Crimson (not a QQ thread)...



  • putaketepariu
    putaketepariu Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Lololololololololololol. Great picture taking Iffy. I like how I'm in it in the corner with an "LOL" on top of my head. Props mah man.

    Perfect example of an typical encounter of Crimson day to day..

    If you don't have the balls to 2v2, at least have some brain.

    too mutch bla bla fron the guys inside sz always... but 1 questions this is a pk server in pk is not 1vs1 is what you have at the moment vs your kos so pend and ls guys dont QQ about fair pvp i fyou dont like go to the pve server again plz. its always the same **** wen is pend and ls like 8 vs 2 or 3 low lvls thei are kings but wen they got 20 or 30 vs then they always cry cmon dont be lames you do the same thing(when you can only xDD) so stop the bla bla bla and leave sz. and dont take things like i got you HH weapon crimson guy because in all the drops you have you cant buy aksunamun full upgrade zuriel back xDD

    ps: soz for the bad english
  • Iffy - Harshlands
    Iffy - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    too mutch bla bla fron the guys inside sz always...

    That SS is me and Nurfed OUTSIDE sz, and 2 Crimson members in safezone.
    but 1 questions this is a pk server in pk is not 1vs1 is what you have at the moment vs your kos so pend and ls guys dont QQ about fair pvp i fyou dont like go to the pve server again plz. its always the same **** wen is pend and ls like 8 vs 2 or 3 low lvls thei are kings but wen they got 20 or 30 vs then they always cry cmon dont be lames you do the same thing(when you can only xDD) so stop the bla bla bla and leave sz.

    and all this is BR so im just going to nod my head and pretend I understand b:laugh
    But is that really a question?
    go to the pve server again plz.

  • Meca - Harshlands
    Meca - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You seem a little raged
    Whats wrong?

    Btw don't make a fool of your self and start posting SS of you killing people with a nix and thinking your an allstar

    who says ill post my kills with my nix? and no kid, i aint raged, not even close lol, btw, a bee using bleed is just over half effective as the nix as the skill is still buged regardless
  • Iffy - Harshlands
    Iffy - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    who says ill post my kills with my nix? and no kid, i aint raged, not even close lol, btw, a bee using bleed is just over half effective as the nix as the skill is still buged regardless

    Who said anything about a bee?
    Anyways, a bee is not even close to a nix. A bees bleed ticks for about 400 or so as a nix ticks for almost 2k. The nix is also a lot faster then a bee and a bee can be killed in 2 or 3 shots by any player. So you cant just send in the bee and kite around like you can with a phoenix.
  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    p3nnstate wrote: »
    So I asked 3 buddies to that time epic tagged along. Echo came to. To move along quicker, echo killed void and ligea before I could tag them..and then we both chased after epic as he ran to wraithgate(was sooo close grr)
    We were grouping up with our fowls and laughing because no one could target us. Then we got roflpwnd by Parasitic Nova and started laughing at ourselves instead. The whole thing was pretty hilarious.
    Ligea says in general chat something about outnumbering or whatever. That mad me lose some respect.
    It's more the fact that you call backup the instant something happens without regard as to whether or not you should be able to handle it. It's fine by me because it wastes more of your high levels' time every time you drag them around to stare at us in safezone.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Nurfed - Harshlands
    Nurfed - Harshlands Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ask Nurfed, it was a pretty balanced fight at the beginning too bad i didn't have charm.

    Too bad it wasn't a 4v4. And I loved how I saw two arrows coming right at me through a big boulder of rock the whole fight. That made me LOL. OGC WALLHAX FTW? ;D
  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Am I the only one who finds it ironic that the title explicitly states "Not a QQ thread" and then people QQ here anyway?

    I don't think they can help themselves. lol
  • Shadowreign - Harshlands
    Shadowreign - Harshlands Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Hmmm.....quite the enjoyable little thread you guys have going here. I've enjoyed reading it except when Lessie started going on about percentages....that made my head hurt trying to figure out that logic. The long and the short of it as I'm seeing it is that who has the better "skill" doesn't really matter that much in a full out PK war. You can have great teamwork and good skill, but numbers provide a power all thier own, and when those numbers are high enough, no amount of teamwork or skill is going to save you.

    Iffy, your comment about GZ beating RQ because of numbers is not exactly accurate. In the beginning when we took the first RQ land, we didn't have the impressive numbers we had there near the end when we were wiping them from the face of the map. And as for how you leveled up, that's did it like most other 70+ members did. Jolly Jones provided Oracles FTW.
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    lolTank, note how I pretty much stopped posting after Lessie got in here? lol
  • Iffy - Harshlands
    Iffy - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Hmmm.....quite the enjoyable little thread you guys have going here. I've enjoyed reading it except when Lessie started going on about percentages....that made my head hurt trying to figure out that logic. The long and the short of it as I'm seeing it is that who has the better "skill" doesn't really matter that much in a full out PK war. You can have great teamwork and good skill, but numbers provide a power all thier own, and when those numbers are high enough, no amount of teamwork or skill is going to save you.

    Iffy, your comment about GZ beating RQ because of numbers is not exactly accurate. In the beginning when we took the first RQ land, we didn't have the impressive numbers we had there near the end when we were wiping them from the face of the map. And as for how you leveled up, that's did it like most other 70+ members did. Jolly Jones provided Oracles FTW.

    You were not in GZ for the first war against RageQuit.
    RageQuit had 4 level 80+ and GZ had over 30.
    I am talking about like the week after UnLimited died and GuardianZ was made. Not before all the fail merges.

    EDIT: Oh yah and I saw you in the oracle lines a lot more then me =)
  • Turnaround - Lost City
    Turnaround - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You were not in GZ for the first war against RageQuit.
    RageQuit had 4 level 80+ and GZ had over 30.
    I am talking about like the week after UnLimited died and GuardianZ was made. Not before all the fail merges.

    EDIT: Oh yah and I saw you in the oracle lines a lot more then me =)

    Do u see why this sentence dosn't make sense.b:surrender
  • Iffy - Harshlands
    Iffy - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Do u see why this sentence dosn't make sense.b:surrender

    ever heard of crashing the oracle line?
  • Shadowreign - Harshlands
    Shadowreign - Harshlands Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You were not in GZ for the first war against RageQuit.
    RageQuit had 4 level 80+ and GZ had over 30.
    I am talking about like the week after UnLimited died and GuardianZ was made. Not before all the fail merges.

    EDIT: Oh yah and I saw you in the oracle lines a lot more then me =) flash Iffy, I watched that first TW from EllisDee's house while he participated. GZ simply DID NOT have the mass numbers to put up that RQ did. Fail merges eh? Let's see, GZ was origionally comprised of members from 3 other guilds..some fail merge. I mean to this day they use the Panic vent.

    And let's see......I used Oracles to go from 30 to mid 40's whereas you used them to go to 60+.....simple math here, I'll let you figure it out. kbai

    And you're right Loltank, I don't think ppl can help but QQ. Regardless, this has been an entertaining thread.
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    just because i can...i think ill take a screeny of each dead pend i encounter lol
    and again, just because i can, everytime pend is stuck in the safezone cos *they are teh nab guild* that seem to think on the rare occasion they actualy win a uneven pk fight or gank and post screeny of nothing interesting on the forum, ill start taking SS of irrevelant **** and all the other BS that pend do.

    after all, there has to be 1 drama guild chalked full of noobs (pend)
    You'll fill your HD pretty fast if you take SS of all their sz QQ b:chuckle

    Remember in the pendulum fairy world (go back a few pages to see their amazing war logic) kos wars are supposed to be evenly numbered, PWI is a 1 on 1 game b:cute
    I've enjoyed reading it except when Lessie started going on about percentages....that made my head hurt trying to figure out that logic. The long and the short of it as I'm seeing it is that who has the better "skill" doesn't really matter that much in a full out PK war.
    Do you mind going to the pendulum fairy land of fair wars and teaching'em that?
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Iffy - Harshlands
    Iffy - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009 flash Iffy, I watched that first TW from EllisDee's house while he participated. GZ simply DID NOT have the mass numbers to put up that RQ did. Fail merges eh? Let's see, GZ was origionally comprised of members from 3 other guilds..some fail merge. I mean to this day they use the Panic vent.

    And let's see......I used Oracles to go from 30 to mid 40's whereas you used them to go to 60+.....simple math here, I'll let you figure it out. kbai

    And you're right Loltank, I don't think ppl can help but QQ. Regardless, this has been an entertaining thread.

    Then I guess you were watching the wrong war.
    In the very first war GZ had against RageQuit, EllisDee was still in Outlaw.
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    That's not what anyone in Pendulum said. If that's what you think Ligeia and Iffy were saying you need to get your eyes checked.

    What they DID say is that provided and even fight occurs you people get rolled because you have a lack of organization and skill across your ranks.

    Perfect example: Just now I went to crash Gargantakong. They got themselves killed by the boss and I just chilled out there for a second. A couple minutes later, for me and a level 59 EP, there were 12 Crimson. A level 6x and 5x vs their all 60+ kong squad SHOULD have been enough. However, instead of even trying, they called 8 more people. I'd be embarrassed if I had to do this but whatever.

    I'm not saying it's bad, I think it's nice that 15 people jump at the opportunity to PvP against four of us. Eventually we'll be able to do the same, when the other people on this server find their balls and decide it's time to stand up.
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Pendulum rarely ever wins even in fair fights wreck b:cute
    (That's y they are called sz heroes)

    It's good to have a dream lol.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Iffy - Harshlands
    Iffy - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Pendulum rarely ever wins even in fair fights wreck b:cute
    (That's y they are called sz heroes)

    It's good to have a dream lol.

    Lessie your never there for the fair fights lol
    your one of the ones who comes when your guild chat gets spammed with:

  • Shadowreign - Harshlands
    Shadowreign - Harshlands Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I understand what Ligeia and Iffy were saying Wreck, and I would agree that in an even numbered fight, knowing your character's skills and weaknesses and your opponents as well as how to best exploit those weaknesses makes for the better PVP player. And in an evenly numbered battle, the size of the guilds isn't a factor. All I am saying is that at the current stage of the server, it's a mute point since they have the numbers to throw at you while you guys don't. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong, I'm just saying that for the moment, it's a pointless argument.

    And Iffy, I truely think you're confused given that Ellis joined GZ within 48 hours of its formation. But regardless, that's events that occurred on the LC server.....not on this one. Leave the past in the past where it belongs. I also don't see why you got so "defensive" when I brought up how you leveled. I never said there was anything wrong with using the oracles.....hell, they were provided by the game so why not use them? I was merely answering the question you posed earlier in the thread as to how someone thought you leveled. So consider not being emo and reading posts as direct attacks against you. Mine for example was not an attack against you, it was merely providing information and my opinions.
  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    they have the numbers to throw at you while you guys don't. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong, I'm just saying that for the moment, it's a pointless argument.
    It's not even an argument. Lessie just keeps throwing that ridiculous straw man around saying we think numbers are supposed to be even when no one ever said that. All we ever said is that they need overwhelming numbers to win, and they want to turn it into all kinds of nonsense.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Pendulum rarely ever wins even in fair fights wreck b:cute
    (That's y they are called sz heroes)

    It's good to have a dream lol.

    We just now kicked Kingdom's ****. With Icon and Gloom present. Sophia and Eve showed up and we kicked their **** too. That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up. Go figure.
  • Iffy - Harshlands
    Iffy - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    We just now kicked Kingdom's ****. With Icon and Gloom present. Sophia and Eve showed up and we kicked their **** too. That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up. Go figure.

    wow 100% of Pendulum killing 10% of Crimson so pro b:bye
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Lessie your never there for the fair fights lol
    your one of the ones who comes when your guild chat gets spammed with:

    Assuming you know anything bout me lol, cute.
    You still havent guessed who I am in HL b:chuckle
    We just now kicked Kingdom's ****. With Icon and Gloom present. Sophia and Eve showed up and we kicked their **** too. That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up. Go figure.
    Fair like uh... same numbers or same % of people from each guild?
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Sophia - Harshlands
    Sophia - Harshlands Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Oh you mean this one wreck?
    Yeah, completely even.
    But hey in the end you won that one seriously grats it must be nice to be out of sz at the end of a fight for a change.
    Pendulum's definition of fair fight:
    Copy and paste:
    "That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up." - Wreck talking about the fight in the screenshot.
    "You're the worst mage ever" - Iffy 5 mins before I roll her 1 on 1

    We should keep that in mind next time you're crying in sz.
    Confessions by a SZ hero
  • Iffy - Harshlands
    Iffy - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Oh you mean this one wreck?
    Yeah, completely even.
    But hey in the end you won that one seriously grats it must be nice to be out of sz at the end of a fight for a change.

    Sophia has fans b:victory
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Oh you mean this one wreck?
    Yeah, completely even.
    But hey in the end you won that one seriously grats it must be nice to be out of sz at the end of a fight for a change.

    get used to it, gonna be a lot worse when the carebears hit 90 and pk against crimson.
  • Sophia - Harshlands
    Sophia - Harshlands Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Sophia has fans b:victory

    Pendulum's definition of fair fight:
    Copy and paste:
    "That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up." - Wreck talking about the fight in the screenshot.
    "You're the worst mage ever" - Iffy 5 mins before I roll her 1 on 1

    We should keep that in mind next time you're crying in sz.
    Confessions by a SZ hero
  • Free - Harshlands
    Free - Harshlands Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    aww why are there so many pendulum writing in the crimson thread >< and just btw i had yesterday several even fights, 3on3 and 4on4, and we lost only one round of the 4on4 of two rounds. after that many other allies and guildies showed up and pendu left. i dont even think we lost due to beeing noobs, its just about the lineup. u cant rlly win easy vs ep wr wb mg line up, since the wr aoe stun + adds own robe/light easy while we on our side had wb wf ea ea on ykd, so im happy that we made a 1:1. and the other 3on3 were mg wb ea vs ep wb ea or ep wr mg and we didnt loose any. locations were swamp above obeaume and wolf zhen crash.

    And its rlly hard to find some pendu and laststand atm. the success rate is almost zero in 1 wq, after 3-4 hours swamp check i may find 1-2, sanctuary doesnt offer any more
  • Lakai - Harshlands
    Lakai - Harshlands Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Is that why me, Zin and Rome beat u, Vipu, Sheo, Leany(sp?) and takechy 5v3 today at ykd? Or am i missing something here

    Actually was cannibal there too?
  • Free - Harshlands
    Free - Harshlands Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    umh not when i was there. well lakai, u obviously beat us this time, but as i said lineup is everything. gratz to the win even though u really had to use 2 trumpets to tell the world that u killed a wb 7x without hiero >< sorry this kinda made me laugh b:chuckle