N'sync > Yakuza



  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Lol we didnt QQ as much as we were surprised and angered. NOT because we lost our territory, we didnt care about that... but because after telling us that your going to own us, you take 2 hours to do it, and as soon as you win, you get total bull**** coming from these ppl as if you rolled us..... wtf!!

    Then afterwards you start to babble away in WC claiming we had 80 ppl and were recruiting. Errr... dumbfck? learn to count!! b:chuckle we did not have 80 ppl..

    It was a good fight and we all agree that it was a good fight but your **** **** def. didnt roll us. Next fight get your sht straight from the start. b:victory

    Oh yeah, last thing... didnt Airawyn post a couple of post up top that we didnt care about the territory, and thats why we asked someone to bid on us..... lol learn to read.

    lol hip is awesome on forums and in game. b:laugh

    and tbh he has a point, this statement is so filled with rage yet the week before u were QQing about not being atked. Now u are atked and u QQ that u were out lvld, and it wasn't a "roll" because it took 2 hours.

    BTW defense is wayyy easier than atk. IF ur crystal breaks with even 5 secs left in tw, u got rolled. When attacking u need to use strategy like sneak atks diversions etc etc etc. Defense is pretty much just **** anything that comes near ur base.
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Lol we didnt QQ as much as we were surprised and angered. NOT because we lost our territory, we didnt care about that... but because after telling us that your going to own us, you take 2 hours to do it, and as soon as you win, you get total bull**** coming from these ppl as if you rolled us..... wtf!!

    Then afterwards you start to babble away in WC claiming we had 80 ppl and were recruiting. Errr... dumbfck? learn to count!! b:chuckle we did not have 80 ppl..

    It was a good fight and we all agree that it was a good fight but your **** **** def. didnt roll us. Next fight get your sht straight from the start. b:victory

    Oh yeah, last thing... didnt Airawyn post a couple of post up top that we didnt care about the territory, and thats why we asked someone to bid on us..... lol learn to read.

    I hope you realize for mos tof that war we weren't concerned with getting to your crytstal. Most of us were going for pure pk stats.

    Some of us got 300+ kills that war. Our clerics were being metal mages and not healing, we had no wbs till an hour into war anyhow. Then finally Dannon, shizo(wr) and xRaiden showed up >_>.

    Notice when we finally pulled together to make a true attempt on your crystal it ended in about 30 minutes?

    You give yourself more credit than you deserver tbh.

    But by all means if you feel you're on the level come fight next week. We welcome the challenge b:victory
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • heavenlee
    heavenlee Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I still find it funny you had to make a ALT guild ( yes not all where alts but heck I did not see Distroy in there so was his alt) to take us out. Yes we lost weeeee.
    But your clerics where healing cause if not why then where the players we just killed back up and fighting? Major run pots? Not rezz. So if your cleric where DDing and not rezzing then you guys would not have won =P.
    I enjoyed the fight, I think nysnc did as well. But if we had more then 50 ( 51 with 4 under lvl 50 hell 1 lvl 21 ) think you could have taken it in 3 hours? WHO KNOWS if I did I would win the lotto every week and BANNED in all 50 states haha.
    But for the person who says 5 secs left and u win is a roll, then your a dumbarse. To ROLL someone is a very old term and it means to utterly dominate someone. A almost 2 hour fight is not a ROLL. It is a win. When CQ ROLLS a guild in 30 mins or when we did to RH in 30 mins that is a ROLL. So learn, to know terms noobackes. NVM you may think noobcakes is something you can eat . b:pleased
  • Pnut - Lost City
    Pnut - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    heavenlee wrote: »
    terms noobackes. NVM you may think noobcakes is something you can eat . b:pleased

    Its not??????????????? noobcakes :o
    "when i get about 10m

    gonna restat to AA and hop into a TW in 90 robes... :D" - Stickygreen lvl 93 WB Heavens Tear
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    heavenlee wrote: »
    I still find it funny you had to make a ALT guild ( yes not all where alts but heck I did not see Distroy in there so was his alt) to take us out. Yes we lost weeeee.
    But your clerics where healing cause if not why then where the players we just killed back up and fighting? Major run pots? Not rezz. So if your cleric where DDing and not rezzing then you guys would not have won =P.
    I enjoyed the fight, I think nysnc did as well. But if we had more then 50 ( 51 with 4 under lvl 50 hell 1 lvl 21 ) think you could have taken it in 3 hours? WHO KNOWS if I did I would win the lotto every week and BANNED in all 50 states haha.
    But for the person who says 5 secs left and u win is a roll, then your a dumbarse. To ROLL someone is a very old term and it means to utterly dominate someone. A almost 2 hour fight is not a ROLL. It is a win. When CQ ROLLS a guild in 30 mins or when we did to RH in 30 mins that is a ROLL. So learn, to know terms noobackes. NVM you may think noobcakes is something you can eat . b:pleased

    i find it funny that they made an alt guild and took u out. srsly do u see what ur typing? they made an ALT guild with ALTS and beat u. Not even on their mains, but with their ALTS. Ypur not even strong enough to take on the ALTS.

    Oh yea btw it's the age old discussion just like BLT did. When they lost an attack war it was "defense is easy" but when they won an defense it was "CQ got WTFPWNED."

    w/e win or roll u still lost 10 mil and ur free guild teleport to the area..have funb:bye
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    heavenlee wrote: »
    I still find it funny you had to make a ALT guild ( yes not all where alts but heck I did not see Distroy in there so was his alt) to take us out. Yes we lost weeeee.
    But your clerics where healing cause if not why then where the players we just killed back up and fighting? Major run pots? Not rezz. So if your cleric where DDing and not rezzing then you guys would not have won =P.

    Rezzing someone did not mean we were healing lol it takes a whole 4 seconds to rez someone... I did not see anyone get rezzed once that whole war except our cata pullers @ your crystal.

    Fairly sure I saw our clerics and archers @ our B turrets mowing down EVERYONE who bothered to get in range of those nasty bind towers.

    Metal mage ftw!?!?
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • MercyKiss - Lost City
    MercyKiss - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I thought we'd get molested quickly by yakuza (especially how badly things went right at the start), but turned out to be a really fun 2hr+ war. Thanks Yakuza b:chuckle
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I thought we'd get molested quickly by yakuza (especially how badly things went right at the start), but turned out to be a really fun 2hr+ war. Thanks Yakuza b:chuckle

    OMG, what happened to Lance in your signature. D:
  • MercyKiss - Lost City
    MercyKiss - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    b:cool He's not cool enough to be in my sig
  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    b:cool He's not cool enough to be in my sig

    WAH!?!?! b:surprised Lance was the best one..

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • heavenlee
    heavenlee Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    syl wrote: »
    i find it funny that they made an alt guild and took u out. srsly do u see what ur typing? they made an ALT guild with ALTS and beat u. Not even on their mains, but with their ALTS. Ypur not even strong enough to take on the ALTS.

    Oh yea btw it's the age old discussion just like BLT did. When they lost an attack war it was "defense is easy" but when they won an defense it was "CQ got WTFPWNED."

    w/e win or roll u still lost 10 mil and ur free guild teleport to the area..have funb:bye

    10m WEEE I make that in 3 days and share with the guild. But I guess Yourmom and Hip and ddddfunlol and AnimeQT are alt. WAIT no they are not. We know there where mains. And all ya go to do is ask anyone of them if they where rezzed after I know I killed them. They killed me hell we all died was a good fight. I think most of Yakuza was more upset about seeing you got ROLLLLED after a 2 hour fight , then GF which even a short fight us in the past we have always said.
    So sly, when u admit, ur alt was there also, you can stop trolling. NVM I think it is sly trolling noobcakes, for you full name.
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    heavenlee wrote: »
    10m WEEE I make that in 3 days and share with the guild. But I guess Yourmom and Hip and ddddfunlol and AnimeQT are alt. WAIT no they are not. We know there where mains. And all ya go to do is ask anyone of them if they where rezzed after I know I killed them. They killed me hell we all died was a good fight. I think most of Yakuza was more upset about seeing you got ROLLLLED after a 2 hour fight , then GF which even a short fight us in the past we have always said.
    So sly, when u admit, ur alt was there also, you can stop trolling. NVM I think it is sly trolling noobcakes, for you full name.

    Just FYI, 3/4 of those are alts. I'll let you figure out which.
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Your joking right yakuza?

    "we held it for 2 months blah blah"

    C'mon thats a joke right.......

    Sorry to bring you down to earth. But the only reason you had that land for as long as u did, is because the factors were busy with the factors. Too busy with the dragons, to notice the lil ants scurrying round underfoot.

    Best believe, that if one of the days, on of the big guilds woke up and on a whim, decided "Hmm ya know what, i feel like i want swiftwind." Ya be long gone.

    Stop celebrating your mediocrity.b:surrender
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Anberlin - Lost City
    Anberlin - Lost City Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    heavenlee wrote: »
    10m WEEE I make that in 3 days and share with the guild. But I guess Yourmom and Hip and ddddfunlol and AnimeQT are alt. WAIT no they are not. We know there where mains. And all ya go to do is ask anyone of them if they where rezzed after I know I killed them. They killed me hell we all died was a good fight. I think most of Yakuza was more upset about seeing you got ROLLLLED after a 2 hour fight , then GF which even a short fight us in the past we have always said.
    So sly, when u admit, ur alt was there also, you can stop trolling. NVM I think it is sly trolling noobcakes, for you full name.

    cool story bro

    p.s. "We know there where mains." -> wat?
  • Pippins - Lost City
    Pippins - Lost City Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    MercyKiss's siggy wins the game imo. Yeah it was a really fun tw. Yakuza put up a good fight. They had the numbers but we had the lvls is what it boiled down to. Mrawr >^.^<
  • MercyKiss - Lost City
    MercyKiss - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    WAH!?!?! b:surprised Lance was the best one..

    I like JC and Justin better b:cuteb:cute
  • MissTerra - Lost City
    MissTerra - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    It was a good fight but ultimately, we did not have the levels and so we lost. Heck, we barely had 50 people show up (which was quite disappointing). However, I don't really understand, considering how we're 'non-factor,' why is N'Sync gloating so much? YaKuZa be proud, we did our best with what we had. Congratulations N'Sync.

    And that was not a roll. If that last push was made in the first 10-30 minutes, you might get away with calling it a roll, but not after 2 hours. Kthxbai.
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    It was a good fight but ultimately, we did not have the levels and so we lost. Heck, we barely had 50 people show up (which was quite disappointing). However, I don't really understand, considering how we're 'non-factor,' why is N'Sync gloating so much? YaKuZa be proud, we did our best with what we had. Congratulations N'Sync.

    And that was not a roll. If that last push was made in the first 10-30 minutes, you might get away with calling it a roll, but not after 2 hours. Kthxbai.

    Lets be honest... it was blatantly clear when we gathered up everyone and zerged into your base it was easy pickings. How come we didn't do that before?

    We waited on Shizo and xRaiden and on top of that we all wanted to pad our pk statsb:victory

    Wars are never fun if you zerg in and end it in 10-20 minutes.

    3 maybe 4 people in our war were not infact alts. Everyone else was.

    Gloating is not stating the facts.
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • MissTerra - Lost City
    MissTerra - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Lets be honest... it was blatantly clear when we gathered up everyone and zerged into your base it was easy pickings. How come we didn't do that before?

    We waited on Shizo and xRaiden and on top of that we all wanted to pad our pk statsb:victory

    Wars are never fun if you zerg in and end it in 10-20 minutes.

    3 maybe 4 people in our war were not infact alts. Everyone else was.

    Gloating is not stating the facts.

    Refer to the OP if you want to see the gloating. And I'm not denying you possibly could have rolled us, but you didn't. Even if you did not on purpose, you still did not. Soooooo yeah. Anyway, I'm done with this thread. Peace to all the N'Sync that were mature about the fight.
  • pervs
    pervs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    refer To The Op If You Want To See The Gloating. And I'm Not Denying You Possibly Could Have Rolled Us, But You Didn't. Even If You Did Not On Purpose, You Still Did Not. Soooooo Yeah. Anyway, I'm Done With This Thread. Peace To All The N'sync That Were Mature About The Fight.


    .........lol wut?....
    "you want 1by1 go play tekken la"
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    pervs wrote: »

    .........lol wut?....

    N'Sync: Greatest Troll Faction?
    I say yes.
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    N'Sync: Greatest Troll Faction?
    I say yes.

    The whole reason we started this.
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • Hip - Lost City
    Hip - Lost City Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    The whole reason we started this.

    We? girl please, Sinnerz and I started this guild! BTW Yakuza QQ more b:sad

    Fun fight but now you're just being silly. We do a random pvp war against you for fun, our very first time together and quite outnumbered, and you think there's room for trash talking when you lose. kthxbai <3 Sinnerz (come back to stay with me)

    edited with sexy colors for my Drew
  • complexx
    complexx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    @ toky:

    Was started just for trolling, just surprised me how hip turned it in to what it is today.

    @ Hip

    A) Green Ftw. B) Eff Pwi. Borrrrrring, I Will come on vent more though, and come play aiooooooo..... When it comes out.b:dirty

    @ Pwi Community:

    Bye Bye Bye Hatersb:bye

    Sinnerz Lost City PvP.
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I meant the whole tw troll, you clowns.

    BTW Green text is HIDEOUS.. drop it.
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • AnimeQT - Lost City
    AnimeQT - Lost City Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I meant the whole tw troll, you clowns.

    BTW Green text is HIDEOUS.. drop it.

    what about this sexy text
  • AnimeQT - Lost City
    AnimeQT - Lost City Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    btw i metal maged about mmhmm 90% of that TW, only when dannon came on i really just healed
  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    complexx wrote: »
    @ toky:

    Was started just for trolling, just surprised me how hip turned it in to what it is today.

    @ Hip

    A) Green Ftw. B) Eff Pwi. Borrrrrring, I Will come on vent more though, and come play aiooooooo..... When it comes out.b:dirty

    @ Pwi Community:

    Bye Bye Bye Hatersb:bye

    Noooo sinny dont leave!!b:cry

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • heavenlee
    heavenlee Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Lets be honest... it was blatantly clear when we gathered up everyone and zerged into your base it was easy pickings. How come we didn't do that before?

    We waited on Shizo and xRaiden and on top of that we all wanted to pad our pk statsb:victory

    Wars are never fun if you zerg in and end it in 10-20 minutes.

    3 maybe 4 people in our war were not infact alts. Everyone else was.

    Gloating is not stating the facts.
    Pat what stats? Where? Does not show a stat that I ever seen for TW kills ratio or whatever. And so far, at least 5 people, with there in game name from nysc ,have posted where in the fight and more then likely mains so 3-4 fails. You guys only ZERGed after both sets of stun towers where down and was 3 waves after towers where down. Yes it was fast once they where gone. But I know my ratio to death was 9 deaths to 18 kills. Not uber but hell I got the better end of the stick always a +.
    Hope we get to fight again soon. But first I must get out of the hospital.
    Cause there is no rez are redo in RL sadly.
  • pervs
    pervs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    heavenlee wrote: »
    Pat what stats? Where? Does not show a stat that I ever seen for TW kills ratio or whatever. And so far, at least 5 people, with there in game name from nysc ,have posted where in the fight and more then likely mains so 3-4 fails. You guys only ZERGed after both sets of stun towers where down and was 3 waves after towers where down. Yes it was fast once they where gone. But I know my ratio to death was 9 deaths to 18 kills. Not uber but hell I got the better end of the stick always a +.
    Hope we get to fight again soon. But first I must get out of the hospital.
    Cause there is no rez are redo in RL sadly.

    The QQ in this post is off the charts! Take the loss and go on with your life.
    "you want 1by1 go play tekken la"