Dont do it(my mistake)

Mosabi - Heavens Tear
Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
edited October 2009 in Chronicles
I have been in this game since it just started and I have to say that unless you have the patince of a turtle and the money of Bill Gates dont run a wizard.

Wizards got the short end of the stick in this game suck PVP and even in PVE since we cant take out increased life without a charm on. PVP wise prepare to be the hardest to lvl and the most to get the least outcome from it cuz players 10 lvls lower than you will just pwn you.

Zhening I was told that I will be the queckest to lvl when I get to it (level 60+) that was also a lie since you have to spend 500k per zhen while barbs,BMs and venos do it for free only need the exp scrolls so good luck with that one.

after playing this game for almost 3-4 months as a wizard I say to everyone who came here looking for a guide dont go mage if you dont belive me go talk to every higher lvl mage in the game they say that they wish to be something else .

I have quit this damn lame stupid game cuz of this great injustice I refuse to spend any more time playing something that has screwed me for months on end.

and dont belive ppl who say mages will be stronger at higher lvl cuz they simply just dont.... take it from me and from other lvl 80+ mages that I talked with that share my same thoughts.

want damge role a cleric appearntly this game fealt sorry for healers so they gave them more damge leaving us on the outside....

so bottom line just dont do a wizard no matter what they tell you not either light or arcane niether are good go do something else and save yourself the time..

I mean come on look it they put us as the last option in the class menu cuz they know what they did haha.
Is Back once more.

sorry med school needs some time.
Post edited by Mosabi - Heavens Tear on


  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Oh really?
    I've spent 10 dollars on this game... for a mount.
    Aside from that I'm doing pretty well!
    Pvp wise, I don't consider myself weak at all.
    Being able to hit 2k on barbs/bms isn't weak, and one hitting archers/clerics/othermages with blade tempest is surely not weak either.

    Sutra with chi pots / blade tempest is unbelievably strong.
    Name me the 80+ mages who wants to be something else?

    Clerics can't outdamage a mage.
    They do draw close, but we still outdamage them with the same equipment.

    I think its just the momentum of the moment which caused you to type up such an unbelievable post. Calm down, play your mage some more, learn to kite (for increased life mobs), and have fun with Sandstorm. You might find yourself enjoying the game a lot more.

    Fyi though, I've started playing around mid October, so you've been playing even longer than I have. Not to mention, I've never zhenned because zhen parties cost a lot of money. Its a fast way of leveling, but a huge amount of coin is necessary to keep up the fast leveling. For me, I'd just rather stick with wanted notes/envoys.

    Calm down, and re-roll if you're really that disappointed.
    Otherwise, let others decide what they'd like.
  • clearwater47
    clearwater47 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You may be right in what you posted or maybe your not, but I think its unfair of you to post this. I am only lvl 31 and I love wizard, nothing has been to hard for me to kill. I always find a way to kill it, if I have to kite a bit then fine, if it saves me pots while I do it bonus. But reading this has really discouraged me from moving on with my wizard. I know wizards are tough to play and they are a bit squishy but I don't think you should be posting this when I know if i saw this post early this week I would have not picked wizard and most likely gone veno or cleric. I just think you made a mistake on posting it, and I'm going to believe Jrudora on what a wizard can do.
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    yeah we have a silence thats maxed to 5 seconds but can you compare that to the clerics chromatic seal???? 33.4 seconds sleep b:surrender
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    But, you wake up at the slight poke of anything.
    That's not that useful in TW.
    It might be good in pk if you're alone.
    In TW, whoever you sleep is gonna wake up the second some random archer decides to shoot an arrow or whatever..

    Oh right, and wizards are made to KILL.
    Clerics can debuff / disable.
    We seal for 5 seconds so that we get the time to cast a strong spell undisturbed.
    Classes play differently after all.

    We have a much easier time leveling already compared to melee classes.
    At least we have range. Have you seen the damage that heavy armor users take from magic attack mobs? Soloings a pain.

    Other classes can only dream about how fast we kill water mobs too, and water mobs = highest exp terrain area to grind on. :)
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wizards got the short end of the stick in this game suck PVP and even in PVE since we cant take out increased life without a charm on. PVP wise prepare to be the hardest to lvl and the most to get the least outcome from it cuz players 10 lvls lower than you will just pwn you.
    Lol you don't even take damage if you know what you're doing. And no, players 10 levels lower than you don't own you unless you're dumb or have fat fingers.
    Zhening I was told that I will be the queckest to lvl when I get to it (level 60+) that was also a lie since you have to spend 500k per zhen while barbs,BMs and venos do it for free only need the exp scrolls so good luck with that one.
    Veno's zhen? And no, barbs/BMs don't do it for free and archers/clerics pay the same if not more than you. Also, learn how to make money. It isn't hard.
    I have quit this damn lame stupid game cuz of this great injustice I refuse to spend any more time playing something that has screwed me for months on end.
    k bye.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Lol you don't even take damage if you know what you're doing. And no, players 10 levels lower than you don't own you unless you're dumb or have fat fingers.

    You know I really hate mages like you that try to sound cool and am the best and all I used to be just like you then I just turned my head and did whats right no matter how you try to put it you know your the most underpowered class in game so just either live with it and hell go do whatever you want to do am not stoping you since appearntly you seem to think your better than me somehow
    Veno's zhen? And no, barbs/BMs don't do it for free and archers/clerics pay the same if not more than you. Also, learn how to make money. It isn't hard.

    and yes Venos zhen they are considered as pullers something you are never allowed to do and no I know mant BMs and Barbs that just zhen to zhen and if you mean repair bills I say Zhen drops appeartnly u never zhened b4 just go and see and no if you like at my post I didnt say anything about archers and clerics pay cuz I know they pay to zhen you noob
    k bye.

    okay gl with whatever your going to do.
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You know I really hate mages like you that try to sound cool and am the best and all I used to be just like you then I just turned my head and did whats right no matter how you try to put it you know your the most underpowered class in game so just either live with it and hell go do whatever you want to do am not stoping you since appearntly you seem to think your better than me somehow

    And I'm sure there are many mages who are sick of those who won't stop complaining about how weak they appear to be.
    Listen, if you don't like a class, let it be, move on. No one really cares.
    Just don't try and tell everyone else what to do.

    You ARE trying to stop us from playing mages.
    Just what are you trying to get at?

    And no we are NOT the most underpowered class.
    Just because YOU failed to play a class adequately, doesn't mean that the class itself sucks. If you ever thought that way, then you sir, really aren't any better than any of us. Sorry, we really are better than you then.

    Change your state of mind, and move on.
  • Zauren - Sanctuary
    Zauren - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    So far I have been enjoying my wizard a it's little more interactive and fun to play than the other classes I have tried so far.

    The only rough spot I have had as of yet is Broken Bow Bluff. They might as well have a wizard hanging from a tree when you enter the bluff, with a sign tacked to him that reads "This is what we do to wizards around here" b:laugh

    So many ranged phys mobs that are aggressive. But I am sure as I move along I will find other spots I breeze through that other classes will have problems with.
  • streaker
    streaker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I refuse to accept wizards are underpowered... with both me and the lv 56 barb full party buffed, I can go toe to toe and win (im lv 47, was 46 at that time) the ONLY class that gets in my head right now is a veno... and something tells me that will change later down the road... and in pve... i can grind foxwing supremes... they are level 60, im level 47.... show me some other classes that can grind that many levels higher then themself this early in the game...

    nice try. you fail.
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    okay okay I give up sorry for bitchen I guess I ll just give it another shot and yes it was a spur of the moment thing and I will just log back on then..
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • Zauren - Sanctuary
    Zauren - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    okay okay I give up sorry for bitchen I guess I ll just give it another shot and yes it was a spur of the moment thing and I will just log back on then..

    Eh everyone needs to vent now and then. Maybe we could just turn this thread into a support group b:laugh

    I will get things started off.

    Hi, my name is Zauren and....and I am addicted to mana potions.

    /hangs head
  • streaker
    streaker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol Hi Zauren, i too have an addiction... well, 2 of them.... big numbers over the enemys head and mp charms...

    back on topic, good choice Mosabi... just keep at it, practice kiting
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    okay gl with whatever your going to do.
    I am better than you if you can't kill an increased life mob without a charm, lol.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • streaker
    streaker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    he said he was going to give it another shot, let dead dogs lay man, not everyone starts off knowing how to kite etc etc
  • Xiphox - Lost City
    Xiphox - Lost City Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Were definetly not weak bro lol
    Xipox-7X MG-LC-#3 in pvp rankings-b:pleased 3198 hp unbuffedb:victory
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I think I count as an 80+ wizard.

    Truthfully wizards are probably the weakest class out of the six. I'm not saying they suck, but when you look at each class wizard does get the short end. Undine strike the level 79 skill that wizards get but is hard to obtain is a very useful skill that boosts our power a lot.

    Well, weakest isn't what I'd really say, just no survivability. Most classes get stuns and ways to survive. What do we get? A 5 second silence. It is unfair that an archer can do both magic and physical damage, have a stun, have a paralyze, and even have a barrier that protects them from a big hit and they take no damage, oh not to mention another barrier that makes them immune to stun and they take lower damage. What does a mage get? An earth barrier and a silence along with high magic damage, I suppose our distance shrink can be considered defensive too.

    Do I dislike or ever regret going mage? Of course not. This is my second 9x mage I've made and I enjoy the class. When you do build it right you are a beast and can be very hard to kill, and I'm not talking about being super rich either. If anything I love it more since I got undine strike and went heaven.

    Look up because the future holds stuff like this. I dunno how many of you know who Deity is, but if you're on Lost City you should at least be familiar with the name. He said I couldn't dish out the damage to one hit him, and well I didn't. Though on crits I do believe anyone is one hittable.

    Heres my crit damage on normal people at least. No, that wasn't just me sadly I was lucky enough to get a blademster dragon right before my tempest went off. So basically this is my crit damage.

    Enjoy being a mage, they really are late bloomers and take a lot of work.
  • streaker
    streaker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    wizzys get a couple chances to stun on the hell path, and we can also deal phys and mag, sure its only 1 spell, but that 1 spell can save asses... i mean lives... :P

    though I do agree with haiz on the late bloomer bit... if you dont have patience, go reroll, but if you want greatness down the road, hang tight

    and as for those pics haiz.... 1 word... sexy. lol. but whats that bms dragon in which you speak?
  • Varsity - Sanctuary
    Varsity - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    yes wizards do get the shortend on everything in this game to compensate on their damage. i think its unfair how pw makes wizards have the least adavantage in the game in pw but on the other hand i love wizards and i made it as a long term character so i have patients to make it better.

    what im trying to get at here if u love wizards u should make one because they can be really good IF you have the right gear but yea patient is required then other classes but they are the fastest class to either farm or do kill quests with because they kill so dam fast. if u dont believe u compare a kill of a wizard compared to any other class at the same level.

    SO MAKE A WIZARD IF U LIKE THEM. they arent that bad :))))
  • clearwater47
    clearwater47 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Thank you Haiz, seeing thos pictures have made me a lot more certain on my choice to be a wizard.
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    streaker wrote: »
    and as for those pics haiz.... 1 word... sexy. lol. but whats that bms dragon in which you speak?
    I think he means a Blademaster in his guild used a 59 skill to lower their defenses. Not sure though.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Calibix - Heavens Tear
    Calibix - Heavens Tear Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I think he means a Blademaster in his guild used a 59 skill to lower their defenses. Not sure though.

    He's talking about heaven's flame. It puts a debuff on whoever is hit that increases the damage by xx%. Think it maxes at 20, and can go to 30 depending on sage/demon.
  • Orenji - Heavens Tear
    Orenji - Heavens Tear Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Everyone is basically right mos, dont quit playing your mage, imo mage is really fun to play although i get a lot of negative feedbacks from other class ex this dumb cleric telling me "distant shrink is useless" she is dam noob, dont listen to the bs you get from other class, i always enjoy playing on my mage although its hard at times in pvp and sometimes in pve you learn from the mistakes =p
  • spirea
    spirea Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Amen to wizards being useless. Alright since yall dont get it, imma break it down to you.

    Venomancer : Phoenix = gg, robe = GG, light = 20% chance of winning, Heavy = fair game.

    Blademaster : anyone with an XS= gg, anyone with a sword = stunlock. Sec, lemme put on magic sutra.... k go *takes 50% less damage*

    Cleric : Lol bladetempest? *puts on plume shell* now they hit you for 1.5k with plume arrow, while you do 800s on them

    Barbarian : same thing with blademaster, only now you cant kill them, but they can kill you. Or just click perdition and afk. Dead

    Archer : "Hmm a wizard, ugh not another one, dont wanna kill useless classes"
    *stuns, crits, dead*

    Wizard: holy **** another wizard!!! *1 shot each other with blade tempest*

    Now obviously this is being robe wizard, for light armors, you cant kill a BM or barb, only thing light wizards are better for is archers, and for the cost of all other robe wizards to **** you.

    Now, lemme break down our so called godly skills:

    Distance shrink : AWESOME, for running away, not kiting
    Essensial sutra : Hahaha instant channeling now i shall kill y..*stunned for 6 seconds* NEXT

    Dragon / tempest / sieze : useless in pvp, only useful for when people dont notice you. But any class can **** us if we dont notice them so nothing special.

    Undine : woot now i do more damage!!!.... yea would be nice if we can get a hit off before getting stunned or 1 shotted.

    Sophomoric whisper : ha i am a cleric now with my uber sleep skill!!! *sleeps* HA now i shall cast blade tempest *cast.... cast...., enemy wakes up, stuns you, 1 shots you* B>Guardian angels

    Morning Dew : LOL!!!

    Oh, and Bms have sprint so dont bother kiting.
    Wbs can also tiger form and you're dead.

    Ok now youve hit lv89, you are all so high and might now, ha hh90 +5 with grade 8 gems!!! now all those damn haters ca......*stunned, 2 shotted*

    The end
  • ChucknNorris - Heavens Tear
    ChucknNorris - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    hell i love my wiz and i love the power it posses.Looking over at a barb the same lvl as me just pounding and pound away at a enemy(same goes wit ha BM)while i done took down 2.Zhenning is fun and i dont care about the money and uhhh when has a zhen cost 500k each time????? i can do like 3-4 zhens off one freakin gold farm mats for christsakes and learn true skill that all need to know..MAKING MONEY.Its kinda pathetic how broke most high lvls can be and even the lowbies that continue to ask ask and ask for cash "donations"...

    I repsect high lvl wizards because its a rareity and alot are just jealous we wizzies made it that far.We can say this..we arent like the other easy spammed out classes liek the rest!
  • VonTerror - Lost City
    VonTerror - Lost City Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    spirea wrote: »
    Amen to wizards being useless. Alright since yall dont get it, imma break it down to you............The end

    Hahaha, well really depends on what you are looking for, how you play the char, and what you get out of it. I know thats cliche' but really it is true. Useless i don't think is the correct word since we certainly can be useful/deadly, i would say its the most challenging/frustrating from what i have experianced. Especially in the 1v1 aspect. Don't forget too, just because certain classes can own you, doesn't mean the player playing them knows what they are doing or react as they should when you attack them

    I am learning the char better by the day and what works in each situation, its another thing to execute it right. I **** up all the time, sit there and say "doh" and then watch myself get blown up, but am pretty happy with the results when do things right. Same goes the other way, when i attack and say to myself, why didnt so and so do xyz,, i would of been toast. Even if i fail a lot of the time, the times i don't are that much more special

    I love the challenge of the wiz, i find it a lot more difficult then the other classes i've played deeper into the game and the challenge = fun for me.
  • streaker
    streaker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    spirea wrote: »
    Amen to wizards being useless. Alright since yall dont get it, imma break it down to you.

    Venomancer : Phoenix = gg, robe = GG, light = 20% chance of winning, Heavy = fair game.

    Blademaster : anyone with an XS= gg, anyone with a sword = stunlock. Sec, lemme put on magic sutra.... k go *takes 50% less damage*

    Cleric : Lol bladetempest? *puts on plume shell* now they hit you for 1.5k with plume arrow, while you do 800s on them

    Barbarian : same thing with blademaster, only now you cant kill them, but they can kill you. Or just click perdition and afk. Dead

    Archer : "Hmm a wizard, ugh not another one, dont wanna kill useless classes"
    *stuns, crits, dead*

    Wizard: holy **** another wizard!!! *1 shot each other with blade tempest*

    Now obviously this is being robe wizard, for light armors, you cant kill a BM or barb, only thing light wizards are better for is archers, and for the cost of all other robe wizards to **** you.

    Now, lemme break down our so called godly skills:

    Distance shrink : AWESOME, for running away, not kiting
    Essensial sutra : Hahaha instant channeling now i shall kill y..*stunned for 6 seconds* NEXT

    Dragon / tempest / sieze : useless in pvp, only useful for when people dont notice you. But any class can **** us if we dont notice them so nothing special.

    Undine : woot now i do more damage!!!.... yea would be nice if we can get a hit off before getting stunned or 1 shotted.

    Sophomoric whisper : ha i am a cleric now with my uber sleep skill!!! *sleeps* HA now i shall cast blade tempest *cast.... cast...., enemy wakes up, stuns you, 1 shots you* B>Guardian angels

    Morning Dew : LOL!!!

    Oh, and Bms have sprint so dont bother kiting.
    Wbs can also tiger form and you're dead.

    Ok now youve hit lv89, you are all so high and might now, ha hh90 +5 with grade 8 gems!!! now all those damn haters ca......*stunned, 2 shotted*

    The end

    You Fail. The End.
  • Vi_zexion - Sanctuary
    Vi_zexion - Sanctuary Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I think I count as an 80+ wizard.

    Truthfully wizards are probably the weakest class out of the six. I'm not saying they suck, but when you look at each class wizard does get the short end. Undine strike the level 79 skill that wizards get but is hard to obtain is a very useful skill that boosts our power a lot.

    Well, weakest isn't what I'd really say, just no survivability. Most classes get stuns and ways to survive. What do we get? A 5 second silence. It is unfair that an archer can do both magic and physical damage, have a stun, have a paralyze, and even have a barrier that protects them from a big hit and they take no damage, oh not to mention another barrier that makes them immune to stun and they take lower damage. What does a mage get? An earth barrier and a silence along with high magic damage, I suppose our distance shrink can be considered defensive too.

    Enjoy being a mage, they really are late bloomers and take a lot of work.

    I really do agree with you there but not only that.You know how PW claims in the job description for a mage "Master of Elements" well that is a lie.Hey if where the master of elements why don't we have Metal and Wood? aren't does elements in any PW? I thought they were so why don't we have attacks containing this elements? not saying that clerics shouldn't have metal and Veno's have wood but come on if your gonna call us the master of elements give us all the elements even if 1 or 2 skills of Metal and Wood.And I totally agree with the "Free Will" what they can't move for mistily seconds but it will be nice to have stuns like arches do.

    And yes I dare say wizard are the worst class to PvP which I really don't PK cause of the disadvantage we have.The only class I can say wizard stand a chance again are veno's (if you manage to bypass the pet) yet their is a guild mate of mine who is a really good PKer and is rank 6 on the Sanctuary rank and she is a wizard but to be able to have a chance at PvP a wizard has to be Light armor.

    PvE is think wizards are good.I really only have problems beating mobs that are a few levels above me and have metal as use metal attacks as increased life mobs? just hit them with sand storm and Ice me those are 2 very good spells against Increased life mobs.

    Like Haiz said where late bloomers and have to work harder then any other class to actually do quests,FB,TTs then the other stronger classes but none the less I love my wizard and I would not change it for any other class.
    In the end all that remains are the good memories you had with them.
  • streaker
    streaker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Zex... shut your trap. lol. were only good vs venos? those are the 1 of 2 classes i struggle against... and as far as elements, i dont see wood and metal as a real element..

    Fire, Earth, Water are technically elements, wood and metal are more like materials.

    and when I pvp i let them see me coming. and as far as mobs above your level... i can take on foxwings with out much problem at my level... -.-

    just wait till im on your level lol, go afk for a few months so i can catch up XP
  • Phsyco - Lost City
    Phsyco - Lost City Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I really do agree with you there but not only that.You know how PW claims in the job description for a mage "Master of Elements" well that is a lie.Hey if where the master of elements why don't we have Metal and Wood? aren't does elements in any PW? I thought they were so why don't we have attacks containing this elements? not saying that clerics shouldn't have metal and Veno's have wood but come on if your gonna call us the master of elements give us all the elements even if 1 or 2 skills of Metal and Wood.And I totally agree with the "Free Will" what they can't move for mistily seconds but it will be nice to have stuns like arches do.

    And yes I dare say wizard are the worst class to PvP which I really don't PK cause of the disadvantage we have.The only class I can say wizard stand a chance again are veno's (if you manage to bypass the pet) yet their is a guild mate of mine who is a really good PKer and is rank 6 on the Sanctuary rank and she is a wizard but to be able to have a chance at PvP a wizard has to be Light armor.

    PvE is think wizards are good.I really only have problems beating mobs that are a few levels above me and have metal as use metal attacks as increased life mobs? just hit them with sand storm and Ice me those are 2 very good spells against Increased life mobs.

    Like Haiz said where late bloomers and have to work harder then any other class to actually do quests,FB,TTs then the other stronger classes but none the less I love my wizard and I would not change it for any other class.

    i agree with u up to a certain extent but until you "bloom" which is probably like lv80-90 wizards aren't really meant for soloing in pvp. below 80 you should probably be with party when pking. And in tw wizards help out alot especially when u need to drop a barb because we can stay behind and deal massive damage while some1 else takes the damage and b4 long the barb is dead
  • streaker
    streaker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    yea, in TW wizards are essential, and yea, a wizard does nothing get better from 90 on... with a full arsonal of nukes at your disposal, even fair pvp the wizard will be a 100x harder of a target then at the pre 70s, and backstab PKing... barbs will need bomb shelters after the **** ive seen from players with higher level chars on other servers
This discussion has been closed.