Class Value



  • Saiena - Heavens Tear
    Saiena - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    lol, I have no personal problem with FACs, and Saiena, learn how to read between the lines.
    If you can't see the actual meaning before going off with the wrong assumptions, i don't know what to say.

    Anyways, FACs have their spot in the game, I know a few friends myself that have taken that route, surely it's main purpose is for pvp, but they do have the ability to join parties for HH/FBs/TWs, it's just the ones who say "me" when asked for a cleric/healer.

    There's an agreeable assumption within the game, pretty much a stereotype that when people ask for clerics for FBs/HHs/etc they mean they're in need of a healer.
    Every FAC I've seen that's said "me" to the cleric call been kicked out of squads, or has been ridiculously criticized at due to the fact the other players feel lied to. Everyone knows, the higher the level, the more valuable exp is, and when you get a FAC coming in to fill the role of a healer and reviving with lvl 1 or no purify or minimal buffs, it's very, very frustrating. Until higher levels, FACs aren't really that noticable.

    FACs should make it clear that they're an FAC, not a healer.

    Happy Friday~

    Ahh, see, now if you had written this post originally, I would've have taken offense. However, here is a crucial point: if you don't bother to make yourself clear in your original post, I won't bother to "read between the lines."

    Your original statement was an umbrella complaint that covered all "clerics" who don't have purify, revive 10. It wasn't obviously specific to, "clerics who pretend to be support clerics, but are actually FACs." If you had said, "Please, all Full Attack Clerics who pretend to be support clerics, stop it and save us all some time," I would agree entirely. Again, if your statement isn't clearly specific, I'm not going to add specifics that you may or may not have intended. That would also be rude. :)

    In any case, I agree with everyone that support clerics have the most "class value." It's just simply too bad that they're so expensive (and often thankless) to play. In my case, I fully intend to switch over to a full healer once I get to my 80s/90s. However, the way there is so long and annoying (I can't take long periods of grind) that I'd rather not depend on anyone else. Because of SP restraints, I'll be a FAC until then so that I can solo effectively without being at the whim of a party (or any others, period). I'll prefer this route even if my leveling is a lot slower.

    Also, volluto, I don't think Eliatron was talking mainly about money. Almost everyone agrees that clerics are extremely short of SP unless you do some very careful planning ahead of time. You sacrifice either attack power, or healing/support skills. Something has to give.
  • Naris - Heavens Tear
    Naris - Heavens Tear Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    What? Shouldn't that be magic armor?

    Clarification: light armor has more magical defense than physical defense (as compared to heavy armor).

    Level 1 Resurrection gives you no experience savings. When given a choice at a high level of being raised and spending a few hours grinding it back vs. a few days of grinding I'd definitely choose the former (and level 10 resurrection).

    You don't need level 10 purify, but each level of purify knocks off more of the cooldown time and gives you a much longer range. This is good for oh say, bosses that debuff you... and there are a ton of those level 60+. Having a level 1 purify or none at all isn't acceptable past level 60 if you intend to be of any use as a healer for bosses. If you want to be a DD and the party has an actual healer that's another story, but you should make sure all in your party knows that you can only supplement another healer.

    Clerics are always starved for SP and oftentimes gold, so you will have to make harder choices if you want to be full attack cleric. Support clerics do a poorer job solo, but I would be willing to wager they'll have a much better chance of getting parties to help them out. Likewise, if you're a full attack cleric you'll solo more effectively, and you'll need to solo more to level.
  • Cheaper - Heavens Tear
    Cheaper - Heavens Tear Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    im feeling useless
    omg im posting stuff.
  • Okami - Lost City
    Okami - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Don't see a problem with FACs. If there's a support cleric in the party, FACs will be far more useful than mages, archers and extra venos as a DD. They can dish out more damage and have the ability to act as a second healer.
  • Clickhere - Lost City
    Clickhere - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    b:shutup WoW U guys crying over WF vs EA vs MG?

    Veno is understimated cuz of their capability of solo and the quantity of ppl playing them. Yet they can pretty much do anything from PvE, to PK, to being critical important on TW as for brable/vigor infuse/debuff goes.

    EA/MG LOL do i even have to explain? Both main dmg. Archer best at bosses Mages better at cleaning stuff in AoE. Mages do more dmg but after a while crit rate from EAs overpower MGs if we are talking about single targets. As for PvP both can PK if they hit fisrt and on TW EAs = sniping key target while MG = just wipe out WB's catapults and heavy AoE on mobs.

    So which is the real piece of ****? BLADEMASTERS!!! They are not tanks, they are not ranged, they are not high DMG dealers, they are terribly weak againts about anyhting with magic and can't kill the WBs same lvl. And being honest, AoE stun for 6 seconds shouldn't be the only thing to consider a class is good. Personally i believe if you are a ranged class and you let a WR stun lock you it's your own fault for being nub. That's about all they can do ( If they don't miss)

    I got a WR myself and i hate it. LOL Only reason i made it my main was cuz of TW but nwo GMs ruined it for me as fly in TWs already implemented.

    EP>WB>Veno>EA/MG>BM b:bye
    Raven:"...Don't joke with my intelligence"b:laugh
  • Hm_volluto - Lost City
    Hm_volluto - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    @ ClickHere: whatever you're doing seems to be working since you guys are just ripping UnLimited apart.
  • Neoxtemplar - Lost City
    Neoxtemplar - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    EP>WB>Veno>EA/MG>BM b:bye

    ^I find that to be the most accurate statement so far.
    Veno's>EA and MG in parties because they can lure, no veno=mobbed to death/massive hp loss.

    BMs tanking is often disasterous unless the bm is 5 levels over the dders.
    ->A melee trying to keep aggro with damage is inefficient: either the dder's must gimp their damage or wait and prolong the boss killing time in a dungeon that already takes long enough to get through.

    As for DD, leave it to the EA, MG, and veno (great dd if pet is properly leveled).
    Also, ranged characters are better suited for DD since they can change targets and used silences/stuns faster than a BM can sprint over to the target.
    The ability to stay away from aoes also means less pressure on the clerics.

    As for FAC, they are great DDers but do NOT outdamage MG (elements+sutra) and EA (crits) and the matk buff is a party buff, which a support cleric usually has leveled as well.