So what's the point of PKing?

pezizgood Posts: 42 Arc User
edited December 2009 in Chronicles
I don't understand the attraction of PK'ing. I'm on a PvE server so obviously I have no idea what it's like, but I imagine it's a lot like:
1. Pwning lower levels who are just trying to quest
2. Wasting your HP and MP charms
3. Spending a **** load on Guardian Angels
4. Killing a lot of people who use Guardian Angels, leaving you with nothing but a chunk of charm missing (see #2)
5. Going AFK for hours every day to lose your red name
6. Complaining when getting killed.
7. Complaining on the forums about about Pheonixes
8. Calling PvE players Care Bears on the forums
9. Losing EXP?
10. Because it is fun?

Why bother Pking? It just seems really barbaric to me. I may never PK, but if I do, I will chose when and where so that I have a fair chance to kill others who also have a fair chance.
But then again, why do people continue to create characters on PvP servers?
Please enlighten me.

P.S. On an unrelated note, I have a PvP question. Is it possible to attack someone in your faction during TW? I'm deciding on skills for my genie and Chi Siphon looks amazing.
Post edited by pezizgood on


  • Eunuch - Dreamweaver
    Eunuch - Dreamweaver Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    pezizgood wrote: »
    But then again, why do people continue to create characters on PvP servers?
    Please enlighten me.

    Because they'd rather be abused in game than be called carebears on the forum.
  • vampirenite
    vampirenite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I started a char on a PvP server mainly to get PK experience for TW and I am liking it so much I have pretty much abandoned the PvE server.

    Ok first serious PvPr don't usually use Angels. You put everything valuable in the bank and bind what you want to keep on you. You use mainly undroppable Quest armor and weapons. Many players don't use charms. This means on average the cost of equiping your char with armor and weapons on PvP servers is cheaper since you never carry expensive items at least Pre-lvl 60.

    Sure you get random Pk'd by some high level once in a while, no biggie. Respawn, go somewhere else for a while, or get your Guildies to PK your attacker.

    BUT ... if you ever have a problem with someone like KS'rs you have easy recourse. Just PK them. In fact that is my policy, someone KS's I PK no questions asked. If I lose, well either I try again or I go soemwhere else.
  • pezizgood
    pezizgood Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    BUT ... if you ever have a problem with someone like KS'rs you have easy recourse. Just PK them. In fact that is my policy, someone KS's I PK no questions asked. If I lose, well either I try again or I go soemwhere else.

    Haha, so true. I would join a PvP server if I could just once PK one of those people in West Arch going "NEED 2 FOR FQ" X 26. I would follow them around for hours until they left a the safe zone.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    There isn't a reason to pk unless you suck at pvp or are unable to solve your problems rationally.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Cholla - Harshlands
    Cholla - Harshlands Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    There isn't a reason to pk unless you suck at pvp or are unable to solve your problems rationally.

    Well, of course I am unable to solve my problems rationally!
  • vampirenite
    vampirenite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    There isn't a reason to pk unless you suck at pvp or are unable to solve your problems rationally.

    I agree with the latter, disagree with the former.

    However, most problems cannot be solved rationally in PW due to the large number of irrational, mean or immature players. I would rather spend 2 minutes Pking a KSr than 20 minutes arguing with them and getting nowhere.

    As with everything, the more you PK the better you get at PvP. So the regular PKrs are the best at PvP. (with the exception of the ones that PK players over 10-20 levels below them, those are just bullies who don't know how to PK)
  • Archers_Soul - Lost City
    Archers_Soul - Lost City Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    can #10 on that list be because pking is fun?
    I don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    You can get some good fights if you don't PK people far above/below your level. And other than that, mobs don't respond when I kill them. It's kind of amusing to see how some people respond to being PKed, as it's not always swearing and insults.

    Phoenixes do suck btw. Cauterize failed 4 times in a row today, though it should have a 85% chance to work. b:surrender Been getting assraped by phoenixes all day.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • vampirenite
    vampirenite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    can #10 on that list be because pking is fun?

    I second that. With the caveat that it should be a reasonable challenge. ie no 20+ lvl difference. Within 10-15 levels it is a matter of skill and proper equipment and build.

    And BTW it is also enjoyable to escape from a PKr 30+ levels above you. Shows how fail they are.

    Also, why the heck is anyone playing PWI (OP's statement) saying PKing is Barbaric? Isn't killing in general Barbaric whether it be a beast or player?
  • Sabariel - Lost City
    Sabariel - Lost City Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    can #10 on that list be because pking is fun?

    I hate to agree with him, but that's the main reason why anyone does it
    b:bye PW
  • Moog - Lost City
    Moog - Lost City Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    pezizgood wrote: »
    I don't understand the attraction of PK'ing. I'm on a PvE server so obviously I have no idea what it's like, but I imagine it's a lot like:
    1. Pwning lower levels who are just trying to quest
    2. Wasting your HP and MP charms
    3. Spending a **** load on Guardian Angels
    4. Killing a lot of people who use Guardian Angels, leaving you with nothing but a chunk of charm missing (see #2)
    5. Going AFK for hours every day to lose your red name
    6. Complaining when getting killed.
    7. Complaining on the forums about about Pheonixes
    8. Calling PvE players Care Bears on the forums
    9. Open for suggestions

    Why bother Pking? It just seems really barbaric to me. I may never PK, but if I do, I will chose when and where so that I have a fair chance to kill others who also have a fair chance.
    But then again, why do people continue to create characters on PvP servers?
    Please enlighten me.

    P.S. On an unrelated note, I have a PvP question. Is it possible to attack someone in your faction during TW? I'm deciding on skills for my genie and Chi Siphon looks amazing.

    Lol. Carebear.
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Believe it or not, not every person who has PKed was a lvl 60+ killing a lvl 30. I have never intentionally killed anyone who was more than 5 levels lower than me. I do however kill 6x and some 7x all the time.
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • Skyspirit - Sanctuary
    Skyspirit - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    whats the point of pvp? who cares! i kill joo >.>
  • ChronicDose - Harshlands
    ChronicDose - Harshlands Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Why do people PVP?

    I PVE so I CAN PVP, PVP is where the fun is at. Why get good gear so I can **** monsters when I can do the same to RPK and get some Lulz from QQers.
    Either that or have respectable people and have a great PVP war, which is always interesting.

    PVE is also boring, i'd rather fight actual people then monsters that just respawn.
  • Lyzzern - Lost City
    Lyzzern - Lost City Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    This thread is pointless. PvP is a way of life, it relaxes you, it's sublime just to think of it. You can abuse noobs, you can do a fair fight or even tickle higher levels, you can **** off the KSers, you can get people to drop valuable stuff, you can have revenge, you can have fun with friends doing a PK squad, I even made a lot of friends PKing THEM, PvP is out of your non-understanding little mind. PvPers go to PvP server because it's fun, please don't do any more threads like this one.
    Asoteric Runewolf just pwned you b:victory

    (Yet another player who has quit this game :>; See you in Forsaken World)
  • Voices - Lost City
    Voices - Lost City Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    pezizgood wrote: »
    But then again, why do people continue to create characters on PvP servers?
    Please enlighten me.

    Because they want to PvP...which is not always the same thing as PK.
  • Xkar - Harshlands
    Xkar - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I think this is the only game that people try to argue the difference between pking and pvp, which is pretty dumb considering they mean THE SAME THING IN EVERY MMO. Player killing = Player vs player, just the words Player and killing imply that you are killing players, thusly it is player vs player. It doesn't matter if they don't attack back, thats their choice. People that complain about pking need to grow a pair and try playing some UO free shards with OG rules, I'd love to see how they react when they drop ALL their gear upon death, and have the monster(or player) that killed them completely dry-loot their corpse before they get back. Thats just the tip of the ice burg though, as theres a lot worse things that can happen to you than death in UO, heh. I agree with the previous posters mentioning pvping is fun though, I only play on pvp servers due to the extra challenge and well, its just dumb not to have the option to kill other players, playing on a PVE server for me is like wearing a diaper or something, its just pointless.

    I'm sure you guys will try to bring up examples of pvp from games to try to prove my pk/pvp point wrong, for the record I've pvped extensively(with max level characters or close) in AO, EQII, SWG, UO(5-6 different servers, old school rules), WOW, Dark Age of Camelot(why is the acronym for dark age a censored word??), COH/COV, and a few others. 6 of those 7 listed big name mmos allow for pking in one way or another, aaand not ONCE did I hear the pk/pvp complaint, because if you did open your mouth to say something that ridiculous someone would simply shoot a fireball into your face.

    The fact of the matter is, if you can't take getting killed over the internet, in a game no less, you should just shut off your internet. A lot(most)pvpers pk/grief/whatever to get a specific reaction from people, which not only makes for a fantastic screenshot or two but also for a good, looong laugh.
  • ChronicDose - Harshlands
    ChronicDose - Harshlands Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    the lulz which can be obtained from PKing actually supersedes the PK rush.
  • Voices - Lost City
    Voices - Lost City Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I think this is the only game that people try to argue the difference between pking and pvp, which is pretty dumb considering they mean THE SAME THING IN EVERY MMO.

    PKing is usually just one person killing another person which completely takes that person out of the context of his or her surroundings. This is not the same thing as group pvp where usually more than one person on each side is involved, everyone fights, and many people die.

    But taken strictly, pvp is everything that is different between PvP and PvE servers in this game (therefore TW and duels are not included). Nobody cares about other games. It is carebear ignorance that limits PvP to PK alone b:cute
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ok first serious PvPr don't usually use Angels.

    Many players don't use charms.

    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited July 2009


    vampirenite forgot to tell us that the Easter Bunny is real and that Elvis is alive in Cabo....
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Wolfkight - Harshlands
    Wolfkight - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    well pking is just fun 2 teach those anny ppl a leason or 2. and number 9 is false u dont lose exp. and lol its funny when u say its barbaric 2 pk its irony cus barbs r one of the best pkers
  • vampirenite
    vampirenite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    vampirenite forgot to tell us that the Easter Bunny is real and that Elvis is alive in Cabo....

    Um ... ok the Easter Bunny IS real, and I saw Elvis in my local 7-11 a few days ago b:victory

    But, seriously on Lost City a PvP server many players do not use Charms or Angels especially at lower levels. This is why many PvP players are so pissed off about the shattering because it forces us to buy Angels or risk shattering bound equipment.

    I can see that on HT where the only PK enabled players are 80+ they would all have Charms and Angels.
  • mazzle
    mazzle Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Pvp is taking your game play to another level, PVE is fun at times but PVP takes a lot more effort, learning when to use what skill, learning how to use environment to your advantage and even abusing certain bugs in game will determine your survivability, it can be real intense between 2 pro that experience in PK. The way you think has a lot to do with how well you'll do as well, that's why people that play by codes of conduct and by idiotic rules they limit them self by will never bring out the true potential of the class they play.
  • AngelicArrow - Harshlands
    AngelicArrow - Harshlands Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    lol what is the point of killing endless mobs? i dont think that anyone thinks grinding is fun... so what is the point of the game if not to actually compete against other players?
  • Fleez - Heavens Tear
    Fleez - Heavens Tear Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well im very poor and the item mall is NOT an option.. i already burn though charms and repair costs at my lvl on a PvE server .. and i sure as hell dont want some half cocked teenager with his e-peen on hard coming over and adding to my charm burn and repair costs.. i like a quiet nice server where i dont have to put up with people making my life harder than it already is. u like PK? to each his own... but im not gonna add to the cost of an already expensive class with extra repair costs and charm burns.. and spending a fortune to "compete" with the pk server.. PK is expensive.. i been on one and done that..
    ATTENTION ALL: I would just like you to know....I has fleas.
  • Psycosiz - Lost City
    Psycosiz - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Pvp is fun because endless grinding is BORING, you learn a specific cycle of skills/attacks to kill a mob, example: Frost arrow---> normal attack until mob dies
    > repeat until top lvl... now you realize it will be boring as hell if I could do that with every other player b:chuckle but it isnt, every fight its different, sometimes you die, others you win... pvp its fun and entertaining.
  • Rakthor - Lost City
    Rakthor - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    1. Pwning lower levels who are just trying to quest
    personally I kill people my level
    2. Wasting your HP and MP charms
    I don't use an hp charm (tree woot woot!) and with a total of 1022 mp w/ buff, I don't mind
    3. Spending a **** load on Guardian Angels
    not really, $2.90 for 10, and 10 lasts me quite a bit
    4. Killing a lot of people who use Guardian Angels, leaving you with nothing but a chunk of charm missing (see #2)
    see #2
    5. Going AFK for hours every day to lose your red name
    I just grind or farm mats or something
    6. Complaining when getting killed.
    me no QQ
    9. Losing EXP?
    you lose EXP if you get PKed???
    10. Because it is fun?
    lol, yeh..
  • klizzard
    klizzard Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Yah sometimes it can be irritating...especially during the 3x/4x lvls, but then your high lvl buddies come in and pk them back, and it feels so good to see your former tormemtor dropping their 3mill custom axe or whatever. LOL
  • ilystah
    ilystah Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I think this is the only game that people try to argue the difference between pking and pvp, which is pretty dumb considering they mean THE SAME THING IN EVERY MMO. Player killing = Player vs player, just the words Player and killing imply that you are killing players, thusly it is player vs player. It doesn't matter if they don't attack back, thats their choice. People that complain about pking need to grow a pair and try playing some UO free shards with OG rules, I'd love to see how they react when they drop ALL their gear upon death, and have the monster(or player) that killed them completely dry-loot their corpse before they get back. Thats just the tip of the ice burg though, as theres a lot worse things that can happen to you than death in UO, heh. I agree with the previous posters mentioning pvping is fun though, I only play on pvp servers due to the extra challenge and well, its just dumb not to have the option to kill other players, playing on a PVE server for me is like wearing a diaper or something, its just pointless.

    I'm sure you guys will try to bring up examples of pvp from games to try to prove my pk/pvp point wrong, for the record I've pvped extensively(with max level characters or close) in AO, EQII, SWG, UO(5-6 different servers, old school rules), WOW, Dark Age of Camelot(why is the acronym for dark age a censored word??), COH/COV, and a few others. 6 of those 7 listed big name mmos allow for pking in one way or another, aaand not ONCE did I hear the pk/pvp complaint, because if you did open your mouth to say something that ridiculous someone would simply shoot a fireball into your face.

    The fact of the matter is, if you can't take getting killed over the internet, in a game no less, you should just shut off your internet. A lot(most)pvpers pk/grief/whatever to get a specific reaction from people, which not only makes for a fantastic screenshot or two but also for a good, looong laugh.

    PvP is different from PK. Fighting a TW, or a duel between consented party or individuals is PvP but not PK. PK is a special case of PvP. The word PK originated from game with PERMANENT DEATH. Gradually it involve into causing any form of non-consensual disadvantage to other as long as the game granted the title "death" to such disadvantage (note: consent here using the factual meaning of consent, not the principle meaning of consent).

    I PvP because I want to act like an evil character, which I can't in the real world due to ethical reason. In a game that support free PK, it is supposed to encourage people from trying this side of personality and in princicle anyone who play on a PvP server consent to get PK as long as PK-er follow the game rule, so although no one like to be PK, they should accept it instead of crying over it. The only time crying is accepted is when they are acting like a weepy character in-game, and such whining is only acceptable in game, not on forum.

    Many people think that PK-er is a failure in real life, depressed emo kid, etc. they are all wrong. Study a bit on the topic and they will realize how many good or even successful people will enjoy some domination over people. People beat other in sport, FPS, etc. for such enjoyment, why would a MMORPG be different? Dark and light will always coexist.
This discussion has been closed.