What Class do u think is most boring



  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Any class can bore you to tears depending on how you play them. The opposite is also true.

    IMO, catshop is the most boring class. Set up shop, GO AFK or a few hours, repeat until you've found a good place to sell or you've sold everything.
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Veno def. I can't tell you how many times I see the veno sitting and just having the pet do all the work.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Veno def. I can't tell you how many times I see the veno sitting and just having the pet do all the work.

    And I can't tell you how many times I've sent a pet off to fight one monster and it got killed because another 2 or so started attacking it while I was fighting 2 or 3 different monsters, so I wound up having to fight five (or more) monsters without a pet using just apoth stuff and normal pots for healing.

    Totally depends on how you play the class. And good venos don't let the pet do all the work unless they're either being lazy or they're tired and don't want to risk their exp while grinding. Sadly, most of the venos you'll see are the ones who do just enough to survive playing as veno and will never actually be able to get very far with them.

    Venos are easy to grasp, difficult to master. Most people talking about how boring veno is haven't actually tried to push the class to its limits and thus find themselves bored with it. same applies to people talking about barbs being boring, BMs, etc. Don't judge til you've played as one and pushed that class to its limits since that's the only time you'll have full knowledge on just how boring the class may or may not be.

    My $0.02
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i played to 81 with a veno

    i hated it, but it was good money.
  • Caleene - Sanctuary
    Caleene - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    volst wrote: »
    Both of you do know that afk doesn't always mean 10 miles away from the keyboard, right?

    It doesn't matter. If they want to watch a show or do anything else, they shouldn't be afk at all. In fact, they shouldn't be a cleric period and choose a different class.
  • Ainte - Lost City
    Ainte - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I think each class can be boring according to the situation, i have only played archer and veno so far, so i can only express my opinion on these 2 that i have tried
    archer-grinding= not boring, lost of combo moves u can make
    archer-boss= auto attack and just sit and watch, really boring

    veno-grinding= send pet, hit, heal pet, kinda boring
    veno-boss= send pet, debuff, heal pet, hit, pass chi around and lots of other moves, not boring at all
  • Gasoline - Lost City
    Gasoline - Lost City Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Grinding to lvl up - veno really is the most boring class to play.
    Venomous.. venomous..and one occasional ironwood than heal pet and restart venomous... b:cry

    Or spamheal herc in HH so boring. Just put something heavy on shortcut key and go afk <,<

    But overall veno is most fun to play b/c you're never really that bored as a veno. You always have stuff to do since you're not party dependent if u have a herc. You can go farm pretty much anything by yourself. And do pretty much any hard quest by yourself. You're also the most wanted class in parties after barb than - >cleric.

    Most boring is the classes that are hard to get into parties.
    DD-classes like wiz, archer and somewhat BM, since you might stand in archo west all day b/c you cant get into any party for fb/hh/GV/cultiquest etc. And than there is really nothing to do but grinding or pk. And being bored b/c having nothing to do but grind is kinda the biggest reason ppl quit this game.
  • rawrpedobear
    rawrpedobear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    its called preference, moron b:cute
  • kuaru
    kuaru Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I really can't understand people who sound like sending a pet out as a veno is like doing a crime... Personally I think you should see pets as kind of a living attack. Taming is a valid skill and not more or less despicable then any other skill, just as throwing magical balls or arrows. I think the elven classes are given way more preference over all the other classes cause they are able to fly from the beginning while other classes have to wait 30 (!) levels. How may times have I died just because I was running through a bunch of enemies I couldn't avoid and also wished I was faster.. This is totally frustrating especially when you're at low level and feel like never getting any further. So, why is no one complaining about THAT?

    I've never played any other class and cause of that I don't want to have prejudices, but I could image if clerics weren't that useful to other people (opportunism and stuff) they were much more neglected than venos. Cause they are not the best fighters, or? And referring to boredom, isn't it boring to just throw arrows as archer? Please teach me if I'm wrong.
  • Waterboy - Lost City
    Waterboy - Lost City Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    boring to exciting

  • vampirevane
    vampirevane Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Freaking Cleriks man.. Those are the most boring class all they do in a squad is spam the same 2 skills over and over on the barb.. and to lvl up all they do is Zhen , set 1 skill and go watch a movie for the rest of the Hour . Easy exp anyone?
    5 Skill Slots for Pets Please ..Venos will $hare more ;)
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    History Class XD
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • XBloodKingx - Heavens Tear
    XBloodKingx - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Any class can get boring. i HATED veno,archer,cleric,and wiz. but thats only cuz i like hitting and leaving a path of destruction in my wake b:sin which is why i choose BM and Barb while my brother and wife like hitting stuff from afar b:sleep which is why they chose cleric (wife) and wiz (son)

    so to end this my main point is...


    bye b:bye
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]you have just meet death

    Watch your thoughts; they become words.
    Watch your words; they become actions.
    Watch your actions; they become habits.
    Watch your habits; they become character.
    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
    - Frank Outlaw

    credit to ForsakenX for the sig
  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Freaking Cleriks man.. Those are the most boring class all they do in a squad is spam the same 2 skills over and over on the barb.. and to lvl up all they do is Zhen , set 1 skill and go watch a movie for the rest of the Hour . Easy exp anyone?

    PvP is the solution... PvE is the problem b:cool
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    wr's and mg's are by far the funnest to play

    in pvp the hardest class to be good is by far warrior. so many weapons for each situation + stun lock = fun pvp

    mg is also fun because of the huge damage and you really have to know which skill to use when as they take long to cast
  • SkyOni - Sanctuary
    SkyOni - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hard to choose.... half is boring to the extreme b:surrender (Boring cleric, and mages...)

    Why? Any class with low P.DMG, HP and P.DEF is boring b:bye... I hate being a mage, and definately I like playing my own gender. I love by barb and BM for life, and archers (even though archers are squishy if they got no vit) b:victoryb:victory

    I'm a male playing a mage and I have no regrets playing on this cleric. I'ved seen female playing BMs, i don't see why a male can't play a mage. Gender has nothing to do with the type of class you play.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I would say a lot of classes can be as you can't play around with builds so the skill sets you are using will get boring.This depends on what lvl you are though.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Frostburn - Lost City
    Frostburn - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    fist bm - double click on target then go afk
    at least with veno you use 2-3 keys ^^
  • almightyjed
    almightyjed Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    History Class XD

  • Mkey - Momaganon
    Mkey - Momaganon Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    necro of the day
    i bet all those newbs were better skilled than teh nubs using spark/auto attack combos
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Vixter - Harshlands
    Vixter - Harshlands Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    necro >.< but i cant believe veno got the most votes xD
    vixter (101 Heavy Veno) ~ TT farmer
    Peachie (102 Mystic) ~ Main character
  • __Astarte__ - Dreamweaver
    __Astarte__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Given the time-frame and the general assumptions people had about Venos back in the time of the OP, I don't find it hard to believe at all. =/
    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.
  • SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver
    SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Necro, and veno probably got it because they have the ability to stand back, and let their pet tank the damage, while they just heal the pet from afar. Personally though, I find my veno to be pretty fun, but thats just me. Lol.

    In before the lock as well. Lol.
    "Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."

    Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.

    (Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
This discussion has been closed.