Kill stealing / tagging



  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    As an archer, I don't consider running toward the mob claiming it. If the melee gets a hit in before my arrow hits, i'll cancel and back off. But if i mange to get my skill hit in first, i would consider that mob my. So far i only have 1 person accusing me of KSing. And thats during one of those warith events. And at those events, I'll target any mob with full health, even if its standing closer to the melee class. The distance between melee and mob does not in any form represent a "claim" on the mob.
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    if there are any intentional killstealers I don't get where's the benefit.

    1)if you really are capable of over 50% damage output over very short're good to go solo. why bother tagging?

    2) Ever tried to tag anybody through intense fighting without Squad? it takes lot of concentration. use the same concentration and add the 50%'ll be again better off your own

    3) You're too weak to battle nonstop and half dead prays are easier...well if it's already half dead you won't get the credit just help to kill for others. Neither can you steal items right away ("Unable to pick up" message) Again - pointless unless in squad.

    4) doesn't killstealer also have quests? some items are not dropped often. and killsteal won't always work- the first to engage may have charged up mana and get the job done before. Again lot of time gets invested into unnecessary messing around. but if you just mess around, you don't level...

    now to make it short- isn't intentional (not accidental) killstealing just too stupid to bother?
    you get nothing done faster or cheaper and you annoy others possibly forcing them to squad up and then your chances to get what you came there for are even more slim than before.

    Or am I missing the point here?
  • krystar
    krystar Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    acolyte wrote: »
    Thats what i had hoped for last time there was a thread about this, but they didnt change anything and thats why i thought **** melee and joined the range class!

    Just quit your melee class like i did and go range :)

    And to all the unmature lil kids from Lost **** server, people will just ignore all your lil comment's in the future!


    Hey dude...all yall chose to be on a server where you can't do anything about ks. So don't cry about people on lost city calling you carebears. I die a lot to people when I'm killing mobs and they attack me when I'm killing mobs and let me die TO the mobs which makes me lose xp. Until you deal with THAT situation it's kind of hard for me to care that your mobs are getting stolen...come to lost city where you can kill them.
  • Saiena - Heavens Tear
    Saiena - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    As an archer, I don't consider running toward the mob claiming it. If the melee gets a hit in before my arrow hits, i'll cancel and back off. But if i mange to get my skill hit in first, i would consider that mob my. So far i only have 1 person accusing me of KSing. And thats during one of those warith events. And at those events, I'll target any mob with full health, even if its standing closer to the melee class. The distance between melee and mob does not in any form represent a "claim" on the mob.

    As a cleric, I absolutely agree with this, but I would like to add something.

    I only ever take the above attitude when the mobs that I'm hunting are confined to a very, very small area, and it's the weekend on a busy server. In that case, I cancel when appropriate, and "compete" when appropriate. If I had stopped when every single melee started charging for a monster from far, far away when 3 other people were looking to kill the same mob, I would get nothing done. Sure, I win some and I lose just as many. And this means that I still have to wait a bit to get the new spawns, and have to spend a lot more effort looking around to make sure I don't miss a spawn close to me, but I suck it up and deal with it.

    I think a lot of people made a very, very good point when they said that 99% of the "ks'ers" aren't actually trying to KS. I've definitely winced a couple of times when I belatedly released that someone else got to my target before my plume shot finished charging, only to hit cancel half a second too late.

    And you have to think. ;) With those that scream, "KS!! Immature underage brat!," when it was only a simple, one-time mistake, wouldn't it be more truthful to say that those accusers are the more immature party in this for not understanding a simple mistake?

    Age doesn't necessarily mean maturity.
  • Daekara - Heavens Tear
    Daekara - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    As a cleric, I absolutely agree with this, but I would like to add something.

    I only ever take the above attitude when the mobs that I'm hunting are confined to a very, very small area, and it's the weekend on a busy server. In that case, I cancel when appropriate, and "compete" when appropriate. If I had stopped when every single melee started charging for a monster from far, far away when 3 other people were looking to kill the same mob, I would get nothing done. Sure, I win some and I lose just as many. And this means that I still have to wait a bit to get the new spawns, and have to spend a lot more effort looking around to make sure I don't miss a spawn close to me, but I suck it up and deal with it.

    I think a lot of people made a very, very good point when they said that 99% of the "ks'ers" aren't actually trying to KS. I've definitely winced a couple of times when I belatedly released that someone else got to my target before my plume shot finished charging, only to hit cancel half a second too late.

    And you have to think. ;) With those that scream, "KS!! Immature underage brat!," when it was only a simple, one-time mistake, wouldn't it be more truthful to say that those accusers are the more immature party in this for not understanding a simple mistake?

    Age doesn't necessarily mean maturity.

    Nicely put and totally true!
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    They've already taken reasonable measures to discourage KSing, whoever hits the mob first owns it, even if you're not the one who kills it you will still get the exp and the drop priority, anyone who kills it after you've hit it simply counts as an assist..... there is a time limit on kill priority, if you hit a mob and then don't attack it for a few seconds or go out of its range, the priority is reset and someone else can take it...... this system is perfectly fair and I really don't see what more they can do to discourage KSing(especially when 99% of the time it's completely accidental). Usually by the time someone realizes that someone else is attacking the mob first it's already too late to pull back becauase you're already in the middle of a skill, or have already unleashed your pet, and by the time you try to pull back the mob is already dead.
  • Sigr - Heavens Tear
    Sigr - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    t0yo wrote: »
    Hate to say "I told you so" ;D

    Hate to say, "no you didn't."
    Lament of a Hybrid Veno: Where oh where did my spirit go? b:sad

    I hate ranged mobs. b:angry

    I <3 my cactopod. b:pleased
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    From my experience, the very vast majority of all KS happens accidently. Two people are going to the same mob and attacking it. Nothing to get worried about. If I am attacking the same mob as someone else, I just cancel my attack and move somewhere else (or *gasp* ask the other person to party up).

    If you are with some idiot who does it on purpose - geez, the game is really large, just go somewhere else for a while. It's not worth getting grey hair over.
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    So far i only have 1 person accusing me of KSing. And thats during one of those warith events. And at those events, I'll target any mob with full health, even if its standing closer to the melee class. The distance between melee and mob does not in any form represent a "claim" on the mob.

    I feel that I get better drops from deserters in wraith events when I get clean kills. My drops when I am getting contested kills often seem rather dismal.

    But getting clean kills can be tricky:

    I do not attack when I press my attack button. I attack some time after I have pressed my attack button multiple times. Sometimes pressing my attack button twice works, but sometimes this does not work, and I do not find out right away if that worked or did not. And I can not easily stop attacking once I have started -- sometimes I can stop after one attack but sometimes I will do 2, 3 or maybe even four attacks before I can stop (I am not certain about four because most things that can survive that long are so dangerous that I rarely would want to stop attacking them). Sometimes several seconds will go by before I can stop attacking. So I can sometimes be killing something because I decided to attack that thing three or four seconds ago (sometimes longer).

    If I try to abort my attack before my first attack goes off, I can often do that, but if I try to stop after my attack animation has started (which will still be before my first attack), then I can easily wind up attacking several times before I can stop. This can really hurt when I am kiting (and can be avoided if I hold down my movement key before my skill goes off, or by creating special purpose combos).

    So, anyways, once I have started attacking a wraith deserter, stopping my attack before I have taken half of its health away will not always be possible, even when I feel I should. (Sometimes this is possible, and I do sometimes feel that I should not be attacking a deserter, and I do try to stop then. But I do not always succeed, and I hope that some other people will sometimes understand.)

    Also, if I have done too much damage to a monster, I often can not safely stop attacking, because if I do that monster will attack me, and archers have to rely on killing monsters to keep their health reasonably intact. So if I stop attacking because I think that that would be fair, or better for me, and I have mis-judged the situation, that can be awful for me.
  • Maciaveli - Lost City
    Maciaveli - Lost City Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Its getting way out of hand - I can see why there's so few melee classes left with all the ranged classes tagging mobs as you get near them. When you ask them to stop doing it politely they hurl abuse at you instead. Also the thing is you can think ah well and try to move to another area, but all the areas are full of ppl and doesn't matter what time you go there.

    Cant report hem or do anything about it which is gettign really frustrating and wil lbe the death of this game. It so full of rude,arrogant and obnoxious ppl - I am gussign they are kids and have not been taught to respect ppl.

    Please remove the way ppl get xp for taggign mobs or have it so that the first hit gets all the xp and not that others can attack it as well that are not in your group and get xp. Its really messign with the game and ppl will just quit in the end!! b:angryb:angry

    b:cry waaaaaaaaaaaaa.... No, the areas' aren't always taken. stop bitching(yes I'm ranged class) about people, ranged classes, stealing "your mobs", which you haven't even attacked first.
    Main Character: Nicolanis; 8x Venomancer - The Best No-Nix Robe User On Lost City(Not Much Competition There Though) b:victory

    Faction: Harvester b:shocked

    Current Reputation:- 50xx/200,000 Wearing Rank 4 Chest Armorb:dirty
  • Shiga - Sanctuary
    Shiga - Sanctuary Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    As a venomancer I have been KS'd and KS'd more times than I can count, I have only had 1 person get really upset about it (It was a wraith event), and only been really annoyed once (this archer and cleric that seemed convinced that if my pet had more than 1 on it, any that he wasn't currently attacking were free game, over and over).

    However I don't worry about it, in fact I find that throwing a bramble guard and keeping it on the other people in the area can change the atmosphere from a "me against you" mindset to a "lets all enjoy ourselves mindset" at least on my part. b:pleased
  • Ebini - Heavens Tear
    Ebini - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i can understand the ops anger n frustation and agree, with a previous post, about melee classes burning thru resources only to have somone 1 shot it , and claim hit xp n loot, what i would like to see in pw one day which would help this greatly, is something simiat to guild wars where in main ur organise ur group / squads for quest or anything and then go outside thru a doorway / portal type and have no one else around but u and ur squad or even when u solo mobs n such b:pleased
  • Daibar - Heavens Tear
    Daibar - Heavens Tear Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Barbs do get screwed a lot for kill steals, especially in crowded areas.

    Ks'ing doesn't really count in wraith attacks. Most of the time it's some super low level (or a barb) who takes a full minute to kill one at that level. In that time 3 could have spawned.

    For the most part, I agree with the 'too many people, not enough mobs' part. It is mostly an accident; some people need to just let it go, and stop wasting time complaining. Partying is the solution! If you want to solo, then you are paying the penalty. Everyone's not going to stop what they're doing so you can get your 20 kills. I've occasionally had people yell at me for 'not leaving any mobs for them' even though there was a vast expansive area where these mobs spawned. Not my problem that they're too lazy to look elsewhere. Nor am I inclined to team with someone who throws tantrums and blames me for their poor upbringing.

    On the rare occassion someone is deliberately griefing me, I just meditate and switch on my ds. They're gone after a minute.
  • Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear
    Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    My Advice: Play a Different Game. Huzzah.

    BTW, I've never had trouble on my Blademaster. Not once with KSing.
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • Deathsscion - Sanctuary
    Deathsscion - Sanctuary Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    To all the melee classes that complain about KSing just keep going. As you get to the higher level areas, except for certain mobs, you can find spots where you can grind/quest/farm and never see another person. On the topic of KSing the funniest and likely intentional ones are when I'm helping a lower level with bosses.
    E.g. I was helping a member from my faction kill a boss and a full squad shows up and trys to KS me. I had already done about 10-15% damage when they started and I just laughed at their attempt. It is not a very good idea to try to KS someone when they are significantly higher than you. It was Krixxix and she still got credit for it.
  • guacanagarix
    guacanagarix Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Its getting way out of hand - I can see why there's so few melee classes left with all the ranged classes tagging mobs as you get near them. When you ask them to stop doing it politely they hurl abuse at you instead. Also the thing is you can think ah well and try to move to another area, but all the areas are full of ppl and doesn't matter what time you go there.

    Cant report hem or do anything about it which is gettign really frustrating and wil lbe the death of this game. It so full of rude,arrogant and obnoxious ppl - I am gussign they are kids and have not been taught to respect ppl.

    Please remove the way ppl get xp for taggign mobs or have it so that the first hit gets all the xp and not that others can attack it as well that are not in your group and get xp. Its really messign with the game and ppl will just quit in the end!! b:angryb:angry

    I'm newbe.

    I actually did this by ignorance last weekend. I saw a player fighting a monster and I thought that I was helping him by giving him a hand (since he was running low). I was level 4 at the time.

    The guy got pretty upset, I could not understand why he was mad. The next day I understood the problem since I was doing a "solo" quest and I noticed if people helped me the kill does not count on the quest.

    I guess, all you can do is to tell people that you do not need the help.
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    im a lv 50 mage and nobody my level can really KS me unless they are lv 55+ but some venos and archers do it once in a while...

    sometimes it may look like KS but its not. for example some of my starting spells take 3+ seconds to cast so by the time you meles attack it i already casted aorund 2 seconds and it takes another one or two to hit. i just hate people bitching at being KSed when ive been fighting mobs around them for so long and its the first time i actually attacked the same mob they do.
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'm newbe.

    I actually did this by ignorance last weekend. I saw a player fighting a monster and I thought that I was helping him by giving him a hand (since he was running low). I was level 4 at the time.

    The guy got pretty upset, I could not understand why he was mad. The next day I understood the problem since I was doing a "solo" quest and I noticed if people helped me the kill does not count on the quest.

    I guess, all you can do is to tell people that you do not need the help.

    it really dosent matter unless u do more than half of the dmg or if you are in the equad.
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    To all the melee classes that complain about KSing just keep going. As you get to the higher level areas, except for certain mobs, you can find spots where you can grind/quest/farm and never see another person.

    True except where the expansion dropped a bunch of elite mobs or a world boss across most of the area where that particular mob you need spawns.
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'm quoting only one thing from the first page of this thread:
    I get the 'I didn't see you' ****, and more, when it's mostly BS.......
    Incorrect. It's not the ranged person's job to mark the locations of every melee character, any more than it's your job to look out for the ranged characters. Accidents happen. I don't know how many times I've charged up my first attack - and an archer's first attack is usually a slow and powerful one like take aim / deadly shot / etc. - and right as it goes off a BM runs onto my screen using cloud sprint, gets of an attack on the monster I was targeting, and then my shot hits. The monster then turns to me and I get accused of KSing because apparently I failed to use my awesome clairvoyance skill to predict the guy coming in to attack. >_>

    And oh man, do we ever catch hell in wraith army fights. I have a lv10 quickshot which I use to good effect in the lv40 fights (e.g. Angler's Village), and 2/3 of the time I get at least one person complaining that I'm KSing. No. It's KSing when you're clearly engaging the monster already and I deliberately outdamage you, not unless. Every time a monster spawns in one of those things at least 2 people move to attack it, so someone's going to be disappointed.

    And do archers make more money in those things? Sure we do. And then we have to buy a ton of potions and go herbing for an hour to support our remedy habit (or maybe that's just me), while the BMs and Barbs go grind and maybe tank bosses for money and the Venos go tame rare pets for hundreds of thousands of coins. >_> What I'm saying is, it all balances out, so stop whining.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    And, to restate a point I feel is important: if I attack a monster that someone else was attacking, and I stop attacking, that monster will not necessarily be considerate and attack whoever else was fighting. This can hurt.

    I very much prefer to stop attacking, when I feel I have attacked wrongly, but that does not mean that this would always be a good idea.