not saying I would, just technically speaking). On this game, we pay to play it if we use cash shop at all or buy items in game that are bought with cs gold. Just think how much money would be lost if everyone who was angered by the idea left? They really gotta think about their company as a whole.
This is another reason I said, toss marriage completely out. However; right now its making them money too. So meh, who knows. Either way...
Your efforts would be far better put to use in the real world. Cause after all that is where it really matters right? No need to fight about it here, b/c you won't change anything in the real world where you live/0 -
If it hasn't been mentioned already. Just have both parties make an opposite gender character with the same name + a hard to see add on to the name. Then just do marriage twice. Most people won't be able to tell the difference. They do it often enough in other versions.0
There's a lot that isn't allowed but yet is being permitted all over the forums such as the religion advertisement in the Guild forum, or the constant personal attacks and insults from time wasters like tearvalerin.
THIS is my main issue. Its being permitted. Trolling and Flaming and vulgar language specifically state they are against the TOS. However when ppl are doing it even when Gm's are here it remains.
Religion Advertisement? What kind? Is it a guild or an actual advertisement? Just wondering. And yes, the personal attacks and insults are far too much, however; they aren't just from one person.0 -
If you want to get this thread locked up fast you better mention Ai** somehow and mix it with the religion.0
It's not getting locked till either monday or if a mod decides to cheak up on us. Rarely happens on the weekend unless something is going on ingame like server crash or something.
You could always ignore it and let it go to the 2nd page you know. You all that want it locked are acxtually the ones keeping it alive. I dont read a post unless someone else post something."Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
Thankies Crystalynnex0 -
OneHottShot - Heavens Tear wrote: »Religion Advertisement? What kind?
- a link to a site
When I brought up how offensive it was, it was my post that was removed. (censored).
It's pretty obvious when a woman is used as a symbol for the Christian church which happens to be the only choice for Venos, a Khazarian star is seen under her when healing her pet slave who happens to be a beast (subordinate race) that this game itself is littered with hints of religious racism.Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.0 -
- a link to a site
When I brought up how offensive it was, it was my post that was removed. (censored).
It's pretty obvious when a woman is used as a symbol for the Christian church which happens to be the only choice for Venos, a Khazarian star is seen under her when healing her pet slave who happens to be a beast (subordinate race) that this game itself is littered with hints of religious racism.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
- a link to a site
When I brought up how offensive it was, it was my post that was removed. (censored).
It's pretty obvious when a woman is used as a symbol for the Christian church which happens to be the only choice for Venos, a Khazarian star is seen under her when healing her pet slave who happens to be a beast (subordinate race) that this game itself is littered with hints of religious racism.
Actually it was put in the right spot, guild banter. Thats what her guild is about. Its not any differnt than the guild that was allowed to use the word Condom as their guild name. I find that just as offensive. However; if it initially was in a different topic yes it would have been in the wrong spot. But I will respond the same way people tell me to... turn forum chat off if you dont wanna see it!(thats what ppl tell me about wc)Neither is right. There should be some kind of happy medium, but its not being met.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
This content has been removed.
Always making stuff up, aren't you?
Matt 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
That means that all the sex slavery, genital mutilation, racism, genocide, and female oppression rules are endorsed by Jesus. The false Apostle Paul is the one that contradicts the laws: not Jesus.
read the entire chapter reta rd; first is the beautitudes, then comes an entire paragraph of abiding by and fufilling law, that anyone who does otherwise and tells others to will not enter the kingdom of heaven (AKA false apostles.)
other verses that show otherwise to your BS in matt ch 5:
27"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'[e] 28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.
You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'[g] 39But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 41If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor[h] and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven
the book of hebrews also explains the need for a high priest, and to sacrifice a lamb to god, and having the HP be their only liason is no longer valid, as christ is there to fufill that role forever as a high priest in the line of melchisedek.
you are the idiot who makes things up, kthx?0 -
I much prefere QQ threads and spam threads than u blabbering about bible or whatever
bring this to another forum or PMs[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Tearvalerin - Sanctuary wrote: »thats exactly what happy bunny was doing, misconstruing things to meet your own purpose. you have to take the entirety of the text or its meaning becomes worthless.
read the entire chapter reta rd; first is the beautitudes, then comes an entire paragraph of abiding by and fufilling law, that anyone who does otherwise and tells others to will not enter the kingdom of heaven (AKA false apostles.)
other verses that show otherwise to your BS in matt ch 5:
27"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'[e] 28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.
You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'[g] 39But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 41If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor[h] and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven
the book of hebrews also explains the need for a high priest, and to sacrifice a lamb to god, and having the HP be their only liason is no longer valid, as christ is there to fufill that role forever as a high priest in the line of melchisedek.
you are the idiot who makes things up, kthx?
I usually don't agree with you, but yes I believe he misconstrued the thing a bit.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
lol, people on the other side know the bible way better than even the most devout christian, it comes with the territory. make note i burn them for fun.0
This discussion has been closed.
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