How Do You Feel About PK?



  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    GM has spoken! >;O

    again..... i swear u 2 are the same person

    ON TOPIC: i dont rly see the point of kiling low lvl players <.<
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Moog - Lost City
    Moog - Lost City Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    PVP is fun, but its annoying as hell to talk about it here because PK server players have egos from hell, and act like our PVP means nothing in PK mode. they have serious ego issues, the only difference is theres not huge amounts of trash talk in common chat in PVE sp and orchid temple parties.

    LOL. I noticed its a trend that its people like you who are so buthurt they need to bring this up even though no one even started talking about the difference in pvp in the servers b:laugh

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, this game is NOT pvp based nor has it EVER been.

    Do you get exp from killing other players? No

    Are there things to kill other than players? Yes

    Therefore this game is not pvp based.

    People don't like duels because they know they'll never win a real fight, so they say they are nothing and constantly gank because when the other person has no chance to fight back is the only time the attacker can ever hope to win.

    I barely know you but I remember another argument you had about comparing pking in a game with murder in real life. That automatically makes me question anything you have to say imo...

    And the reason people question the validity of duels is because there is no charm tick in duels. That takes a lot of strategy out of pk. For instance wizards in duals can use a move like sandstorm as their first damaging move against a archer. However, in pk using sandstorm first against a archer is a bad move since it will tick their charm giving them 100% hp again. In real pk its best to use a weak move to bring them at 60% or so than hit them with something hard to finish them off.

    The above is just one instance why duel and pk is different. And also some classes are gimped in duels and need charm tick to survive. Like mages.

    Also I don't have anything against pve players. Everyone likes their own stuff. And to answer the thread the reason I like to pk is because its fun to do with friends in a big battle with equally lvled opponents.
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I love FPS and RTS games which are pure PvP in many cases but I really fail to see the point of PvP in games like PWI. The classes are not well balanced for PvP and their skills likewise seem in the majority to be geared more for PvE which makes perfect sense. Also in MMORPG's PvP almost always comes down to who has the higher level and higher bank account as to who wins and who loses. That sort of numbers game is extremely boring IMO so while I am cool with duels especially for testing things out I really just could care less about PvP in this game. For those who want to do it, good for them, but I have no reason to want to do it and just will not.
  • idontneedanick
    idontneedanick Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I fenced in college. That is, competed in official competitions that were recorded and a matter of record in front of witnesses against people with exactly the same gear that I had.

    The only advantages I had were those that I brought to the strip in terms of skill. If I sucked, everyone would know it.

    I dont respect PK's. I see them as cowards generally. Well, and thugs. Nothing honorable certainly.

    Anyone who actually derives pleasure from random PK is a social degenerate in my opinion - and probably proud of it. The world - sadly - contains people like this.

    As a note, I have found that thugs will often blame their victim. Ask most women. They will tell you that the 'males' (not men) that have victimized them (those that have been victimized) will actually blame their victims. You will see similar behavior here from some.