Rate a Character thread. Hot or Not.



  • Hanami - Raging Tide
    Hanami - Raging Tide Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Just wanted to say...

    Ajiuo (a few pages ago)
    I love that screenie, and your mystic is so pretty! Really really nice. <3 6/5

    Here's my new Archer... Hope you like her <3


    Nice portrait close up :) and cute 5/5

    sakuraasukaa: I like the contrast between the colors of the cherry blossoms and your character's fashion of red and black. Although, the camera is set pretty far so I cannot see much aside from the shades and dark skin. But it looks like you can apply "Watch out guys, we got a bad-*** over here." on it b:chuckle. 4/5

    Baby_pho: I'm not big on childish toons either, as Ziraia said above of her opinion. But the Veno does look better than the mystic in pulling it off. The bunny ears makes it all the cuter ^^ Mystic: 3/5 Veno 4/5 :)

    I haven't yet posted a picture of my new character, Hanairo my cleric. So here it goes :3
    All the same character, just wearing different fash.
    Higher resolution

    Take a peep at my Screenshots Archive under Screenshots & Videos on the PWI Forum! :)
  • Eiria - Dreamweaver
    Eiria - Dreamweaver Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    You're cleric is amazing. I think she represents the most perfect cleric I have seen. @___@ I wouldnt change a thing. I like the second fashion the most on her. 5/5 <3

    @Baby_Pho: I like how your characters look very cutesy and baby-faced. They ar very cute! Mystic: 4/5. She is adorable but I feel like her head is a bit too long on the top. n_n. Veno: Your veno is really cute! She looks like an innocent anime bunny lol x3. 4.5/5

    Your seeker looks very intimidating in a good way! I like your original use of color. Ive never seen a seeker with those colors so kudos! I like his whole kick-butt attitude and originality! 5/5

    Your archer is beautiful! Her face is very angular, but I like how it gives her a more edgy feminine look. 4.5/5

    So, I just wanted to see what you guys think of my fishy. I plan to dye her fashion all white later. Im not sure if I like her hair though. o_o

    Eiria -- BM
    Willoh -- Seeker
    Wooper -- Assasin
  • Lucistella - Sanctuary
    Lucistella - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Kiriumi: I love your Seeker! Before, it looked a little bit too much like Eiria's Seeker, which was still nice looking, but now it's even better because it's unique! I love red hair (as you can see from my cleric..) The nose does look a little odd, but I think it gives her character. I don't know why, but her look is almost animal-like in a good way. 9.5/10

    facepalm1337: Your sin's eyes are slightly high up on his face IMHO. His long face does give him a unique look at least, but the forehead being too short bothers me. His nose is a little too long as well (only because the eyes are too high I think), and I think he could do with some color (I'm a fan of grey or blue TBs but fashion could help as well). I like the hair. Keep it up! Making TBs look unique and good is tough! 7/10

    Eiria: Your Mystic has many features that are similar to your Seeker which does make her seem like a little sister. Overall she looks great and has a different feel from your Seeker, but perhaps since the hair is exactly the same, it just bothers me a bit. I do like the white hair variation. Really nice character! 9/10

    veronabot: Fashion looks good and colors match pretty well. Not sure if you wanted a rating on your Seeker's customization or not, but I'll throw in a couple things. It's hard to tell from the distance of the picture, but something is strange about his eye color I think. They look a little creepy but maybe that's what you were going for. Just not my personal preference. 8/10

    Ziraia: Not my favorite choice of hair, especially for characters with head features already (winged elves, venos), but to each her own. I like the eyes but she might look better if you used your skin color for the eyeshadow instead of black. That's what I did on my cleric, I believe, and you can see a lot more detail such as eyelashes that way. I feel like the nose could be nudged down a little as well. Overall, nice shaping of the jaw and I like the thicker upper lip and the eye shape. 8.5/10

    sakuraasukaa: I'm sorry but I'm not sure if I like your seeker that much. Really dark skin with white hair just looks really weird to me. I think you're going for an evil look from his face but I can't see close enough to rate. His skin color really makes him look like a tideborn, which is not really a good thing IMO. 6/10

    Baby_pho: I know you're known for your baby doll faces but your Mystic seems almost over the top with the eyes. I think it's just the eyeball size that's making them look scary to me, so it would be an easy fix if you decide to change them. Otherwise, she looks cute and angelic with the colors and fashion (though, on second thought, the plume top might be a little too mature for an extremely babyfaced character). Her body looks too mature as well. 8/10
    Your veno looks so cute! I love that hair style, but as Ziraia said, the ears don't really match with the hair/skin color. What if you did pink hair (like the color inside the ears) and lighter skin? XD Her face and everything look perfect though. 9.5/10

    Hanami: Really nice cleric. I like the blue eyes and black hair with pale skin. Even though you show her in all different fashion it still feels like the same character. I like the savant fashion the best on her. Her facial expression seems a little surprised for some reason. I don't know why, since her eyes aren't really wide. Also, it might just be the pose in the second pic, but her bust looks too big for her frame, especially with her small torso width. 9/10

    Eiria: I don't know how you get all your characters to have that same attitude! It's amazing. She looks good especially in the zoomed out pic, but something about her eyebrows and eyes is strange to me in the close-up. Her eyes almost seem to be going 2 different directions. Sometimes that happens when you rotate certain eyes. I think darker hair such as black would look good with the outfit. 8.5/10

    Here is my cleric. I hope you all like her! I tried to give her something of a goddess look.

    At an angle.

    Sitting on the mountain overlooking her domain.

    Close-up of her face.
  • Ziraia - Raging Tide
    Ziraia - Raging Tide Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Your cleric is so unique, really nice. Her eyes are very intense, which makes her different from lots of other clerics. Still there is something with ther face that bugs me.. i think it might be her lips, im not sure tho. The Holiday Hat looks good on her. 3.5-4/5

    I think the pink fashion look good on her, it goes well with her lip color. Her eyes seems a bit small to me. Maybe make them bigger + a bit more far from each other. 3.5/5

    I cant really see his face that well, but from what i see he looks ok, maybe there's something with his eyes or nose that i dont like o'o Anyways, his fashion looks great, i always liked those pants lol. 3/5

    Your cleric looks awesome. I love her eyes, so pretty. All the colors goes well together, it gives her that Goddess look you were going for. She looks rich xD i would never make a char like that myself, but she's really nice. 5/5

    I made a mystic today when i was bored. I wanted him to look like an old cat xD So, what do you think? :3

    ★ Ziraia 101 Assassin ★
    ★ _Nari_ 100 Seeker ★
    ★ xBunneh 82 Veno ★
    ★ Zushie 77 Psychic ★
    ★ HerAssassin 73 sin ★
    ★ HisHealer 54 Cleric ★
  • Kiriumi - Sanctuary
    Kiriumi - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2012

    Cute mystic :3 I also have a mystic w/doll-like aspects, so I appreciate the hard work you put into your toon's .ini 'cus I know it's a lot! The only suggestion I really have is that you could maybe lower the eyebrows just a smidgen! 3.5/5

    Your veno is so adorable! I really couldn't deliver any advice/criticism for her, I think it's fine you went with the dark hair & that hairdress alone suits her very well. ^-^ 4.5/5


    I really like your archer & the almond shape you gave to her eyes. Paired w/the sort of heavy winged eyeliner, they are definitely the feature that stands out most on her sweet face. I would just suggest refining her chin a little. IG it appears to come down into a harsh point. Nonetheles, I still find her to be one pretty lady! 4.5/5

    Also--your mystic is quite the character. b:chuckle I do see an old cat when I look at him! I wouldn't necessarily deem him 'hot'. But for the sole purpose of your aim, I say you succeed!


    Very well-proportioned face! The fact that you gave her a very nude face is refreshing to see. The first two outfits are my favorites. :3 4/5


    Hiyo, again! <3 C:
    Good-lookin' sin ya got there. o_x In the 2nd screenie, for some reason, (It's okay to call me crazy! xP) she reminds me of Scarlett Johansson. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of the Fighter Hairdress. But on your sin, I don't exactly dislike it. I still think there are plenty of other styles that would compliment her better, however. 4.5/5


    *Squeehugs!* Thank you for your rating, it made me smile. :3
    I really love the red hair you used for your cleric. It actually pairs perfectly w/her fair complexion. Also--that fash.., o_o is on-point! The gold trimmings really pull the whole look together & it's all very pleasing to the eye. Definitely not a dull look! Red hair+green eyes=<3, so I really enjoy seeing that on your cleric. Something about her face is vaguely reminiscent of women from the Victorian paintings, imo. Sweet & sophisticated! b:cute

    The only reason why my score for her isn't a perfect one is 'cus I feel if you refined her brows a bit more, it would soften her whole look. I'm not sure if it's the texture/set you chose, but they seem kind of segmented & I don't believe that was what you intended. Aside from that, I truly do feel you've done a wonderful job! 4.8/5


    Sooo~ I created a psychic for my bf & decided it wouldn't hurt to get some feedback!


    Ahem~ o_x Pls excuse nekked-ness of ze 'fishy', he's just a nub for now. It's funny 'cus after I finished customizing him, I really got a chance to observe & to me, he reminded me of some ff char hehe. x3 Also, I pretty much minimized his ears so that he would appear more human-like; hence the flesh tone which took a good while to achieve! DDDx

    Anyway, looking into some fash for him now so he won't be shirtless for much longer. b:surrenderb:chuckle
  • SpazzMcAps - Harshlands
    SpazzMcAps - Harshlands Posts: 2,561 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Your cleric is so unique, really nice. Her eyes are very intense, which makes her different from lots of other clerics. Still there is something with ther face that bugs me.. i think it might be her lips, im not sure tho. The Holiday Hat looks good on her. 3.5-4/5

    I think the pink fashion look good on her, it goes well with her lip color. Her eyes seems a bit small to me. Maybe make them bigger + a bit more far from each other. 3.5/5

    I cant really see his face that well, but from what i see he looks ok, maybe there's something with his eyes or nose that i dont like o'o Anyways, his fashion looks great, i always liked those pants lol. 3/5

    Your cleric looks awesome. I love her eyes, so pretty. All the colors goes well together, it gives her that Goddess look you were going for. She looks rich xD i would never make a char like that myself, but she's really nice. 5/5

    I made a mystic today when i was bored. I wanted him to look like an old cat xD So, what do you think? :3

  • Aimus - Heavens Tear
    Aimus - Heavens Tear Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Baby_pho: I’m not a big fan of the “cute” look but your veno looks nice. The other one looks a bit creepy. 2/5 for the first one 4/5 for the second one.
    Hanam: She actually looks a bit like my friend Allie, but with darker hair. I think she’s pretty. 5/5
    Eiria: She looks dangerous. But in a good way and she has a very sultry sexy look on her face. 5/5
    SpazzMcAps: He looks a bit dopey. I think it’s because of the thin lips and downcast eyes. But it seems like you were going for humor. So 3/5
    Lucistella: She’s like a Grecian Goddess very pretty and ethereal. 4/5
    Ziraia: Your character looks old and young at the same time. But I think that’s because of the eyes. But he does have that sage look. 3/5
    Kiriumi: He looks very synical from his arched eyebrows to his joker lips. I like it 4.5/5
    I changed my character a bit and I do mean a bit.
    And two action shots for fun
  • spiritedtreasures
    spiritedtreasures Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    @Eiria - I super super love the sexy look on your characters face. 4.5/5, her eyes just look a tad out of focus, maybe make the eyeballs bigger? But overall she's gorgeousssss <3

    @Lucistella - your character just oozes goddess grace and beauty. 4/5, I think there's too much emphasis on her nose, maybe adjust the nose/chin relationship a little? Her eyes and color scheme are fantasmish though, really. I love that red hair!

    I ... am horrible with man faces so can't really say much there, but you guys all look smokin', I swear. ffjdksfjf.

    This is my youngest Mystic :S I've never been an earthguard person for actual leveling/gameplay, but they do look gorgeous <33 (it's just too bad you can't change their eyeshadow/makeup colors like with elves and venos and humans). and no forhead sticker because ew.

  • SpazzMcAps - Harshlands
    SpazzMcAps - Harshlands Posts: 2,561 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    @Eiria - I super super love the sexy look on your characters face. 4.5/5, her eyes just look a tad out of focus, maybe make the eyeballs bigger? But overall she's gorgeousssss <3

    @Lucistella - your character just oozes goddess grace and beauty. 4/5, I think there's too much emphasis on her nose, maybe adjust the nose/chin relationship a little? Her eyes and color scheme are fantasmish though, really. I love that red hair!

    I ... am horrible with man faces so can't really say much there, but you guys all look smokin', I swear. ffjdksfjf.

    This is my youngest Mystic :S I've never been an earthguard person for actual leveling/gameplay, but they do look gorgeous <33 (it's just too bad you can't change their eyeshadow/makeup colors like with elves and venos and humans). and no forhead sticker because ew.


    You would bang the pumpkin? b:mischievous
  • Kiriumi - Sanctuary
    Kiriumi - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2012

    The only change I can really detect aside from wardrobe is the hair color which I do like over the previous one. None else I can say aside from that, nice wizzy! 3.5/5


    Personally, I've never been a fan of that particular face texture template. But, I do like the shape you gave to her eyes & the beautiful emerald they are, as well. My suggestion would be to raise her lips a tad. I do appreciate chars w/elongated faces but I suppose I feel as though they hang lower than they should for my personal preference. 3/5


    Just wanted to share another ss of my seeker, Kitalyna, in her new fash. b:cute


    I absolutely LOVE this dress. It's making me contemplate more & more on whether I should make her my permanent alt. Wish the Shinobi Hairdress wouldn't cover the arch of her eyebrows like that, but the look just would not be complete w/out it. I keep getting told she looks like some kick-a** vixen straight from a manga!
  • Aimus - Heavens Tear
    Aimus - Heavens Tear Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    spiritedtreasures: She's very pretty like a Pocahontas pretty. But her lips are a bit too low. And her eyes look great with her skin. 4/5

    Kiriumi: I like her cat like features. Very cute. The only problem I have is that the top of the head could be shorter, but other than that she's very cute. 4/5

    I actually only changed his hair and I think his eyebrows or something.Nothing too drastic or noticeable.
    But tonight I changed him a bit more noticeable. And in the end I'm not too pleased.
    And after
    I don't like that he looks so mean(I arched his eyebrows slightly) I shouldn't have raised his nose or shortened his chin. His lips are too red for his skin and I made them shorter because some people thought they looked funny but I actually like them. So in they end he came out looking like an *** hole. It could be the blond hair too. Blonds and their pretentiousness.
    I have to wait awhile before I can change him again.
  • Kiriumi - Sanctuary
    Kiriumi - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I don't like that he looks so mean(I arched his eyebrows slightly) I shouldn't have raised his nose or shortened his chin. His lips are too red for his skin and I made them shorter because some people thought they looked funny but I actually like them. So in they end he came out looking like an *** hole. It could be the blond hair too. Blonds and their pretentiousness.
    I have to wait awhile before I can change him again.

    I actually feel you've made a lot of improvements. Cx
    However, I really didn't see much wrong w/your character in the first place. But, you managed to refine his facial features by a lot! You're right about his lips being way too pigmented for his skin tone, though. I would also have to agree w/the nose in need of some added length. But, aside from that, I can see you've made many good changes to your character.

    Mm, he doesn't look mean to me. o_o
    But if it bothers you, just alter the rotation a little & that problem should cease. Anyways~ Good job! ^__^
  • Ajiuo - Harshlands
    Ajiuo - Harshlands Posts: 708 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Aimus, I really like the before's eyebrows and hair color! :3 The after, well, he could still go for smaller lips. I usually make the lips fall in the section between where the two tear ducts on either eyes are. If you know what i mean. xD Can't explain it. But yes, I think you should go back to that gingerish color of hair, he looks so much better that way :3

    Kiriumi, I saw her on sanc the other day! :O She's so pretty, I love her facial expression and hair color <3 5/5

    spiritedtreasures, I think you could make the gap between her eyes and the chin smaller. D: She'd look so much better. I like the face texture you used because it's rarely used and that lip texture is awesome :P 3/5

    Ziraia, he's definitely pulling off what you wanted it. I laugh every time I see him :D 5/5

    Lucistella, if you changed her eyebrows to be more natural, she'd look 10x better. She's so pretty already, especially that hair color and eyes <3 4/5

    Made a baby seeker on Sanctuary. She's basically my mystic with a few changes. I like her though, she looks different from my mystic. b:pleased

    ❤ No more PWI for me~ ❤
  • Filezia - Sanctuary
    Filezia - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Made a baby seeker on Sanctuary. She's basically my mystic with a few changes. I like her though, she looks different from my mystic. b:pleased

    What's her name? (Here's OnlyDolly) b:cute



    She was a Bunny but I was missing a tail so I made a Foxy ;P
  • Ajiuo - Harshlands
    Ajiuo - Harshlands Posts: 708 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    What's her name? (Here's OnlyDolly) b:cute



    She was a Bunny but I was missing a tail so I made a Foxy ;P

    Aronila. We should play together sometime, your characters are always so cute. (Maybe you could design a seeker for me b:laugh)
    I have to work soon but I'll try to pm the name you posted on when I get home. :3
    ❤ No more PWI for me~ ❤
  • Filezia - Sanctuary
    Filezia - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Aronila. We should play together sometime, your characters are always so cute. (Maybe you could design a seeker for me b:laugh)
    I have to work soon but I'll try to pm the name you posted on when I get home. :3

    Oh thank You so much b:chuckle I added U and I'm working on Your Seek :)
  • Aimus - Heavens Tear
    Aimus - Heavens Tear Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Ajiuo: Out of all the "cute" styled toons yours actually looks cute without looking too deformed to the point where it comes off creepy. And I for some reason like it when people have their eyes the same color or a similar color to the thing on their four head. Kind of like a third eye.
    Overall her she's cute.3.5/5

    Filezia:Her skinny body doesn't match up with the size of her neck and head, which makes her look extremely awkward. But the head she has is pretty cute. 2/5

    I'm fixing the small mistakes I made so I'll repost the finished results when I'm done. With the lips I was trying to go for a Luke Worrall type thing with the pale skin and cherry lips but it turned out more like a vampire. As for the lip size I understand what you mean with them being aligned with your tear ducts but I don't want to go any smaller than how they already are. I'm probably going for a chestnut brown color.
    I think I found a healthy middle but I'm probably going to fix the lips.
  • Ziraia - Raging Tide
    Ziraia - Raging Tide Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Rating time...

    Okies, so i love that Pumpkin thingy, and i really want the female version. Also, the fash looks ok, but would've looked better in black imo (yes, black dyes is way too expensive). My favorite male fash is the Sleek set in black *-* Cant really rate more lols. 4/5

    Your character is looking so much better now compared to his previous looks! All colors looks great together. Only thing that bothers me a bit is his wide mouth, but then again, making it shorter would make him look more feminine. So overall 5/5

    She's pretty, i like that you used that hair - it makes her look tall. I would make her head just a bit bigger or **** a bit smaller. Also, her face looks a bit long, or maybe it's her nose + mouth that does it. The green eyes are a bit too bright imo. I like the skin and hair color. 3/5
    ...and no forhead sticker because ew.
    Lol, i so agree on that.

    I love that hair color, it looks perfect with the dress. Also love how her body looks, with small shoulders, and not too big ****. I would like to see how she looked with different hairstyles, even tho the Shinobi one looks great on her. 5/5

    Aww, she's so cute. I really like her eye + hair color. Something makes me think she would look better if she was more pale. She got some small bags under her eyes, which makes her look a bit tired, but i dont think there's a way to remove those. I love that she have a big head :> Overall 4.6/5

    I love that veno's have a tail aswell. The fox ears looks good on her. Too bad you get that thing on your neck when you make the head too big, or body too small :\ I would give her a tan, and maybe make her lips less red. Also, that make-up got some line under the eyes that looks weird imo. I know you can 'hide it' with some thingy in charater customization. Other than that she looks kinda adorable :3 3.5/5

    Here's my seeker Nari again. Posting mostly because i wanna show you her hawt Rank 8 and that i changed her hair color x3 Hope the image size fits forum..

    ★ Ziraia 101 Assassin ★
    ★ _Nari_ 100 Seeker ★
    ★ xBunneh 82 Veno ★
    ★ Zushie 77 Psychic ★
    ★ HerAssassin 73 sin ★
    ★ HisHealer 54 Cleric ★
  • Aimus - Heavens Tear
    Aimus - Heavens Tear Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I like the wide lips because it makes him look off since everyone has some strange feature about them. His are his trout lips. And I have never said anything about fourhead stickers. I love those Earth Guard bindis.


    Her armor looks great on her and she's a very pretty Seeker. Wish she would embrace her heritage though. b:chuckle 5/5

    Last but not least the final(For now since I do like to change his hair color from time to time) my wizie.

    Mind you the first change I posted was the very first time I changed his lip color. I am very pleased with the results now.
  • Dons - Dreamweaver
    Dons - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Aimus: I don't mind the wide lips, but feel they should sit slightly lower on the face. Currently they're being sucked up his nose! Other than that, I like the look :D

    Here's my archer:


  • Filezia - Sanctuary
    Filezia - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Dons - Your archer is very hot :) But the only think I don't like is an eyeshadow 4,5/5
    Aimus - Yeah I know I know :) What about Your char I like him but I think that You made too big lips on him (It's only my opinion) 4,5/5
    Ziraia - I only can say this:

    So time to do a real char. ^_^ I was testing all classes and looks to choose the right one so I'll make a Veno (This one which I posted last time) and a Sin. That's why I'm here. I want You to tell me is this char good or maybe change somthing. So here she is :


    One thing more. Please help me with her name. I have no idea how to call her...

    And now a BIG surprise!!! She won't be on Sanctuary like my Veno. She'll be on ...Harshlands !!! ^_^ Yeah this photo was done on this server and I must to say that I felt in love with it ;*
  • fieldfairy
    fieldfairy Posts: 6
    edited May 2012
    I like your seeker very much,i would rate her 5/5.Dont find anyth i would change bout her

    I would rate ur character 4/5.The lips are a bit too wide for my taste.b:surrender

    Your archer is very pretty and the earthguard hair looks very good on her the only thing thats bothering me is the makeup.xD 4.5/5

    I think ur sin is a cutie i wouldnt change anything bout the face.I think thats shes a bit too skinny tho xD . again..thats just my opinion :3 4.5/5

    Here is my blademaster,just made her a few days ago.I saw that fashion on the forums once and just had to get it ...i love it xD. Hope u like her b:cute
  • Filezia - Sanctuary
    Filezia - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    fieldfairy wrote: »
    I think ur sin is a cutie i wouldnt change anything bout the face.I think thats shes a bit too skinny tho xD . again..thats just my opinion :3 4.5/5

    Here is my blademaster,just made her a few days ago.I saw that fashion on the forums once and just had to get it ...i love it xD. Hope u like her b:cute
    Thanks :D And Saw Your BM, made a BM ^.^ (10/5) But I won't post her here. I know that You're all bored my Cute Chinese Dolls ;P 1 thing more... Is anyone know how to get codes from this page? http://w2i.178.com/s/dm.html
  • MrMelvin - Heavens Tear
    MrMelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    1 thing more... Is anyone know how to get codes from this page? http://w2i.178.com/s/dm.html

    From what I can make of it, you need to sign up to that site and comment on the photos of the ones you like which opens up the code. I could be wrong though
  • Filezia - Sanctuary
    Filezia - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    From what I can make of it, you need to sign up to that site and comment on the photos of the ones you like which opens up the code. I could be wrong though

    What a pity that I don't speak Chinese... But thanks 4 help.
  • MrMelvin - Heavens Tear
    MrMelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited May 2012

    What a pity that I don't speak Chinese... But thanks 4 help.

    I don't either, that was based on google translator.
  • dimthought
    dimthought Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Filezia: melvin is right but you have to have a certin lvl to buy the codes from them

    each time you comment you get a status upgrade and you can spend that on the character codes the better the look though the more status you need and it can take some time to rank up though =/

    now some have them for free you just comment for them....but alot of those are able to make without breaking the ToS
  • sesshy1
    sesshy1 Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    fieldfairy: I must say, I really love your character design. It's original, meaning you don't see doubles of yourself every two steps, and the colors compliment her overall design. The fashion is awesome; I'm sitting here thinking: 'why didn't I think of that?' And the second picture won me over the moment I saw it!



    My Seeker: TinyLeaf


    Pouty lips ftw...=)

    My Archer: Eldarwen


    Those eyes... >.>

    My Cleric (Main): DarkHaine


    She doesn't look as unique as the first two, but her simple look is my favorite. =)
  • MrMelvin - Heavens Tear
    MrMelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    sesshy1 wrote: »
    My Cleric (Main): DarkHaine


    She doesn't look as unique as the first two, but her simple look is my favorite. =)

    5/5 Wow! Your cleric with the Silver Lined Hair (think thats the name) looks awesome! I wouldn't mind if you PM'd me the ini file for me to use on something :)

    Although I would use the Earthguard eye texture on her for an extra effect.

    I need to use a makeover scroll on my Mystic later and I'll post a pic