Can RoC handle 3 tws at same time

WhiteMasaX - Heavens Tear
WhiteMasaX - Heavens Tear Posts: 115 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Etherblade (West)
they gotta handle Legion, Radiance and Evolution on this saturday 8pm PST

since 3 of them are also powerful guilds, how many lands RoC can be saved?

and Can Legion defend RoC's attack?


The high lvl noob BMs i know ingame have ton of excuses : When they lost in duel, they say duel is nothing, and say PK is the real PVP, when they cant kill you in PK, they say BM vs BM PK = charm war, then they will say TW is the real PVP, in TW they say TW is about Teamwork so refuse to 1v1

So is that mean it never have a real fight for BM 1v1?
Post edited by WhiteMasaX - Heavens Tear on


  • Retartedazn - Heavens Tear
    Retartedazn - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    roc wins in all tw's except radiance which will be skipped
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    RoC loses its attack against Legion.
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    RoC loses its attack against Legion.

    and if we win legion will quit the game

    oh yeah, since it's filled with te and it's on a sunday night... pretty bad huh?

    www . rochq .net
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    maybe, who knows? hopefully it wont be like evo's fail though, that wouldnt be any fun ^_^
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Deatharcher - Heavens Tear
    Deatharcher - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I cant imagine that coming true that hong is quiting the game b:chuckle.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hong is leaving as soon as Aion comes out, better believe it ^_^
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • doremi12
    doremi12 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hong is leaving as soon as Aion comes out, better believe it ^_^

    Just an excuse when ROC failed and disappear from the map b:chuckle
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    doremi12 wrote: »
    Just an excuse when ROC failed and disappear from the map b:chuckle

    not really ^__^
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Us failing is quite hard at this point, but it may happen if you guys keep trying :) I mean, we probably have around 20 people quitting due to boredom within 2 months already. There's more to come, eventually our players will leave.

    I was planning to play Warhammer 1-2 month ago, but I thought Aion Chinese OBT will begin on Jan 1/09. I was wrong though, it's still delaying and supposely end of Feburary now. The NA/EU version of Aion wont be here for awhile. So, that stopped me for quitting early.

    Even though the majority of our guild is quitting, or about to quit, we're still going to steamroll every single guild in this server besides Radiance.

    www . rochq .net
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Even though the majority of our guild is quitting, or about to quit, we're still going to steamroll every single guild in this server besides Radiance.

    awwwww, thanks hong ^_^ b:cute
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'm just stating the true facts, when we get a chance to even counter push, Radiance will get steamrolled also. :)

    www . rochq .net
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'm just stating the true facts, when we get a chance to even counter push, Radiance will get steamrolled also. :)

    id say that day will never come, but you know, karmas a ***** =)
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Psykottic - Heavens Tear
    Psykottic - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    All i can say is that you do a lot of talking Hong. Please keep my faction's names out of your silly misthought understandings of reality. All i see you doing here is making plenty of excuses about when/why you will lose. plenty of time to QQ about my faction later.......for now its War!
  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Lol, says the guy that cried when I stole his mining materials.

    Everything I do, the words I throw at people, is all for my own entertainment. Apparantly, people don't understand anything at all, or maybe they do? :)

    www . rochq .net
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Lol, says the guy that cried when I stole his mining materials.

    Everything I do, the words I throw at people, is all for my own entertainment. Apparantly, people don't understand anything at all, or maybe they do? :)

    1+1 = cake
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Serjah - Heavens Tear
    Serjah - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    doremi12 wrote: »
    Just an excuse when ROC failed and disappear from the map b:chuckle

    ppl hiding their in-game name and posting are so funnyb:chuckle
    A patch full of glitch,
    Makes my eyes twitch.
    Should i continue playing this game or switch,
    because this is a serious problem and not a simple itch.
    Some bug abusing noob gets rich,
    While a honest players get the ditch.
    Please rollback if you wanna enrich,
    or this game would just be a ****

    by xtrm9
  • Nicestuff_Ty - Heavens Tear
    Nicestuff_Ty - Heavens Tear Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    RoC loses to Radiance.

    RoC beats Evolution.

    RoC vs Legion - Pretty sure Legion can come out victorious, claim its a bunch of TE well thats not completly true.. Alot of TE people yes.. But TE failed on a number of accounts, has nothing to do with the members really. TE is the past and Legion is the future, Ill be thanking RoC for when we take the land though.

    It will be a good fight, Legion and RoC both have to come prepared.

    Hong - Obviously doesn't have a social life if he gets his kicks from a game, Sure peoples reactions are funny but when you actually have to make them react thats the sad part.

    Feel bad for ex-RoC when Hong game hops, Defend your leader and your guild until he goes then your off n begging to join another guild.

    Im personally going to look at Aion though, seems pretty sick.

    Everyone should stop taking this game so serious lol, RoC needs to chill on the drama n stop acting like they can possiable run HT. WOO GO RoC you killed Soul hunter - Weak, Isn't it RoCs goal to defeat a games top bosses and become the best GvG ?

    You failed on killing top bosses.

    Failed on being best GvG.

    GvG = Radiance tbh.

    Top bosses = unno hard to say whos killed what, I heard RoC has only killed Soul Hunter.

    Not sure what Radiance has killed yet, Sticky if you read this fill me in on what yall killed so far b:pleased

    Yyayay forumssss .. im bored already b:cry
    I like when I say stuff that make kids go b:cryb:cryb:cryb:cry.

    TenderMeat. b:kiss (New character, retired this BM)
  • Kyurii - Heavens Tear
    Kyurii - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Radiance getting steamrolled b:laugh Im guessing you were drunk when you wrote that, so I wont take it seriously

    Radiance IS *insert map dominating guild* all over again, and unless an ego struggle happens within the guild, the server is dead TW wise(which isnt suprising considering how many top players they have now)

    I think its just sad how many people jumped on the Radiance bandwagon, specially ex empire members... Empire failed not because of the actual members but because of the non existant leadership... It was actually surprising to see how long they lasted, considering the leader only came online to give out tw pay (and later stopped doing even that, which is why people had no choice but to leave)

    I already quit the game but Im curious about what happens in TW so Im still hanging around the forums... Apparently this week Legion and Roc are attacking each other? Im pretty sure it will be a draw in both, as in, defending guild wins with 3 hour limit
  • Deatharcher - Heavens Tear
    Deatharcher - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Apparently, TE Wasnt really up to it at that time.

    After Drama over Drama, it came to a end? well for TE Chapter

    As for RoC Vs Legion well from my PoV it may be possible for a 3 hr match b:shutup

    Lets take Rq, they holded out for 3 hrs =O pretty cool i feel 3 hrs in front of a com defending your place? Wow respected i feel
  • Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear
    Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    We still miss you Kyurii :<
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    this is like a perfect week for me to estimate guild strengths so I can write predictions next week x)
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Deatharcher - Heavens Tear
    Deatharcher - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    YAY Finally xP i wanna read more b:laugh
  • Kyurii - Heavens Tear
    Kyurii - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    We still miss you Kyurii :<

    That makes me nostalgic b:sad

    Oh yes, the time at which Wargasm was trying to catch me for first place... and BlancheNeige used to be the closest person to me in Rad, he helped me do the first HH runs and consequently get the first HH weapon in PWI, crafted by Afrodyta... (I felt like going off topic and bragging a bit, excuse me b:chuckle)

    Unfortunately Radiance was nothing but drama when KittyKat was leading (sorry if youre reading this, its the truth), so I had no choice but to leave

    Its good to see June picked up and made such a strong guild out of it... I talked to her a few times but never actually got to re-join with any of my alts, oh well!

    This might be my "outside view" but nowadays I dont really like what Radiance has become... I used to be very pro-rad, but now its just high lvls bunched together and it has lost its original purpose... Well thats how I feel anyway
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    That makes me nostalgic b:sad

    Oh yes, the time at which Wargasm was trying to catch me for first place... and BlancheNeige used to be the closest person to me in Rad, he helped me do the first HH runs and consequently get the first HH weapon in PWI, crafted by Afrodyta... (I felt like going off topic and bragging a bit, excuse me b:chuckle)

    Unfortunately Radiance was nothing but drama when KittyKat was leading (sorry if youre reading this, its the truth), so I had no choice but to leave

    Its good to see June picked up and made such a strong guild out of it... I talked to her a few times but never actually got to re-join with any of my alts, oh well!

    This might be my "outside view" but nowadays I dont really like what Radiance has become... I used to be very pro-rad, but now its just high lvls bunched together and it has lost its original purpose... Well thats how I feel anyway

    as i understand Rad from the start had the intentions of Being a TW guild. correct me if im wrong. It was meant to be family and friendship oriented, which it is , VERY much.i love every single member in rad, except 1, which is because we have had drama before we both joined rad. dont comment on inside theg guild issues if your not in it. Rad is the most respected guild on the HT server, i can say that with confidence
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hong - Obviously doesn't have a social life if he gets his kicks from a game, Sure peoples reactions are funny but when you actually have to make them react thats the sad part.

    I guess you belong to one of those Evolution life hence you obviously believe to the fact that social life doesn't exist for gamers. Making them react isn't really the sad part, it's more funny. Please, I'm not even close to you blasting your nonsense mouth with no backups. I only state what has occured and what I see. I create drama, now I don't have a life. Yay. I don't recall ever being raised in temperature in this MMORPG yet. Everything has been extremely calm. I remember when I started leading this guild 3 years ago, it was a heat up. I don't easily get pressure anymore, I do things my way, and I believe I have never even got pissed atleast once in this game yet. People try and try, I type back to them flaming, and they think I'm mad. Yeah.
    Feel bad for ex-RoC when Hong game hops, Defend your leader and your guild until he goes then your off n begging to join another guild.

    What are you trying to pull here? Most guild will die before we leave either way.
    Everyone should stop taking this game so serious lol, RoC needs to chill on the drama n stop acting like they can possiable run HT. WOO GO RoC you killed Soul hunter - Weak, Isn't it RoCs goal to defeat a games top bosses and become the best GvG ?

    You failed on killing top bosses.

    Failed on being best GvG.

    GvG = Radiance tbh.

    Top bosses = unno hard to say whos killed what, I heard RoC has only killed Soul Hunter.

    Not sure what Radiance has killed yet, Sticky if you read this fill me in on what yall killed so far b:pleased

    Yyayay forumssss .. im bored already b:cry

    Hell, you sure don't understand where sarcasm comes in. But hey, I totally understand since you were in my guild. One of those drama king that causes too many problems. I simply don't understand why do you think we take this game serious. This game has always been a joke to us, too bad you simply didn't even catch the point when you were in our guild for half a month. I find that pretty sad actually.

    Yes, our goal was always to eliminate all high end bosses. We will always be a competitive GvG guild also.

    Eversince I became inactive and lost motivation(November) the guild probably doesn't even try anymore. Well, few of the high levels are doing their own things. If I was active, and actually motivated in playing this pathetic game, high-end bosses would have been taken down ages ago.

    Just to let you know... Soul Hunter is a **** boss, same as those other 23M boss. Also, becomming the top GvG guild while causing drama is incredibly hard. Why? Simply because drama = **** everyone off so they join the opposite faction.

    Anyways, there's no point of arguing with someone that can't play a game right. Someone that assumes every person that causes drama is low on social life, someone that just takes drama too serious. Sorry if your butthurt then. I do admit that I was semi-hardcore until mid October then finally lost motivation on November.

    Nicestuff, need a lecture how social life is possible for gamers?

    www . rochq .net
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009

    Nicestuff, need a lecture how social life is possible for gamers?

    quoted for truths
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • WhiteMasaX - Heavens Tear
    WhiteMasaX - Heavens Tear Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You guys just dont know much about RoC

    Hong has never take this game seriously, thats why he likes to being an **** sometimes, and he doesnt mind to get himself or his own guild hated by lot of people, this is his casual style. In people eyes, RoC= evil/ Hell

    now look at Radiance, Charity care about her guild's fame/impression so much, their guild rules have couple pages and paragraphs long like a book, so in people eyes, Radiance = Holy Angels/ Heaven

    RoC = Japanese Samurai's spirit

    Radiance = U.S Atomic Bomb

    Evolution = some small country and always need to get protect by US


    The high lvl noob BMs i know ingame have ton of excuses : When they lost in duel, they say duel is nothing, and say PK is the real PVP, when they cant kill you in PK, they say BM vs BM PK = charm war, then they will say TW is the real PVP, in TW they say TW is about Teamwork so refuse to 1v1

    So is that mean it never have a real fight for BM 1v1?
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You guys just dont know much about RoC

    Hong has never take this game seriously, thats why he likes to being an **** sometimes, and he doesnt mind to get himself or his own guild hated by lot of people, this is his casual style. In people eyes, RoC= evil/ Hell

    now look at Radiance, Charity care about her guild's fame/impression so much, their guild rules have couple pages and paragraphs long like a book, so in people eyes, Radiance = Holy Angels/ Heaven

    RoC = Japanese Samurai's spirit

    Radiance = U.S Atomic Bomb

    Evolution = some small country and always need to get protect by US
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Kyurii - Heavens Tear
    Kyurii - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well to be honest I dont like the whole extended application + interview thing either... When I talked to June and she asked me if I had re applied (since Rad was my first guild as Piccolo mentioned) I was immediately turned off, and as Cat put it in her thread, this isnt a damn job, Im here to have fun, not to fill in formal applications, theres enough of that **** in real life... It really pissed me off anyhow

    Anyway its sad that Rad and Roc will probably dominate the map until both quit... I mean, no guild ever stays long enough to stand the test of time... I would love to see either fail at some point, but looking at every PW server released so far, it seems TW domination is unavoidable, some guild always rises above everyone else, all high lvls jump on the bandwagon, guild becomes even godlier... = profit? TW would need some sort of new method to avoid this... Such as, a max number of certain lvl class per guild...

    Imagine, if each guild could only have 5 lvl 90s, 10 lvl 80s, and so on, all the other high lvls would be forced to create their own guild and thus the map would remain competitive, but this is just an idea that came out of the blue while I was typing this

    Enough rambling b:surrender
  • Defected - Heavens Tear
    Defected - Heavens Tear Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Now that fake bidding is acceptable, I imagine all the big money factions will stay alive forever. b:chuckle
    Changed my mind. Permanently Retired - Only here to troll.