Who Actually Got Banned?
Shota - Heavens Tear wrote: »I'm just a person, not best and quite flawed, but I know what makes me, me.. and where I draw the lines :-)
Funny, I didn't gather that from your previous posts.0 -
Shaye - Lost City wrote: »I don't need to make myself feel better about it; I honestly don't care. There are worse things one can do than OMG CHEAT ON AN ONLINE GAYME?!
Stop playing God, Shota. It's getting old.
If I were playing God I would have cast you into a fiery pit. Why are you getting so bent out of shape? You sure protest a lot.
Interesting though... people play games the way they live life. People who cheat on online games, cheat in real life too. You are who you are, it doesn't matter where you go. If you're that good an actor that you can defy your own personality for that length of time then you need to go to Hollywood and get a job.
If you don't care, why are you still responding and typing in caps.. my mind isn't weak enough to be botherd by the dreaded capital letters.
The man doth protest to much, methinks..."A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Shaye - Lost City wrote: »I don't need to make myself feel better about it; I honestly don't care. There are worse things one can do than OMG CHEAT ON AN ONLINE GAYME?!
Stop playing God, Shota. It's getting old.
Maybe, but cheating of any kind shows your moral and ethical character or lack thereof.
~Saitada0 -
Shaye - Lost City wrote: »Funny, I didn't gather that from your previous posts.
You saw what you wanted to see to fuel your one-sided argument with me. I have only stated my opinions and specifically stated they were such. If you read my posts with an open eye and not a closed mind you would see that I always leave the door open to the fact that I am just me and people will disagree.
You're just feeling guilty. I never once put myself above anyone. Don't mistake my confidence in myself and my pride in who I am with feeling superior I compete only with myself because all souls are equal.. some people just choose to cover theirs in mud."A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Shota - Heavens Tear wrote: »You saw what you wanted to see to fuel your one-sided argument with me. I have only stated my opinions and specifically stated they were such. If you read my posts with an open eye and not a closed mind you would see that I always leave the door open to the fact that I am just me and people will disagree.
You're just feeling guilty. I never once put myself above anyone. Don't mistake my confidence in myself and my pride in who I am with feeling superior I compete only with myself because all souls are equal.. some people just choose to cover theirs in mud.
I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight...or any night for the next month, for that matter. Shota, your posts really opened my eyes. I feel strangely different. I'm realizing things about the world I never before saw... is it possible, beneath my layers of corruption and evil temptation, I truly am good at heart? Can I too, be an exemplary citizen like the wonderful people of this site? I think, starting today, I will make steps towards creating a better life, for me and the people I love.
...LOL. Shota, Shota, Shota. Silly boy. You think you can give me morality lessons over the intarwebz? If I wanted to listen to preachers, I'd go to ****ing church.0 -
Shaye - Lost City wrote: »I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight...or any night for the next month, for that matter. Shota, your posts really opened my eyes. I feel strangely different. I'm realizing things about the world I never before saw... is it possible, beneath my layers of corruption and evil temptation, I truly am good at heart? Can I too, be an exemplary citizen like the wonderful people of this site? I think, starting today, I will make steps towards creating a better life, for me and the people I love.
...LOL. Shota, Shota, Shota. Silly boy. You think you can give me morality lessons over the intarwebz? If I wanted to listen to preachers, I'd go to ****ing church.
First off I'm not a boy and second, for someone who doesn't care you sure keep coming back to argue. I'm not above you or anyone else so I'm not preaching to you. You must just find me entertaining. Of course it could just be that you're a malcontent since you have no respect for yourself, anyone else, or church. Please keep typing back to me, at some point I might care what you have to say :-)"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Shota - Heavens Tear wrote: »First off I'm not a boy and second, for someone who doesn't care you sure keep coming back to argue. I'm not above you or anyone else so I'm not preaching to you. You must just find me entertaining. Of course it could just be that you're a malcontent since you have no respect for yourself, anyone else, or church. Please keep typing back to me, at some point I might care what you have to say :-)
Caring or not caring arguments have no validity, lol. Doesn't everyone say that? It's pretty damn cliche.
Not a boy? Neither am I.Gaspgasp. You seemed pretty, uh, masculine though, and it's safe to assume 99% of people on the internet, even those under female avatars, are male. So I guess we both assumed wrong about each other.
I actually do have no respect for church, but that's another story alogether.
You've been pretty fun to argue with, so I'd say I do, in fact, care what you have to say.Especially since NuNuie killed the epic CQ = RQ thread.
0 -
Shaye - Lost City wrote: »Caring or not caring arguments have no validity, lol. Doesn't everyone say that? It's pretty damn cliche.
Not a boy? Neither am I.Gaspgasp. You seemed pretty, uh, masculine though, and it's safe to assume 99% of people on the internet, even those under female avatars, are male. So I guess we both assumed wrong about each other.
I actually do have no respect for church, but that's another story alogether.
You've been pretty fun to argue with, so I'd say I do, in fact, care what you have to say.Especially since NuNuie killed the epic CQ = RQ thread.
What did I assume wrongly about you? I'm curious how I'm masculine.. haven't heard that much? Is it a self-confidence thing?
If my being wrong is about you not caring what I have to say, and you do.. why? My opinion only has relevance to me.. you are as valuable as you allow yourself to be, you have no more limits than I or anyone else except those which you choose to put on yourself."A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Shota - Heavens Tear wrote: »The man doth protest to much, methinks...
And on you being masculine... Really, it's not that you're overly manly or anything. Just not like FLAMING FEMININE/****. Most girls you meet online are all like "oh lol ^^ pay attention to me! give me free items!b:cute"
0 -
Shaye how is it safe to assume 99% of the people on the internet are male. Have you ever been to a cyber cafe. Or a public library that has internet access. I have alot of time there are just as many women on those comps as there are men. Just as many women waiting for their turn to use the computers. And thats just the people who dont own their own computer. But it does accuratly show there are women online. And show the vary high prbability of millions of women owning their own computer and being online. Get rid of your arcaic beleifs *I know I spelled that wrong* and realize the internet and games arnt just for men. That just as many women use and play them."Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
Thankies Crystalynnex0 -
Shaye - Lost City wrote: »^
And on you being masculine... Really, it's not that you're overly manly or anything. Just not like FLAMING FEMININE/****. Most girls you meet online are all like "oh lol ^^ pay attention to me! give me free items!b:cute"
This is so true. My dad got me started 11 years ago when iw as 12 in Ultima Online. I was horrified by how the "girls" or guy/girls portrayed females as weak and always happy to beg for stuff. I never ask for anything from anyone. If I want something I earn it and I like to feel like I accomplished something.
I wear ballroom dresses in game, I think they're pretty. I'm helpful when I feel like being it and I'm the sweetest witch (modified for appropriateness) you'll ever meet.. until you push the wrong button. Then the w becomes a capital B :-)
I can be as frufru as the next girly girl, but I don't put up with anyone's ****."A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Shaye - Lost City wrote: »^
And on you being masculine... Really, it's not that you're overly manly or anything. Just not like FLAMING FEMININE/****. Most girls you meet online are all like "oh lol ^^ pay attention to me! give me free items!b:cute"
Most of the time, the "girls" acting obnoxiously cute or over sexualized, are men pretending to be female to get free items. And sadly, it often works. Also, yes self-confidence is often perceived as a male trait. Heaven forbid a woman be independent and confident in herself, able to get her own costumes/weapons/quests done without the help of a male character. If you act like that, well of course you're just a witch.0 -
Tigriss - Heavens Tear wrote: »Get rid of your arcaic beleifs *I know I spelled that wrong* and realize the internet and games arnt just for men. That just as many women use and play them.
Sure, the population may be 50% male and 50% female, but fact is, not as many girls play MMOs as guys. Sexist, sure, but true. I'm female myself, lol.
@ Shota, I played Runescape with an IRL friend when I was 12. She had about four different e-bfs she'd leech items and money off of. I thought it was downright SCANDALOUS; it was the first of the sugar-daddy cliche I'd ever seen.0 -
Kinky_Kitten - Sanctuary wrote: »Most of the time, the "girls" acting obnoxiously cute or over sexualized, are men pretending to be female to get free items. And sadly, it often works. Also, yes self-confidence is often perceived as a male trait. Heaven forbid a woman be independent and confident in herself, able to get her own costumes/weapons/quests done without the help of a male character. If you act like that, well of course you're just a witch.
I advertise that... witch = (b)*tch =wizard
I warn people that try to get to know me... no surprises. I'm really not. I'm kinda nd gentle, but if you're self-sufficient and won't play the helpless damsel.. well we know what word comes out."A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Shota - Heavens Tear wrote: »I advertise that... witch = (b)*tch =wizard
I warn people that try to get to know me... no surprises. I'm really not. I'm kinda nd gentle, but if you're self-sufficient and won't play the helpless damsel.. well we know what word comes out.
I've actually supported men financially when they were helpless and non-self-sufficient damsels. ;p Then again, I've gotten a few gifts myself, but men pretending to be girls get more than me.0 -
A self sufficient woman is a plus in todays society, sadly a large portion of the male population hasn't caught up to that fact and are still stuck thinking women should be barefoot and pregnant.
Being a guy myself, I detest the fluttery "oh help me I'm just a girl" BS. So your a girl. And that means I treat you any different than I would a guy? Sorry, i'm not a sexist. Get yer own ****!
Least wise, thats how THIS guy feels about it.
~Sam (aka Saitada)0 -
Shaye - Lost City wrote: »I've actually supported men financially when they were helpless and non-self-sufficient damsels. ;p Then again, I've gotten a few gifts myself, but men pretending to be girls get more than me.
I help most people .. with advice. I don't ask for or give away valuables. If I can earn them from scratch, so can they. I abhor laziness, I respect competency. i really am a.. witch in many respects... but I hold myself to the same standards.
I have seen the riches once can get by being a cyber-****... I'll pass."A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Saitada - Sanctuary wrote: »Being a guy myself
And here is a man I was convinced was female. God damn, my gender-predicting skills need work. o_o Shota is not alone!0 -
Saitada - Sanctuary wrote: »A self sufficient woman is a plus in todays society, sadly a large portion of the male population hasn't caught up to that fact and are still stuck thinking women should be barefoot and pregnant.
Being a guy myself, I detest the fluttery "oh help me I'm just a girl" BS. So your a girl. And that means I treat you any different than I would a guy? Sorry, i'm not a sexist. Get yer own ****!
Least wise, thats how THIS guy feels about it.
~Sam (aka Saitada)
I actually like being treated like a girl, since I am one. I like being talked to differently and I even like the poretective nature of men. There a balance somewhere.. so long as I'm treated like I'm precious and not incompetent it's ok. I'm not going to lie and say I dislike attention, I just like to be seen as an equal."A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Shaye - Lost City wrote: »And here is a man I was convinced was female. God damn, my gender-predicting skills need work. o_o Shota is not alone!
Yes I misjudged you, you were so "in-my-face" you seemed very testosterone driven... my bad :-)"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I'm prolly gonna catch a bit of flack for this, but here goes.
A Woman who can stand on her own two feet, is more of a woman than one that sits and pulls fluffy bunny BS on a guy to get what she wants.
Don't get me wrong, my g/f and I do lots of stuff together (even playing this game.. her cleric is a male toon...... rofl). I'm also not saying there isn't a time and place for the gentler side of a man to come out with the one he loves.
I just don't have any respect for women that go all soft and fluffy with a guy when they want something from them. Been there, Married that. Got screwed. And the lawyer didn't use grease.
~S0 -
Reading some of the last couple posts just had me on the floor laughing. b:chuckle
Just because people have their own opinion and know how to stand up for themselfs doesn't mean they are male! b:shocked
Thanks for a good laugh though! b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Saitada - Sanctuary wrote: »I'm prolly gonna catch a bit of flack for this, but here goes.
A Woman who can stand on her own two feet, is more of a woman than one that sits and pulls fluffy bunny BS on a guy to get what she wants.
Don't get me wrong, my g/f and I do lots of stuff together (even playing this game.. her cleric is a male toon...... rofl). I'm also not saying there isn't a time and place for the gentler side of a man to come out with the one he loves.
I just don't have any respect for women that go all soft and fluffy with a guy when they want something from them. Been there, Married that. Got screwed. And the lawyer didn't use grease.
I'd gag before I could act that way. I like when people underestimate me, but not because I acted the simpleton. Whoever said feminine meant incapable needs to be shot."A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Saitada - Sanctuary wrote: »Maybe, but cheating of any kind shows your moral and ethical character or lack thereof.
No offense, but one of the few times I didn't roll my eyes and say "whatever" to one of your posts.
Morals coming from people who say "it's just a game!", "who says I act this way in real life." etc. It's the internet, like I should believe you on this but not some one on their real life pic.....
It wasn't a perfect solution to the problem. Neither was a roll back. (Let me add, if I don't support a rollback means I took advantage and exploited, is just as good as all those that want a rollback are jealous that they didn't make the money.) Live with it, or at least give me your stuff, so you can go to another game and act so indignant.
We all know a few people on our servers who got away with stuff. Stop treating them like gods and deflate their epeen, that will punish them more. I quietly play this game to my satisfaction. I never thought I'd say this but, "less QQ, more Pew Pew"."The present moment is a powerful goddess" -Goethe0 -
Shota - Heavens Tear wrote: »I'd gag before I could act that way. I like when people underestimate me, but not because I acted the simpleton. Whoever said feminine meant incapable needs to be shot.
~S0 -
Mainachan - Sanctuary wrote: »No offense, but one of the few times I didn't roll my eyes and say "whatever" to one of your posts.
That's ok. I Know I'm a very opinionated person and that a lot of, or even most of the people around won't agree with me. I don't mind that at all :-).
~S0 -
Shota - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yes I misjudged you, you were so "in-my-face" you seemed very testosterone driven... my bad :-)
New signature: So there will never, EVER be another misconception on my gender. xD It's so disgustingly feminine, it almost makes me sick.0 -
See, they may have pulled what was it, 8b coins out of the game.... but theres only 1 problem with that, thier are many exploiters running around still with 500m... thats more then enough to **** things up...0
Shaye - Lost City wrote: »And here is a man I was convinced was female. God damn, my gender-predicting skills need work. o_o Shota is not alone!
There's a site for figuring out someone's gender from their writing. It's based on some research which looked at differences in writing styles between men and women. You cut and paste a sample of the person's writing (the longer the better), and it scores it as masculine or feminine writing.
Not always accurate with short samples, but I tried feeding it huge samples of my EQ guildmates' forum posts (like 5-20k words worth per person). It got all two dozen of us right.0 -
Shaye - Lost City wrote: »New signature: So there will never, EVER be another misconception on my gender. xD It's so disgustingly feminine, it almost makes me sick.
LOL thats cute. I changed mine as well to one of my animations. It's "the same but different" LOL
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