OMG LC watch out
More excuses Deity plz.Xipox-7X MG-LC-#3 in pvp rankings-b:pleased 3198 hp unbuffedb:victory0
Xiphox - Lost City wrote: »More excuses Deity plz.
get **** 1 on 11 more pl0x0 -
Deity - Lost City wrote: »Yes, you are definitely wanted by all of the level 30 noobs you killed inside heroes tomb. However, its funny how non of the 80+ players have even heard of this nonfactor.
I have. But who the F is Mua? K LOL.0 -
You're proud to kill someone 15 levels below you when you could have easily gone for some other targets, yes, clearly RQ is a great guild.
A 9x arrived to help out, keep referring to that, Don't mention ddddfunLOL anywhere, because Conqueror is the only guid that has reinforcements for pvp, yeah? Don't mention that you had plenty of time before any of them arrived for your members to challenge people your own level, but that's not the RQ way.
Keep Running Quick, I have nothing more to say to you.Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror0 -
Starang - Lost City wrote: »I have. But who the F is Mua? K LOL.
I'm the 6x that Sinnerz was so proud to kill. One of the things the OP will learn quickly is that on our server, RQ consider a fight with anyone nowhere near their level to be a good one.Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror0 -
Sorry I have been sleeping during that time so it couldn't be "the whole guild" zzzz. Forum fights are ****.0
- PKs anyone 7X and below
- Can escape from ganks without dying "it's called being smart and RunQuick"
- Killed lowbies? well I don't care it's a pvp server and he's pvping, his level is 71 so Deity won't find him @ level 90 areas where Deity PVEs
- QQ
- Go 5 vs 1 and QQ about how he got owned
- Ganks lowbies (5X~6X) and QQs when he gets rolled and then calls them out for 1 vs 1 duels inside the safezone and blah blahs on WC
- Still yet to find me or kill me.
- Takes 5.7k critical damages from my shots
- Fails are flaming and trollings
- Lives off his mom's credit card.
Carebear list
#1 DeityI was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.
As much as I hated being pked by higher lvl RQs so much, and as much as I hate people that kill lower levels for no reason whatsoever, except e-penor inflation, I would still have to say party vs party RQ > CQ. Honestly, 1v1 in PW means about as much as pve on LC. Fight some1 with npc gears on and npc weapons and then it would matter who wins otherwise it's more about how much time you spend in the game than how well thought out your character is. Party vs Party is where the skill is at and RQ sure showed us how that's done with their last victory. While they seemingly prefer grief on lowbies most of the time, they proved they can deal with being outleveled.
Now why don't you all grow some balls and try fighting stronger opponents like my party likes to roll larger parties that outlevel us instead of griefing on poor little newbies.0 -
Torinchibi - Lost City wrote: »As much as I hated being pked by higher lvl RQs so much, and as much as I hate people that kill lower levels for no reason whatsoever, except e-penor inflation, I would still have to say party vs party RQ > CQ. Honestly, 1v1 in PW means about as much as pve on LC. Fight some1 with npc gears on and npc weapons and then it would matter who wins otherwise it's more about how much time you spend in the game than how well thought out your character is. Party vs Party is where the skill is at and RQ sure showed us how that's done with their last victory. While they seemingly prefer grief on lowbies most of the time, they proved they can deal with being outleveled.
Now why don't you all grow some balls and try fighting stronger opponents like my party likes to roll larger parties that outlevel us instead of griefing on poor little newbies.
RQ kills 6X~7X players because RQ has only 6X and 7X players (except the 10 8X and 1 nearly 9X). I still don't know why people call them "lowbie killers". They are like a pure PVP guild on the server, less PVE more PVP.
If they had not lost a land to GZ RQ would still be 7X max.
CQ on the other hand is a PVE guild on PVP server where Deity talks about achievements in PVE TWs. CQ feeds GZ and GiangHo.I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.
Fact: I came out on my 31 newbie the other day and got pked 2ce by 2 diff RQs. First time I was purple after defending myself, 2nd time it was completely random pk. Hidden orchid isn't exactly the highest lvl area out there (in fact probably lowest area with white names since 30 quests start around there. The guy that did it wasn't exactly week, as I got 2v1 owned 2 times (on main) and winters passed by and killed me 1 more for the finisher, so that was completely random (I like my name red) type of PK of someone 40+ levels lower (that was pretty embarrasing since I couldn't even kill the mage....self fail, and admitting it). XIphox is notorious amongs newbies for his random PKs.
Fact #2: Sure as hell wasn't me that made all those 9 lowbie guilds mad enough to atk you...when 1 of your party can win against that whole guild.....
It's not all, but a couple of rotten apples in a bag can make the whole bag smell bad. Enough said.0 -
Torinchibi - Lost City wrote: »Fact: I came out on my 31 newbie the other day and got pked 2ce by 2 diff RQs. First time I was purple after defending myself, 2nd time it was completely random pk. Hidden orchid isn't exactly the highest lvl area out there (in fact probably lowest area with white names since 30 quests start around there. The guy that did it wasn't exactly week, as I got 2v1 owned 2 times (on main) and winters passed by and killed me 1 more for the finisher, so that was completely random (I like my name red) type of PK of someone 40+ levels lower (that was pretty embarrasing since I couldn't even kill the mage....self fail, and admitting it). XIphox is notorious amongs newbies for his random PKs.
Fact #2: Sure as hell wasn't me that made all those 9 lowbie guilds mad enough to atk you...when 1 of your party can win against that whole guild.....
It's not all, but a couple of rotten apples in a bag can make the whole bag smell bad. Enough said.
Its okay since it's a pvp server. At least they don't lure dismal shade to the entrance like effing CQ noobs.I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.
I admit i do a lot of random pking but its due to the fact i get bored easily. But if you ask around You will find people Ive comepletely **** my lvl. Killing lowbies does nothing but provide mild laughs unless they start running their mouth. I usually just pk em and move and for the most part they just either laugh it off say nothing or run their mouth.Xipox-7X MG-LC-#3 in pvp rankings-b:pleased 3198 hp unbuffedb:victory0
From what I understand it (I don't attend so I don't know - you're welcome to show me a screenshot of me killing people in HT without being brought there to deal with high levels), RQ goes and PKs in HT to pull the highbie "friends" of the lowbies down there to fight. It's a lot easier to start a fight and make everyone come to you than it is to go around looking for a fight.
Not my thing, though. I get so little playtime because of work and school during the week that I just spend what I can korean rice farming unless there's some major PVP that needs my attention.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.0 -
lmao why is CQ a pure pve guild? CQ had 3 major guilds on the server on kos yet they fought that kos and is probably the strongest guild on LC right now.
Is it because CQ doesnt go and pkes every lowbie on the server focusing instead on their kos guilds... yeah i guess this makes u a pve (carebear) guildRemember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot...0 -
Torinchibi - Lost City wrote: »As much as I hated being pked by higher lvl RQs so much, and as much as I hate people that kill lower levels for no reason whatsoever, except e-penor inflation, I would still have to say party vs party RQ > CQ. Honestly, 1v1 in PW means about as much as pve on LC. Fight some1 with npc gears on and npc weapons and then it would matter who wins otherwise it's more about how much time you spend in the game than how well thought out your character is. Party vs Party is where the skill is at and RQ sure showed us how that's done with their last victory. While they seemingly prefer grief on lowbies most of the time, they proved they can deal with being outleveled.
Now why don't you all grow some balls and try fighting stronger opponents like my party likes to roll larger parties that outlevel us instead of griefing on poor little newbies.
My favorite part about the RQ only killing lowbies argument is that CQ/GZ do it more than we could ever really hope to do. Seeing people who are 90+ roll around swamp for hours and hours clearly isn't lowbie PKing right? I mean, the 20-30 level difference isn't exactly the same as the 6xs PKing the people in HT, right?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
(;゚ Д゚)ℳℴℯ❤0 -
How many people have been PKed in the swamps by Shinzoko and CrazyPolter? How many of them have left the area and gone elsewhere, only to be a moving target for when they patrol the 6x leveling grounds? Hell, I've been chased around by Deity many times between level 50 and where I am now. A level 60 vs a level 80 is not much different than a level 40 vs a level 65. So many lowbies think that just because they aren't to these areas yet that these other guilds don't random PK, lol. If you're QQing this early, please, just save yourself the pain and move to PvE. It (being randomly PKed with a significant level difference) becomes a bigger staple the higher leveled you get. This started when I was a guildless player and before I ever started going red named, so it is not justifiable as a guild vs guild KoS. There was also no personal KoS.
Random PK is a part of the game of course and is to be expected no matter what (it'd be boring without it), but my point here is that it's easy to point fingers at RQ for the way they present themselves and how many of them are on the PK list, but if you're going to discriminate on RQ for're blind as hell not to look at anyone else. There simply is not a guild on the map with 2+ lands that has never random PKed. Oh, and red named lowbies, you're idiots if you think no one is going to kill you just because you're a lowbie. If you PK, expect to be PKed.
Anyways, all that aside, LC has its drama and whatnot, but it's a pretty decent server overall. If you're curious about the drama, just read WC and you'll be allllll caught up in a few hours. Good luck restarting./Haiku/ -- Cognitive atrophy at its finest.
No longer the mistress of being ohko PK'd.0 -
Stickygreen - Heavens Tear wrote: »when did i QQ? dont be mad cause radiance is completely destroying you... roc is slowly falling apart because of us... thanks for the territory though
lol what? No one even left the guild. But if you consider that no one leaving the guild, you getting one of our territory, and RoC getting one of TE resulting 8 territories making our guild slowly dying then sure... (Even though in the end we still had the same territories) ...
Uh yeah. Guild dying f0 shoo.
www . rochq .net0 -
- Gets 1 shot daily that its almost too sad to be funny.
- Only dares to go out in a group but still gets rolled. Wins one out of 10 fights 10on1 and starts stroking his ego.
- Lives in a trailer and goes apesh1t over someone who spent more than him and whines like my ****.Killed lowbies? well I don't care it's a pvp server and he's pvping, his level is 71 so Deity won't find him @ level 90 areas where Deity PVEs
Worst excuse ever. I roam around the world map daily looking for fights. Can't find me? Utter Bullsh1t.The answer is simple... FB29. RQ players do a lot of FBs and when they pass through that place they pk. I don't think anyone would intentionally want to go pk at secret passage.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOO...From what I understand it (I don't attend so I don't know - you're welcome to show me a screenshot of me killing people in HT without being brought there to deal with high levels), RQ goes and PKs in HT to pull the highbie "friends" of the lowbies down there to fight. It's a lot easier to start a fight and make everyone come to you than it is to go around looking for a fight.
Another sad excuse from n0ob but gets pwned right in the face by Pandora's statement.0 -
Deity - Lost City wrote: »Worst excuse ever. I roam around the world map daily looking for fights. Can't find me? Utter Bullsh1t.
You mean you roll around swamps picking on lowbies all day, right? Thats not exactly a "fight".[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
(;゚ Д゚)ℳℴℯ❤0 -
Hong - Heavens Tear wrote: »lol what? No one even left the guild. But if you consider that no one leaving the guild, you getting one of our territory, and RoC getting one of TE resulting 8 territories making our guild slowly dying then sure... (Even though in the end we still had the same territories) ...
Uh yeah. Guild dying f0 shoo.
Please go back to Carebear Stare or whatever server you're from.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.0 -
Mixie - Lost City wrote: »You mean you roll around swamps picking on lowbies all day, right? Thats not exactly a "fight".
Butterflies, fish, 1k....
Name a place I don't go?
And of course I do give Swamp a nice warm welcome from time to time. Thats why I said I roam THE WORLD MAP.
Have you stayed in RQ for so long that you got infected by runtardation?0 -
Pandora - Lost City wrote: »Please go back to Carebear Stare or whatever server you're from.
y play so bad pandora[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
www . rochq .net0 -
.....KOS is KOS, but I guess i can't blame RQ since they can technically say "We KOS the whole server" when they want to kill lvl 30s. The only reason Shinzoko or Polter can kill lvl 60's is because of KOS. Honestly, the big guilds shouldn't even have 60's anymore, but some ppl always manage to find some.
As for getting laugh out of 1 shotting a newbie, it's less of a challange than killing a mob 20 levels lower...if they don't even talk back, it's no fun at all. Might as well kill your lvl ppl when you can actually do it, that's way more fun.0 -
lmao why is CQ a pure pve guild? CQ had 3 major guilds on the server on kos yet they fought that kos and is probably the strongest guild on LC right now.
Is it because CQ doesnt go and pkes every lowbie on the server focusing instead on their kos guilds... yeah i guess this makes u a pve (carebear) guild
I like this person. We're considered PvE because we have so many high levels I suppose. Too bad on the PvP ranking list we have more people on there than RQ. RQ - 10 people, CQ - 12. I think because we only kill KOS guilds our 12 people is much more of an achievement than your 10 because you can basically kill anyone you want.
Oh and RQ hardly "KOS the whole server" where they bid on the opposite side of the map of any threat to them and then basically got protected by BL who made a line across the whole map. Of course they hide in the protection of BL and even level under their protection now as well.
RQ tried to crash undines once, they got **** and used the excuse, "Wow since you guys brought two parties for our one we'll definitely come back". Just so you know, two parties can level at undines. Just leave the high level crashing to BL, you guys are still non-factors to us. Though I will say grats on beating GZ in TW, you surprised pretty much everyone. Beating a developed guild who has been together for a long time is different though.0 -
Deity - Lost City wrote: »n0ob:
- Gets 1 shot daily that its almost too sad to be funny.
- Only dares to go out in a group but still gets rolled. Wins one out of 10 fights 10on1 and starts stroking his ego.
- Lives in a trailer and goes apesh1t over someone who spent more than him and whines like my ****.
did you enjoy the 8.6k critical hit? 1 shot Deity ^^ got rolled at fishes by a BLT again tsk tsk.
The reason why I fight 10 vs 1 is because I have real players and friends who love to pk alongside with me. The main reason why I 10 vs 1 you is, I didn't BUY my friends with money b:thanks unlike you. CQ is nothing more than your lap dogs. That's why you get ganked zerged 5 vs 1 and 10 vs 1 and you get owned.
p.s. If you can't survive a 5 vs 1 you are a noob. b:shutup smart people run. RunQuick. Dumb asses die like Deity.Haiz - Lost City wrote: »QQ RQ, Blah blah blah QQ BLT blah blah blah QQQQQQQQ blah blah blah QQQQQQ blah blah blah...Haiz - Lost City wrote: »I went heaven for one reason and one reason alone and it's vigor
bye bye 1 shot who can't 1 shot, who will never be able to 1 shot anything.I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.
I'm a good flamer that's why i hide behind fake names
I cant achive anything ingame myself so i just come flame like im a bigshot b:angry0 -
Like how Deity got rolled as a sword class and rerolled axes. Too bad you can't re-roll a cultivation.
bye bye 1 shot who can't 1 shot, who will never be able to 1 shot anything.
I already had a very short conversation with Pandora about it, he stopped talking after one post. I like people who come for nothing but a senseless insult without anything actually backing it up.Pandora wrote:Heaven is just... ****. You do it for vigor but you don't even get that much vigor compared. Instead you lose the 50% bonus on earth barrier, you lose the casting speed bonusesHaiz wrote:Anyways to get back on topic, I really hope Pandora didn't say I lose 50% defense by going heaven, because if he did that means someone doesn't even know the full bonuses of heaven/hell. I only lose 30%, go do some more research since you actually have no experience in it. Casting speed bonus? Last time I checked stone rain casts faster with heaven.
I'd love for you to give me a reason as to why hell is better. You should stop being Pandora's little lap dog and come up with your own insults instead of joining the band wagon. Oh and seriously, re-look at heaven skills if you don't think a heaven mage can get a lot more vigor than a hell. I'm not talking about a minute cool down skill either. Then again, I hope no one else goes heaven mage, its just more skill books for me at a cheaper price.0 -
did you enjoy the 8.6k critical hit? 1 shot Deity ^^ got rolled at fishes by a BLT again tsk tsk.
Since you are so good at pulling numbers out of your ****. Here is one too. Did you enjoy the 60k dmg critical shot? 1 shot nooblet?The reason why I fight 10 vs 1 is because I have real players and friends who love to pk alongside with me. The main reason why I 10 vs 1 you is, I didn't BUY my friends with money b:thanks unlike you. CQ is nothing more than your lap dogs. That's why you get ganked zerged 5 vs 1 and 10 vs 1 and you get owned.
LOL. Saddest thing I have ever read.
I often look for 5on1 or 10on1 parties. READ: I seek them. Why? Because everyone who tries to solo me eats the dirt like a nooblet. Whats the fun when I can beat anyone anywhere? Thats right, I play around with gangs of nooblets. Fun times.p.s. If you can't survive a 5 vs 1 you are a noob. b:shutup smart people run. RunQuick. Dumb asses die like Deity.
Too bad the safezone is only so small. 2K people have ate the dirt under my axes and counting.....maybe you can move to HT so you can stop running and have tea parties instead.Like how Deity got rolled as a sword class and rerolled axes. Too bad you can't re-roll a cultivation.
bye bye 1 shot who can't 1 shot, who will never be able to 1 shot anything.
You are too right. except maybe i rolled 3 8x bl 3on1 while dealing 12k dmg to some nooblet? try again pl0x -
@Deity ROFL. Enjoy the tour of the swamps today? Srsly. Can't even 3 shot a 66 LA mage? Looks like your +10 axes were money well spent bro. Could've fed, clothed, and sheltered 200 Ugandian children with the money you spent on those axes, but instead you just wasted it (clearly for no reason, 25 levels below you, with all +0 gear. Wat?!)
@Mua Maybe if you spent as much time grinding your phoenix as you do QQing you wouldn't be hitting me for 230 bleeds IN THE AIR. You'd be fodder for me, one shot to my BT. SinnerZ just saved me the sparks, that's all.
@CQ Seriously though... that little fight outside of ADC was fun. Snapped your WBs like twigs. You'd think 2 7x WBs would be able to kill a 6x mage too... but I guess not. Ohwell, better luck next time."Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
@Deity ROFL. Enjoy the tour of the swamps today? Srsly. Can't even 3 shot a 66 LA mage? Looks like your +10 axes were money well spent bro. Could've fed, clothed, and sheltered 200 Ugandian children with the money you spent on those axes, but instead you just wasted it (clearly for no reason, 25 levels below you, with all +0 gear. Wat?!)
except two nooblet mg can't even tick someone who had low magical defence. 300 dmg per shot? LOOOOL..../uninstall please...0
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