April Fool annoucement= Epic Fail



  • Corwin - Harshlands
    Corwin - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    all you kids who fail at reading should pay more attention to school and pay less of your parents money for games. If you got your spanking when they realized how stupid their offspring really is, than I feel for you, I really do. Just remind them that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    And to the idiots who claim they will sue them?
    The internet can not be held accountable for ANYTHING!!! Seeing how the company is ran from China, nobody has the authority. You spoiled rich USA kids should be cained on public display for being so gullable.

    OH NO b:sad $10? How will you ever be able to replace that money that was supposed to pay for your grandma's hip surgry and put food on the table for your family without that $10. Lets just call it a tax on the assinine players, for the rest of us having to put up with you in game and on the forums. I bet most people who claim they were decieved were:
    A: lying about it because they need attention, or
    B: Knew it was a joke, but bought them anyway to cause drama(see A)
  • Tabasco - Dreamweaver
    Tabasco - Dreamweaver Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Reminds me of all those worksheets teachers would hand out.

    You know the ones.....At the top it says to read through all the questions before starting, and the end question says you don't have answer all the other questions.

    So if you didn't read all the way through, you started doing all the work till you got to the end and slapped yourself in the forehead for not following directions. b:chuckle
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    This is so silly,why don't you all just strip the gm's of any sense of humour and turn them into a bunch of robots.
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • dvorak
    dvorak Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Saitada it wasn't like that for a while. The april fools joke was NOT red for HOURS after they posted it. It was also about 20 enter key presses below the pictures and the same font size as the description.

    Epic lulz.


    The 'April Fool's' disclaimer was there on the news page as soon as it was published. Also, the disclaimer was never more then 3 'enter key presses' below the last image. We also have edit logs for every 'info' page published on our site so any changes made to that page will be listed and logged and everything I stated above can be authenticated with 100% accuracy.

    Epic lulz fo'realio b:chuckle

    Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/pwe_dvorak
  • Divine_Demon - Heavens Tear
    Divine_Demon - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    And to the idiots who claim they will sue them?
    The internet can not be held accountable for ANYTHING!!! Seeing how the company is ran from China, nobody has the authority. You spoiled rich USA kids should be cained on public display for being so gullable.

    (see A)

    i hope your not talking about me. first of all im not a kid, im not spoiled, and i dont buy from bonquite. third of all there are rules on how you advertise on the internet. shows how much you know. and the company is in california dumby! the chinese verizon is in china! there is a rule that clearly stats any website that takes money from kids and doesnt give them something "of use" will be SHUT DOWN!!! not all "USA" kids are spoiled and rich. dumbass. you seem like your aver 18. GET A LIFE!!! IM STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL AND I DONT PLAN ON PLAYING THIS GAME IN COLLEGE YOU SHOULD FOLLOW MY EXAMPLE! shows how much a moron "lives with his mom" man knows about anything.
    "When life gives you arrows give them back ", Divine_Demon b:sin
  • Divine_Demon - Heavens Tear
    Divine_Demon - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    QQ ALL......They posted that it was a joke....NOTHING ILLEGAL!

    It is the fault of everyone for not reading the ENTIRE thing...

    This is the reason people sue all the damn time....HELLO ---> Fine Print



    i read the entire thing and it cant be a joke. a joke is something like a yo mamma thing. this is considered tricking people into buying something. more like a prank because it involves the person doing something. look it up in a dictionary. pranks arent well liked on the internet and more so if it involves money. this is illegal. i mean what do you think this april fools joke was for? a joke like there is a million coin ticket somewhere in arch look for it! or something like that. this was suppose to make people buy mounts that they cant use. and no its not SOME peoples fault for not reading the whole thing. you have to take account the mental ill. (yes i know of people whio are mental ill and play MMORPG) if you take account of the possiblitliys and use common sense youll relize that this was suppose to make players who have gold but dont want to spend it on girly wings buy the new ones. it is considered illegal to many lawyers ive contacted about the situation. ill just wait till sunday to see if there will be some sort of action that will bring some sort of appology or something but till then lets see for ourselfs.
    "When life gives you arrows give them back ", Divine_Demon b:sin
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i read the entire thing and it cant be a joke. a joke is something like a yo mamma thing. this is considered tricking people into buying something. more like a prank because it involves the person doing something. look it up in a dictionary. pranks arent well liked on the internet and more so if it involves money. this is illegal. *snipped 'cause I stopped reading at the bolded/reded/italiziced/underlined/scaled text*

    I lol'd b:chuckle

    But seriously

  • Aldryami - Sanctuary
    Aldryami - Sanctuary Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I observe that there is a consensus toward the belief that the people who were fooled into spending money by this "joke" deserve to be fooled due to their stupidity.

    The fact remains that people did spend money on an item that they thought was something other than it was. Any shop in western civilisation would promptly refund such a person. I trust that PWI will do the same for those who were "stupidly" misled by the "joke"?

    Remember that many children play this game. Children whos parents may not be familiar with the specific details of the game mechanics. While it could be argued that it is the responsibility of parents to fully research any online purchase, my two resounding questions are these:

    1 Are PWI uncomfortable with the fact that the "joke" may seem manipulative toward children?

    2 Are PWI uncomfortable with the fact that, however clear they believe their announcement to have been, people spent money on something they thought was something else.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    It was clearly stated on the page that it was an april fools joke. Your argument simply fails at that point. Period. No argument will work for you after that point.

    Also, this game states clearly that you have to be 18yrs of age or older or have specific parental permission to play if your 13 or over. This means, the owners of the game make the assumption that:

    1. you are an adult

    2. If your not an adult, an adult is there reading and authorizing any purchases you make.

    3. If your an adult, you know how to read to the bottom of a page.

    There are NO laws, not even in California, that directly or indirectly state a company can not post anything on their website as an april fools joke as long as it is clearly marked as such. This was clearly marked as such. Your or anyone else's failure to read the entire page before purchasing is your fault alone, in it's entirety.

    Finally. When it comes to ToS agreements for online games, they have NEVER been successfully challenged in a court of law in the United States. EVER. There is no court that has ever made a ruling other than dismissed, for a ToS agreement complaint over a game.

    Settling out of court does not constitute a ruling and is therefore an invalid argument (for those who would bring up that argument).

    Now, if your so SURE California has laws that make what they did illegal, do post links to the appropriate sections of the law your referring to (and yes, California DOES have ALL their laws available online). Until then.. Your talking out the side of your neck and making a total fool of yourself.


    *edit* Oh and one final small thing, if you were too STUPID TO LOOK AT THE INFORMATION on the Boutique page CONCERNING FLYING MOUNTS to see WHICH mount was 'all faction' (or not) and just BOUGHT what you wanted w/o checking class/level requirements then yes, you are too STUPID to BREATH and should kill yourself.

    *edit x2* Not to mention that ALL new items in the boutique get listed with a flashy little 'new' symbol on them to alert you to their newness or changed state. Simply put, you have no leg to stand on, not even a stump of a leg to stand on and if you purchased any mount at all w/o bothering to even check the level/class restrictions on it (not to mention not bothering to read an announcement page to it's end), then yes, you are dumber than a 5th grader.
  • Aldryami - Sanctuary
    Aldryami - Sanctuary Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    My questions did not imply that I percieved that PWI's behaviour was illegal. I do not percieve it to be so. I do, however, perceive it to be unethical.

    People were misled.

    Whether as a result of the buyers' stupidity, or as a result of the "joke", or as a result of an unhappy and ugly marriage between the two, PWI now have money from people who do not want (and never wanted) the items they purchased.

    Saltaida, I don't think your argument (other than your comment about children - that is correct) applies to what I am saying since you believed me to be questioning the legality of the action, which I was not.

    I am actually sickened, almost to a physical degree, by the fact that a GM had the audacity to come on here and, while correctly pointing out that he believed the "joke" to be clearly enough signposted, lightheartedly "lulz" the situation away, in full knowledge that his company is profiting from the fact that people WERE misled by the "joke".

    I personally was not misled by the "joke".

    Lucky for me I am not a child, mentally ill, impetuous, or stupid. Presumably it was these sectors of society that the ugly marketing ploy was aimed at.
  • Tabasco - Dreamweaver
    Tabasco - Dreamweaver Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i read the entire thing and it cant be a joke. a joke is something like a yo mamma thing. this is considered tricking people into buying something. more like a prank because it involves the person doing something. look it up in a dictionary. pranks arent well liked on the internet and more so if it involves money. this is illegal.

    What is illegal? This joke/prank did not involve money. They were advertising an "Cross Faction" mount. "Cross Faction" mounts do not exist.
    i mean what do you think this april fools joke was for? a joke like there is a million coin ticket somewhere in arch look for it! or something like that. this was suppose to make people buy mounts that they cant use.

    How does it make people buy mounts? These mounts didn't exist.
    and no its not SOME peoples fault for not reading the whole thing. you have to take account the mental ill. (yes i know of people whio are mental ill and play MMORPG)

    If you buy something that says "All Sales Are Final", and you didn't read it, is it the stores fault? Same thing applies here. If you don't read...you're the one to blame. And any person that's able to read, understand, and play this game, has the know-how to read before buying. [/QUOTE]

    if you take account of the possiblitliys and use common sense youll relize that this was suppose to make players who have gold but dont want to spend it on girly wings buy the new ones.

    If you use common sense, you'll realize that the item posted did not exist.

    it is considered illegal to many lawyers ive contacted about the situation. ill just wait till sunday to see if there will be some sort of action that will bring some sort of appology or something but till then lets see for ourselfs.

    If you....a kid...contacted many lawyers about the situation and they deemed it to be illegal, then you apparently didn't give them all the information.

    I don't think this was a marketing ploy. I think it was meant to be a harmless joke. It advertised an item that didn't exist.

    I also would like to think that if someone submitted a ticket stating they bought a mount they couldn't use due to the joke, PWI would investigate and rectify the situation.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    your comment
    I was referring to Divine's posts actually, sorry if it appeared I was commenting on yours.

  • Aldryami - Sanctuary
    Aldryami - Sanctuary Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I was referring to Divine's posts actually, sorry if it appeared I was commenting on yours.


    Ah yes, I did wonder that just after I posted.
  • Anahix - Lost City
    Anahix - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    not eveyone knows/celebrate April Fool day.. in my country there is a similar event to fool ppl and is december 28... not everyone was able to realize it as joke since they know nothing about this day...
    but they have to read carefully next time
  • Dianocus - Sanctuary
    Dianocus - Sanctuary Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    When server maintenance was complete I do what I always do log onto the main site and READ anything thats new and the patch notes. When I cam across this Cross Faction Mount my bf and I looked at it with a bit hesitation I of course got uber excited but my bf was like wtf thats stupid.

    So I clicked on the link and opened it up and READ the WHOLE THING. Oh and guess what I even scrolled to the bottom of the page and right after the last picture read APRL FOOLIO hahahahehehehe. Of course I was like awwww and was a bit sad at first then I laughed when I realized what day it was. Then I logged onto the game and few people started to complain about the joke. Even one person complained that it was too much work to open the link so they just read the snippet instead. I tell you some people are just plain dumb. Though the rest of the night was quite entertaining to say the least.

    Awesome job the the April Fools GM's. Had me believed. Hahahahahahab:laugh

    April Fools Announcement = Epic Win
  • Kytari - Heavens Tear
    Kytari - Heavens Tear Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I wish everyone would quit QQ about this. It was ment to be a joke and not anything illegal.

    When you purchase anything out of the cash shop you must CONFIRM your purchase before the transaction is made.

    If you had not noticed the Red Letters at the bottom saying AprilFoolio, thats understandable. But when you click on the mount in the cash shop the requirments pop up on the side with a picture. If at that point you do not notice the requisite class, that is your own fault. You can not get anything illegal out of this.

    As for moving the april fools words, Why would they put it at the top? They cant fool anyone that way. Way to take a funny joke and ruin it you bunch of QQ's. I was on a voice server with several people who were reading the post before the update came out. Some were excited, some thought it was stupid, Until one said, hey, "did anyone read the lettering at the bottom?" I was only halfway through the post myself, then went straight to the bottom, and everyone got quiet for a second then had a good laugh. It was funny.

    And as for complaining they posted it before April 1st, by the time the update is over it is 1am western time on APRIL 1ST!! Dang. Talk about being technical.

    QQ = Epic Fail
  • theshazzbot
    theshazzbot Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Remember, posting on these forums is not a right - It's a PRIVILEGE!


    Thus the ShazzBot has spoken...
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited April 2009


    THX for the laugh today!!! b:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Kytari - Heavens Tear
    Kytari - Heavens Tear Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Dvorak wrote: »

    The 'April Fool's' disclaimer was there on the news page as soon as it was published. Also, the disclaimer was never more then 3 'enter key presses' below the last image. We also have edit logs for every 'info' page published on our site so any changes made to that page will be listed and logged and everything I stated above can be authenticated with 100% accuracy.

    Epic lulz fo'realio b:chuckle

    Dvorak is right, not to mention that the "AprilFollio" disclaimer was red even before the server update was avaliable for download. I know because i read the post before maintenance was over and saw it along with several others who were on a voice server with me at the time. Someone stated earlier the letters were not red for hours which is not true.

    The April Fool's joke was funny ^^ I had a good laugh out of it.
  • shnuggles
    shnuggles Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    My questions did not imply that I percieved that PWI's behaviour was illegal. I do not percieve it to be so. I do, however, perceive it to be unethical.

    People were misled.

    Whether as a result of the buyers' stupidity, or as a result of the "joke", or as a result of an unhappy and ugly marriage between the two, PWI now have money from people who do not want (and never wanted) the items they purchased.

    Saltaida, I don't think your argument (other than your comment about children - that is correct) applies to what I am saying since you believed me to be questioning the legality of the action, which I was not.

    I am actually sickened, almost to a physical degree, by the fact that a GM had the audacity to come on here and, while correctly pointing out that he believed the "joke" to be clearly enough signposted, lightheartedly "lulz" the situation away, in full knowledge that his company is profiting from the fact that people WERE misled by the "joke".

    I personally was not misled by the "joke".

    Lucky for me I am not a child, mentally ill, impetuous, or stupid. Presumably it was these sectors of society that the ugly marketing ploy was aimed at.


    Yes it was a joke, yes some people fell for it and bought a mount they could not use. Out of all this speculation on this thread of "I heard this, I heard that" in regards to how many people fell for this, I can count on one hand the amount of people who have contacted us and said they fell for it and we have confirmed so in the logs. Those people are being taken care of correctly and no we didn't steal anyone's money from the April Fool's joke post. We are sincerely sorry if you fell for the joke as the intention was just playful fun and not meant for anything beyond that.
    -Your friendly neighborhood Shnuggs-
    [PWE Billing]
    Perfect World Entertainment Customer Support System

    "Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error."
    -Andrew Jackson

    Shnuggles [Shh-nugg-ulls]
    -proper noun
    1. He who turns negativity into giddiness.
    2. Has an IRL cat that plays fetch b:victory
  • Soho - Lost City
    Soho - Lost City Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    People who fell for this have issues.

    For starters "Cross Faction Mounts" doesn't even make sense. b:pleased

    p.s shnuggles, calendar comp winners pls b:victory

  • Dianocus - Sanctuary
    Dianocus - Sanctuary Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    *edit* Oh and one final small thing, if you were too STUPID TO LOOK AT THE INFORMATION on the Boutique page CONCERNING FLYING MOUNTS to see WHICH mount was 'all faction' (or not) and just BOUGHT what you wanted w/o checking class/level requirements then yes, you are too STUPID to BREATH and should kill yourself.

    *edit x2* Not to mention that ALL new items in the boutique get listed with a flashy little 'new' symbol on them to alert you to their newness or changed state. Simply put, you have no leg to stand on, not even a stump of a leg to stand on and if you purchased any mount at all w/o bothering to even check the level/class restrictions on it (not to mention not bothering to read an announcement page to it's end), then yes, you are dumber than a 5th grader.

    *hugs and kudos to you hun thats so true and hilarious
  • Corwin - Harshlands
    Corwin - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    yes the whole point of an april fools joke is to take advantage of someones gullableness. Lots of people in lots of countries around the world celebrate it. (although many stop at noon)

    If you were gullable enough to be like "YESSSSSSSSSS!" until you saw the line at the bottom of the page, than the jokes on you. "HAHA!"

    If you were so gullable that you instantly said "HOLY **** I MUST HAVE THAT!" and did not read "the fine print" then you are going to have more than a few dollars wasted to worry about in life.

    Every year lots of people get all bent out of shape beacuse tv, radio, internet, newspapers, and magazines like to fool people. You people should just stay in bed that day or convience yourselves that nothing that happens is real. It only takes a few whine bags to ruin the fun for everybody.

    As for the people who didn't get ripped off and still believe it was some attempt for PWI to steal peoples money, I say to you: Why would you still play a game you truly believe is trying to rip you and other people off at every turn?

    And now I leave you with a few quotes:

    "A sucker is born every minute." - Unknown
    "A fool and his money will soon part ways." - Unknown
    "You can fool some of the people all the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." - Mark Twain?
  • Corwin - Harshlands
    Corwin - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i hope your not talking about me. first of all im not a kid, im not spoiled, and i dont buy from bonquite. third of all there are rules on how you advertise on the internet.

    shows how much you know. and the company is in california dumby! the chinese verizon is in china! there is a rule that clearly stats any website that takes money from kids and doesnt give them something "of use" will be SHUT DOWN!!! not all "USA" kids are spoiled and rich. dumbass. you seem like your aver 18. GET A LIFE!!! IM STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL AND I DONT PLAN ON PLAYING THIS GAME IN COLLEGE YOU SHOULD FOLLOW MY EXAMPLE! shows how much a moron "lives with his mom" man knows about anything.

    I am 25, I live in an apartment with my own 2 kids and my girlfriend. Not in high school. (high school KIDS <key word) If this rule so "clearly stats any website that takes money from kids and doesn't give them something 'of use' will be SHUT DOWN!!!" than please cite it for us as I am anxiously awaiting to hear from you. And of course first you would have to prove they TOOK your money. Sounds to me like they voluntarily gave them money and confirmed it
    was okay to do, ignoring all restrictions that actually were "clearly stated". As far as giving you something "of use", the mounts can be used. Only by the classes they were ment to be used for. Your flawed logic reminds me of the homosexual marrage argument. "you are keeping us from getting married!" "No, I'm keeping you from getting married to the same sex. You can marry someone of the opposite sex if you would like, just like everyone else."
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    well i am looking it up to see if it is illegal under the conditions im sure it is. ive seen some harmless april fools k=jokes before but this one makes people pay money for a waste im pretty sure it is illegal ill find out and if it is ill wait till sunday to see if they made any good action/s such as refunding or actually making it happen if not ill get some one i know to take action. lucky i know alot of people and lucky im egyptian (every egyptian wants to be a doctor or lawyer idk why but they do) so i can take actions and i will on monday of they do nothing on sunday.

    Seriously it not Illeagal. So please go and sue them. The whole PW community will be laughing their asses off at you when the judge throws it out. GMs and MODS if he sues you please let everyone know about the outcome so we can laugh.b:laughb:laugh
    . you seem like your aver 18. GET A LIFE!!! IM STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL AND I DONT PLAN ON PLAYING THIS GAME IN COLLEGE YOU SHOULD FOLLOW MY EXAMPLE! shows how much a moron "lives with his mom" man knows about anything.
    Many would say your a kid since your still in high school. Ok so your saying adults have no life if they play games online. So since I'm over 18 and I play PW I have no life. Little boy you don't know anything. I think they should drop you back to elementry school. Adults do many different thing to relax after a hard day. Go to the bar, to sitting in a chair at home drinking and listaning to music, to playing online games. Telling him to get a life, you should get a brain.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Aldryami - Sanctuary
    Aldryami - Sanctuary Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    shnuggles wrote: »

    Yes it was a joke, yes some people fell for it and bought a mount they could not use. Out of all this speculation on this thread of "I heard this, I heard that" in regards to how many people fell for this, I can count on one hand the amount of people who have contacted us and said they fell for it and we have confirmed so in the logs. Those people are being taken care of correctly and no we didn't steal anyone's money from the April Fool's joke post. We are sincerely sorry if you fell for the joke as the intention was just playful fun and not meant for anything beyond that.

    This post made me very happy b:pleased

    The issue is closed as far as my personal suspicions are concerned.
  • xtrm9
    xtrm9 Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    the post made by GM's was funny and it is sad if people cannot even take a joke.

    For the people who fell for it ... i can guess what your IQ level is.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    xtrm9 wrote: »
    the post made by GM's was funny and it is sad if people cannot even take a joke.

    For the people who fell for it ... i can guess what your IQ level is.
    It's smaller than the shoes they wear.

  • Aldryami - Sanctuary
    Aldryami - Sanctuary Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Although the matter has now been effectively put to rest by the GMs I would like to make a response to the numerous people who seem to believe that because someone has low IQ they somehow deserve to be maniplulated.

    I will use an extreme example in order to bring the issue that disturbs me into relief:

    Would you also suggest that, during the second world war, the Jews who were marched into the gas chambers, in the belief that they were showers, deserved their fate due to their proclivity to be misled?

    Although the two "punishments" for the conjectural "stupidity" in the two examples are at opposite ends of the spectrum, for me at least, the underlying issues remain the same.

    No one should be manipulated, bamboozled or victimized for any reason. A person with low IQ should be treated with compassion.

    By the way I don't really think that the people who were fooled by the advert had low IQ. I think it is more likely that they were excitable and impulsive people.
  • Kealani - Heavens Tear
    Kealani - Heavens Tear Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Although the matter has now been effectively put to rest by the GMs I would like to make a response to the numerous people who seem to believe that because someone has low IQ they somehow deserve to be maniplulated.

    I will use an extreme example in order to bring the issue that disturbs me into relief:

    Would you also suggest that, during the second world war, the Jews who were marched into the gas chambers, in the belief that they were showers, deserved their fate due to their proclivity to be misled?

    Although the two "punishments" for the conjectural "stupidity" in the two examples are at opposite ends of the spectrum, for me at least, the underlying issues remain the same.

    No one should be manipulated, bamboozled or victimized for any reason. A person with low IQ should be treated with compassion.

    By the way I don't really think that the people who were fooled by the advert had low IQ. I think it is more likely that they were excitable and impulsive people.

    Those who walked into the gas chambers most likely would have been killed no matter what they did, plus they were dealing with circumstances beyond their control at the time.Thus,this was hardly an example of stupidity since there was absolutely no way they could have known unless a **** had told them.

    In this case,unless you can prove to me this was meant to intentionally lead people to buy flying mounts they could not use,your arguement really doesn't fly here.Also,if people could not be bothered to scroll down the entire way that is their own bloody fault. Stupid does hurt,and this is proof.
This discussion has been closed.