Thank you for killing the new servers!



  • _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary
    _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I've spent well over $1500.00 in this game in just the few short months i've played it. This helps to keep the game running. The concept your failing to grasp here is this... MONEY is what this game is REALLY about, i.e. THEM getting MY money every way they can think of. If that means an event that helps people level fast and fat.. guess what.. they throw it. And guess what.. people like me profit from it and people like you QQ over it. Makes me laugh.

    When you grow a few hairs between your legs you might understand this concept.. till then QQ all ya want, you make me laugh.


    i lol'd......
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Really, thank you so much.
    Some guy went from about 30th rank to 4th today without moving from the same spot.

    I hope after a 4 pages tread, you understand your complaint is out of order.
  • Mezume - Harshlands
    Mezume - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Oh FFS, if the guy wants to waste money just let him. If you are so obsessed over a damn rank you gotta rethink your life.
    Who cares if he rose to 4th by spending money? The fact still remains that he spent money to do it. He keeps the game free and guess what? He gains no playing experience from doing so...
  • MntMan - Lost City
    MntMan - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Sorry I just have to point my finger and laugh at "I spent $1500 in a few short months". $1500!!!!!


    Well if it's true, which I doubt as it sounds more like an exaggeration, then I guess first I'll say thanks. Clearly you're pulling a heavy load for the rest of us to play free.

    Second though I'll continue pointing and laughing. My gym membership, internet and cable don't even cost that much "in a few short months". What is that 3? Is 3 a "few short months" So $500 a month? I suggest you go outside and enjoy some fresh air. I mean I can't tell you how to spend your money. You earned it, but I can laugh at what I think is silly to spend it on. Of course I guess I spend more then that a month on my golf and skiing so perhaps you could do the same of me. It just seems strange to spend that much on a video game when you could swing by GameStop and grab a game for $50 that would probably occupy your time for a month.

    Methinks though it's not about that. I think it's all about you wanting to brag about how much money you spend to others. Otherwise you could have just said "I'm a cash shop user".

    Points and laughs...................$1500.................Thanks again.
  • MntMan - Lost City
    MntMan - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    By the way for the record, my opinion on the topic of the thread is that if you want to play for free you have to enjoy what comes out for free. If you see others who have better stuff because they pay then step up and pay. You can't complain that you're not getting as stuff as good as those who pay for it. It just doesn't make sense. You get what you pay for. Classic idiom of life. You pay nothing you usually get noting. Here at least you get something. Enjoy it for what it's worth.
  • Sophia - Harshlands
    Sophia - Harshlands Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Those that pay always have it better, that's just how it is.
    This event took it way too far tho, quests? wtf is that, aoe parties? what does aoe mean? just oracle oracle oracle woot lvl 60 oracle oracle oracle 63 oracle...
    Pendulum's definition of fair fight:
    Copy and paste:
    "That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up." - Wreck talking about the fight in the screenshot.
    "You're the worst mage ever" - Iffy 5 mins before I roll her 1 on 1

    We should keep that in mind next time you're crying in sz.
    Confessions by a SZ hero
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Sorry I just have to point my finger and laugh at "I spent $1500 in a few short months". $1500!!!!!


    Well if it's true, which I doubt as it sounds more like an exaggeration, then I guess first I'll say thanks. Clearly you're pulling a heavy load for the rest of us to play free.

    Second though I'll continue pointing and laughing. My gym membership, internet and cable don't even cost that much "in a few short months". What is that 3? Is 3 a "few short months" So $500 a month? I suggest you go outside and enjoy some fresh air. I mean I can't tell you how to spend your money. You earned it, but I can laugh at what I think is silly to spend it on. Of course I guess I spend more then that a month on my golf and skiing so perhaps you could do the same of me. It just seems strange to spend that much on a video game when you could swing by GameStop and grab a game for $50 that would probably occupy your time for a month.

    Methinks though it's not about that. I think it's all about you wanting to brag about how much money you spend to others. Otherwise you could have just said "I'm a cash shop user".

    Points and laughs...................$1500.................Thanks again.

    Your quite welcome, and I couldn't care less what anyone thinks. I make plenty of money and do like to spend it. Keeps me from being bored.

    But.. just to prove the point.

    I started buying Zen about 1 week after starting to play the game.

    And as you can see, I am still buying Zen now.

    Now.. THAT is not bragging. Just proving the point. And actually correcting myself. $1370.00 spent not over $1500.00 as I originally stated, I must have added a page twice the first time I added what I've spent on the game. Works out to about $342.00 a month on average.

  • Rlkku - Heavens Tear
    Rlkku - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    lol people who pay that much to play the game need to explore life more... Don't even come back saying you do because it it obvious you don't
    ~~Romanian Princess~~
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    lol people who pay that much to play the game need to explore life more... Don't even come back saying you do because it it obvious you don't

    LOL I live in Hawai'i. I run an Internet based business. I spend most of my working hours online, and as a lot of that time I don't have much to do, I play PWI till I do have something to do.

    I do a lot of Surfing and Sailboarding, as well as Fishing and just all around tourist watching (some hot chicks in Hawai'i lemmie tell ya!) when the sun is up, but at night.... lol. Also.. Being in a lot of pain most of the time sometimes makes it very hard for me to fall to sleep, so I often stay up late trying to wear myself out. The forums provide me that kinda fun. Also, take note of my level. 71. If I spent more time playing than I currently do, I'd be a lot higher than I am in over 4 months of play time. I average 4-5 hours of sleep a day. The rest is live time which entails a lot of running around, etc.

    When I am in more pain than usual, I tend not to do a lot of heavy activities like surfing etc, but when the pain is not so bad.. i'm out enjoying the day as much as I can.

  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I know a player in game, he's like 55 or 56 years old, retired marine, and owns his own computer store now. He spends a ton on the game and even plays with his family. Does he need to explore life more? People can spend their money however they want.
  • Rlkku - Heavens Tear
    Rlkku - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    LOL I live in Hawai'i. I run an Internet based business. I spend most of my working hours online, and as a lot of that time I don't have much to do, I play PWI till I do have something to do.

    I do a lot of Surfing and Sailboarding, as well as Fishing and just all around tourist watching (some hot chicks in Hawai'i lemmie tell ya!) when the sun is up, but at night.... lol. Also.. Being in a lot of pain most of the time sometimes makes it very hard for me to fall to sleep, so I often stay up late trying to wear myself out. The forums provide me that kinda fun. Also, take note of my level. 71. If I spent more time playing than I currently do, I'd be a lot higher than I am in over 4 months of play time. I average 4-5 hours of sleep a day. The rest is live time which entails a lot of running around, etc.

    When I am in more pain than usual, I tend not to do a lot of heavy activities like surfing etc, but when the pain is not so bad.. i'm out enjoying the day as much as I can.


    I love Hawaii o.O *jealous*
    ~~Romanian Princess~~
  • Sophia - Harshlands
    Sophia - Harshlands Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    It was ok the way it was just mijis, charms, mounts, fashion, etc. but on the new servers 50 bucks can be 10 easy levels in 2 hours or less depending how many people are waiting for boss.
    Something's wrong there...
    Pendulum's definition of fair fight:
    Copy and paste:
    "That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up." - Wreck talking about the fight in the screenshot.
    "You're the worst mage ever" - Iffy 5 mins before I roll her 1 on 1

    We should keep that in mind next time you're crying in sz.
    Confessions by a SZ hero
  • frostyinferno
    frostyinferno Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I've spent well over $1500.00 in this game in just the few short months i've played it. This helps to keep the game running. The concept your failing to grasp here is this... MONEY is what this game is REALLY about, i.e. THEM getting MY money every way they can think of. If that means an event that helps people level fast and fat.. guess what.. they throw it. And guess what.. people like me profit from it and people like you QQ over it. Makes me laugh.

    When you grow a few hairs between your legs you might understand this concept.. till then QQ all ya want, you make me laugh.

    I'm not one to judge the way you spend your money, but if you live in such a nice, watery state, why not invest in some SCUBA gear? I'm from Michigan, and I know for sure that if I had 1.5k to blow, I'd buy a dry suit and do some shipwreck diving (those waters are too damn cold for wetsuits!) I'm just saying, you'll eventually get bored of this game and might regret paying so much for in-game items.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm not one to judge the way you spend your money, but if you live in such a nice, watery state, why not invest in some SCUBA gear? I'm from Michigan, and I know for sure that if I had 1.5k to blow, I'd buy a dry suit and do some shipwreck diving (those waters are too damn cold for wetsuits!) I'm just saying, you'll eventually get bored of this game and might regret paying so much for in-game items.

    I've thought about it. Might do that at a later date but for now, I enjoy what i do quite a bit. Especially the tourist watching. b:dirty


  • MissEbil - Heavens Tear
    MissEbil - Heavens Tear Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I just want to say thanks to Saitada! You've paid for the new servers!

    Man I wish I had that sort of money b:sad
    Proud member of the VenoMafia.

    b:flower Read my FanFic! b:flower
  • Revert - Lost City
    Revert - Lost City Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    So you support the concept of "rich people are better at video games"?

    After reading the first few posts, I only have one thing to say. Yes, rich people are better at a FREE TO PLAY game. The cash shop is there to make them better at it.

    Not saying it isn't possible to not spend a dime and be the best, just saying the rich will have a more distinct advantage in a f2p.
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Your quite welcome, and I couldn't care less what anyone thinks. I make plenty of money and do like to spend it. Keeps me from being bored.

    If you can afford it, why not.

    Other will spend more than that for a painting, a bottle of wine,a fancy meal at some high-end restaurant.

    As long as you enjoy the way you spend your money....

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Merlini - Harshlands
    Merlini - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    you think spending 1500$ and watching other people QQ is entertaining? keep thinking your 'hard earned well spent money' is allowing non-cashshoppers the opportunity to play for free while i **** myself. you sound like a self-incriminating often-contradicting oblivious as **** celebrity who just dropped a mill on some charity they don't even know what the **** supports.

    they don't need these events to fund the game or enhance anything on a significant level, biggest misconception of this thread. one word mr charity, greed.

    the concept of f2p cash shop games is fine, the problem is when certain games give too much lenience to what they can start charging/to what it affects in-game. no matter how you look at it were talking about an EXP event =>

    (with at the very least, maybe excluding molds eventually, a 1:1 ratio exchange on the resale value for another doll)

    =>catered to THE RICH on a WEEK old server. in due time those who spend a lot will undoubedtly prosper in-game, and thats fine nobody cares, but if you are still having difficulty understanding the context of this particular event at this particular time, and what EXACTLY it affects... you're hopeless.

    anyway if you guys read without tilting you'd see the initial point of this thread wasn't to make spenders bitter, i have money invested in this game and so do my friends, and yes we bought dolls and are in the 'top 30' so theres nothing to be jealous of before anybody trys to play that card and act like i have no validity to speak. i'll elaborate once more:

    ->>>>if you are still having difficulty understanding the context of this particular event at this particular time, and what EXACTLY (HINT HINT ACTUAL EXP, NOT SCROLLS THAT MAKE YOU WORK FOR IT REGARDLESS) it affects... you're hopeless. <<<<-

    its a shame most of you who spend upwards of about 500+$ constantly feel obligated to validate your blown pixel cash when discussions like these come up about the COMPANY and/or the events, you're irrelevant and you don't even realize it.

    you guys are quite funny though b:thanks
  • Onxy - Harshlands
    Onxy - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I don't see the event as killing the new servers. What it has done is that it has firmly established a balance of power on the server within 2 weeks of it existing. A balance of power that only time will determine whether it will stay or shift. Up until this event my guild (one of the guilds with lower level players) was working towards TW. With the sudden explosion in levels of these big factions that goal looks too far out of our reach. In any event within week one the major guilds had multiple venos with pheonixes and hercs anyway so the chances that other factions had were already low but now its a no competition scenario.
    Aside from TW and the ensuing PK fest we might all have to endure, I will continue to level as best I can.
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I don't see the event as killing the new servers. What it has done is that it has firmly established a balance of power on the server within 2 weeks of it existing. A balance of power that only time will determine whether it will stay or shift. Up until this event my guild (one of the guilds with lower level players) was working towards TW. With the sudden explosion in levels of these big factions that goal looks too far out of our reach. In any event within week one the major guilds had multiple venos with pheonixes and hercs anyway so the chances that other factions had were already low but now its a no competition scenario.
    Aside from TW and the ensuing PK fest we might all have to endure, I will continue to level as best I can.


    @OP whats with your arrogance "killed the new servers" nonsense. It's not your servers or your game. If somone else does better than you at it because they play with money/more hours/etc/etc you have NO right to complain. Under no circumstances do you have the right to come post BS like that on the forum -less drama please.
  • starman17
    starman17 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If anything, this event has probably injected a new fervor into the new servers.
  • xtinct23
    xtinct23 Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    you think spending 1500$ and watching other people QQ is entertaining? keep thinking your 'hard earned well spent money' is allowing non-cashshoppers the opportunity to play for free while i **** myself. you sound like a self-incriminating often-contradicting oblivious as **** celebrity who just dropped a mill on some charity they don't even know what the **** supports.

    they don't need these events to fund the game or enhance anything on a significant level, biggest misconception of this thread. one word mr charity, greed.

    the concept of f2p cash shop games is fine, the problem is when certain games give too much lenience to what they can start charging/to what it affects in-game. no matter how you look at it were talking about an EXP event =>

    (with at the very least, maybe excluding molds eventually, a 1:1 ratio exchange on the resale value for another doll)

    =>catered to THE RICH on a WEEK old server. in due time those who spend a lot will undoubedtly prosper in-game, and thats fine nobody cares, but if you are still having difficulty understanding the context of this particular event at this particular time, and what EXACTLY it affects... you're hopeless.

    anyway if you guys read without tilting you'd see the initial point of this thread wasn't to make spenders bitter, i have money invested in this game and so do my friends, and yes we bought dolls and are in the 'top 30' so theres nothing to be jealous of before anybody trys to play that card and act like i have no validity to speak. i'll elaborate once more:

    ->>>>if you are still having difficulty understanding the context of this particular event at this particular time, and what EXACTLY (HINT HINT ACTUAL EXP, NOT SCROLLS THAT MAKE YOU WORK FOR IT REGARDLESS) it affects... you're hopeless. <<<<-

    its a shame most of you who spend upwards of about 500+$ constantly feel obligated to validate your blown pixel cash when discussions like these come up about the COMPANY and/or the events, you're irrelevant and you don't even realize it.

    you guys are quite funny though b:thanks

    I laugh at stupid people like you. Oh noes, since I have no job and play all day, someone can spend money and catch up to me on a stupid list that means nothing.

    You have issues with people buying experience but you have no issues with Veno's buying a Herc or Phoenix which gives them ridiculous easy grinding an leveling?

  • Sophia - Harshlands
    Sophia - Harshlands Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    @OP whats with your arrogance "killed the new servers" nonsense. It's not your servers or your game. If somone else does better than you at it because they play with money/more hours/etc/etc you have NO right to complain. Under no circumstances do you have the right to come post BS like that on the forum -less drama please.

    It's not arrogance.
    People can directly buy exp now, not a miji or charm to get lvls faster. That's a problem.
    18k exp per oracle 3 in a server where the average is 4x, wtf?
    A barb was 53 yesterday afternoon and now he's 65, holy **** nice grinding speed .... or nice amount of oracles.
    Pendulum's definition of fair fight:
    Copy and paste:
    "That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up." - Wreck talking about the fight in the screenshot.
    "You're the worst mage ever" - Iffy 5 mins before I roll her 1 on 1

    We should keep that in mind next time you're crying in sz.
    Confessions by a SZ hero
  • DarkReCon - Heavens Tear
    DarkReCon - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I currently have characters on both new servers. My opinion is valid. I think your just spewing out sour grapes because you didn't spend money on a free 2 play game like the guy your talking about did and feel **** burned about it.


    Well I have characters on HT and Dreamweaver and I have spent over $500 on this game in the short time I have been on it and I can honestly say.. YOU ARE b:shutup and if you really do think that way why play the game, just go sit in a chat room and waste time there.. Why play the game if you are going to PAY your way to the top, makes no sense to do so.. All you are doing it Paying your way to a position where you can **** the server even easier with all the lower lvls that are starting out on the NEW SERVERS to try to get away from the b:shutup that this guy and you must be, it is the egotistical b:shutup that was killing the game to start..

    So here we go.. NEW SERVERS, SAME OL &$^#(* b:shutup &^#%$%*
    Why wont my sig work.. Not kool..
  • Belief - Harshlands
    Belief - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well, how 'bout this....
    We pay $3000.00 or more and get, lyk, gazillion exp...
    I will pay... PWI will benefit.... You still get to play for free..... Everyone is happy.... Oh w8... Do We Want it? b:pleased
    Aurian: Loyal? Power-hoes are loyal to nobody
  • Magicz - Dreamweaver
    Magicz - Dreamweaver Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    IMO they should've only put the event on old servers NOT NEW ONES. This totally messed EVERYTHING

    Heres another suggestion,
    Member of Dynasty! BTW RBorn died b:sad

    ARCANE b:dirty > LIGHT b:surrender!!! b:angry b:angry b:angry

    Current Goal: SPAM teh_fishey!

    Highest PvE Attack: 22k on FB59 Drake Boss, non-sparked, non-critted, BM dragon, Veno Amped debuffed Sandstorm, lvl 62 Attack, ARCANE FTW!!! b:dirty
  • Osiris - Dreamweaver
    Osiris - Dreamweaver Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    IMO they should've only put the event on old servers NOT NEW ONES. This totally messed EVERYTHING up.

    Hmm, i don't know how the event messed dreamweaver up. It really sucks for HL, since the level difference on a PvP server is far more decisive then on a PvE server.

    I think that the event is getting 'abused' on Harshlands more then on DW.
    Well, shards will be worthless for a long time...
  • Magicz - Dreamweaver
    Magicz - Dreamweaver Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Hmm, i don't know how the event messed dreamweaver up. It really sucks for HL, since the level difference on a PvP server is far more decisive then on a PvE server.

    Yeah it messed up HL a lot more but it still definately altered DW
    Member of Dynasty! BTW RBorn died b:sad

    ARCANE b:dirty > LIGHT b:surrender!!! b:angry b:angry b:angry

    Current Goal: SPAM teh_fishey!

    Highest PvE Attack: 22k on FB59 Drake Boss, non-sparked, non-critted, BM dragon, Veno Amped debuffed Sandstorm, lvl 62 Attack, ARCANE FTW!!! b:dirty
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    This thread is being locked due to flaming.

    We realize that some of you are not happy with the return of Jolly Old Jones. He is, however, here to stay until next week. We are closely monitoring the economical effects as well as gameplay effects of his visit.
This discussion has been closed.