How long will Kingdom KoS Crimson?



  • Rewas - Harshlands
    Rewas - Harshlands Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'll fight anyone at anytime, i don't back down from anybody even from higher lvl than me, if you want to call someone an idiot over a game, you should have the balls to face that person in game. Don't be a dumbass and talk **** to our guild otherwise face the music of my foot up your butt b:byeb:bye

    Allright, you really r an idiot. I gues noone told that you are barbar, tank class in this game, and it's pretty normal that you can TANK (im pretty sure you cant kill anyone higher lvl on your own) higher players, that's not the thing you should be proud about, but ashamed that you mentioned it.

    btw, i got quesiton, are you GodsFear alt, kid, or something(cuz smilaraty (in dumbnes) is so... huge)?

    Take care b:victory
  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Allright, you really r an idiot. I gues noone told that you are barbar, tank class in this game, and it's pretty normal that you can TANK (im pretty sure you cant kill anyone higher lvl on your own) higher players, that's not the thing you should be proud about, but ashamed that you mentioned it.

    i play a tank class also i can kill everyone on my lvl even heavy user 1v1 (without genie skill) and yes im proud about itb:victory
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    This whole WBs do no damage myth is exactly that....a myth. WBs kill people just as easily as BMs. They're on par, if not more over powered, than phoenixes.
  • Icom - Harshlands
    Icom - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i play a tank class also i can kill everyone on my lvl even heavy user 1v1 (without genie skill) and yes im proud about itb:victory

    and how much RL money did it take you to accomplish that? yesh you are a true PRO! b:chuckle

    PS: NERD
  • Ghanima - Harshlands
    Ghanima - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I know a good build barb can do 100k+ damage in PvE
  • Esteban - Harshlands
    Esteban - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Allright, you really r an idiot. I gues noone told that you are barbar, tank class in this game, and it's pretty normal that you can TANK (im pretty sure you cant kill anyone higher lvl on your own) higher players, that's not the thing you should be proud about, but ashamed that you mentioned it.

    btw, i got quesiton, are you GodsFear alt, kid, or something(cuz smilaraty (in dumbnes) is so... huge)?

    Take care b:victory

    I remember seeing a screenshot around the forums of a barb doing 6xk damage on a TW... Btw.. You are pretty much a 1hit to any barb your lvl and maybe a couple of lvls lower than you... Perdition hurts b:surrender
  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    and how much RL money did it take you to accomplish that? yesh you are a true PRO! b:chuckle

    PS: NERD

    LOL ppl like me make this Game F2P for ppl like you so dont blame me when i spend money .

    PS:LOSER b:chuckle
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Aedus - Harshlands
    Aedus - Harshlands Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    LOL ppl like me make this Game F2P for ppl like you so dont blame me when i spend money .

    PS:LOSER b:chuckle

    **** off guildhopper.

    Not as bad as Rome but at least he has some balls.
  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I do find it funny that these seems to be a self righteous act based on karma for attacking Crimson, and yet they refuse to do anything to QQme, who Icon loves to mention was made to get rid of Crimson, and nothing else....Guess they don't deserve some karmic relief.
  • Icom - Harshlands
    Icom - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    LOL ppl like me make this Game F2P for ppl like you so dont blame me when i spend money .

    PS:LOSER b:chuckle

    Who says I play this game? I spend all my time trolling these threads!! b:kiss
  • Barbapooper - Harshlands
    Barbapooper - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    lets see if i can get a full page of me with last reply
  • Pyropete - Harshlands
    Pyropete - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    fun fun fun

    Moon likes to block the banker with her (his?) hideous beast. shift+click ftw.
  • Esteban - Harshlands
    Esteban - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Another alt! woot! woot!
  • Barbapooper - Harshlands
    Barbapooper - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Moon likes to block the banker with her (his?) hideous beast. shift+click ftw.

    this one should kill himself, worst name yet
  • Assailer - Harshlands
    Assailer - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i would vote on this poll, but i think in a tw KD will defeat crimson, if the KoS lasts who knows maybe next week the giants will clashb:victory
    Ex Heavenly Marshal-- Ex Leader of Divinity--
    The Point of Battle is not die for your beliefs, But instead Slay the enemy for theirs.~

    The mere fact that I am attacking, intices the enemy to believe I am stronger than They~

    Pkin Pkers is fun, and rewarding b:laugh
  • Saji - Harshlands
    Saji - Harshlands Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    All i can say is that yesterday at nightscream we were confronted by crimsons. we got beat. got some more people beat them then they just gave up after getting handed to them, the escuse was they dont cry to guildies for back up. ok gocha. u were outnumbered cool. today another fight with crimson at Nightscream this time they got a hell of alot bms 1-2 barbs i think and and 90+ archer. first we were the ones out numbered and a bit outleveled untill Icon and Mrg came. maby it was just me but i thought it was a decently even fight.? next thing u know all the crimson were outa sight *gasp* escuse this time, o u gota bring ure leader. hence some more trash talk. *observasion* when the going gets tough crimson gets going. not even a second atempt. go ahead quote me trash trash talk me all u want. these are the facts. and the only way to end this QQ-Sesion is to settle this in tw.
  • Yoruichi - Harshlands
    Yoruichi - Harshlands Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Who cares? I saw Saji roll Kyel. Oh and nice job not carrying dolls, you die that easily?
  • Thc - Harshlands
    Thc - Harshlands Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Kingdom > Crimsonb:bye
  • Aurian - Harshlands
    Aurian - Harshlands Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I don't like thos KOSb:cry
    All i do atm is camp SZ waiting for then to come out.
    Instead we do an insult shouting battle until they get bored and tp out.

    Now a few points:

    Venos with foxwings = fail
    RED with no dolls = fail
    A 5 man gang and not able to kill anyone cause word "stun" is not avaible in ur dictionary = fail
    Run away and whiper "U cant catch me ahahah" = fail
    Begging to QQme guys to help then kill me = fail
    Crimson tag above ur head = Instant fail
    Camping WQ NPCs at max height with nix = Win
  • Krixxix - Harshlands
    Krixxix - Harshlands Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    There was a lot of that, yeah. But when we started KoSing Kylin, they came out and did decently...

    I guess it was psychological?

    Mind games usually work well even in a game based on stats, builds and random chances. If you hug safezone instead of fighting, you can be misinterpretated as weak, scared of insecure of your PvP skills. But, if you go out fighting you can be considered foolish, or reckless. Crimson knows they're good. And so does Kingdom. the only difference is, Crimson doesn't need to make a spectacle of themselves in a huge pk war at lets say Silver Pool, theres no need for it. Because that becomes less of a KoS and more of a PK war. Because soon allies of both guilds start showing up and the whole server is involed in something they dont need to be in. I think them hugging safezone is a smart choice. And when they do PK or come out, they're ready to win and die. Personally, i've based my PK ways on Crimson and Kingdom, fight, die, respawn, run out and try again. But wether the terms of the KoS or not matter in this. What does matter is, they both called eachother out. If we step in, its exactly like interfering in a 1v1 with one of your friends. or your friends interfering with yours. You respect your opponent and are confident of your PK abilities to win in a fair fight, then your friends come an 3v1 him. Then you're forever labeled as a ganker. Honestly, if you have a problem with either side, i suggest everyone and anyone, don't start when its Crimson VS Kingdom. Unless they're from those two guilds. But, thats just my opinion and out look on it all. :]