


  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    There's nothing wrong with being in a faction as is there is nothing wrong with being factionless.

    If a factionless person wanted to be in a faction, they'd be in one (except ones who get booted repeatedly) I mean come on, it's annoying to get invites when you're factionless repeatedly. It is also annoying and ill mannered when someone just 'invites' you without having spoken or asked the player. Any faction that sends random invites without asking is a 'bad' faction. I'll leave it there for others to interpret what I mean by 'bad'.

    My only solution thus far is come up with an auto response saying "NOT joining factions". Anyone who cares to take a little time asking why would get a response, others will only receive an automated response.

    People play for many reasons. Most mid level factionless players know they are missing out on certain elements of the game, but until they want those elements in the game they prefer to be factionless.

    My parting words are: Quit sending me faction invites FFS.
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    There's nothing wrong with being in a faction as is there is nothing wrong with being factionless.

    Absolutely true. Some people confuse the meaning of "MMO" with "meant for teamplay". But MMO just means you are a part of a world with many other players, nothing more, nothing less. You can for example become a crafter and craft all day and night without ever playing in a team at all - and still you are a part of the world. In real life (the greatest MMO of them all) there are also people who join organizations and those who do not.
    Any faction that sends random invites without asking is a 'bad' faction. I'll leave it there for others to interpret what I mean by 'bad'.

    I would phrase it a bit more direct: Any guild that sends out spam invites must suck beyond comprehension. Good guilds always interview their recruits first (yes, that means talking to them for a while, and about more than just their level).

    I have a fairly high level alt that's factionless. I leveled her mainly with Crazy Stone. She also has good gear, courtesy by big sister. The amount of spam invites she's getting is ridiculous, some of them even coming from TW guilds that probably consider themselves to be "elite" or so. I cannot look at the TW map anymore and keep myself from laughing at them when I see those guild names there. Yes, my rarely played alt would have been a huge asset to you... b:chuckle

    Spam-inviting guilds don't deserve any answer, not even an automated one. A button that prevents spam guild invites would be a really good thing.
  • Deadeyes - Dreamweaver
    Deadeyes - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    First off, Literature, go crawl in your hole and do us all a favor and die you useless troll.

    Second, factionless ftw. I agree with people who are factionless because of the drama. EVERY FACTION HAS DRAMA, I don't care who you are, I don't care if you don't tw/pk, you will have drama. On Dreamweaver so many factions have risen and fallen because of drama alone, its why I am once again going factionless, I have a small group of friends I can call on, we are on vent constantly, we just don't see a point in making a faction.

    The only good thing that came out of faction this time is I met my in-game wife who I love alot and would do just about anything for, otherwhise it was a bunch of stressful drama bull****.
  • Atheeni - Heavens Tear
    Atheeni - Heavens Tear Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    A lot of people also don't realize that some factionless chars are also alts too. I for one have like 6 different alt chars that I play when I feel like doing something different from grinding my wiz. I keep all my alt chars out of factions because I feel weird being in other factions that are not my own, I dunno maybe that's just me.

    There's nothing wrong with being factionless and honestly had I not had the money to make a faction at lvl 20 I probably would have stayed factionless too. There is a lot of drama in every faction and no matter how hard you try it will always pop up, even in my own we've had a bit of mild drama from previous members. So it's perfectly natural to want to avoid all that when you play. If you're factionless then all the power to ya =3

    As for the invites, I guess it doesn't really help that you're a high level cleric lol. Your class and barbs are always highly sought after so it's gonna get really annoying as you get higher in lvls. I have the same problem when I play my alt cleric... I always feel like meat because people keep trying to act overly helpful (when I don't need it) and keep spaming me with invites. The best thing I've noticed that helps is to just not even click on the invite. Just let it expire, the exclamation will go away in a few mins anyways. For some reason if you decline they always send more invites but this isn't always the case when you let them expire lol... not sure why but hey, what ever works =3
  • czly
    czly Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I agree Factions/Schools or whatever you choose to call them are not all they are cracked up to be. I joined a faction with one of my other charaters just to see if I had the same problems in this game as I have had in other games and so far so good.... But all in all factions are not for me.... I like myself and am happy to be on my own helping others as I want. Joining others in a squad is great, you can add them as friends if desired and ask them to help as needed and they can ask you.. and you don't have to worry about the Faction Drama.... RIGHT ON CP b:thanks
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    A lot of people also don't realize that some factionless chars are also alts too. I for one have like 6 different alt chars that I play when I feel like doing something different from grinding my wiz. I keep all my alt chars out of factions because I feel weird being in other factions that are not my own, I dunno maybe that's just me.

    There's nothing wrong with being factionless and honestly had I not had the money to make a faction at lvl 20 I probably would have stayed factionless too. There is a lot of drama in every faction and no matter how hard you try it will always pop up, even in my own we've had a bit of mild drama from previous members. So it's perfectly natural to want to avoid all that when you play. If you're factionless then all the power to ya =3

    As for the invites, I guess it doesn't really help that you're a high level cleric lol. Your class and barbs are always highly sought after so it's gonna get really annoying as you get higher in lvls. I have the same problem when I play my alt cleric... I always feel like meat because people keep trying to act overly helpful (when I don't need it) and keep spaming me with invites. The best thing I've noticed that helps is to just not even click on the invite. Just let it expire, the exclamation will go away in a few mins anyways. For some reason if you decline they always send more invites but this isn't always the case when you let them expire lol... not sure why but hey, what ever works =3

    That is why I help Clerics but do not desire anything from them in return, do not squad them unless they initiate it, do not request Res form them etc.

    As for bieng Factionless...Honestly a Faction (outside of TW if you like that) is only good as a trainer and a way to get ahold of people to kill the inanely hard bosses you are ALWAYS being thrown up against that you and your peers stand no chance of beating. Other than that they are just a big friends list and nothing specail.
  • Agravain - Heavens Tear
    Agravain - Heavens Tear Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I am in the same boat. I am tired (at least for now) of faction life. I have 2 characters over 60 and both get multiple guild invites every time I log in. That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the feeling that I am expected to justify my refusal, that this person (though I may have only just met them) may feel affronted. I usually just say I am tired of the drama. Only about half of inviters accept this. The rest will respond that there is no drama in their guild (bs) and that I should give them a shot. When I get tired of the pestering I am gonna make a fake guild just for my 2 chars... but what to name it? How about "Solitude"
  • LadyVvall - Sanctuary
    LadyVvall - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I am in the same boat. I am tired (at least for now) of faction life. I have 2 characters over 60 and both get multiple guild invites every time I log in. That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the feeling that I am expected to justify my refusal, that this person (though I may have only just met them) may feel affronted. I usually just say I am tired of the drama. Only about half of inviters accept this. The rest will respond that there is no drama in their guild (bs) and that I should give them a shot. When I get tired of the pestering I am gonna make a fake guild just for my 2 chars... but what to name it? How about "Solitude"

    I thought about making one named No Faction :| or possibly Factionless, feel free to steal those if you like, as I don't plan on making a guild
    I don't like people. The sooner you can accept that, the sooner we can all go on with our insignificant lives.
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I will never understand players that would rather play solo, never join factions and just do their own thing, but I guess thats ur choice.

    I am one of those people that never joins a faction, but it does not mean I want to play solo. I like meeting lots of new people. People in factions tend to spend most of their time playing with people in their faction. Just this evening I met 5 new people because I needed to defeat the Raged Wraith Chief. If I had been in a faction I would never have met those people because I would have simply waited for someone in my faction to do it and joined them. And while I had a great time with those 5 people, it does not mean that I do not wish to play with a different 5 people the next day.

    I have been strongly anti-faction since my very first MMORPG for this very reason. I view the entire server as my faction and wish to play with all of its members. If I join a faction I end up limiting who I meet because that is just the way it works. Sadly so many people join factions that it is hard to find people to group with. Most people either do not want a group or are already grouped with members of their faction. Getting quests done would be much easier for people like me if there were not so many factions because then there would be a lot more people shouting for help with quests on world chat.

    And another bonus is that, while I had fun tonight fighting the Raged Wraith Chief, I would be quite happy never doing it again. If I were in a faction people would have helped me with it and I would be expected to help future players with it as well. It is just the way a faction works. But since I met up with 5 total strangers it is unlikely I will ever have to do it again. With the limited time I have to play I prefer not to repeat the same boss fights over again. Since I have no faction I am rarely asked to help with such things (although I do get requests from the people on my friends list).
  • Nnn - Sanctuary
    Nnn - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    Nah, i dont see the harm not being in a faction, when i ask somone to join our fractionn and they say no, i say thx for ur time.. and dont bugg them like hell.
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I get people to join my faction through false hopes and empty promises. Oops, was I referring to St-- Er, I mean, nothinggg~ b:chuckle
  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    *sends random invite*
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    erethizon1 wrote: »

    And another bonus is that, while I had fun tonight fighting the Raged Wraith Chief, I would be quite happy never doing it again. If I were in a faction people would have helped me with it and I would be expected to help future players with it as well. It is just the way a faction works. ).

    ROFL at this quote. Most of the big Factions dont have time to help you with quests like this, or even give a dam about helping you because they dont get any xp for it. I'v helped out people in the biggest factions on my server, who couldnt find a soul in their faction to help them with a non-fb boss. Its sad to see, when a tight group of 10 people in my guild can find more time than a whole entire lvl 3 or whatever faction to help their guildmate. Dont be fooled, factions have one use - war. Anything else in this game you dont need a faction for, just make friends when your out doing a quest or something and you'll never have a problem with help again.
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If you are in a big faction...it can get bad. I'm a veno with a herc so I know lol. I try to help people as much as I can. But one day I spent 160k on teleport fees just helping people with bosses. And if you ask guildies to pay you they start acting wierd. ;o

    Schedule a boss day or something in your guild. In that one day try to wipe as many bosses off peoples lists as possible. If they don't get it that day then they wait for the one after that. Organization is key. =D
  • groink
    groink Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeah,I think they take us for noobs too.
    I fought off one archer that was using an HP charm
    for 20 minutes.
    Lucky I had the beginner pack HP buffs.

    Yesterday I had to fight off 2 of them and 3 pets.
    I killed the 3 pets and managed to kill one of the
    attackers,before the other one ran off.
    Gonna run out of buffs sooner or later.

    Maybe they will stop making assumptions.LOL
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I've been factionless for a few months now and it just fits my play style. I like to do thatw hich I can solo, by myself. I don't see any glory in running soloable quests in groups. I have some trouble when it comes to quests that require groups but I just wait for a pug to form and then join it. I don't like PvP so I won't be doing TW. I have nothing against factions, I just don't function well in them.

    I have found a cure for blind faction invites. Starting 2 weeks ago I decided to accept all blind faction invites and then immediately quit the faction. This seems to get them to quit inviting you. So far I have 6 in my collection. I still get a lot of ??!!??!!?! WTF, why are you factionless? Most of these have led to some really fun conversatuons.
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • LadyVvall - Sanctuary
    LadyVvall - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I've been factionless for a few months now and it just fits my play style. I like to do thatw hich I can solo, by myself. I don't see any glory in running soloable quests in groups. I have some trouble when it comes to quests that require groups but I just wait for a pug to form and then join it. I don't like PvP so I won't be doing TW. I have nothing against factions, I just don't function well in them.

    I have found a cure for blind faction invites. Starting 2 weeks ago I decided to accept all blind faction invites and then immediately quit the faction. This seems to get them to quit inviting you. So far I have 6 in my collection. I still get a lot of ??!!??!!?! WTF, why are you factionless? Most of these have led to some really fun conversatuons.

    Maybe I'll try that....
    I don't like people. The sooner you can accept that, the sooner we can all go on with our insignificant lives.
  • Huyidao - Heavens Tear
    Huyidao - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My argument for factions:
    I can chat with multiple friends at once, with all of us reading each others' messages. With a friends list, I can carry multiple 1-on-1 conversations, but sometimes the chat is not as dynamic.
    I have found that this is not the case for TW factions, but in smaller factions, I can find boss help. I can do quests (TT's, FB's) together knowing that distribution will be fair and my friends will be understanding. With a friends list, I can still ask friends to do TT's with me, but it's harder to keep on PM-ing people to find 5 friends all available at the same time.

    My argument against factions:
    It takes more of an effort to meet friends outside the faction. For this reason, when I have a non-FB boss quest, I strive to hang around the boss area a couple of times to see if I can find others also doing the quest. If I fail at that, then I ask faction for help. My guild holds "boss days," so if I cannot find strangers (future friends) to help with bosses, I know that I can always find help in guild.
    Guilds may have drama. Every guild will have its bad apples. It depends on the guild leader to resolve those issues or to simply allow those people to destroy the guild. Good guilds know how to take care of those issues, but sadly it's trial and error. I believe my current guild is good at this.

    There are of course other arguments for and against. Net net, I am for joining factions. As the officers of my guilds always say to potential members, just try us for a week or two, and if you don't like it, you can always leave. But if you leave, let us know why so we can improve ourselves and hopefully get you to want to join us again later.
    Sagacious Guild - Heaven's Tear
    Website: sagacious.byethost14.com
    Forums: z3.invisionfree.com/Sagacious/index.php?act=idx