Which TT is the most profitable to solo?



  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Actually pretty much every HH that veno can solo with herc is extremely over farmed and the mats sells for like nothing atm, at least on LC
    Most mats in 1-2 have dropped with like 100k in value last months. Every 80+ veno runs 1-2 pretty much everyday lol.

    Snake skins are hard to sell even at 130-140k, also golden shards dropped from like 300k to 170k now. Drum also hard to sell since u can get it in solo mode. And mats from fetch boss was always hard to sell for more than 100k.

    Only mats that sells good from 1-3 is gold mats like snake gold and mats from drum (since veno cant solo drum in 1-3). Snake blood etc ure happy if someone pay even 100k for. Same goes for armor boss there. Only good thing is that mobs drops alot of apoc pages.

    I mostly do 3-1 and 1-2 tho. Behe green sells good still and also gold from 3-1 sells for alot. Behe gold is like 10-12mil each and other gold 2-3 mil each. And i do 1-2 still b/c it gives alot of mirages for cube, its fast, i have cleric so i can do aoe bosses, and its so many bosses to kill, so even if mats sell for less than 150k i make a profit b:cute.

    I would say mats from 2-2 and 2-3 is the most profitable to farm atm, ape, forshura, seven shine boss, doggy, belia etc mainly cuz veno cant solo that.
    Maybe its even more profitable to make a real party and rush 2-2/ 2-3 than solo HH as veno b:surrender.

    2 friends just get their hercs last week. they are still thinking they will make A LOTS of coins by soloing TT. they simply do not believe when I told him they will make more money from grinding instead solo TT. I have stopped solo 1-2 squad because the price on mats has been drop to the point it does not make sense any more. I am a rebo veno, so I will have to kill all the mobs on the way, it usually takes me 2 and half hours at least to clear out 1-2, I can kill 3 bosses without a cleric. The best drop I have get from 1-2 are 4 golden armors and 2 skins which worth about 900k plus mirages and other regular drops to pay for the subs. But most of the time, I only get like 3 green mats. I can make much more then that just from grinding for 3 hours. I now almost only do 2-2 and 3-1 with groups.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    if it does then quit posting it takes 2 guys D: < its freakin confusing!
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    if it does then quit posting it takes 2 guys D: < its freakin confusing!

    what are you talking about?
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    swgs wrote: »
    what are you talking about?

    1-3 TT, people keep saying it takes 2 subs, and every time ive ran it, it was 1 :|
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    1-3 TT, people keep saying it takes 2 subs, and every time ive ran it, it was 1 :|

    I can confirm, it is 1. Need 2 to open solo mode. Only need 1 to open squad in high mode.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    swgs wrote: »
    I can confirm, it is 1. Need 2 to open solo mode. Only need 1 to open squad in high mode.

    yeh, why would anyone run it solo tho, thats like totally a waste of time xD.
  • Felina - Heavens Tear
    Felina - Heavens Tear Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    My posts calculating the cost were specifically for solo mode and I tried to make that clear.
    Why would anyone run in solo? Because it ain't easy to find a crew who will meet you there to get you in then leave to let you solo. Takes more time gathering the party than running the TT.
  • Felina - Heavens Tear
    Felina - Heavens Tear Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    damn.... daughters login...
  • Agravain - Heavens Tear
    Agravain - Heavens Tear Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ok, back on my login... as I was saying... oh wait I said it already... and no one cares... sigh... b:sad
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    eh i find 2 people, and use a second computer to open it O_o; 1-3 is fairly easy to do.
  • Agravain - Heavens Tear
    Agravain - Heavens Tear Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I have calculated profits for TT1-1 thru TT1-3 Party Mode. Again, the drop rates come from PWdatabase and I am unsure of its reliability. Prices were set by current auction prices and will change by server, time, and demand. I wont bore everyone with the entire spreadsheet as last time (unless it is requested). According to the figures:

    TT1-1(party mode).....................$226,800
    TT1-2(party, High Boss)..............$1,734,880
    TT1-3(party, High Boss)..............$2,281,970

    I haven't bothered to calculate TT2s but if anyone wants to know it just ask.
  • Sylvini - Heavens Tear
    Sylvini - Heavens Tear Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ok, so I've been doing 1-1 solo for a little while now. I do it mostly because I think it's fun (don't ask), but also because I want to make a second sword to decompose for TT70. My question is, when can I start soloing 1-1 squad? I've got maxed pet heal for 63, and a Mag with lvl 3 Bash, lvl 2 Tough, and lvl 1 Threaten, also lvl 63. I realize I'll only be able to take on the mobs and Chienten, and I'll have to skip Drummer, but how hard is Squad Chienten?
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ok, so I've been doing 1-1 solo for a little while now. I do it mostly because I think it's fun (don't ask), but also because I want to make a second sword to decompose for TT70. My question is, when can I start soloing 1-1 squad? I've got maxed pet heal for 63, and a Mag with lvl 3 Bash, lvl 2 Tough, and lvl 1 Threaten, also lvl 63. I realize I'll only be able to take on the mobs and Chienten, and I'll have to skip Drummer, but how hard is Squad Chienten?

    me thnks your golem wont be able to do it till 7x, but even then its not worth the trouble. if you have an arbor now, why get a second one? buy the things for 70 and decomp it when you have everything else ready
  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ok, so I've been doing 1-1 solo for a little while now. I do it mostly because I think it's fun (don't ask), but also because I want to make a second sword to decompose for TT70. My question is, when can I start soloing 1-1 squad? I've got maxed pet heal for 63, and a Mag with lvl 3 Bash, lvl 2 Tough, and lvl 1 Threaten, also lvl 63. I realize I'll only be able to take on the mobs and Chienten, and I'll have to skip Drummer, but how hard is Squad Chienten?

    If you've refined and gemmed your current arbor, just sell it and buy a clean one when you're ready to make TT70. You may also find someone willing to trade a clean+coins for it.

    As for golem in 1-1 squad....I think Chiens magic attack will be what prevents you from ever doing it. I suppose you could train Shriek and hope your timing is spot on, though I think by the level you would be able to you could just run 2-1 solo for more profit in the long run. One forshuras armor is worth 4 edges easy, and gold mats DO drop once in a blue moon.
  • Missyo - Heavens Tear
    Missyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    im lvl 63 now too .. and with herc ( same lvl ) the 1-1 solo is easy .. i can solo 1-1 squad too but i must skip the drummer and im light veno tho ..
    i wonder when i ll be able to make solo 1-2 .. anyone knows ? maybe at 68 ? or lower ? or what tt should i be able to solo at lvl 63 with a lvl 63 herc ?