we need a TW map reset badly?



  • Kardie - Dreamweaver
    Kardie - Dreamweaver Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    we need a TW map reset badly ? ...YES v badly lol.Look at Sanctuary now !



    we're getting there. ;]
  • Daishar - Dreamweaver
    Daishar - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Whinig? we'r not whining. if anyone whining is it the guy makign the thread. Did you ever see any make a thread saying factions gets too little coin for their land? or didnt recover cost? - well i didnt. but we have to answer when unexperienced ppl make it look like we just get easy money.
    yes mostly it recover cost, but sometimes not. it will be very tight with it recoverign when other factions grow too, ppl will gety clsoer to our lvl soon. cos lvls up to 90 in fact is pretty fast. or well 85-90 is little less. but 90+ takes so long. and theres not much difference from all average 95. and all average 90. then its strategy there makes the victory, and the cost of multiple attacks will be enormous. as of now its mostly positive yes.

    I just had feeling that you thought of you having high costs and mid facs not having those, we do, that was my point. If I misundertsood, I`m sorry, but reading english, which is not my mother tongue, after 16 hours of working, prolly not the best idea I have gotten. I don`t know how strong other mid facs are, but you don`t need to be too conserned of us gettin 80 members +80 on TW any time soon, our mass are 50-60+, not even 70+ :). From 50-> 70 takes at least ~3 weeks if you`re not experienced and/or have a lot of time, mid facs have ppl, who don`t play as much as some of us. You can`t compare the leveling speed to one you had as on average, lower levels have less time to play & are less experienced, if you don`t count alts and that`s mainly the thing on mid facs. You are ahead now, but at least I do my best of passing you :). Someday...

    I hope nobody gets me wrong and I actually think EQ & Cala have done great job obtaining their lands but I got feeling you underestimate our expenses but overestimate our levels, that got on my nerves :).

    Ps. I see new patch, gonna test it, hopefully it`s something fun =).

    Pps. My writing is usually pretty aggressive, I`m trying to change that, but that`s gonna take time, so don`t take me too seriously :).

    Pps. Trying to keep these as short as I can, `cause I know somebody of us don`t read the long ones. But keeping it short isn`t really my style, quite the opposite, that means a lot of post scripts, lol.
  • Dark_Haru - Dreamweaver
    Dark_Haru - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    like i said in one of my early post... if u want to change the tw map then i have to do something about it other then whinning about it bc it isn't going to change just bc u want it to.
  • _malkavian_ - Dreamweaver
    _malkavian_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    nah a map reset isnt needed now it would be cool a map reset but every 2 years if the whole map is 1 color but let the faction that owns more territory keep at least 10 or 5 territories xP that would be a income of 100 mill or 50 mill and thats isnt that bad . And yay for cala xP
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I just had feeling that you thought of you having high costs and mid facs not having those, we do, that was my point. .

    a mid factions doesnt own land or not much, means they'r not defending much land or not at all. only atatck. my cost for the 37 mins or however yesterday was 450K for 1 single tw. if we defend 2 decent factions and a few low it take tw pay easyly.

    im not complaining, but there's not that much back of tw pay if a few decent guilds give a little fight for 25-30 mins.
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • Henery - Dreamweaver
    Henery - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    i would like a reset like every 6 months, it sure would make tw more interesting. the rich become richer, that is absolutely true with the tw system here.
    with a reset we would probably see more guilds forming, since a few high lvls decide to take a land and get easy 10mil for beating some mobs, there also won't be people in the big guilds only for tw pay and more guilds become attaractive because of pay.
    i am in calamity and yes i get a lot of pay, it actually covers the 1 chi pot and the 5k off my hp charm i use in those 10 minute wars. lol
    i agree, a 3 hour war between big factions would cost a lot and would be lots of fun, but the problem is that it just doesn't happen.
    it's a shame that tw is so boring, it has lots of potential to be a great feature.

    Thats all of what it is right now. I am not Blaming EQ and Calam, but its mainly the players fault that they go to the higher level factions and make them grow. Most 20-50+ factions usually have 30 60+'s but barely no 80+s because of this.
  • Seraphim - Dreamweaver
    Seraphim - Dreamweaver Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Thats all of what it is right now. I am not Blaming EQ and Calam, but its mainly the players fault that they go to the higher level factions and make them grow. Most 20-50+ factions usually have 30 60+'s but barely no 80+s because of this.

    Smaller factions should focus more on growing their faction internally. This means their leader must be active, higher leveled, and knowledgable.

    Absorbing everyone above level 80 wont solve any problems. Factions have a distinct level "support group. Players generally tend to quest, TT, socialize, and rebirth with players of their own level. A high level (or low level) player joining a faction and is unable to find help, support, and must outsource to progress will likely not stay. This is what makes "stronger" factions tempting.

    An example of a small-ish faction that has grown internally is Dynasty. Their leader and members have leveled together and have finally hit the 8x and 7x mark. Though they may not dominate the TW field, their 7x and 8x players rarely, if ever, leave in seek of higher TW pay because they have found a support group inside faction.
  • EvilDragon - Dreamweaver
    EvilDragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Every day more ppl want to start their own faction. Result: many low lvl factions with max 50 members. Why?: They just like to have their own faction, want to be a leader of something blablabla... -_-'
    How many factions are there with lvl 45 -70? A lot!! If they just merge we could have many lvl3 factions (that are full ofc ...130+ members) With as result: we can take down the higer factions!!! *you know..those with the many coloured spots* More colour comes into the map!!! =D

    So...do we need a reset: NO!!!
    well..maybe if ppl wont listen and let this go on for more months, so the map will be 1 maybe 2 colours...

    have a nice day ^^ b:bye
  • Eremedy - Dreamweaver
    Eremedy - Dreamweaver Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    NOT gonna happen...

    -_- Sorry to tell you this tho.
  • Dark_Haru - Dreamweaver
    Dark_Haru - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    NOT gonna happen...

    -_- Sorry to tell you this tho.

    well it might happen in a year or 2
  • Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver
    Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Actually, what Seraphim is saying about Dynasty is not entirely true. It was a few weeks back, but not anymore. I will not go into detail, but I was in Dynasty, so I knew what is going on. People ARE leaving in search for better TW pay.

    I like to think of most people having a price. If you are willing to exceed that limit they will definitely come to your faction. It is just a matter of how high; some are unreachable, some just 1 or 2 mil coins per week. I am sure if most ppl are given an ultimate weapon....
  • musix
    musix Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Actually, what Seraphim is saying about Dynasty is not entirely true. It was a few weeks back, but not anymore. I will not go into detail, but I was in Dynasty, so I knew what is going on. People ARE leaving in search for better TW pay.

    This isn't true at all. Some faction jumpers left after we lost land, but that always happens. They have long since been replaced. If we were as weak as you claim we wouldn't have been able to beat Envy. We are a lot stronger than you think and we'll keep getting stronger.
  • ButtHurt - Lost City
    ButtHurt - Lost City Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    b:cute go and check Lost City's tw map