Kingdom's TW Payout Chart



  • Omen - Harshlands
    Omen - Harshlands Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Blah blah blah blah blah blah....


    Blah blah blah blah and more blah....

    this thread sux....NEXT b:victory
  • Saveless - Harshlands
    Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Marry me Omen.
  • Teehee - Harshlands
    Teehee - Harshlands Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    realtalk wrote: »
    Dude rofl. You're all better than GodsFear or Brendle. But atleast they are outfront with it. You'd rather waste money on a bid instead of getting your guild geared out? It really is all about you isn't it kid?

    And LOL @ the donations. They gave him so much money for the TW but like someone else said, TW doesn't even come near the amount donated.

    KD members are epic fail to the highest ****ing degree.

    Icon will get us geared when we hit 90, before that you don't need any decent gear. He has already stated Kingdom is more geared toward ENDGAME. Which means that we won't be given as much TW or anything special from other guilds till we hit 90. Thats when all the good shlt starts happening. Just look at what happened to HT the secound he hit 90. Because i agree with Icon, no point in getting us geared out in stuff we're gonna replace in a week or two.
  • Iffy - Harshlands
    Iffy - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Icon will get us geared when we hit 90, before that you don't need any decent gear. He has already stated Kingdom is more geared toward ENDGAME. Which means that we won't be given as much TW or anything special from other guilds till we hit 90. Thats when all the good shlt starts happening. Just look at what happened to HT the secound he hit 90. Because i agree with Icon, no point in getting us geared out in stuff we're gonna replace in a week or two.

    Yeah Kingdom gears up all the 90s. Just look at how pro Stick's and Nova_'s gear is.
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    10M HH +20M belial fund a week should get things a lot faster, by the length of time it has taken for Kingdom's 90s to get geared, i think that money has not been put to use. U do agree getting armor before 90 is a waste, besides the HH 80 barb's armor, which can be passed down when someone gets 90, but i doubt the weekly fund are not being used. (Unless Kingdom also refines/stones gears, in which case it would explain it all)
  • Teehee - Harshlands
    Teehee - Harshlands Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    10M HH +20M belial fund a week should get things a lot faster, by the length of time it has taken for Kingdom's 90s to get geared, i think that money has not been put to use. U do agree getting armor before 90 is a waste, besides the HH 80 barb's armor, which can be passed down when someone gets 90, but i doubt the weekly fund are not being used. (Unless Kingdom also refines/stones gears, in which case it would explain it all)

    ill just wait for Icon........b:chuckle
  • Icon - Harshlands
    Icon - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ill just wait for Icon........b:chuckle

    Teehee teehee
    10M HH +20M belial fund a week should get things a lot faster, by the length of time it has taken for Kingdom's 90s to get geared, i think that money has not been put to use. U do agree getting armor before 90 is a waste, besides the HH 80 barb's armor, which can be passed down when someone gets 90, but i doubt the weekly fund are not being used. (Unless Kingdom also refines/stones gears, in which case it would explain it all)

    Stick = Hopped from Crimson QQme ect
    Nova = New

    I like being completely honest, I farmed alot of 90 mats and put them in guild bank, people can trade for them or buy them. I wont give free handouts, Kingdom has been used in the past by current QQme Crimson and Kylin members. Now I work on senority, the people who built this guild with me desirve to be rewarded, so yes they will get more help from me. I would go help farm a loyals hh80 before a new members hh anything.

    Lost city probably had probably 1/10 the amount of transfer of member between major factions. There is too much unloyal guildhopping trash on this server.

    Its funny because there isnt one complaint on our forum over the pay, or our method, thats the only place its to be broughten up to see any change.

    So, yes, this is all Crimson QQme and Thorin, but probably just all Thorin.

    Hows the Saliva going, good yeah? mailorder? still want your own vent channel and have everyone listen while you smoke some loser blunts?

    So please keep the entertainment going.
  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Teehee teehee

    Stick = Hopped from Crimson QQme ect
    Nova = New

    I like being completely honest, I farmed alot of 90 mats and put them in guild bank, people can trade for them or buy them. I wont give free handouts, Kingdom has been used in the past by current QQme Crimson and Kylin members. Now I work on senority, the people who built this guild with me desirve to be rewarded, so yes they will get more help from me. I would go help farm a loyals hh80 before a new members hh anything.

    Lost city probably had probably 1/10 the amount of transfer of member between major factions. There is too much unloyal guildhopping trash on this server.

    Its funny because there isnt one complaint on our forum over the pay, or our method, thats the only place its to be broughten up to see any change.

    So, yes, this is all Crimson QQme and Thorin, but probably just all Thorin.

    Hows the Saliva going, good yeah? mailorder? still want your own vent channel and have everyone listen while you smoke some loser blunts?

    So please keep the entertainment going.
    So I heard Kingdom has slave labor.


  • Aeneas - Harshlands
    Aeneas - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Icon will get us geared when we hit 90, before that you don't need any decent gear. He has already stated Kingdom is more geared toward ENDGAME.

    This is the inherent problem with PvE'ing your way to the top and one of the reasons this server is already partially broken.

    Kingdom has been able to afford to take this perspective because they have yet to face a legitimate opponent. If they had actually been playing on a PvP server since the start, they would have had to devout more effort into properly gearing lower levels at an earlier time.

    Instead they've been able to level unmolested and focus exclusively on 9x gear, in otherwords, play as if this were Dreamweaver and not Harshlands.

    I'm not saying it wasn't smart, strictly in terms of gaining power it's clearly succesful, it just defeats the purpose of a PvP as opposed to a PvE server and therefore may, in the end, result in a high portion of the server just bailing out if KD becomes to OP.

    By the way, is GodsFear really in Kingdom now?
  • Sengashi - Harshlands
    Sengashi - Harshlands Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    So I heard Kingdom has slave labor.



    Where did you hear this new lie from? b:question Or are you just making things up again as you go along?
  • Omen - Harshlands
    Omen - Harshlands Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Marry me Omen.

    yay someone wants to marry me b:victory

    I heard Walter is a fool?

  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Where did you hear this new lie from? b:question Or are you just making things up again as you go along?

    Maybe you should ask Icon some more questions!

    *Detective hat on*
  • Omen - Harshlands
    Omen - Harshlands Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Maybe you should ask Icon some more questions!

    *Detective hat on*

    omg....i'm a slave b:cry

    u really are a fool lol

    hahahaha...and more hahahaha

  • Sengashi - Harshlands
    Sengashi - Harshlands Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Maybe you should ask Icon some more questions!

    *Detective hat on*

    lol Nice fail ya got there. Guess most people wouldn't notice the colon eh? b:question

    SS of Icon in/joining party pl0x. b:chuckle

    Then again Icon wouldn't party with you anyways....