A veno guide for intelligent people x3

Seilis - Lost City
Posts: 15 Arc User
Table of content:
I. Small Venomancer explanation and armours.
II. Venomancers in PW and how to lure
III. Tabs (Fbs) and HH for those that don’t know what it is
IV. Screen explanation for really new people (extra)
V. Venomancers flying
VI. Small "you and your pet" info and your skills for pet (healing, taming, etc)
VII. Skills
o Mage
o Werefox
o + Ideas about how to use 3 veno skills for hp and mp.
VIII. Pet info. Rare pets, legendary pets, normal pets.
I. Venomancer explantion and armours.
First of all, Venomancers are said to be the most flexible race.
Coins love veno’s pockets. Venomancers gather fast money at grinding. To this, it helps the ability to easily solo at PvE. This is the only race that can actually lure and solo most bosses. I’ve seen archers lure, but that doesn’t always work -.-‘
For the new people: the best thing to do if you’re a veno is starting using robes. Believe me, not good idea to start with heavy armour if you don’t want your build to get crewed up and spend gold buying reset scrolls. Don’t look at the high physical defense of heavy armour, because is tempting. If you start with heavy like I did when I was a plus infinite noob, you would want to have more points to put in mag and get annoyed by the fact that you can’t use your level weapons; this especially if you are poor or like to waste money. I’m not getting inside heavy armour venos, but here is a good guide for being one, but it seems to only work if you are lvl70+: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=198681
Venomancers have low physical defence and not a great amount of HP, so they depend on their pets to be the tanks; is a good combination: Veno has pet, pet holds aggro; veno makes most damage, mob dies. Your HP doesn’t goes down and is happiness ^^ good pet.
I won’t enter into the distribution of the attribute points. I’ll say, you just need to have in mind your next lvl armour and weapon; how much magic you will need, how much dexterity and how much strength. Don’t focus in vitality too much. If you will be a robe user, is better to focus in magic.
In the end, it all depends in the way you play. I just think, the faster I kill the mob, it can’t reach me or kill the pet because I forget to heal it. And yes, lots of venos forget to heal the pet -.- it happens, so I focused in mag after having 60 points of strength because of my screwed up build >.<
A heavy armour fox has enough magic to mix heavy and arcane armour. With the right mix of heavy and arcane, you can get better physical def. and mag. def than light armour alone. I have a veno friend that uses light armour, she says light armour offers the best of both worlds: longer survability plus the magic attack isn’t lowered that much. Also the critical hit percentage increases. Robes have best magical defense and lower physical defense.
Before an imbue of a soulgem into a weapon or armour, seriously, remember to unequip the thing >.> it wont work if you have it on. Well, if you can afford them: just get some stones and imbue them to your stuff to get better physical defense or w/e you lack -.o .there’s always a trick for better armour and weapons including adding sockets to your stuff with socket stones : p
II. Venomancers in PW and how to lure.
Venomancer’s role is to lure; and with bosses, to keep them debuffed. A simple example is: inside secret passage, fb29 requires a veno to lure the boss Quinzi from a room with 6 mini bosses. What is better? Massacre or pull the boss out and kill it. Ok, I’m guessing this is obvious.
If you want to lure a certain mob from a bunch of mobs that aggro, it works like this:
summon pet, send pet to attack. When the pet strikes a hit, unsummon pet, run back and summon pet back and quickly send pet to attack.
Make sure you aren’t inside the group of mobs or else you will get aggro from the mobs and get killed and also don’t stay too far or the mob might not move from his place.
There’s also another nice way of luring 2 mobs at a time and is better using a tank pet and this tactic is very nice for Fbs.
Is the same procedure with one small change: summon pet, send pet to attack. When the pet strikes a hit send the pet to attack another mob, when the pet hits the other mob, unsummon pet, run back and summon pet back and quickly send pet to attack.
Venos with light or heavy armour are better at this because of their higher physical defense so they can tank the mob. Or if you are lucky enough, you can critic hit the mob. If there are only two mobs together and any other around, it also works to attack the mob the pet is attacking so the pet finishes the mob and continues the next one. Some venos just AoE first and then kill the mob while pet finishes the first mob.
III. Tabs and FBs information!!!!!!
Many noobs get tabs for something they don’t know what it is and go to the den of rabid wolfs, which is the first Fb, to die. Fbs are dungeons you get every 10 levels starting from lvl19, with the exception of Fb51. Fb51 is better to do at lvl53 when you will have finally all the quests that involve the Fb. SO it goes like this: Fbs 19, 29, 39, 49, 51, 59, 69…You get the idea.. So if you get tabs at those levels is better to find a good squad. Also, the Fbs require a spiritual cultivation you have to do before getting tabs. After finishing Fb19, you will get a weapon from the elder, which glows blue and is strong and you will like it. At higher levels, the spiritual cultivation will ask you to kill bosses you will of course need an squad for. Like jewelscalen, is boss that can easily one hit >.> and most bosses will have AoE attacks and also, most mobs have magic attacks.So if you use robes…good. In some other later Fbs such as 69, even though you get a tab for it, you don't get the other two until you hit 70 (Thanks Angelle). Also there are the HH quests, which are also dungeons. Venos can solo this with a good tank…a very good tank…like a herc, lol. A veno with a herc can get rich inside HH. The HH can be taken in solo mode or squad mode. Squad mode is harder and is important a tank (barb) and a good cleric. I did solo mode with a veno friend and my lvl54 shadou cub. We both healed the same pet so everything went right. And yes, venos can heal other veno’s pets.
IV. Screen explanation
For people without time or those that hate to read the instructions. Is as simple as this:
Top left is your character, the HP bar and MP bar. Afterwards a yellow bar will appear bellow the mp bar. This yellow bar is “chi”, and you will need it for some skills. Also, your pet bar with its loyalty and HP will appear below the chi bar. Bottom left is the chat screen, no need to explain how it works I hope. Top right is the mini map where you can see some buttons. The green arrow is to look for coordinates and the “M” button is to look at the big map. This two are best combination to look for quests. Bottom right you will see like the menu o.0 there you can exit and stuff, that’s why is the menu. So you just have to press quests button and then “find quest” button to…find quests >.> …It will give you the name of the npc and coordinates. Have fun with that.
V. Venomancers flying
Untamed race can’t fly. Humans either, so don’t get sad. Only elves can fly at lvl1. The untamed race and humans will get a quest at lvl30 to be able to fly, so as a veno you will get a wave pacer (flying mount). Nvm. You will have to walk and jump a lot till then.
VI. Small "you and your pet info" and your skills for pet (healing, taming, etc).
All races can have pets. Venos use pets to attack and at the same time tank, but other races can only have “baby pets” (They just follow players and dont attack) and this is another reason why venos can get rich easily. Who doesn’t want a cute pet following you everywhere: P a veno makes a baby pet, sells it and money to pocket, yay!!
The first levels are so easy that if you create another veno you can level till lvl10 in one day. The point is, if you use this to your advantage and level killing lvl1 and lvl2 mobs outside city and get till lvl4 (that takes like 10 to 20 mins), you will get a quest from the pet skill trainer at level 3 to get a pet. Ignore it -.- . Just level to lvl4 and then go for your pet. There are 2 options to choose from: a wolf (higher physical defense) or a scorpion (higher physical attack). To level pet fast just try buying oil to increase loyalty fast and then buy pure water to feed pet after loyalty is maxed. Pet loyalty maxed= pet attacks better and gains more exp, meaning levels faster and is easier to quest. Then you do the quest to get your armour and the gate quest if you want, and then all the quests you didn’t do from lvl1 to lvl4 ^.^ . This will level you faster
Remember to use your attribute points. Your first skill will be venomous scarab and you get fox form (you can’t change armour or weapons in fox form) at lvl9 together with ironwood scarab.
Before entering into skills…
After getting your first pet you will get two books you have to take to the pet skill trainer and then just learn the skills. The books will disappear but don’t freak out, it works like that. Now you can heal pet and revive pet in case it dies. There is also another skill you get after a quest given by the pet skill trainer at lvl7. It will give you the tame pet skill. The names say exactly what they do so no explanations here. BTW, don’t max tame, because it seems it doesn’t matter the lvl of the skill but before taming a mob, is important it has less than half of the HP bar. DON’T MAX IT!! Is not important unless you want to get rare pets, in which case it comes handy the time difference in channelling, because you won’t be the only veno around that wants to tame the rare pet. It seems venos that have maxed this skill can tame full health mobs. So don’t max it unless you want to tame a lot (Thanks to Dystery). You can max heal, it is very important. And yes, you can max revive if you want. A higher lvl revive wastes less mana and takes less time to revive the pet. A maxed revive if you can. After maxing it, it takes 3 secs channelling and a lvl1 revive takes 12 secs. Beautiful difference.
VI. Skill stuff (I’ll put the skill’s status when maxed and some commentaries from the other venos. Point is to max what you need the most):
o For mage venos
1. Venomous scarab: Throw a virulent parasite at the enemy. Deals Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 100% of weapon damage plus 966.0. (Fast coldown so is good if you get into trouble. Imagine for example you’re killing a mob; your pet died, not time to revive and just used 2 skills with a long cold down and can’t use them again for some more secs. Is better to spam this skill and kill the mob before it kills you. ).
2. Ironwood Scarab: Throw a splinted bug at the enemy inflicting Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 300% of weapon damage plus 1327.7. Reduces enemy's physical defense by 30% for 10 seconds. (basically, is good to lower the enemy’s defense for pet to do more dmg
and also it takes a good amount of the enemy’s hp)
3. Lucky scarab: Sling-shot a sharp stone covered with viral plauges at the enemy, inflicting Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 100% of weapon damage plus 3416.9. Has a 95% chance to stun target for 2.0 seconds. (is like only stun in mage veno mode, but is great at saving your life. Burns a lot of mp)
4. Noxious gas: A large disease ridden toxic parasite attacks the target causing it and all enemies 9.0 meters around it to suffer Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 200% of weapon damage plus 1501.4. Enemies will also suffer 1501.4 Wood damage over 9 seconds. (AoE skill. This skill takes a long channelling, but is useful when you are doing long runs in an Fb and the tank attracts too many mobs. My friend uses it to pk on noobs x3)
5. Bramble guard: Cast a bramble shield of protection on a friendly target. Returns 60% of melee damage to attackers. Lasts 10 minutes. (Useful to cast on tanks before killing a boss, better percentage of surviving. And as it says, reflects 60% of physical attacks directed at you)
6. Parasitic nova: Summon a toxic parasite array to attack the target and all enemies in a 12.0 meter radius around the target. Inflicts Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 300% of weapon damage plus 4564.9. Has a 67% chance to make them chaotic for 8.0 seconds, in which they are unable to move or attack. (another AoE skill)
7. Summer sprint: Accompanied by flowers, character's movement speed increases by 35% for 5 minutes. (Is good to run from a boss that follows you because you accidentally went too close x3 …actually is really useful, seriously. And is good to run fast, because veno’s normal speed is slow. Useful like you’ve got no idea).
8. Soul transfusion: Instantly exchange HP and MP values. Each transfusion costs at most 100 Chi.
9. Metabolic boost: Recovers 50% of maximum HP. (if you don’t get why you need this one … >.>).
10. Nature’s grace: Recovers 50% of maximum MP.
11. Lending hand: Transfer one Spark to target. (If you have an spark to lend, it does. Is useful when a tank needs chi for all the buffs and to attack the boss without restrictions).
12. Wood mastery: Increases Wood magic damage by 20%. (This will increase the wood damage on your skills).
Lots of venos agree in this part:
Blazing scarab, just get it but no need to max it. 1 is because if your pet has flesh ream.
And 2 is because you will just kill the mob before the skill even acts twice. Is a DoT skill (Damage Over Time).
Is useful for long fights, though (thanks Tearvalerin)
Frost scarab: almost the same reason as blazing. DoT skills aren’t that useful when killing mobs.
Also, I triedbramble hood lvl1 and asked an archer friend to attack me while I had it on. Normally it takes him 3 shots to finish me, but this time 4 shots finished with half of my HP bar. So is killer in PvP. You’re fighting a BM, you cast bramble hood and pet attacking + you attacking+ damage made by the BM and reflects back equals to cya BM.
o If you are going for fox form veno:
1. Fox form: Transform into a werefox. Physical defense increases by 120%, accuracy increases by 200%, and maximum MP falls by 20%. Allows werefox skills to be used. (Kind of obvious you should max it).
2. Stunning blow: Strike the enemy with a stunning blow, inflicting base physical damage plus 2332.3. A successful hit freezes the enemy for 8.0 seconds. (Is a paralyze skill. They can’t move for 8 secs as it says, but can still attack you if they are in range)
3. Leech: Strike the enemy with a leech attack, inflicting base physical damage plus 2291.3. Has an 80% chance to steal 600 HP. (well >.> you get it)
4. Purge: Remove all positive effects on the target.
5. Amplify damage: Curse the target, making it take 20% more damage for 20.0 seconds.
At any time an enemy may only be affected by one curse.
6. Malefic crush: A malefic strike to enemies within 8 meters around you. Inflicts base physical damage plus 5228.3, and burns 1600 Mana over 9 seconds. (AoE physical attack)
7. Melee mastery: Gain additional 120% weapon damage in Werefox form.
Note: Even if you are a mage veno, it is good idea to max melee mastery so your fox form attacks will be better and also fox form skill. Skills in fox form are useful and some are necessary. For example: cursing an enemy and lower defense is great. And the leech skill steals HP of the enemy
oAlso a tip to use these 3 skills in mage veno form: Metabolic boost, Nature’s grace and soul transfusion.
1. You have less than half mp and full Hp bar. You can just directly use soul Trans and then metabolic boost. This will make you have full mp bar and the recover your half hp bar with metabolic.
2. If you have half in both just use nature for mp and metabolic for hp.
3. having again less than half mp bar and full hp. Just try to fill up the mp bar with nature's grace, then use metabolic boost. Like this you don’t need pots and can keep killing without need of wasting money. Heiros (Mp and Hp charms…if you have money and want instant hp or mp, get one).
VIII. Pet info. Rare pets, legendary pets, normal pets.
Rare pet info from a great veno friend:
Pets are listed Lowest to Highest lvl.
Spawn Times are all PST/Server Time for LC Spawn time is every 12hours.
Pet Name________Lvl________Coords
Frogling________Lvl9________240,550 and 196,513
Tabby________Lvl20________362,960 and 397,619
Shadou Cub________Lvl20________200 452 and 288,458
Flying Piggy________Lvl30________403,643 Height 36
Cuddly Pup________Lvl40________315,752 and 299,764
Armored Bear________Lvl80________672,633
Normal Spawn time: Exactly 5hours after Server Maintenance. So 5am pst/5pm pst .
With people catching and killing throughout the week the times get boosted up even an hour depending on when caught or killed. If it doesn’t spawn exactly on the hour wait up to an hour if you can.
Kowlins are as fast (10.4m/s), making them good pets to lure and have lvl4 flesh ream.
Shadou cubs are physical tanks. They come with an stun of 3 secs
Frogs are good “magic tankers”.
Cuddly puppies have good attack status but low physical def. but they are fast too (9.4 m/s) and can be used to lure.
Phoenix and hercs
They are legendary pets. You get a phoenix with 9999 feathers and a herc, with 9999 source of force. You get feathers and SoF from other players. If you have luck and money, buy pet packs with gold, they give from 15 to 50 (if I remember correctly) of either feathers or SoF.
A phoenix is great at PvP (Player vs. Player), making up to 4k dmg and has 8k physical def. at lvl1. Hercs, totally great at PvE (Player vs. Enviroment)are the best pet tanks mainly because of their skills. One of its skill reflects physical damage, so it can tank mobs and you can attack them back while the skill is on. Mobs get damage because the skill “reflects” it, and you can heal pet without getting aggro directed at you. The maximum amount of mobs I heard they can tank is 4 mobs. A phoenix has 10k magic def. and a herc 7k, both at lvl one. Phoenix and herc have the same amount of physical defense. There’s always a fight between which one to get first.
Most venos have Golems. They are the big rocky pets you see running real slow. Only good thing about them is their physical def. they can easily tank. They are “safe pets”.
Antelopes are good “magic tankers”.
Water mobs….BEST water mobs are turtles. Never get a mermaidian or something similar because they die so fast that if you blink you are also dead >.> Turtles can hold aggro, unlike some undines and other water mobs.
Another normal pet that a lot of venos noticed they can’t hold aggro are foxwings. This rosy and some green fox can’t really hold aggro from a mob and much less of two mobs. Is a constant “heal heal heal”. Sawflies have decent magical and physical defense.
You get rid of your pet going to the pet skill trainer and select “revert pet to egg” option. If you have an egg, do the same thing but press “hatch pet egg”, instead. You get pet skills scrolls, pet skill book (max a skill up one lvl) and pet collars (name pets) at Ms. Zoologist in archosaur.
You will get quests by the pet skills trainer to increase the pet bag capacity. She will ask for different objects in this order:
1. 20 hay: Hay can be found by killing Highlands Tortoises in the river east of Broken Bridge Village, Abysmal Turtles in the river east of City of the Lost, Megalith Rhinodrake (level 23) south west of Archosaur, Antelope Pups (level 30) around Silver Pool, the Carapests over the river west of Plume City. Hay has a relatively low drop rate, so it might take a while.
2. 50 fruits: These can drop from Pterosaurs (level 33-40), Cloudthrust Vipent Form (level 40), or the Premolar Generals near Angler's Village. [The drop rate is around 12% for fruit from the lvl 40 mobs mentioned so farming Fruit will also be a slow]
3. 100 fungus: this is dropped by lvl50+ mobs. One mob is Abyssal Thunderfins lvl59 mobs in the endless sea.
But you can spend gold or buy from other players: a cage (increases pet bag capacity to one slot).
Look here: http://www.ecatomb.net/petstat.php
...for pet status. If you wonder about the different golems. Fashion. Skills and build simulator. this is a good page to wander. Remember to select the "PWI" mode.
I. Small Venomancer explanation and armours.
II. Venomancers in PW and how to lure
III. Tabs (Fbs) and HH for those that don’t know what it is
IV. Screen explanation for really new people (extra)
V. Venomancers flying
VI. Small "you and your pet" info and your skills for pet (healing, taming, etc)
VII. Skills
o Mage
o Werefox
o + Ideas about how to use 3 veno skills for hp and mp.
VIII. Pet info. Rare pets, legendary pets, normal pets.
I. Venomancer explantion and armours.
First of all, Venomancers are said to be the most flexible race.
Coins love veno’s pockets. Venomancers gather fast money at grinding. To this, it helps the ability to easily solo at PvE. This is the only race that can actually lure and solo most bosses. I’ve seen archers lure, but that doesn’t always work -.-‘
For the new people: the best thing to do if you’re a veno is starting using robes. Believe me, not good idea to start with heavy armour if you don’t want your build to get crewed up and spend gold buying reset scrolls. Don’t look at the high physical defense of heavy armour, because is tempting. If you start with heavy like I did when I was a plus infinite noob, you would want to have more points to put in mag and get annoyed by the fact that you can’t use your level weapons; this especially if you are poor or like to waste money. I’m not getting inside heavy armour venos, but here is a good guide for being one, but it seems to only work if you are lvl70+: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=198681
Venomancers have low physical defence and not a great amount of HP, so they depend on their pets to be the tanks; is a good combination: Veno has pet, pet holds aggro; veno makes most damage, mob dies. Your HP doesn’t goes down and is happiness ^^ good pet.
I won’t enter into the distribution of the attribute points. I’ll say, you just need to have in mind your next lvl armour and weapon; how much magic you will need, how much dexterity and how much strength. Don’t focus in vitality too much. If you will be a robe user, is better to focus in magic.
In the end, it all depends in the way you play. I just think, the faster I kill the mob, it can’t reach me or kill the pet because I forget to heal it. And yes, lots of venos forget to heal the pet -.- it happens, so I focused in mag after having 60 points of strength because of my screwed up build >.<
A heavy armour fox has enough magic to mix heavy and arcane armour. With the right mix of heavy and arcane, you can get better physical def. and mag. def than light armour alone. I have a veno friend that uses light armour, she says light armour offers the best of both worlds: longer survability plus the magic attack isn’t lowered that much. Also the critical hit percentage increases. Robes have best magical defense and lower physical defense.
Before an imbue of a soulgem into a weapon or armour, seriously, remember to unequip the thing >.> it wont work if you have it on. Well, if you can afford them: just get some stones and imbue them to your stuff to get better physical defense or w/e you lack -.o .there’s always a trick for better armour and weapons including adding sockets to your stuff with socket stones : p
II. Venomancers in PW and how to lure.
Venomancer’s role is to lure; and with bosses, to keep them debuffed. A simple example is: inside secret passage, fb29 requires a veno to lure the boss Quinzi from a room with 6 mini bosses. What is better? Massacre or pull the boss out and kill it. Ok, I’m guessing this is obvious.
If you want to lure a certain mob from a bunch of mobs that aggro, it works like this:
summon pet, send pet to attack. When the pet strikes a hit, unsummon pet, run back and summon pet back and quickly send pet to attack.
Make sure you aren’t inside the group of mobs or else you will get aggro from the mobs and get killed and also don’t stay too far or the mob might not move from his place.
There’s also another nice way of luring 2 mobs at a time and is better using a tank pet and this tactic is very nice for Fbs.
Is the same procedure with one small change: summon pet, send pet to attack. When the pet strikes a hit send the pet to attack another mob, when the pet hits the other mob, unsummon pet, run back and summon pet back and quickly send pet to attack.
Venos with light or heavy armour are better at this because of their higher physical defense so they can tank the mob. Or if you are lucky enough, you can critic hit the mob. If there are only two mobs together and any other around, it also works to attack the mob the pet is attacking so the pet finishes the mob and continues the next one. Some venos just AoE first and then kill the mob while pet finishes the first mob.
III. Tabs and FBs information!!!!!!
Many noobs get tabs for something they don’t know what it is and go to the den of rabid wolfs, which is the first Fb, to die. Fbs are dungeons you get every 10 levels starting from lvl19, with the exception of Fb51. Fb51 is better to do at lvl53 when you will have finally all the quests that involve the Fb. SO it goes like this: Fbs 19, 29, 39, 49, 51, 59, 69…You get the idea.. So if you get tabs at those levels is better to find a good squad. Also, the Fbs require a spiritual cultivation you have to do before getting tabs. After finishing Fb19, you will get a weapon from the elder, which glows blue and is strong and you will like it. At higher levels, the spiritual cultivation will ask you to kill bosses you will of course need an squad for. Like jewelscalen, is boss that can easily one hit >.> and most bosses will have AoE attacks and also, most mobs have magic attacks.So if you use robes…good. In some other later Fbs such as 69, even though you get a tab for it, you don't get the other two until you hit 70 (Thanks Angelle). Also there are the HH quests, which are also dungeons. Venos can solo this with a good tank…a very good tank…like a herc, lol. A veno with a herc can get rich inside HH. The HH can be taken in solo mode or squad mode. Squad mode is harder and is important a tank (barb) and a good cleric. I did solo mode with a veno friend and my lvl54 shadou cub. We both healed the same pet so everything went right. And yes, venos can heal other veno’s pets.
IV. Screen explanation
For people without time or those that hate to read the instructions. Is as simple as this:
Top left is your character, the HP bar and MP bar. Afterwards a yellow bar will appear bellow the mp bar. This yellow bar is “chi”, and you will need it for some skills. Also, your pet bar with its loyalty and HP will appear below the chi bar. Bottom left is the chat screen, no need to explain how it works I hope. Top right is the mini map where you can see some buttons. The green arrow is to look for coordinates and the “M” button is to look at the big map. This two are best combination to look for quests. Bottom right you will see like the menu o.0 there you can exit and stuff, that’s why is the menu. So you just have to press quests button and then “find quest” button to…find quests >.> …It will give you the name of the npc and coordinates. Have fun with that.
V. Venomancers flying
Untamed race can’t fly. Humans either, so don’t get sad. Only elves can fly at lvl1. The untamed race and humans will get a quest at lvl30 to be able to fly, so as a veno you will get a wave pacer (flying mount). Nvm. You will have to walk and jump a lot till then.
VI. Small "you and your pet info" and your skills for pet (healing, taming, etc).
All races can have pets. Venos use pets to attack and at the same time tank, but other races can only have “baby pets” (They just follow players and dont attack) and this is another reason why venos can get rich easily. Who doesn’t want a cute pet following you everywhere: P a veno makes a baby pet, sells it and money to pocket, yay!!
The first levels are so easy that if you create another veno you can level till lvl10 in one day. The point is, if you use this to your advantage and level killing lvl1 and lvl2 mobs outside city and get till lvl4 (that takes like 10 to 20 mins), you will get a quest from the pet skill trainer at level 3 to get a pet. Ignore it -.- . Just level to lvl4 and then go for your pet. There are 2 options to choose from: a wolf (higher physical defense) or a scorpion (higher physical attack). To level pet fast just try buying oil to increase loyalty fast and then buy pure water to feed pet after loyalty is maxed. Pet loyalty maxed= pet attacks better and gains more exp, meaning levels faster and is easier to quest. Then you do the quest to get your armour and the gate quest if you want, and then all the quests you didn’t do from lvl1 to lvl4 ^.^ . This will level you faster

Before entering into skills…
After getting your first pet you will get two books you have to take to the pet skill trainer and then just learn the skills. The books will disappear but don’t freak out, it works like that. Now you can heal pet and revive pet in case it dies. There is also another skill you get after a quest given by the pet skill trainer at lvl7. It will give you the tame pet skill. The names say exactly what they do so no explanations here. BTW, don’t max tame, because it seems it doesn’t matter the lvl of the skill but before taming a mob, is important it has less than half of the HP bar. DON’T MAX IT!! Is not important unless you want to get rare pets, in which case it comes handy the time difference in channelling, because you won’t be the only veno around that wants to tame the rare pet. It seems venos that have maxed this skill can tame full health mobs. So don’t max it unless you want to tame a lot (Thanks to Dystery). You can max heal, it is very important. And yes, you can max revive if you want. A higher lvl revive wastes less mana and takes less time to revive the pet. A maxed revive if you can. After maxing it, it takes 3 secs channelling and a lvl1 revive takes 12 secs. Beautiful difference.
VI. Skill stuff (I’ll put the skill’s status when maxed and some commentaries from the other venos. Point is to max what you need the most):
o For mage venos
1. Venomous scarab: Throw a virulent parasite at the enemy. Deals Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 100% of weapon damage plus 966.0. (Fast coldown so is good if you get into trouble. Imagine for example you’re killing a mob; your pet died, not time to revive and just used 2 skills with a long cold down and can’t use them again for some more secs. Is better to spam this skill and kill the mob before it kills you. ).
2. Ironwood Scarab: Throw a splinted bug at the enemy inflicting Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 300% of weapon damage plus 1327.7. Reduces enemy's physical defense by 30% for 10 seconds. (basically, is good to lower the enemy’s defense for pet to do more dmg

3. Lucky scarab: Sling-shot a sharp stone covered with viral plauges at the enemy, inflicting Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 100% of weapon damage plus 3416.9. Has a 95% chance to stun target for 2.0 seconds. (is like only stun in mage veno mode, but is great at saving your life. Burns a lot of mp)
4. Noxious gas: A large disease ridden toxic parasite attacks the target causing it and all enemies 9.0 meters around it to suffer Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 200% of weapon damage plus 1501.4. Enemies will also suffer 1501.4 Wood damage over 9 seconds. (AoE skill. This skill takes a long channelling, but is useful when you are doing long runs in an Fb and the tank attracts too many mobs. My friend uses it to pk on noobs x3)
5. Bramble guard: Cast a bramble shield of protection on a friendly target. Returns 60% of melee damage to attackers. Lasts 10 minutes. (Useful to cast on tanks before killing a boss, better percentage of surviving. And as it says, reflects 60% of physical attacks directed at you)
6. Parasitic nova: Summon a toxic parasite array to attack the target and all enemies in a 12.0 meter radius around the target. Inflicts Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 300% of weapon damage plus 4564.9. Has a 67% chance to make them chaotic for 8.0 seconds, in which they are unable to move or attack. (another AoE skill)
7. Summer sprint: Accompanied by flowers, character's movement speed increases by 35% for 5 minutes. (Is good to run from a boss that follows you because you accidentally went too close x3 …actually is really useful, seriously. And is good to run fast, because veno’s normal speed is slow. Useful like you’ve got no idea).
8. Soul transfusion: Instantly exchange HP and MP values. Each transfusion costs at most 100 Chi.
9. Metabolic boost: Recovers 50% of maximum HP. (if you don’t get why you need this one … >.>).
10. Nature’s grace: Recovers 50% of maximum MP.
11. Lending hand: Transfer one Spark to target. (If you have an spark to lend, it does. Is useful when a tank needs chi for all the buffs and to attack the boss without restrictions).
12. Wood mastery: Increases Wood magic damage by 20%. (This will increase the wood damage on your skills).
Lots of venos agree in this part:
Blazing scarab, just get it but no need to max it. 1 is because if your pet has flesh ream.
And 2 is because you will just kill the mob before the skill even acts twice. Is a DoT skill (Damage Over Time).
Is useful for long fights, though (thanks Tearvalerin)
Frost scarab: almost the same reason as blazing. DoT skills aren’t that useful when killing mobs.
Also, I triedbramble hood lvl1 and asked an archer friend to attack me while I had it on. Normally it takes him 3 shots to finish me, but this time 4 shots finished with half of my HP bar. So is killer in PvP. You’re fighting a BM, you cast bramble hood and pet attacking + you attacking+ damage made by the BM and reflects back equals to cya BM.
o If you are going for fox form veno:
1. Fox form: Transform into a werefox. Physical defense increases by 120%, accuracy increases by 200%, and maximum MP falls by 20%. Allows werefox skills to be used. (Kind of obvious you should max it).
2. Stunning blow: Strike the enemy with a stunning blow, inflicting base physical damage plus 2332.3. A successful hit freezes the enemy for 8.0 seconds. (Is a paralyze skill. They can’t move for 8 secs as it says, but can still attack you if they are in range)
3. Leech: Strike the enemy with a leech attack, inflicting base physical damage plus 2291.3. Has an 80% chance to steal 600 HP. (well >.> you get it)
4. Purge: Remove all positive effects on the target.
5. Amplify damage: Curse the target, making it take 20% more damage for 20.0 seconds.
At any time an enemy may only be affected by one curse.
6. Malefic crush: A malefic strike to enemies within 8 meters around you. Inflicts base physical damage plus 5228.3, and burns 1600 Mana over 9 seconds. (AoE physical attack)
7. Melee mastery: Gain additional 120% weapon damage in Werefox form.
Note: Even if you are a mage veno, it is good idea to max melee mastery so your fox form attacks will be better and also fox form skill. Skills in fox form are useful and some are necessary. For example: cursing an enemy and lower defense is great. And the leech skill steals HP of the enemy

oAlso a tip to use these 3 skills in mage veno form: Metabolic boost, Nature’s grace and soul transfusion.
1. You have less than half mp and full Hp bar. You can just directly use soul Trans and then metabolic boost. This will make you have full mp bar and the recover your half hp bar with metabolic.
2. If you have half in both just use nature for mp and metabolic for hp.
3. having again less than half mp bar and full hp. Just try to fill up the mp bar with nature's grace, then use metabolic boost. Like this you don’t need pots and can keep killing without need of wasting money. Heiros (Mp and Hp charms…if you have money and want instant hp or mp, get one).
VIII. Pet info. Rare pets, legendary pets, normal pets.
Rare pet info from a great veno friend:
Pets are listed Lowest to Highest lvl.
Spawn Times are all PST/Server Time for LC Spawn time is every 12hours.
Pet Name________Lvl________Coords
Frogling________Lvl9________240,550 and 196,513
Tabby________Lvl20________362,960 and 397,619
Shadou Cub________Lvl20________200 452 and 288,458
Flying Piggy________Lvl30________403,643 Height 36
Cuddly Pup________Lvl40________315,752 and 299,764
Armored Bear________Lvl80________672,633
Normal Spawn time: Exactly 5hours after Server Maintenance. So 5am pst/5pm pst .
With people catching and killing throughout the week the times get boosted up even an hour depending on when caught or killed. If it doesn’t spawn exactly on the hour wait up to an hour if you can.
Kowlins are as fast (10.4m/s), making them good pets to lure and have lvl4 flesh ream.
Shadou cubs are physical tanks. They come with an stun of 3 secs

Frogs are good “magic tankers”.
Cuddly puppies have good attack status but low physical def. but they are fast too (9.4 m/s) and can be used to lure.
Phoenix and hercs
They are legendary pets. You get a phoenix with 9999 feathers and a herc, with 9999 source of force. You get feathers and SoF from other players. If you have luck and money, buy pet packs with gold, they give from 15 to 50 (if I remember correctly) of either feathers or SoF.
A phoenix is great at PvP (Player vs. Player), making up to 4k dmg and has 8k physical def. at lvl1. Hercs, totally great at PvE (Player vs. Enviroment)are the best pet tanks mainly because of their skills. One of its skill reflects physical damage, so it can tank mobs and you can attack them back while the skill is on. Mobs get damage because the skill “reflects” it, and you can heal pet without getting aggro directed at you. The maximum amount of mobs I heard they can tank is 4 mobs. A phoenix has 10k magic def. and a herc 7k, both at lvl one. Phoenix and herc have the same amount of physical defense. There’s always a fight between which one to get first.
Most venos have Golems. They are the big rocky pets you see running real slow. Only good thing about them is their physical def. they can easily tank. They are “safe pets”.
Antelopes are good “magic tankers”.
Water mobs….BEST water mobs are turtles. Never get a mermaidian or something similar because they die so fast that if you blink you are also dead >.> Turtles can hold aggro, unlike some undines and other water mobs.
Another normal pet that a lot of venos noticed they can’t hold aggro are foxwings. This rosy and some green fox can’t really hold aggro from a mob and much less of two mobs. Is a constant “heal heal heal”. Sawflies have decent magical and physical defense.
You get rid of your pet going to the pet skill trainer and select “revert pet to egg” option. If you have an egg, do the same thing but press “hatch pet egg”, instead. You get pet skills scrolls, pet skill book (max a skill up one lvl) and pet collars (name pets) at Ms. Zoologist in archosaur.
You will get quests by the pet skills trainer to increase the pet bag capacity. She will ask for different objects in this order:
1. 20 hay: Hay can be found by killing Highlands Tortoises in the river east of Broken Bridge Village, Abysmal Turtles in the river east of City of the Lost, Megalith Rhinodrake (level 23) south west of Archosaur, Antelope Pups (level 30) around Silver Pool, the Carapests over the river west of Plume City. Hay has a relatively low drop rate, so it might take a while.
2. 50 fruits: These can drop from Pterosaurs (level 33-40), Cloudthrust Vipent Form (level 40), or the Premolar Generals near Angler's Village. [The drop rate is around 12% for fruit from the lvl 40 mobs mentioned so farming Fruit will also be a slow]
3. 100 fungus: this is dropped by lvl50+ mobs. One mob is Abyssal Thunderfins lvl59 mobs in the endless sea.
But you can spend gold or buy from other players: a cage (increases pet bag capacity to one slot).
Look here: http://www.ecatomb.net/petstat.php
...for pet status. If you wonder about the different golems. Fashion. Skills and build simulator. this is a good page to wander. Remember to select the "PWI" mode.
Post edited by Seilis - Lost City on
Stunning blow is a paralyze, not a stun. It'll make them stay in place for 8 seconds, but they can still attack you assuming they are in range.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
I know many venos dont recommened to max blazing scarab, personally I got it to lvl 5 or 6 and plan to max it later. Why?
1) Not all of my pets got flesh ream..
2) Well even if they those, blazing scarab lasts longer.
3) I dont use it much during normal grinding but its good on mobs with increased hp for example..
4) Useful with bosses too.. Tough bosses that takes long time to kill, always great to have that extra damage.. 3927.0 damage for 30 seconeds, whys is that bad?)
Edit: Forgot to mention.. Flesh ream is doing physical attack over time, while BS is doing magical.. That does make a difference...*Semi retired*0 -
I do not totally agree with one point : Tame pet.
If you don't care about rare pets, yes, leave it to lvl 1.
If you do care, max it asap : since there are a lot of ppl trying to tame them, you cannot afford waiting for anyone's pet to lower pet health (even if usually there are enough ppl to lower a little before you finish channelling). Instead of it, you will tame the fastest you can, and wish you will succeed with your actual percentage. Thus, the higher your skill, the best chances you get.
Believe me: I tamed a few full health rare pets.
Also, I usually disagree with those who invest in Parasitic nova : though it sounds a cool AoE spell, it costs 2 sparks.... which is amazingly expensive! Then, I think it's not efficient enough to compensate this great cost, and you'll get aggro from mobs with only Noxious gas as an AoE spell to finish them... and no spark available : then you must pray that they will not interrupt you while you're channelling.
But I'd be interested to hear your point of view about this.0 -
PN I use usually only during boss fights and what not when I'm not the one having to hold aggro (or rather, my pet) but I don't think I plan on leveling it until later on though because of the crazy expense...I'd rather spend the rest of my spirit getting other skills that aren't as costly and for my pets.
Anywho, you might want to add in for the FB part that in some other later FBs such as 69, even though you get a tab for it, you don't get the other two until you hit 70 (don't know about fb79/89 etc but they probably do the same thing).Former Leader of 卓越的 {Transcendent}
-- DoIl - Venomancer - 6X
;D You can call me Minny.0 -
Dystery - Sanctuary wrote: »I do not totally agree with one point : Tame pet.
If you don't care about rare pets, yes, leave it to lvl 1.
If you do care, max it asap : since there are a lot of ppl trying to tame them, you cannot afford waiting for anyone's pet to lower pet health (even if usually there are enough ppl to lower a little before you finish channelling). Instead of it, you will tame the fastest you can, and wish you will succeed with your actual percentage. Thus, the higher your skill, the best chances you get.
Believe me: I tamed a few full health rare pets.
I had to learn that the hard way... XD Cause I've been reading tame pet guides in here, and they said wait till hp is lowered.. So I did, lol, Kowlin was tamed with 95% full hp.. I looked like O.O..
So tame pet skills is more usefull than revive IMO. Lvl up revive just a little bit, but you dont need to max it...*Semi retired*0 -
what's the point of this guide? There's one that's stickied that's more informative and better organized O.o Also, there's no point really in lvling ur parasitic nova. Just get lvl 1 for the very rare occasions u need to seal multiple mobs(like in fbs where somebody accidentally lured too many mobs) Even then, it's a far fetch with it's ridiculously long channel. In pvp, u'll be dead before that even goes off. Also, i used to use stunning blow, but later on i found it to be mostly useless unless i was saving someone from a mob. Even then, i had to fox form and run up to the mobs. By that time, either that someone had the situation under control or dead. But it doesn't cost that much to max out, so if u want to, u can. In pvp, it may seem useful, but it's literally trash. 1 spark for a 8 sec freeze is not worth it unless ur planning to run away. Leech is also pretty much trash unless ur pretty low lvl. At my lvl, 600 hp is pretty much worthless. Malefic crush is another pure trash move. 2 spark for some mana drain is not worth it. Much better choice for 2 sparks: bramble hood.0
Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear wrote: »I know many venos dont recommened to max blazing scarab, personally I got it to lvl 5 or 6 and plan to max it later. Why?
1) Not all of my pets got flesh ream..
2) Well even if they those, blazing scarab lasts longer.
3) I dont use it much during normal grinding but its good on mobs with increased hp for example..
4) Useful with bosses too.. Tough bosses that takes long time to kill, always great to have that extra damage.. 3927.0 damage for 30 seconeds, whys is that bad?)
Edit: Forgot to mention.. Flesh ream is doing physical attack over time, while BS is doing magical.. That does make a difference...
I'm planning on maxing it some day too. when I grind I usually use
Blazing -> (flesh ream hits the first time) -> Ironwood -> pet to hits with flesh ream again -> heal pet -> mob dead, pet has max. hp again^^ sometimes I throw in venomous scarabs to finish it off faster.
so Blazing scarab is pretty useful for me :]~~Inactive~~
Thanks to Torhn for coloring!0 -
I didnt even bother attempting to read this
-No subject dividers
-No clear Table of Contents from skimming
-Fairly blended together, no idea whats what (USE COLOR)
-Needs better organization
As for blazing, its got poor damage, and is only useful for long fights/filling chi. The DOT takes 30s to use and a LA or Robe veno can kill a monster faster than that man.
EDIT: Ok, now I did read it, this guide is icky man. Befuddling mist does -not- help against archers. If you even tried to use it in pvp as a mage veno, youd get your butt handed to you before you can get it off.
In PVP, HOOD'S REFLECTION DONT WORK MAN, ONLY THE DR DOES. Dont tell people wrong info, they nerfed it a while ago.
Pets: Include way more options man, not just 'tarded starter pets
Tame Pet: Unless youre not gunna aim to tame rares, dont tell people not to max it.
its not that expensive
Roles: Venos arent only useful for luring >_>;We are essential boss debuffers.
The whole section about quingzi and FBs? whats that got to do with anything?
OP needs to get an IQ test before calling this a guide for intelligent people0 -
oh, yeah forgot about the blazing move. Atm, i can kill 11-12 mobs my lvl in 3 mins. That's two mobs i can kill in the time blazing scarab finished :P so it's pretty useless. What i do: ironwood(my pet goes automatically)->venomous scarab(keep doing it till the mob is dead, throw in an occasionally lucky scarab if i feel like it, a little bit more damage, but burns alot of mana)0
Well I already said I dont use blazing scarab in normal grinding, but its uselful in right situations..*Semi retired*0
You're all gonna end up maxing your skills by 80 anyways,unless you want 7mil spirit burning a hole in your pocket.Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet0
Dammit.. Give me those 7mil spirits NOW...b:pleased*Semi retired*0
MentalEdge - Heavens Tear wrote: »You're all gonna end up maxing your skills by 80 anyways,unless you want 7mil spirit burning a hole in your pocket.
why max the skills that are useless? not about to waste the money.... I got 11mil spirits still.... b:cute0 -
Okay, Ill check what you guys said and try to arrange it...b:victory thanx for the info and corrections. also I was doing this in a rush, so it isn't complete and I wasn't paying that much attention.
Your commentaries also come handy.0 -
Point was, im trying to make a good veno guide. And i know is a confusing guide...I made it time record of almost 25 mins or less >.> and is not complete...YET.
And is good to have other's opinions...chill out.0 -
K, i updated it already. I might add something later...
Tell me if i missed something and your ideas or w/e you want to say about it. >.>0 -
Still have information errors such as bramble hood in PVP.
Dont highlight/color unimportant details, itll make your guide look like a ASCii DOS game reject.
slight grammatical errors you might wanna look over0 -
I have to disagree with those of you saying Blazing is useless. It's a cheap spell, with decent damage over time, that gives you a larger chunk of chi than venomous. I use it on things like bosses all the time. Also, Nova does have it's uses as well. When another Veno is luring in an FB/TT, I start casting that as soon as the mob is in range, especially if the mob has range. Frozen mob saves the veno from being hit, and we can proceed to destroy it. It's also not a bad spell for AoE grinding. Get a handful of mobs on your pet, launch Nova, follow it up with Nox. Most mobs are either going to be very, very hurt, or very, very dead. And I agree with MentalEdge. You're with all that spirit, you'll end up maxxing all of them anyway. Which is a good thing. Because, honestly, almost every skill a Veno has is useful. Some may not be THAT useful, but there is a time and place for every skill.0
I know seilis had good intentions with this guide but players usually have their own personal preferences on what skills to get. For example, I only use two attack skills: Venemous Scarab and Ironwood Scarab. Both of those are now maxed, Bramble Guard maxed and Heal Pet being upgraded whenever possible. It's all I need and the only time I have problems is if more than one monster is aggroed for whatever reason. With plenty of +Magic Recovery on my armor, I never have to worry about being low on mana. And the fact only two attack skills are used saves on mana usage too.
I currently got around 880,000-ish spirit points left. Maybe I'll consider getting higher level skills in the future, not decided yet.
But that's just me.0 -
Rainbowvidel - Sanctuary wrote: »I currently got around 880,000-ish spirit points left. Maybe I'll consider getting higher level skills in the future, not decided yet.
But that's just me.[/COLOR][/FONT]
Im sry what? b:shocked
Maybe the reason why u only use those skills is cause that's the only ones u got lol..*Semi retired*0 -
I don't see what the issue on skills is. I have most of mine maxed, no 79 skills, 2 sage skills and still nearly 8 million spirit left.Main characters
Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
Sage Barbarian Malego - 910 -
my little tip:
spark eruption + blazing scarab works wonders with tough enemies like bosses or "increased life" ones!.0 -
Tame Pet can be used for luring. Don't have to unsummon pet with this method. Works great for boss luring + using herc to tank (won't need to rebuff herc). Downside to this is that Tame Pet is a huge mana drain and cannot be used all the time.0
this is the most colourful guide i've ever seen :S
i'm not intelligent but i understand it 0.00 -
I dont like all the color, and think its poorly organized. I like the comprehensive one and Tear's guide better but they both still have flaws too0
wtf did you do to the color? lol
-edit-Seilis - Lost City wrote: »A phoenix has 10k magic def. and a herc 7k, both at lvl one.
ohhh hahaha I get it. This guide is a joke right? :S0 -
Uhmm.... appreciate your desire to help the Veno community.
Good luck with your guide.
A couple contructive critisims,
Be sure sure to verify the anecdotal type information your including. To be classified as a guide, facts are most important, subjective experience should be clearly separated from the objective known or measureable information.
Perhaps keep the factual information, in the same font format, and use the colors you seem fond of for the commentary.
Dont try to include everything about the game in your Veno guide, keep your focus on the information you wish to convey. A couple spots the guide drifted off into general game mechanics.
Finally, is English your first language? If not maybe it would be better to write this in your native language and then ask someone else to help with the translation.
Ok..too much feedback.
Good luck with this guide...0 -
You got it, Lleela, is not my main language...and thanks for the tips
And is a colorfull guide, just leave it like that >.>0 -
And no joke -.- hercs do have 7161 mag. def. and phonix has 10742 magic defense...thats status with both pets at lvl1.0
AND...the title is random...a total made out of the nothing while I was sleepy -.- is just a title. Main part is "Veno guide".0
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