TT solo mode with a veno

blindeyesniper Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Venomancer
I'm currently at lvl 68, a pure magic robe veno. I can solo TT1-1 by myself easy. I want to know at what level should I attempt to solo TT1-2 with a golem. Is it even possible to solo TT1-2? Thanks.
Post edited by blindeyesniper on


  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You should be able to do 1-2 solo with a golem right now. I did it at level 68.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • mogwai
    mogwai Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    yes, agreed...just make sure your pet heal is maxed to your current level & you'll be fine
    mmorpg is R'lyehian for: Innumerable quantities of grown babies
    discussing & often complaining about the imaginary.
  • blindeyesniper
    blindeyesniper Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Last questions. What to expect in TT1-2? Same mobs as TT1-1 but higher level or totally different mobs? Same boss? What about the drops? Are they the same also? Are there bosses that I should avoid doing? Just trying to find out more before I actually do it. b:pleased
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There are only 2 bosses you can do in solo mode, they are the same bosses you did in 1-1 they are just harder. All the monsters are exactly the same, just harder.

    The drops are different as well.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • blindeyesniper
    blindeyesniper Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There are only 2 bosses you can do in solo mode, they are the same bosses you did in 1-1 they are just harder. All the monsters are exactly the same, just harder.

    The drops are different as well.

    Thank you very much!
  • blindeyesniper
    blindeyesniper Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I just soloed TT1-2 twice and got two drums off the drum guy. What does Cheintein drop? What's framework of drum for? I didn't see any equipments in the temple that requires framework of drums to make.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If I remember right, Framework of Drum is needed for level 70 arm armor. Cheintein drops Chientein's Armor Shard, which is quite worthless. I don't even know what its used for.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I just soloed TT1-2 twice and got two drums off the drum guy. What does Cheintein drop? What's framework of drum for? I didn't see any equipments in the temple that requires framework of drums to make.

    Chintien drops Chintiens Armor shard, used in a TT70 Sword and Bow, and Also necklace and belt.

    Framework of drum are for TT70 wristguards and ring I believe.
  • bobbeh
    bobbeh Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    TT1-2 solo mode is not really worth doing. Wait till you hit level 74 for TT2-1.
  • blindeyesniper
    blindeyesniper Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    bobbeh wrote: »
    TT1-2 solo mode is not really worth doing. Wait till you hit level 74 for TT2-1.

    What can you find in TT2-1? Framework of Drums sell for around 300k so it's pretty good source of extra coins.
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Foshura's Armor is the drop for money in 2-1. On Heaven's Tear it sells for over 300k. However on Heaven's Tear, Framework of Drums only sell for less than 150k or so, so if you get 300k for those (presumeable Lost City or Sanctuary) then keep farming that. On Heaven's Tear 1-2 isnt worth the trouble.
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I solo Cheintein and LOP at 63 only cause then i had a great heal...using my golem with only lvl1 roar
  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Right now 1-2 solo is decent on Sanctuary, Frameworks are running around 250-300k. Now if I could just get some of those instead of Chiens Armor ><
  • raymp3
    raymp3 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    OK where is this instance? How do I get inside (wine?) and what should I know about (wear HP charm? bring incense?) to solo TT2-1? Any help from you other venos please would be very much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  • Lythiaana - Dreamweaver
    Lythiaana - Dreamweaver Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    TT is located just north of Town of Arrivals. It's a special dungeon that enables solo or squad mode. Venos can do both but it really depends on the level req.

    For solo mode you'll need ultimate substances which is a material that can be made out of 5 of each: Refined Steel, Fine Lumber, Anthracite, and Rubstone Powder.
  • FoxyCleo - Raging Tide
    FoxyCleo - Raging Tide Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My veno is 65 atm. I don't have a Herc, but I'd like to try this solo TT thing to farm for cash. Is that a viable tactic? Grinding mobs gets old already and, since the double drop weeks are over, very slow.

    Are there guides anywhere, with level requirements, recommendations, maybe tactics on bosses? I've tried to google them up, but not much to be found :/ Any help would be appreciated :)
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My veno is 65 atm. I don't have a Herc, but I'd like to try this solo TT thing to farm for cash. Is that a viable tactic? Grinding mobs gets old already and, since the double drop weeks are over, very slow.

    Are there guides anywhere, with level requirements, recommendations, maybe tactics on bosses? I've tried to google them up, but not much to be found :/ Any help would be appreciated :)
    Maybe in solo mode, but not squad mode. Basically, for solo mode, factor in the cost of subs versus the cost of getting 1 of a certain mat (which is, btw, not a certainty by any means) from a certain TT boss in a certain instance (by price checking in the AH, for example) to determine it's profitability.
  • FoxyCleo - Raging Tide
    FoxyCleo - Raging Tide Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well I'd farm the mats required myself. Are only boss drops interesting there? What's the level of the mobs inside, and do they drop stuf too (like DQ mats, pots etc)?
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The mobs inside are elites for the level of the instance. (So level 60ish for TT11, 64ish for TT12 etc.)

    They vary in difficulty from 'utter trash' through 'meh' to 'ok, stupid damn archer'. None are particularly problematic.

    They do indeed drop like normal mobs - no darkness stamps, but plenty of pet food.
    They also drop the 'low' TT items (piece of skeleton, mysterious skull etc.) which aren't QUITE worthless.

    In later TT (start at TT22) they also drop apocalypse pages, which are well worth farming. (The drop rate is low, but you can expect 1-3 on any given run, if you stop to kill all the trashmobs) This is a decent way to get them for your 79 skills (and just about the only way you can actually get those skills at level 79, well, except for buying the pages from other players, of course. They can be made with tokens, so they're pretty cheap even now.)
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well I'd farm the mats required myself. Are only boss drops interesting there? What's the level of the mobs inside, and do they drop stuf too (like DQ mats, pots etc)?
    In certain instances (like 2-1) there are mats that are always needed so doing solo mode, if your pet can tank it, can be profitable. During double drops it was far more viable to do solo mode for certain instances.

    But rather than just telling you what instances to do, I'd instead prefer to show you how to find out yourself so you don't need others telling you -- one of the best part of being a veno is being able to do it yourself and the journey of learning through experience.

    Do a few solo runs, say, five, pile the mats you've collected, figure out the costs for those runs you incurred on subs to get into the instance, compared to the profit taken in on those mats, to determine if it was worth it or not in the end.

    If it is, then you have yourself a winner in making coin.
  • FoxyCleo - Raging Tide
    FoxyCleo - Raging Tide Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I was asking because I dont feel like biting off more than I can swallow. If, for example, the trash doesn't drop anything, but can kill me in one shot, it's just not worth my time. Anyhow, this seems interesting. I watched a TT1-1 video (squad mode) on youtube, and the environment reminds me of ancient Agypt, so it'll be a nice change for me.

    Gonna do my Tideborne questchain today, then will look into TT mat farming. Thanks for your help. :)
  • Naghina - Dreamweaver
    Naghina - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm a new 76 veno (yes we level fast) with a 76 glacial walker (the new magmite) has over 200 more life and 500 more magic resist than the old volcanic Magmites (x2) which I still have and keep leveled for emergencies if my main pet ever dies. Hopefully should be able to solo almost anything a herc veno would be able to but here is my question. I am caster magic spec so my heals and mana are generous (can cast pet heals all day)

    Would someone be so kind as to provide me the step by step of how I would go about trying to solo a TT2-1?

    Something like get 2 Ultimate subs and fly here talk to so and so.. That sort of thing. Everyone seems to assume we all know how to find and try this but after lots of searching no mention of where this instance is (Twilight Temple next to the dragon wilderness obviously) but what of getting inside and how to know if you are entering TT1-1 or one of the many other TT's??

    Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge, pointers and what to bring for TT.
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I dont know what are you looking for but in a few lines Twilight Temple is an instance in a hole near Town Of Arrival around 140 640 on map. You can also go there inside from archosaur by using that teleport stone for FB's and any other kind of instances. It costs 8k coins from stone. When you are in instance at entrace you can see 3 pillars on left side and crafting forges on the right side.

    I dont remember all numbers of substances that you need. For example doing 1-1 squad mode require no sub when solo mode eat 1 or probably 2 substances. i think 1-2 was 2 substances, 1-3 was 3 substances, 2-x was 2 substances and 3-x was 3 substances. Really I cant remember right but around those numbers.

    Anyway, your are probably wondering wtf are those numbers 1-1 1-2 2-1 and whatever. When you enter inside TT you will see 3 pillars on the left side. After you take the quest from any one of them, lets say fisrt one you can enter in a room and there you will find more pillars which gives you 3 choises, to open one of the tree instances there. Back to fisrt 3 pillars, every one of the 3 pillars inside intance need a certain lvl to take the quest to open the entrace to interior rooms, Act I or II or III. In short, fisrt pillar is for 1-1 and 1-2 and 1-3 instance, 2nd pillar is for 2-1 2-2 and 2-3 instance and finaly the 3rd one is for 3-1 3-2 and 3-3.

    Lets say you talk to fisrt pilar, you need lvl 60 for fisrt one. You enter inside and there is a pillar which ask you for solo mode or squad mode. Squad mode require at least 4 squad members and they have to be there in that room to advance to the next step. After you choose solo mode for example this pillar will go away and another one will be there and ask you for lvl of instance that you want to open like 1. 60-65 2. 68-73 and 3. 76-81. You are really interested only about first number that is the minimum lvl to open that instance. As you already can see we opened fisrt pillar (Act I) and we have 3 choises so here is the short name for 1-1 1-2 and 1-3. Lets say you want 2-1. When you enter in TT (twilight temple) and you see those 3 pillars on the left side, speak to the 2nd one (Act II). You have to be at least lvl 74 to be able to open it. Go in that blue circle, inside that room speak with pilar for sigle mode then first chose is 1. substancia 74-79 so that is Act 2 and 1. choise... that is your 2-1 instance. Once opened go inside kill mobs and bosses. You dont have much of a choise to avoid mobs unless you learn their route or rush and that place is not really that big

    Inside 2-x there are several bosses and they spawn or not and that depends of your choise. Bosses in 2-x are in this order
    Fataliqua - spawn in solo mode / squad mode and required to be killed to go to next bosses. drops items that begins with the name frenzy like frenzy lion skin.
    General Wurlord - spawn in solo and squad mode. drop items that begins with the name forshura.
    General Feng - spawn in solo and squad mode and drop items that begins or contains the name feng
    Cosmoforce - only spawn in squad mode with high bosses option. drop giant ape mats
    Soulripper - only spawn in squad mode with high bosses option. drop consumers of soul mats
    Astralwaker - only spawn in 2-2 and 2-3, squad mode with high bosses option. has a few minions too.
    Ancient Evil - only spawn in 2-3, squad mode with high bosses option. this boss can be your worst nightmare

    So in the end you wil kill only fataliqua, wurlord and feng in solo mode 2-1. They are easy to kill, probably up to 5-10 minutes for someone without herc becase you have to heal and heal those magic hits from wurlord and feng while herc rarely require heals.

    Im sure if you search twilight temple on google you will find more about the lvls, number of substances or who knows.
  • _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear
    _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    1-2 soloed with a golem at lvl 68?
    Are u sure? xD

    If this is possible, I think my game is wrong. O_O
    Herc cant tank drummer in 1-2 until lvl 88-89 I think. (I've seen just one time tanked by herc lvl89, at lvl 80 still my herc wasnt able to tank it)
    Maybe u run tt in solo mode and not in squad and u dont do drummer. O_O
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Look at the topic title, Leiian... single mode, not squad. Single mode is soloable with just about any pet as soon as you can open it. Drummer's got no AOE in single mode, and can get scary (that phys-mag 1-2 punch he has from time to time really brings your pet's HP low unless, I suppose, it's a herc) but I did him with a pentastral beetle king at 63 my first time in.

    Kenlee, 1-1 and 1-2 are 1 sub, 1-3 is 2.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • /NiKi - Lost City
    /NiKi - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    she said solo mode,but i think herc around lvl 85 can tank 1-2 already..not sure.
    since i got mine on lvl 89,but i was tanking it without problems then,and around 92 tried 1-3 and got owned..
    didnt try again till 95+ then i was able to tank it.
    also 1-3 takes only 1 sub,in description says it requires 2 ult.substances but when u open it,
    u will see that only 1 substance disappeared.
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    1-2 soloed with a golem at lvl 68?
    Are u sure? xD

    If this is possible, I think my game is wrong. O_O
    Herc cant tank drummer in 1-2 until lvl 88-89 I think. (I've seen just one time tanked by herc lvl89, at lvl 80 still my herc wasnt able to tank it)
    Maybe u run tt in solo mode and not in squad and u dont do drummer. O_O
    single mode yea. squad mode not even 1-1 can tank at that lvl
    she said solo mode,but i think herc around lvl 85 can tank 1-2 already..not sure.
    i tried at 82 i think and was no problem (i was HA too). tho... i skipped soulbanisher from all 5 bosses. (squad mode for no confusion, not like the others spawn in single)
  • _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear
    _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ty all, my fault :(
    but I've never done a solo mode tt, usually I prefer solo tts in squad mode.
  • Naghina - Dreamweaver
    Naghina - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Thank you kenlee. You might be surprised how little TT info is out there. Most of the in game info is handed down from older players to newer ones and PW does not lend itself to exploration of the wonderful but often "less than perfect" world. Good examples are world quest and friendship quest. Anyone not been burned by the FQ yet where others get you to help them and you cant find two people to help you complete your quest? Or the world quest which was basically made obsolete by the bounty hunter because it doesn't give any more Xp than BH but takes 2 hours longer.

    OK so suppose someone only has 1115 clams to their name and wanted to get these ultimate substances. How can you farm and/or craft those?? Anyone?

    Getting back on topic - Last but not least quirk is THE pets. WoW had the same issue but eventually got around to making pets insta-ding to 5 levels below the owner. In a game clearly designed to sell boutique items to pay the bills everyone still has to go to room 4 of the cube to level pets and even there can only level LAND based pets. Someone isn't paying attention or they are too busy designing the next round of mounts and fashion instead of reading forums maybe?

    Yada yada soo.. Well if they plummeting price of GOLD after the last round of mounts and fashion is any indicator they may come back around after they stop wondering why mounts and fashion just aren't earning coin like they used to and stumble across posts like this one suggesting they should sell a pet leveling token or a mega pet ESO or some such way to get around the ridiculous practice of leveling pets. reminds me of the recent news where the Asian couple forgot to feed their real baby because they were busy feeding their online neo-baby. New mounts and fash AGAIN - YOU GO GIRL! YAY!

    Maybe they felt guilty after taking in $500 on a herc (sucker born every minute?) that they could THEN charge people to level the herc up or delude themselves that somehow leveling a level 1 pet with a level 80 character would somehow be FUN! Its like feeding your neopets yay only more like while chewing broken glass BOOO!

    The one other obvious question remains why is there no place to level flying or water pets? I mean we venos cant even find level appropriate places to level water and air pets at various stages. So if I ever stumble across a bag of small unmarked bills and lose my presence of mind and decide to blow some of it on a pet WHY would anyone even consider getting a herc or nix if they are then going to be saddled with the dubious and formidable task of THE\N having to spend MANY hours leveling their new pet up and searching for places to do so?
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Naghina: Wow, long rant there. I give it a 4.
    Uh - you do know about the staunchworms on tideborn island for levelling up fly pets, right? I'll grant you there's no way to level water pets fast.
    Frankly, having to play properly strikes me as a very GOOD thing.
    she said solo mode,but i think herc around lvl 85 can tank 1-2 already..not sure.

    Confirm - just tanked drummer AND soul in 12 squad, level 83 with decent but not huge channel.