A veno guide for intelligent people x3



  • Deadbone - Sanctuary
    Deadbone - Sanctuary Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    And no joke -.- hercs do have 7161 mag. def. and phonix has 10742 magic defense...thats status with both pets at lvl1.

    Im getting a lvl 1 phoenix to tank 1-3 drum then b:chuckle
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    And no joke -.- hercs do have 7161 mag. def. and phonix has 10742 magic defense...thats status with both pets at lvl1.



    THIS IS THEIR STATS AT 90. Freakin read ecatomb before you go and copy and paste stats off his site. my god, this is so full of fail. Reading this, and reading further into the guide made me lol my pants off.I dont mean to be cold, your intentions are well, but this guide is very very biased, and contains many many opinions and half truths and completely wrong information.
  • Lithandrys - Heavens Tear
    Lithandrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2009


    THIS IS THEIR STATS AT 90. Freakin read ecatomb before you go and copy and paste stats off his site. my god, this is so full of fail. Reading this, and reading further into the guide made me lol my pants off.I dont mean to be cold, your intentions are well, but this guide is very very biased, and contains many many opinions and half truths and completely wrong information.
    Uhmm.... appreciate your desire to help the Veno community.

    Good luck with your guide.

    A couple contructive critisims,

    Be sure sure to verify the anecdotal type information your including. To be classified as a guide, facts are most important, subjective experience should be clearly separated from the objective known or measureable information.

    Perhaps keep the factual information, in the same font format, and use the colors you seem fond of for the commentary.

    Dont try to include everything about the game in your Veno guide, keep your focus on the information you wish to convey. A couple spots the guide drifted off into general game mechanics...

    Agreed. If I didn't already know better, I'd be much confused right now. It needs more structure and focus on specific areas instead of adding random info that is not necessarily related to becoming/being a veno. Guides must be objective, and at best accurate and complete. And if including your own personal opinions and preferences, do mention that (maybe in brackets) so that players would have accurate information without pushing them toward the biases of the person that created the guide.
    If all else fails, look cute....and then run like hell.
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i apologize for my earlier rude post, i was just having a bad day :|.

    but yes above posts are correct
  • Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear
    Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Most venos have Golems. They are the big rocky pets you see running real slow. Only good thing about them is their physical def. they can easily tank. They are “safe pets”.

    My BayouRoc feels offended >_<
    *Semi retired*
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    theyre the best pets in game for someone who doesnt have $ for a herc >_>
  • Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear
    Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yes.. I dont get the "only phy. def" part.. What do you mean only? Isnt phy def. what we are mostly looking for? Yes he is slow.. But did you know that golem deals higher damage than herc??
    *Semi retired*
  • Miabi - Lost City
    Miabi - Lost City Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yes, the funny thing is that the nix would be a better tank then the herc, if it had the hercules's skills
  • Shifong - Heavens Tear
    Shifong - Heavens Tear Posts: 409 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yes.. I dont get the "only phy. def" part.. What do you mean only? Isnt phy def. what we are mostly looking for? Yes he is slow.. But did you know that golem deals higher damage than herc??

    Don't think herc owners would really care. Herc has a faster atk speed, and it's reflect skill is incredibly nice on bosses. Besides, doing more damage but not being able to tank is useless anyway.
    Yes, the funny thing is that the nix would be a better tank then the herc, if it had the hercules's skills
    True, but it's an air pet which is useless in dungeons. This would still make herc the favourite tank pet even though nix's atk is incredible.
    Retsuko - Shifong
  • Baritomaris - Sanctuary
    Baritomaris - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Don't think herc owners would really care. Herc has a faster atk speed, and it's reflect skill is incredibly nice on bosses. Besides, doing more damage but not being able to tank is useless anyway.

    ^^ Agree.

    Also, when you factor in attack speed, a Herc does more DPS than a Magmite.

    Even if the Herc dealt less damage, don't forget that a pet's primary purpose is to tank damage. A Magmite is a very fine tank in many situations, but as good as it is, a Herc is far superior. Of course, you have to be able to afford a Herc, but that's a subject for another post...
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Hercs damage output is fine. He can take down a 2.4 mil hp boss in about 45 mins. All I do is stand behind him and heal. b:chuckle
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    herc is the far superior tank of course, mine @ my level has ~20k defense
    Over a period of time, using math from lazerz and solandri, Herc does indeed out DD a golem over a longer period battle.

    But for those who cannot afford herc, and just use a golem for PVE leveling, over a short period, the golem damages far better. Its not just for its "pdef" as OP stated which is fairly biased as an opinion which should be edited.

    Golem is not just a "safe" pet, its the "best" pet for those who are starting out on a veno.

    Now I still see also, that OP still has that story about bramble and off topic information too about FBs etc. OP you should edit out that unessacary info and get back on topic of whats important, the veno. Bramble doesnt reflect damage in pvp for the 374298347234th time man, it got nerfed. Fix it. Unless there is a long overhaul, id suggest letting this thread go :|.