Sirens kiss, I love it.
True, but look at the guides that are sticky @ lv30 you could attempt to write it, just use ecatomb for skill description b:laughb:dirty0
Nelae - Heavens Tear wrote: »True, but look at the guides that are sticky @ lv30 you could attempt to write it, just use ecatomb for skill description b:laugh
I'm suprised you havent gone one step further and postulated someone who has never played the game, reading up on a few guides/skills and attempting to write their own. b:mischievous0 -
I'm suprised you havent gone one step further and postulated someone who has never played the game, reading up on a few guides/skills and attempting to write their own. b:mischievous
i could, but that would be pushing it far....and its not like i said anything untrue about the guides that already exists, they just say about status points and describe skills how hard is that to write b:quietb:dirty0 -
Nelae - Heavens Tear wrote: »i could, but that would be pushing it far....and its not like i said anything untrue about the guides that already exists, they just say about status points and describe skills how hard is that to write b:quiet
Yes I was exaggerating a touch to emphasise my point that a good 90+ would probably be able to write a more decent and detailed guide than a level 7x. b:chuckle
I dont really believe listing the attribute points for FAC, Full vit, Hybrid, LA and then skill descriptions, can really be called a good guide to be honest. b:sleep0 -
Uh let's be honest and not too ideal. Normally in tw there's sins bms archers chasing clerics around wherever you are, and normally we wouldn't have much chi in tw, skills like guardian light can only save your life once and plume shell has the cd. And sleep only do good when theres 1 person chasing you. It happens to me a lot that i used guardian light and genie has no energy and still a couple ppl chasing after me siren's kiss really do a decent job against bm and barbs when you have 1 spark in tw at such situation there's really not much you could do plume shell doesn't save you all the time neither. siren kiss' fast casting and channeling + seal could really save your life sometimesb:victoryb:victory If you have any opinion i'll be happy to discussb:laugh0
pro necro
siren's kiss is a great skill, only when you have a spark and your target is close enough(which means you are probably dead tw)Thanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Sirens Kiss; Good for Sin check.Aasimar:
"Bollocks - a guy that will always point out to some1s nonsense and generally indicate contempt for a certain task, subject or opinion. A balancing force and more often then not, a voice of reason around thees parts. There is also paradox in that being his cleric name, as he likes to put it "useless char", while he is one of the best clerics on the server in PvP and PvE imo."0 -
Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear wrote: »I tried this combo,
Cyclone > Sirens kiss > Cyclone
And well, alot of damage in such a quick time, effective on BMs and Barbs.
Sirens kiss is well, another weapon up our sleeves. Whoever says it's useless is a fool.
that kinda fool.
I find it really funny when clerics complain about it saying "it costs one spark, waste of spark" when you can get 1 spark back within seconds from spamming IH for chi and "its melee range" when its 10 meters, close but no melee class can attack you from that range unless they are using ranged attacks.
If a melee gets within 10 meters at your range, you can cast it and escape. Its only when a melee gets close to you or when the archer class / monster is trying to keep at range.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool
HA > LA > AR... GG
HA + VIT = win b:bye0 -
Spamming IH we get 5 chi a second (maybe more if you have -chan). Practical? No.
A BM on cloud sprint runs at 9.5 m/s. Melee weapons have a range anywhere between 2.5-5m. Melees more or less can attack you from 12m away.
No one in their right mind would cast SK to get away. We have sleep, and if that's on cooldown, we have silent seal. If you're 100+ and both are on cooldown, you have seal of the gods. tl;dr, get out of the cleric forums.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
9x Demon Cleric0 -
Yulk - Heavens Tear wrote: »I find it really funny when clerics complain about it saying "it costs one spark, waste of spark" when you can get 1 spark back within seconds from spamming IH for chi
IH takes 1 second to channel, 1 second to cast, and has a 1 second CD.
Taking into account that it restores 10 chi, you'll need to cast it 10 times (FYI Yulk 1 spark equals 100 chi).
So let's do some basic math; hell, I'll even do most of it for you, just follow along:
it takes 27 seconds to cast 9 IH (9*3 = 27 seconds)
and for the final IH we only need to factor the channel and cast time (1*2).
All told, the total amount of time required for a spark is 29 seconds.
Yeah, seconds.Yulk - Heavens Tear wrote: »If a melee gets within 10 meters at your range, you can cast it and escape.
You can cast it, sure, but you probably will not escape.
Look at the crucial point of information concerning Siren's Kiss that you are overlooking:
"Has a chance to freeze for 3 seconds."
No mention of the chance whatsoever. So you're suggesting to use SK whenever "a melee gets close to you" in order to flee.
Yeah, we're going to use an attack with an ambiguous chance to freeze when we could use the same amount of time to cast Chromatic Seal (FYI Yulk that is a sleep).Yulk - Heavens Tear wrote: »Its only when a melee gets close to you
Already proved that your point is invalid.Yulk - Heavens Tear wrote: »or when the archer class / monster is trying to keep at range.
Okay, you are going an attack with a 12 meter radius against an archer. Uninstall plz, kthxbai.
[EDIT]Hm, DeathBanana beat me to the punch.0 -
Stargazers - Heavens Tear wrote: »IH takes 1 second to channel, 1 second to cast, and has a 1 second CD.
Taking into account that it restores 10 chi, you'll need to cast it 10 times (FYI Yulk 1 spark equals 100 chi).
So let's do some basic math; hell, I'll even do most of it for you, just follow along:
it takes 27 seconds to cast 9 IH (9*3 = 27 seconds)
and for the final IH we only need to factor the channel and cast time (1*2).
All told, the total amount of time required for a spark is 29 seconds.
Yeah, seconds.
You can cast it, sure, but you probably will not escape.
Look at the crucial point of information concerning Siren's Kiss that you are overlooking:
"Has a chance to freeze for 3 seconds."
No mention of the chance whatsoever. So you're suggesting to use SK whenever "a melee gets close to you" in order to flee.
Yeah, we're going to use an attack with an ambiguous chance to freeze when we could use the same amount of time to cast Chromatic Seal (FYI Yulk that is a sleep).
Already proved that your point is invalid.
Okay, you are going an attack with a 12 meter radius against an archer. Uninstall plz, kthxbai.
[EDIT]Hm, DeathBanana beat me to the punch.
umm cooldown starts after channel so it only takes 2 sec to cast ih.Thanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ah you're right.
So we shave off 9 seconds.
20 seconds is still not "a few seconds".0 -
i have given up trying to respond to his post lolThanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Yeah, the way he flaunts his ignorance all around the forums is atrocious.0
I hope he is learning something from it though. If only he levels up, he should be a much better player, in game and in forums.Thanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
you guys sound sexy using big in game words o-o im a noob.0
stargazers your mostly right but why wouldnt you want to use sirens kiss on an archer? if you holy path up to one and then sirens kiss your doing several things, doing damage on him, making him only do half damage to you, and keeping in him from running back into a range where he would be doing full damage to you. All those things seem pretty win to me.0
It depends, an archer might be weaker close up, but what if he switch to fists?
Also, if he is aware of you coming closer, in the time you are using to holy path, he can start channeling his stunning shot.
Examples given are a little hypothetical but in that case of archers, I dont see whats wrong other than the energy used for holy path limits the usage of your genie.Thanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
DeathBanana - Heavens Tear wrote: »Spamming IH we get 5 chi a second (maybe more if you have -chan). Practical? No.
A BM on cloud sprint runs at 9.5 m/s. Melee weapons have a range anywhere between 2.5-5m. Melees more or less can attack you from 12m away.
No one in their right mind would cast SK to get away. We have sleep, and if that's on cooldown, we have silent seal. If you're 100+ and both are on cooldown, you have seal of the gods. tl;dr, get out of the cleric forums.
Spam IH before fighting? Its easy to fill chi with 5 chi a second. Thats why I always fill my chi as a caster.
Sure BMs have sprint, but not only that, clerics can cast silent seal and / or chromatic seal to lock just like BMs stun locking. Would drake bash be useless because it costs 1 spark? Stop QQing about SK and learn how to use it
Again, you can lock people with that amount of chi consumed. Silent seal + Siren's kiss + chromatic seal.
Ohhh, why would you want to not be in close range from an archer as an arcane Stargazer?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool
HA > LA > AR... GG
HA + VIT = win b:bye0 -
DeathBanana - Heavens Tear wrote: »Spamming IH we get 5 chi a second (maybe more if you have -chan). Practical? No.
A BM on cloud sprint runs at 9.5 m/s. Melee weapons have a range anywhere between 2.5-5m. Melees more or less can attack you from 12m away.
No one in their right mind would cast SK to get away. We have sleep, and if that's on cooldown, we have silent seal. If you're 100+ and both are on cooldown, you have seal of the gods. tl;dr, get out of the cleric forums.
eh well first of all yea bm normally charge you but also with immune to movement speed debuff skill together so sleep w/e won't do you much they would be able to melee you anyways afterwards you could cast siren's kiss to immobalize them and run normally is not like 1 bm on you at a time in tw anyways casting seperate seals would pretty much kill you if not 1v1.
and in pk yea u have like 399 chi to start with in tw normally is not worth the time or don't have the time to spam full chi before u go in combat.
Well i think is a great skill against melees seperate seals is just too troublesome and sleep has slow effect too.0 -
When did I say arcane wearers should not be close to archers?
Point out that specific line and you get a cookie.
I did say that it is dubious to use an attack with 12 meter radius as there are better things to do with your chi.
Chiv brings in a good point about using Holy Path to get close up, but, as Lylfo pointed out, there are better ways of using genie energy.
I think you are missing the point here, Yulk.
SK just is not as flexible as other options.
Chromatic also locks down the opponent, but the sleep debuff is guaranteed. The duration of said skill is not fixed, but that is irrelevant compared to the fact that SK's "freeze" effect is not reliable.
A reprieve that gives you at least some breathing time guaranteed;
A close-range skill that may give you a 3 second freeze....
Gee, tough call.Yulk - Heavens Tear wrote: »Would drake bash be useless because it costs 1 spark?
Yulk, do you like playing devil's advocate?0 -
Yulk - Heavens Tear wrote: »Spam IH before fighting? Its easy to fill chi with 5 chi a second. Thats why I always fill my chi as a caster.
Sure BMs have sprint, but not only that, clerics can cast silent seal and / or chromatic seal to lock just like BMs stun locking. Would drake bash be useless because it costs 1 spark? Stop QQing about SK and learn how to use it
You will not always have time to get chi. Chi is very, very useful (i.e. triple spark, plume shell, and seals), and SK is, frankly, rarely worth the spark it costs.
Past lvl 45 there is a convenient skill called Will of the Bodhisatva. 'Nuff said.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
9x Demon Cleric0 -
Yulk - Heavens Tear wrote: »Spam IH before fighting? Its easy to fill chi with 5 chi a second. Thats why I always fill my chi as a caster.
Sure BMs have sprint, but not only that, clerics can cast silent seal and / or chromatic seal to lock just like BMs stun locking. Would drake bash be useless because it costs 1 spark? Stop QQing about SK and learn how to use it
Again, you can lock people with that amount of chi consumed. Silent seal + Siren's kiss + chromatic seal.
Drake Bash is well worth that one spark because of 100% stun, hits hard, and especially hard with a crit.
But not the same case in the combo that you have mentioned. Your combo is hardly a stun lock.
Silent Seal has a self debuff that halves your magic attack damage. If you plan to attack, you'd have to purify, which is another 2 seconds and 20 chi before you launch an attack, and the seal would come off. Or maybe you don't attack, and run off, buy some time to heal yourself... Then the melee ranged come, and you get a chance to seal them again before you start fleeing, where you get far enough and make another sleep.
What the heck would you be doing the entire time? Sounds like a weird time buying tactic to me, and hardly a stun lock, where you actually hurt people in that duration. You can save yourself the time, mana and chi spent just doing other far more useful combos.
If you're going to theorize something, at least have logical arguments. In your entire combo above, Siren's Kiss is a redundant filler.
Chi needs to be put in better use. You can't seriously be thinking that this is how an entire fight goes:
10 IH in a row - Plume Shell (30 chi) - Silent Seal (20 chi) - Siren's Kiss (one spark) - Sleep (30 chi) - 10 IH in a row - Plume Shell (30 chi)....repeat the cycle, and insert one or two random attacks wherever you can find the space and time to.
How are you going to kill anyone with that....0 -
Silent Seal does not halve your magic damage
9x Demon Cleric0 -
Sirens kiss gives me a chance to hit all of the mobs when I pull them by accident and maybe stun them, then single one out to attack and maybe kill one of them faster so I have a fighting chance. Or give me time to flee.
It's also nice in instances with low level mobs, you lure everything then... boom b:laughI'm not there to make you survive in PWI, that's your job
** expected fail squad: express rule of thumb "you die by stupidity, you go to town" **
~Sanctuary~Cleric/Archer/Veno~Audeamus/Enelysion0 -
_Pale - Sanctuary wrote: »Sirens kiss gives me a chance to hit all of the mobs when I pull them by accident and maybe stun them, then single one out to attack and maybe kill one of them faster so I have a fighting chance. Or give me time to flee.
It's also nice in instances with low level mobs, you lure everything then... boom b:laugh
Agreed. When I was helping new players with their fb19s, I realized that the mobs barely even scratched me, so I rounded them up and used siren's kiss. BOOM. The sight of them all falling dead made my day. XD
Admittedly I've been lvling Siren's Kiss very slowly, but it's no problem since I don't use it often. I sometimes use it in FCC to aoe when I have chi to spare because of it's fast channeling time. And for the joy to see numbers fly off of multiple mobs. With good, high lvl FCC squads, sometimes... you can afford to have just a little bit of fun. b:chuckleSyredrae ~ lvl 100 Cleric (main character)
Auryl ~ lvl 100 Venomancer
Mainas ~ lvl 80 Barbarian
Suirune ~ lvl 2X Psychic0 -
This is a pro-**** necro. And it's not even about the original topic anymore lol.0
Save your sparks and Chi-apos for triple sparked tempests and one shot everything? Siren's Kiss has nothing going for it but a fast channeling time, and your razor feathers and tempest can make up for that with channeling equipment. Its low range, chi cost, and lack of xxx% weapon damage factor make it weak and forgettable.
I actually really like how this spell looks. However, it does not do a lot of damage. It is not worth a spark. A 75% freeze is hardly worth it if the targets are within 12m of you.
Blademasters can leap towards you even when frozen! Assassins can teleport towards you even further. Most melee classes have buffs that protect them from movement debuffs anyhow, negating this effect completely. So you're safer kiting and using cyclone/thunder. I could potentially see it as a finisher when cyclone is on cooldown, but that is really it.
I'm lv.100 and I still have Siren's Kiss: Lv.1. I don't think it is worth upgrading even with millions in surplus spirit. I'm hoping to get Elven Boon to complete my Metal Magic combo instead. It has quite a fast channeling time as well! b:pleased
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