Rate the Signature Above You!



  • ShoeFury - Sanctuary
    ShoeFury - Sanctuary Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    bad paint edit ftl, not ftw b:surrender
    Joined Aug 2008 on HT--
    Just lurkin' the forums these days and makin' occassional stupid posts
  • OneEyedWally - Harshlands
    OneEyedWally - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Argh! That signature be 3/5! Argh!
    Argh Matey!b:laugh
    I be a pirate.b:pleased
    Yo ho ho and a bottle of crappy sarsaparilla!
  • Jonnykins - Dreamweaver
    Jonnykins - Dreamweaver Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    5/5 nice sig dude
  • OneEyedWally - Harshlands
    OneEyedWally - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Tnx matey!b:pleased Yours is a 4/5.

    Oh and... Argh!
    Argh Matey!b:laugh
    I be a pirate.b:pleased
    Yo ho ho and a bottle of crappy sarsaparilla!
  • ShoeFury - Sanctuary
    ShoeFury - Sanctuary Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Argh matey! Awesome sig, 5/5
    Joined Aug 2008 on HT--
    Just lurkin' the forums these days and makin' occassional stupid posts
  • Mizorie - Lost City
    Mizorie - Lost City Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    eh nothing special tbh 2/5

    wally 5/5 for humor :P
    Dalamaar: Mizorie you have no soul.
  • __Necro__ - Sanctuary
    __Necro__ - Sanctuary Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    i like the hot green asian girl lol..
  • Warmechanism - Harshlands
    Warmechanism - Harshlands Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    3/5 couple pictures are always nice.
    Instant chaos with a turn of a key.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    You've got the mechanism. Where's the war? 3/5
  • Chobsi - Heavens Tear
    Chobsi - Heavens Tear Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Nothing too unique. I like hugs though b:cute 2/5
    "Chobsi the only thing your good at is making your character look good, otherwise your fail"
    "Did that 95 BM just kill himself to your Herc? Mmm..Yep"
    "Oh that thing I thought was a statue, it 1 shot me, switch to your cleric please"
    "So that Hercules guy from the disney movie really aged well.."
    ~Chobsi b:cute
  • Nagikou - Dreamweaver
    Nagikou - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Haha... Rawrbear? That earns 5/5 ^^
  • Chisukie - Lost City
    Chisukie - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    5/5 I like it and its cool ;D
  • Kagaro - Dreamweaver
    Kagaro - Dreamweaver Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    not bad Chisukie. 3/5

    im a terrible artist. how's my sig look?
  • Chisukie - Lost City
    Chisukie - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    not bad Chisukie. 3/5

    im a terrible artist. how's my sig look?

    I'd say... 2.5/5
    I like the effect, but its to blurry for me to read the text and its kinda... little things in it? I mean alot of it is to plain in my eyes
  • Kagaro - Dreamweaver
    Kagaro - Dreamweaver Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'd say... 2.5/5
    I like the effect, but its to blurry for me to read the text and its kinda... little things in it? I mean alot of it is to plain in my eyes
    ya, im working on that. no matter how many times i redo it, i can stop that blur from appearing. stupid paint program. anyone know how to fix that?
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    8.5/10 pretty cool.
    Nice effects.
    Tone it down a little though.

    If you made this with pictures off the internet ill have to put it down to 5/10... =S I have a thing with self-made sigs...(My one is self made =D)

    EDIT: argh you changed your sig. It used to be all firey.
    Hmm.. Id say 7.5/10 I like your other one better. I like the writing, really cool font, but i like sigs that relate to PWI.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • Chisukie - Lost City
    Chisukie - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    8.5/10 pretty cool.
    Nice effects.
    Tone it down a little though.

    If you made this with pictures off the internet ill have to put it down to 5/10... =S I have a thing with self-made sigs...(My one is self made =D)

    3/5, I got a thing for moving sigs x3
  • KotaroX - Dreamweaver
    KotaroX - Dreamweaver Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ^ nice, 3/5

    im not artsy either, but how is mine anyways?
    95% of teens would freak out if the saw The Jonas Brothers on a 247 foot tall building about to jump. 5% get popcorn, a chair, and a video camera and yell Jump @#$&! jump!
  • Nanaiie - Sanctuary
    Nanaiie - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Pretty hilarious to me. 3/5 b:chuckle
    Siggie made by me b:chuckle
  • SajinX - Dreamweaver
    SajinX - Dreamweaver Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ^Nice wings 5/5

    How's mine?
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Its ok. 6.5/10. You should put your name on your sig.
    Where is that from anyway?
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • Wallflower - Sanctuary
    Wallflower - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Wow, I give Hydra an 8/10 because it cracks me up :)
    Theres a difference between being confident and being cocky.
    I tend to forget sometimes. ;)
  • SajinX - Dreamweaver
    SajinX - Dreamweaver Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ^It moves o.0 the text is funny too 5/5

    my sig is from the best anime ever: Bleach
    The wolfman is Captain of Squad 7 Sajin Komamura of the 13 Court Guard Squads
    The background is the Seireitei and part of the Rukongai
    Took me several tries to stop it from bluring, eventually i had to make the pic so big that it went back to normal upon upload. i think it was about 2500 pixels high, i forgot how long it was

    EDIT: That was for Storm, i was watching bleach as i typed so it took me 8 minutes. Wallflower I must say ur sig is boring 1/5, what you say is true tho, live life with no regrets.
  • The_Champion - Sanctuary
    The_Champion - Sanctuary Posts: 988 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    SajinX I give it 3/5 because it really isn't related to perfect world
    Sounds about right
  • KeranoWasEmo - Harshlands
    KeranoWasEmo - Harshlands Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    4/5 very official looking and I like them waffles.b:laugh
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <--Little siggy.b:pleased
    Server: Harshlands (PvP)
    Started: 9-11-2009
    Class: Cleric (hybrid-vit. build)
    Pet: Emoticon (antelope)
    Kills (Pk only): 0
    Death (Pk only): 0
    Ladies embraced b:pleased: 0
  • crimsonslauter
    crimsonslauter Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    that line unger the pic its a line fron an unholy force that once lived. he said this to scare the pagen gods so they would spare him
  • KeranoWasEmo - Harshlands
    KeranoWasEmo - Harshlands Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    that line unger the pic its a line fron an unholy force that once lived. he said this to scare the pagen gods so they would spare him

    Nice... Pass the maryjay to me now...b:faint
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <--Little siggy.b:pleased
    Server: Harshlands (PvP)
    Started: 9-11-2009
    Class: Cleric (hybrid-vit. build)
    Pet: Emoticon (antelope)
    Kills (Pk only): 0
    Death (Pk only): 0
    Ladies embraced b:pleased: 0
  • Accelerated - Sanctuary
    Accelerated - Sanctuary Posts: 1,048 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ♥ - 藤林 杏-様 - ♥
    ♥ Kyou Fujibayashi-sama ♥
  • KeranoWasEmo - Harshlands
    KeranoWasEmo - Harshlands Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited September 2009


    4/5 for cuteness.b:cute
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <--Little siggy.b:pleased
    Server: Harshlands (PvP)
    Started: 9-11-2009
    Class: Cleric (hybrid-vit. build)
    Pet: Emoticon (antelope)
    Kills (Pk only): 0
    Death (Pk only): 0
    Ladies embraced b:pleased: 0
  • BelleFemme - Harshlands
    BelleFemme - Harshlands Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Personally I give it 3/5