Lots of DC's :(

Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Support Desk
For the 1st time since I joined the server I got dc'ed 2x in under a hour :(

Anyone else experiencing problems?

I can't even access the forums when it happens for a few mins i get:

You tried to access the address http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/forumdisplay.php?f=4, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the Web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.

Then mysteriousley 10min later everything works again. Note that other sites and messenger is unaffected.
Post edited by Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear on


  • Monarch - Lost City
    Monarch - Lost City Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Sounds like an isp issue. Very intermittent connectivity. Try rebooting your modem/router.
    It takes a big man to cry, but a bigger man to laugh at him.
    Guild: Outlaw
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yes as I said, all the other websites and IM applications are unaffected.

    Soo it sounds like a DNS/Routing problem to my country
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Issues like this may be related to varying connectivity strength. Due to some PAT/NAT implementations, Perfect World's client is more vulnerable to connectivity loss than most instant messenger programs are (or rather, tells you about the connection problems). If you're running over wireless, please consider switching to wired connections, or at least making sure that you do not have much that would generate interference between the router and your computer (microwaves, cordless phones).

    Can you provide us the text of a tracert?

    In Windows XP, go to Start->Run..., enter "cmd" in the white box and press enter, then type "tracert pwigc3.perfectworld.com" (without the quotes). To copy the result, right click in the black space of the command prompt, click Select All, and then press Enter on your keyboard. Come back here, open a Reply, and press CTRL and V simultaneously.

    In Windows Vista, it's mostly the same, but instead type cmd into the Start Search box to start.
  • Baifang - Heavens Tear
    Baifang - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    SmexxyFox, I'm experiencing exactly the same thing! I have been for just the last few days, and its definately something not happening to my fellow guildies in Europe and America.

    The situation is random, as I can be in game for a period of 1 hour to 5 hours, and then suddenly get the "dc from server" error. The strange thing is though, once I restart the launcher, it connects to the server to check itself, but the section on the right hand side of the launcher which shows the current messages and servers etc is blank/white and will not load. You can execute the game from the launcher, but it will not show the servers/pings on the "switch server section" and will simply time out. Exiting the launcher and restarting it does not solve the problem of it "not seeing" the servers. I have to go into task mananger, end the process tree for the launcher.exe and then run it again. Suddenly it will load everything correctly, see the servers, and allow me to safe log in.

    Please be aware throughout this whole time, I will be on Vent with my fellow guildies, as well as general browsing, and none of them are affected by this for me. I can run a continous TJping to thpwigc3 you have mentioned and get the usual ping responses. I will post the Tracert results tonight once I return home from work.

    This DC happened to me 5 times last night in a period of 4 hours of playing, and vent etc was unaffected during this entire time. Did not lose connectivety during the whole period either. It might help to say my location is South Africa, and I believe Smexxy [unless you have already shipped off mate :)] is in SA as well.
  • Ecclaire - Lost City
    Ecclaire - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I have had the same problem since around 6pm EST Sunday 10/19/2008
    I played the whole day not problems, then all of the sudden, intermittent big lag or disconnects.
  • Baifang - Heavens Tear
    Baifang - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    A small update to this: I have noticed my problems with lag at first, then dc's began when the server status in the "server switch" status showed from green to yellow.. exact terminology I cannot remember while at work, but "normal" versus "high" I believe.

    Can it be related perhaps to the higher load Heavens Tear server is currently under, as more people are joining?
  • Ifriday - Heavens Tear
    Ifriday - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I also have had this problem for the last few days. Baifang, I am in SA too, and my ISP (Imaginet) says all is well on their side and they have prioritised the IP range for PWI for my account, Telkom says my adsl line is working fine, I've done all the things I should to router/modem and firewalls and AV, and it still DCs me every 10/15 mins and sometimes more often. (which is extremely frustrating as I'm the only high level cleric in our group). Everything else remains functional - MSN, browser, Vent etc.

    I have a feeling there is ISP blocking or throttling going on here, but how the hell do you get anyone from Telkom to admit it :s
  • Baifang - Heavens Tear
    Baifang - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    (OT) Yay! Another SA person!

    Ive tested using a non dsl account, by connecting with GPRS and playing PW and although much slower and laggier, the dc still happens, but at a far lesser degree. I'm concerned to find out where the throttling is occuring, on our side or on the PWI side.

    I'd be keen to see if its only SA people posting with regular disconnect issues OR its a general issue.

    Ecclaire, if you dont mind, would you add your location to your post as well? :D
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    zomgwtf there are other ppl from SA?! Ifriday I have to friend you tonight when i get on!!

    Anyways update: Last night around 10:45+ everything seemed fine again. I played from around 11pm->midnight and went to bed. I suspect somewhere en route a ISP changed a router or something and it caused intermittant connection probs with us SA okes.
  • Moander - Heavens Tear
    Moander - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It's called 'Route to Host'..
    The admin above asked for tracert printouts from you guys, and no one has posted them yet.

    To the uninformed, when you are at your PC, playing PWI, your 'signal' may go through 25 computers on it's way to the PWI server you're on. if ONE of those machines is glitchy, it can grossly affect your connection/performance.

    I suggest you guys having this issue do as the moderator above suggested. Post those tracert printouts.

    If things have changed, and your performance is suddenly better, then all is well. Now you know, for the next time, what to do to see where the issue is.
  • Baifang - Heavens Tear
    Baifang - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The admin above asked for tracert printouts from you guys, and no one has posted them yet.

    I'm at work currently, the same I'm sure as Smexxy and Ifriday. As I stated in my first post:
    I will post the Tracert results tonight once I return home from work.
    If things have changed, and your performance is suddenly better, then all is well. Now you know, for the next time, what to do to see where the issue is.

    I'm sure you mean well. But seriously, we are not "the uninformed". Be at least civil when contributing mate. I posted my description including errors with the patch clients inbuilt web lookup function as an example towards a non hop-route related issue that be involved. My ping is never great, around 400-500ms, but at least stable and cooperative, until now. As I also stated, indications could be towards something server load related, or location related, as evidenced by my statement towards non south african users reporting if they are experiencing anything similiar.

    The only thing wrong with this thread is that it was posted here in general, and not in tech support. But I'm glad Smexxy did.
  • Ifriday - Heavens Tear
    Ifriday - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Well, tracert is all very well and good and has it's uses, and I did run quite a few to diff PWI IPs last night - and none of them got out of SA. So I dont think that posting the tracerts here will help one single bit. I did keep them on the off chance I actually get to deal with someone from Telkom. Oh, also we (in SA) go thru a lot more than 25 hops to get to PWI servers, Moander, mate.

    I don't think that people outside SA have any idea of the total monopoly that Telkom has on our telecommunications. It is the SOLE provider of national and international bandwith in the country (every ISP is simply a Telkom re-seller) - it OWNS YOU. It is the biggest fraud perpetrated by a government corporation on it's people in the history of telecommunications. I will not even go into the details of the horrendous levels of service, minimal bandwidth doled out to SA citizens (the FASTEST dsl connection they will provide to a home user is 4096kbps), and the stupid prices they charge. The only thing that will make me emmigrate is this ****. **gets off soap-box**

    I am willing to bet that we are dealing with throttling here - at least from the SA perspective. I get ping speed checks of about 300-400 for US East coast servers at the same time as I get the DCs from PW.

    Hey, Smexxy - would love to hear from you and Baifang ingame, I'm usually ingame from about 7pm our time - barring the current DCs :D
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If you're having specific connectivity problems you believe are related to your DNS provider, please try one of the world-available DNS servers, such as OpenDNS, if not blocked in your country.

    In practice, though, those are very unlikely to be the issue.
  • Baifang - Heavens Tear
    Baifang - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    1st Tracert: inititated with internet connection active, elementclient had not been started

    1 17 ms 17 ms 1 ms
    2 17 ms 18 ms 17 ms dsl-245-128-01.telkomadsl.co.za []
    3 14 ms 31 ms 17 ms
    4 33 ms 15 ms 32 ms
    5 64 ms 54 ms 52 ms
    6 41 ms 52 ms 49 ms
    7 345 ms 345 ms 345 ms lon-ip-dir-telecity-gig-4-0-1025.telkom-ipnet.co
    .za []
    8 471 ms 470 ms 442 ms vl340.mpd01.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com [
    9 529 ms 438 ms 461 ms opendns.demarc.cogentco.com []
    10 411 ms 408 ms 445 ms hit-nxdomain.opendns.com []

    Got a DC in game within 15mins of playing

    Tracert2 results

    Tracing route to pwigc3.perfectworld.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 17 ms 9 ms 18 ms
    2 31 ms 20 ms 13 ms dsl-245-128-01.telkomadsl.co.za []
    3 31 ms 31 ms 31 ms
    4 31 ms 30 ms 31 ms
    5 37 ms 56 ms 62 ms
    6 * * 62 ms
    7 421 ms 421 ms 406 ms
    8 468 ms 484 ms 577 ms so-3-0-1.ar1.DCA3.gblx.net []
    9 390 ms 406 ms 406 ms INTERNAP.te1-3.ar1.snv2.gblx.net [

    10 261 ms 276 ms 307 ms as-0.r20.osakjp01.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net [129.250.4
    11 421 ms 390 ms 406 ms as-2.r20.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [129.250.2
    12 406 ms 382 ms 383 ms po-3.r03.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [129.250.3
    13 359 ms 360 ms 404 ms xe-0.internap.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [129.
    14 406 ms 376 ms 404 ms border1.pc2-0-bbnet2.sje.pnap.net [66.151.144.

    15 * * * Request timed out.
    16 * * * Request timed out.
    17 * * * Request timed out.
    18 * * * Request timed out.
    19 * * * Request timed out.
    20 * * * Request timed out.
    21 * * * Request timed out.
    22 * * * Request timed out.
    23 * * * Request timed out.
    24 * * * Request timed out.
    25 * * * Request timed out.
    26 * * * Request timed out.
    27 * * * Request timed out.
    28 * * * Request timed out.
    29 * * * Request timed out.
    30 * * * Request timed out.

    trace complete.
  • Moander - Heavens Tear
    Moander - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm at work currently, the same I'm sure as Smexxy and Ifriday. As I stated in my first post:

    I'm sure you mean well. But seriously, we are not "the uninformed". Be at least civil when contributing mate. I posted my description including errors with the patch clients inbuilt web lookup function as an example towards a non hop-route related issue that be involved. My ping is never great, around 400-500ms, but at least stable and cooperative, until now. As I also stated, indications could be towards something server load related, or location related, as evidenced by my statement towards non south african users reporting if they are experiencing anything similiar.

    The only thing wrong with this thread is that it was posted here in general, and not in tech support. But I'm glad Smexxy did.

    You sound as if I'm attacking you or something... have you any clue how many people are uninformed about technical issues with net traffic? Take a poll sometime, and ask how many people even know about tracert.......
    So ask yourself, how many people are asking what tracert is reading this thread, who may be having the same issues... you know, the uninformed?

    Nothing was meant as an attack on you......

    Man, I hope they get Euro going, so oversensitive people like you go there instead.....enjoy your lag and DC's then.....
  • Baifang - Heavens Tear
    Baifang - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Thank you for clarifying your position Moaner. In that case, misunderstood and I apologise.

    There, done.

    Now, on with the troubleshooting and hopefully a light from a GM lantern soon.
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'd like to be clear that I'm not an administrator.

    There is a significant delay involved, which is not ideal, but 500ms should not be capable of dropping a connection on its own, baring other problems. Are you using a seperate router and modem?
  • Ifriday - Heavens Tear
    Ifriday - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I have exactly the same timeout point as you do Baifang, where it all goes dead:

    tracert to []
    14 475 ms 427 ms 431 ms border1.pc1-0-bbnet1.sje.pnap.net []
    15 * * * Request timed out.

    So where's the prob?

    I also DCed within 10 mins of logging in for the first time tonight, then subsequently again at the load screen after character selection and now thats as far as I get each time.

    Here's another one to []
    14 381 ms 381 ms 391 ms border1.pc1-0-bbnet1.sje.pnap.net []
    15 * * * Request timed out.
  • ominus
    ominus Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    its impossible to play like this /=
    im lagging 90% of the time... btw in the last month it never happaned to me
    here is the log u asked :

    C:\Documents and Settings\ofek>tracert pwigc3.perfectworld.com

    Tracing route to pwigc3.perfectworld.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 14 ms 12 ms 11 ms lo0.cab03.hfa.nv.net.il []
    2 13 ms 14 ms 13 ms vl201.coresw1.hfa.nv.net.il []
    3 12 ms 16 ms 13 ms ge0-0.gw2.hfa.nv.net.il []
    4 108 ms * 119 ms pos0-1-0.brdr2.lnd.nv.net.il []
    5 83 ms 90 ms 84 ms
    6 276 ms 244 ms 248 ms INTERNAP.te1-3.ar1.snv2.gblx.net [

    7 246 ms 238 ms 244 ms border1.pc2-0-bbnet2.sje.pnap.net [
    8 * * * Request timed out.
    9 * * * Request timed out.
    10 * * * Request timed out.
    11 * * * Request timed out.
    12 * * * Request timed out.
    13 * * * Request timed out.
    14 * * * Request timed out.
    15 * * * Request timed out.
    16 * * * Request timed out.
    17 * * * Request timed out.
    18 * * * Request timed out.
    19 * * * Request timed out.
    20 * * * Request timed out.
    21 * * * Request timed out.
    22 * * * Request timed out.
    23 * * * Request timed out.
    24 * * * Request timed out.
    25 * * * Request timed out.
    26 * * * Request timed out.
    27 * * * Request timed out.
    28 * * * Request timed out.
    29 * * * Request timed out.
    30 * * * Request timed out.
  • Twilyte - Heavens Tear
    Twilyte - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    In case it matters, I have a friend who lives in Florida that as of Sunday was d/c'ing out of nowhere. I looked up the ip address you all were timing out at and it resides in Georgia.

    Sounds like they might have a bad node there.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Im from ontario and i'm timing out from the same hop as everyone else
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The Dc's just started again, 11pm GMT+2.
    I've been playing since about 7pm and now suddenly at 11pm I'm getting DC'ed every 5-6 mins.
    Tracing route to pwigc3.perfectworld.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 31 ms 33 ms 30 ms dsl-146-44-01.telkomadsl.co.za []
    2 32 ms 31 ms 30 ms
    3 30 ms 33 ms 33 ms
    4 152 ms 162 ms 162 ms
    5 50 ms 52 ms 53 ms
    6 321 ms 321 ms 321 ms hkg-ip-dir-hongkong-pos-2-1.telkom-ipnet.co.za []
    7 386 ms 384 ms 382 ms
    8 366 ms 367 ms 368 ms
    9 376 ms 361 ms 363 ms as-0.r20.osakjp01.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net []
    10 364 ms 360 ms 362 ms as-2.r20.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []
    11 376 ms 366 ms 361 ms po-3.r03.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []
    12 361 ms 371 ms 371 ms xe-0.internap.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []
    13 355 ms 358 ms 365 ms border1.pc1-0-bbnet1.sje.pnap.net []
    14 * * * Request timed out.
    15 * * * Request timed out.
    16 * * * Request timed out.
    17 * * * Request timed out.
    18 * * * Request timed out.
    19 * * * Request timed out.
    20 * * * Request timed out.
    21 * * * Request timed out.
    22 * * * Request timed out.
    23 * * * Request timed out.

    *edit* I'm in game now, with almost no lag (200-300ms) and the tracert looks IDENTICAL to the one where I couldnt log in.

    Ps. at the dude with the really condacending tone in his posts, look man saying "the mod asked for a tracert and ur not giving it to him" is just unecc. We where at work and the problem is intermitant, so instead of wishing us away to the euro server why don't u try to be a little less condacending ur your posts.
  • Moander - Heavens Tear
    Moander - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    YOU posted originally yesterday, 11:26 am site time... per your post.
    Approx 2 hours later, the moderator asked for info... tracert included.
    The thread carried over to today, and until Baifang posted his tracert results, no one had done so, yet, others were posting about the same issue.

    So, what did I say wrong? I was stating a fact is all.....here's my EXACT sentence:
    "The admin above asked for tracert printouts from you guys, and no one has posted them yet."

    So, WHAT exactly is your problem? What exactly did I do to YOU? I was trying to help... this is my point.. there are TOO many over sensitive people in these forums...

    I guess, good luck with your lag and DC's? Have a good day? I figured out what your problem is? Buenas Suertes?
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Play nice guys. Sarcasm, and sometimes frustration at the computer doesn't translate well in text on a screen.

    No worries. We're trying to help you all get this figured out. Those that have submitted tickets, we have given you several options to try and see what happens. Please report back to us, or post on the forums what you find out, ok?

    Thanks! b:bye
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Smexxyfox, Moander, please keep the conversation regarding board etiquette to PMs. I'm grateful for the request to keep the conversation on topic regarding the Technical Issues and information necessary to solve such rather than anecdotal information, but let's keep the conversation to that. As DarthPanda16 points out, sarcasm doesn't travel well across the internet.

    Does your internal network have a seperate router and modem? If so, look through your modem's installation manual for information about Bridge mode, if it supports it.
  • Baifang - Heavens Tear
    Baifang - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    No worries. We're trying to help you all get this figured out. Those that have submitted tickets, we have given you several options to try and see what happens. Please report back to us, or post on the forums what you find out, ok?

    Much appreciated! :) Could a description for those options given to the ticket submissions be put here for the general users to see and test?
    Does your internal network have a seperate router and modem? If so, look through your modem's installation manual for information about Bridge mode, if it supports it.

    I use a separate service for my connection since I'm in housing provided by my contract with my employee. I use a service called Skyrove which essentially is a 512kb line shaped that is wireless. No direct access to the router or modem. I can point out that in any other online game I play, from HGL to Florensia to EVE, there are no DC's. I'm used to some lag as per the field of my connection, but its minimal in its effect of my MMO experience. The DC's do not seem lag related, as lag for me somewhat increases when I use my Guilds Vent server, and being in Vent or not in Vent has no effect on when the DC will happen.
  • Ifriday - Heavens Tear
    Ifriday - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Baifang: here is the ticket responses I got: {my responses in yellow}

    I wrote today:
    Hi there and thank you for the prompt response.

    OK, to answer a few of your queries (sorry for the wall of text, but there are a few points I would like to raise):

    >>Have you been able to play ok? According to your account you have played some today. How have your DC issues been?

    The DC issues are still there - from 7pm (CET) last night until about midnight (CET) I DCed constantly - I could not stay ingame more than 10 minutes. I think the servers don't recognize my DC and think I'm still ingame, hence your logs will show me ingame even though I am not. My guildies have been "escorting" my Char whenever I'm out of a safe zone since this problem began and one of them had to stay and guard my char for a considerable length of time on various occasions in the last few days - the server thinks I'm still there and my Char does not disappear. After midnight (CET) I managed to stay connected, with only two DCs, until about 3am (CET) when I DCed and finally decided to call it a night.
    >>looked at the traceroutes

    To be honest, as far as I'm concerned the tracerts are of limited usefulness, too many servers refuse ping responses these days for them to give any useful information. The INAP servers are refusing any ping responses within their server network (In any case, they provide the servers for PWI I think?). All my tracerts told me was that with a ping of 300-400 to the INAP server I should not be getting DCs like this.
    >>Some nodes along the network from your PC to our servers in Cali may throttle traffic from SA if their IP address are to close to other countries that do generate spam or malicious traffic. It could be some computers along the route won't prioritize traffic from your region. Or your ISP's reputation with other companies on a global scale has caused soem traffic/throttling things to be put into place.

    Here is a thought I had when looking at the tracerts... We (from SA) are being routed through Hong Kong and Osaka server nodes - could we be catching a backlash from the IP range blocks in place to prevent PW players from these regions accessing PWI servers?

    Another thing that makes me doubt your idea here is that I play other online games, the servers being US, UK and Europe based, and I have no problems with them at all at the moment (except the usual ping never being lower than 250 - 300)

    >>Your ISP may be throttling traffic. Contact them and let them know that these IP addresses/domains are safe.

    Already done. I have given them the IP ranges you provided. I do this for each online game I play when I install it. I spoke to them again about the PWI IPs on Monday. I also have an unshaped account, so I have no throttling for that reason either. They know from experience how frustrated I get when I can't play my games, poor sods! I also have had our Telkoms infrastructure provider check my line and they tell me its clear and functioning fine.
    >>You can try this website and see what speeds you get to the different cities listed.

    My pings and speeds are fine on this and some other test systems. 250-400 pings to both East and West coast US servers.

    I am on wired DSL access, I use a netgear router/modem hardwire connected to my PC. I have forwarded the port 29000 to the PW client and set permissions for PW on the router firewall. I have tried turning off all other firewalls and AV (also setting permissions within these for PW). I have tried using another user account on the PC as suggested on the forums. Not one of these actions have solved my problem, and I'm now at a loss as to what to do - and I don't want to stop playing PWI because of this!!!

    Once again, thank you for your prompt and friendly response. I hope we can find a solution to this.

    Kind regards

    --- On Wed, 22/10/08, PWE QA Team <techsupport@perfectworldinc.com> wrote:

    > From: PWE QA Team <techsupport@perfectworldinc.com>
    > Subject: Re: [PWE QA Team #GQZ-36235-223] Login :: Unable to remain logged in - constant DC
    > To: ****
    > Date: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 12:54 AM

    > Have you been able to play ok? According to your account you have played some today.
    > How have your DC issues been?
    > I've been researching your issues, and the forum users issues.
    > I read through the thread, and looked at the traceroutes. Wow.
    > It could be so many things causing that.
    > Some nodes along the network from your PC to our servers in Cali may throttle traffic from SA if their IP address are to close to other countries that do generate spam or malicious traffic. It could be some computers along the route won't prioritize traffic from your region. Or your ISP's reputation with other companies on a global scale has caused soem traffic/throttling things to be put into place.
    > Your ISP may be throttling traffic. Contact them and let them know that these IP addresses/domains are safe:
    > Website www.perfectworld.com
    > Sanctuary (PVE) pwigc2.perfectworld.com
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > Lost City (PVP) pwigc3.perfectworld.com
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > Heaven's Tear (PVE) pwigc4.perfectworld.com
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > 29000:
    > Patch Server http://pwipatch.perfectworld.com/patch/
    > You can try this website and see what speeds you get to the different cities listed:
    > http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/
    > You can also try installing and running this program here for tracing your traffic route to our servers (pick an IP address number from the list above)
    > http://www.visualroute.com/lite.html
    > It can help give you a visual view of where your net traffic is going and getting hung up at.
    > Let us know what you find out from your ISP, and/or if you come up with a solution.
    > We hope to see you more in-game!
    > -Perfect World Tech Support Team
    > www.perfectworld.com
    > http://support.perfectworld.com/
    > Our Forums: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/index.php
    > On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 13:01:46 -0700, "friday" <****> wrote:
    > > User: ****
    > > Subject: Unable to remain logged in - constant DC
    > > Problem: Login
    > > O/S: Windows Xp Sp3
    > > Server: Heavens Tear (PVE)
    > > Role: ****
    > > Date: 2008-10-18 12:59
    > > Phone: ****
    > > Name: ****
    > > Email: ****
    > >
    > > Message:
    > > Since Saturday 18 October I have had constant DC from the game servers, and now can mostly not get past the load screen after character selection.Please see the contents of this thread on PWI forums:http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=86131&page=2
    My tracert is there, together with others experiencing the same problem.I am located in South Africa. I have been playing without problems since the start of CB.Thank youFriday
  • Ifriday - Heavens Tear
    Ifriday - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Baifang and Smexxy:

    Could you please let me know which network your ISP connection is using - SIAX or IS? Call your ISP and ask them if you don't know.

    They have given me an IS test account to try tonight and see if it's specifically a SIAX routing problem or not.

    My ISP guys are going to log an official fault report with SIAX if the IS routing works - maybe you can ask your ISP to do the same. I'll let you know as soon as I have some results.

    Please help me to get this problem sorted, THANKS!

    Kind regards
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I use a router with builtin adsl modem. It does support bridge mode conenctions and I use a "unshaped" bridged conenction that I connect from windows like a "dialup".

    I'm on saix, back when I started playing mmo's IS had very little to offer in the unshaped section of the market.

    In general:
    This only happens late at night(from 10-11pm onwards) and I'm almost 110% sure its a local ISP issue. The whole reason why I made the thread was to see it its local/international. So from what we've seen sofar its just telkom being telkom and we'll just need to sit it out.
  • Zahara - Heavens Tear
    Zahara - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Sounds like an isp issue. Very intermittent connectivity. Try rebooting your modem/router.

    Ok totally off topic, but Monarch's signature quote deserves LoL KuDoS
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