Okay! I Give! I wrote Fan Fiction!



  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Yes, i liked it. I will continue to read as you post chapters b:victory
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Just letting you guys know, I'm working on chapter 9 and I'm about a page into it. o.o maybe there will be 2 updates this month! Look out! The world might actually end in 2012 if I manage to do this! b:chuckle

    OH! And I have news! I updated my news section on the first page of this thread so please go look! Wish me luck!
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    :/ or don't wish me luck, that's okay too....
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Marista - Lost City
    Marista - Lost City Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hehe, the joys of waiting for reviews... I know it well, as a writer myself. People are stingy with reviews. ;-;

    That said, not at all a bad story thusfar. I did catch that it was occultist you used as the monster, and I like the way you've given personas to somewhat bland NPCs like the priest and the arrowhead couple. It seemed a bit strange that both guards were male when the only elven guards in game are female, but then we can probably blame that on model stinginess.... I didn't expect the elves to catch up so fast, though; I'm quite curious how things will turn out now. Please, keep writing. ^^
    So, I heard HA veno is the way to go? :3
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:pleased thanks for saying something xD my story hasn't been getting much in the way of actual reviews lately b:surrender glad you said something x_x and to anyone else that said something xD I know by the hits people are still reading it I just don't know what they think now o.o ^^ thanks for your opinion and with any luck, chapter 9 should be out tomorrow ^^
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:shocked the world is ending! I updated 2 times in a month, AND I put something out exactly when I said I would o.o b:chuckle

    Anyways :P thank you everyone that's still reading. ^^
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Added new stuff. Hope you guys like it ^^... and my ever growing wall of text on the front page.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I like it b:dirty

    Nothing else to say really, just wish the chapeters would be longer b:chuckle
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Scorched_Sky - Sanctuary
    Scorched_Sky - Sanctuary Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Does that mean it was good? xD

    Hell yes! o.o, and I don't ever say hell...>.<...
    Keep it up o.o!
  • High_Lord - Heavens Tear
    High_Lord - Heavens Tear Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    WOW must say just read the whole story so far and i love it please keep going :))
    ~Heatwave Leader~
  • Scorched_Sky - Sanctuary
    Scorched_Sky - Sanctuary Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    -Waiting for next chapter- b:thanks
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well wait no longer! x_x I finally got it up! Chapter 10. Possibly one of my better chapters. Please do speak up if you're reading guys xD it's nice to know if you're still following.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Thanks for giving absolutely no comments guys. This so makes me want to write more. *note sarcasm*

    Kyna <---- having a bad day
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    me will get right on to reading it from chapter one!....as me am doing WQ!~

    err...let me just figure out how to keep the rabid gerbils occupied for a couple of hours.
    and somehow sleep,eat, and study all at once so me can free up more time.
    *bookmarked for teh future reference!~*
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    -_- eh, it's not like anyone has to say anything really. I just got locked out of my house by my oh so wonderful and loving family so I can't get to my computer so I can't help my guild mate out with the things I told him I was going to do today. Needless to say I'm feeling pretty damn crappy and just thought I'd have a comment by now -_-;;;

    Kyna <-- also lives for reviews. AND is also at someone else's house on someone else's computer and can't do anything because all of her stuff is in the house that her caring and considerate family locked her out of.

    I feel so loved I think I could just shoot myself >.<
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    People are too busy flipping out over CQ disband, anni-pax not being gone, upcoming expansion, and etc.
    Not very many threads are being bumped in this section.
    On a side not though, I did enjoy it b:victory
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Thanks for continuing to read and commenting xD

    I keep looking at my poll and thinking... holy **** I have a lot of pictures to draw....
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    WEWT awesomeb:cute
    now get writingb:victory
    poor aiden but he needs to find a hug elsewhereb:cuteb:bye

  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    Kinda. xD sorry for the long hiatus guys. I had all kinds of stuff going on x_x Christmas shopping, Christmas day, work, more work, new year's, work, my 21st birthday, more work, and not to mention that this chapter gave me some issues. Next one should go a little smoother and I should have it up a little quicker xD

    ^^ I'm actually really looking forward to writing the next chapter.

    Thanks you guys for continuing to read and comment!
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I love comments! ;____; don't leave me hanging!

    I did get one good review already on Fanfiction.net I suppose ^^ thanks person whoever you are!!!
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    O.o omg, getting you people to say anything about what you read is like pulling teeth

    :/ I'm really uneasy about this chapter and I'd like to know if it was any good b:surrender
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    O.o omg, getting you people to say anything about what you read is like pulling teeth

    That goes for more than the reading. Trust me. b:surrender

    Well, since I hadn't read any of this beforehand, I had a lot of catching up to do.
    And now I'm hooked. Dammit.

    Overall, I think the flow is pretty good - perhaps a tad rushed for a book, but in shorter installments it works fine (almost webcomic-y). Your characters establish a personality almost right off the bat, and I like how you treat the use of magic as something above the ordinary, despite what the actual gameplay would suggest.
    Although, clerics pouncing on people to use 'sleep' seems a trifle silly. b:chuckle

    Great job, Kyna. b:victory Keep writing!
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ^^ yay! Well thank you for reading and commenting!

    x_x I am guilty of rushing it but I haven't even gotten to the big huge story plot yet and it's nearly been a year since I started writing it...

    I should update more often because I certainly don't plan on quitting ...
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Finding the right balance is always the tricky part. Wait too long and you lose interest, push too hard and you burn out. Darn creative muses are fickle that way.
  • Lusca - Sanctuary
    Lusca - Sanctuary Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    lol i just read chapters 1 too 11, man i have too much free time

    but it's such a great story, i loved it :3
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ^^ thanks for taking the time to read and comment, I appreciate it a lot.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I've read a few of the chapters, and there's really only one piece of advice as I can give as a fellow writer.

    Take it slower. I know how it is when you get this idea for some kind of event or something for the characters of your story and you just want to cut to the chase, but you miss a few details along the way. Sure you say WHERE you are, but it almost seems as if you assume that we already have a picture perfect reference of the setting. Take more time describing time and setting; position of the sun, the ambiance, what's going on around the character, how he/she feels about it; just those minor details that add a bit of color.

    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    b:surrender I'm not so big on scenery...

    I do occassionally go back and add details though >.< and I think the time span in which I'm writing this over is kinda... eh. Might be pushing me to get to some action since I only seem to get enough time to update once in a month.

    Shall try to slow it down some xD Or go back and add some details when I get the time.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Grippieluver - Lost City
    Grippieluver - Lost City Posts: 9,807 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Kyna, i love ur work... but erm therez a certain word i could say cuzz well u kinda revived a dead thread.. if u get what i mean... maybe Andra wont come......
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!

    MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever

    P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Kyna, i love ur work... but erm therez a certain word i could say cuzz well u kinda revived a dead thread.. if u get what i mean... maybe Andra wont come......

    :/ I've never gotten in trouble for this one, everyone knows this is where I update my fanfiction. b:surrender been bumping it when I update my fanfic for almost a year now.

    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....