Kill stealing / tagging

Amunet - Heavens Tear
Amunet - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
edited January 2009 in General Discussion
Its getting way out of hand - I can see why there's so few melee classes left with all the ranged classes tagging mobs as you get near them. When you ask them to stop doing it politely they hurl abuse at you instead. Also the thing is you can think ah well and try to move to another area, but all the areas are full of ppl and doesn't matter what time you go there.

Cant report hem or do anything about it which is gettign really frustrating and wil lbe the death of this game. It so full of rude,arrogant and obnoxious ppl - I am gussign they are kids and have not been taught to respect ppl.

Please remove the way ppl get xp for taggign mobs or have it so that the first hit gets all the xp and not that others can attack it as well that are not in your group and get xp. Its really messign with the game and ppl will just quit in the end!! b:angryb:angry
Post edited by Amunet - Heavens Tear on


  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    inb4Carebear server

    But anyway, I doubt anything will be done. I'm sure this could be changed, probably through coding, but it would probably be a real hassle.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    You could just pk them.. oh wait

  • lillys
    lillys Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ks-ing really cant be avoided in those low-lvl areas where there is more people trying to quest than mobs. Since there is often no other area where you can get the same quest done. So if people dont wanna party you for the quest i suggest you start ks to or you have to stay there for hours to get all the kills.

    And btw, its actually pretty hard to ks in this game unless you do really good dmg. Its the person/party that does the most dmg to the mob that will get credit for the kill. Not first or last hit like in other games. So it doesnt really matter if some annoying veno sends her golem at the mob youre killing, if you did more than 50% dmg you still get credit for the kill and the loot is yours. The exp you get from the kill will be lower tho, since part of the dmg was made by another player ;/
  • Tsunamiex - Lost City
    Tsunamiex - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    You chose the PVE server.

    The magical Utopia where everyone gets along and no fighting is allowed.
  • Rosewhite - Sanctuary
    Rosewhite - Sanctuary Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm sorry to say this, but I have two things i need to say.

    1. Ks-ing happens so you can either get upset about it or you can just get over it. I'm one of those "annoying venos" as was previously stated and it urks me when my pet and I start killing a monster and some person comes out of no where and starts killing the same monsters. But I'm not going to curse someone out and throw a big fit about it, I just calmly move on to the next monster if it happens again, I usually will go do a different quest until I can get back to it.

    2. Any post that you make about ks-ing will pretty much be laughed at by anyone who is on Lost City so it's really not worth it to post it here. You'll either be called a carebear (which is a really mature response btw) or someone will use sarcatism (which is even more mature).
    I'm just a vagabond with flowers for Algernon...
  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Honestly, though I am still 'low level,' the only time I ever had a KS issue, I just simply grouped with as many people as possible in the area. That solves the problem in two ways: you're now competing with less people for kills, and as a group, you will do more damage and claim more mobs overall. Most of the time, it is a friendly experience, too, and everyone's working toward the same goal.

    I think when people think they are being KSed, they really aren't. The biggest gap is between the ranged vs. melee, as stated before, but I think there is more to it. Casters have channel times, and may have targeted a certain mob before someone else. Melee have the time it takes to actually run to the mob.

    Either way, there is a delay in targeting the mob vs. actually hitting the mob first. During that delay, it is difficult to tell if someone else has targeted it, or if they are fighting something else nearby. In close quarters with tight groups of mobs, this gets really confusing and a verbal war can break out over simple misunderstandings.

    There are clear instances where someone is deliberately KSing, sometimes randomly, sometimes picking on someone specific (object of bullying, or whatever). This happened to me only once, and I simply persevered by outsmarting the guy. I (being melee), would spot an area with two mobs near each other of a kind I needed to kill for a quest. I would then start running toward one and keep an eye on the KSer. Once I saw him casting on that one, I immediately changed direction to get the other mob instead. I would usually do enough damage quickly enough before he could change targets and get the kill. I did that a few times before he just gave up and wondered off to find easier prey (I assume).

    Another option is to simply go for a different quest and leave the area altogether. As far as I know, when you teleport to a different town, unless you're on their friend's list, they can't tell where you went. Staying and whining will only fuel their motivation to KS. They don't do it for the coin or the XP, they do it to grief. Don't feed their griefing, and they will starve and move on.
  • Luxveritan - Heavens Tear
    Luxveritan - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    As noted, I think the kill system is very fair, as if you do more than 50% of the damage you get the credit for the kill and loot. The shared experience is fine as it took you less time to kill that mob. Also, in my experience people have been very friendly and helpful in game, with many helping me on quests I needed that they didn't, and many gladly sharing drops that I needed for no money. I act accordingly, and have had a pleasant experience. I don't know, it sounds like we are playing 2 different games from the way you described. Don't forget that as a veno, my attack takes 1-2 seconds to charge, so I may appear to KS though I may have targeted the mob the same time as you.
  • Moander - Heavens Tear
    Moander - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    lillys wrote: »
    Ks-ing really cant be avoided in those low-lvl areas where there is more people trying to quest than mobs. Since there is often no other area where you can get the same quest done. So if people dont wanna party you for the quest i suggest you start ks to or you have to stay there for hours to get all the kills.

    And btw, its actually pretty hard to ks in this game unless you do really good dmg. Its the person/party that does the most dmg to the mob that will get credit for the kill. Not first or last hit like in other games. So it doesnt really matter if some annoying veno sends her golem at the mob youre killing, if you did more than 50% dmg you still get credit for the kill and the loot is yours. The exp you get from the kill will be lower tho, since part of the dmg was made by another player ;/

    THIS ^ is incorrect. The Op is obviously a melee class, and I know exactly what he's referring to.
    Melee players get hosed on KS'ing more than any other class....When we hit a mob, we do maybe 10%-25% on a mob, where ranged can easily 1-shot the 50% damage needed to 'claim' the mob.

    Just to see, I made a Veno. Yeah, can KS at will, and get most she sets out for.

    Melee just needs more time to get over the damage peak, and it totally sucks to have someone 1-shot that mob away after we burn up resources to get as far into the mob as we did before we wave good bye to it.

    When I confront people, I get 'I hit the mob first' - my response: 'I guess the mobs come pre-damaged now'.

    I get the 'I didn't see you' ****, and more, when it's mostly BS.......

    The PVP people who post Carebear posts in a thread about a PVE issue can DIAF as far as I'm concerned.
  • acolyte
    acolyte Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Thats what i had hoped for last time there was a thread about this, but they didnt change anything and thats why i thought **** melee and joined the range class!

    Just quit your melee class like i did and go range :)

    And to all the unmature lil kids from Lost **** server, people will just ignore all your lil comment's in the future!

    This game is getting more & more Hostility each day.

  • Amunet - Heavens Tear
    Amunet - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ya thats what I have done- stopped playing my melee class and made a Wizard :) would of made a Veno but theres like a million of them allready, PWI's version of the wow hunter :P
  • mizerable
    mizerable Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    When I confront people, I get 'I hit the mob first' - my response: 'I guess the mobs come pre-damaged now'.

    I get the 'I didn't see you' ****, and more, when it's mostly BS.......

    LOL it's BS when someone claims they didn't see you? Obviously you have never heard of the option to show/hide players out of range. I can stand far enough back with the option to hide them and not see a melee character until the last second, then it's too late, I've already fired.

    I've had it happen to me as well with another ranged player. Does it bother me? Yes, a little bit, but I don't get all angry and start flaming people, I simply move on to the next. If it becomes a huge problem then perhaps the easier way would be to ask to party up until you've finished your quest.

    I also think just giving up and switching to a ranged class out of frustration is the easy way out. If melee is what you prefer, then stick with it. I'd rather work hard to build up my character than to give it up part of the way because I got mad that things didn't go my way.
  • acolyte
    acolyte Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    mizerable wrote: »
    I also think just giving up and switching to a ranged class out of frustration is the easy way out. If melee is what you prefer, then stick with it. I'd rather work hard to build up my character than to give it up part of the way because I got mad that things didn't go my way.

    Then go make a barb, and then "suck" it up like you say b:laugh You shall soon learn that it will take you much much longer to gain level than if you have been a caster!

    Good luck, im done talking about this for now lol since im a caster/range class ;)

    This game is getting more & more Hostility each day.

  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    making threads about KS on the forums might make you sleep better at night but honestly - no one cares!

    @all of lost city, no you cant just pk somone cos your name goes red and then they get 4 friends to kill you and ur worse off than u started, so refrain from brainless comments on how your server is better.

    @op, Your question has arlready been asnwerd, if you are to much of a antisocial *insert badwords* to want to party with anyone and insist on kiling all the mobs alone then you deserve the KS'ing! There are 1000's of ppl on the server you are just one, try to get along and party or get lost.
  • Fierydevil - Lost City
    Fierydevil - Lost City Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    First ppl run from PVP servers, now they complain about KS?

    There are some off-line single-player games that will suit better this kind of players.
    This is a warning b:victory
  • icebreath
    icebreath Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    @op, if you are to much of a antisocial *insert badwords* to want to party with anyone and insist on kiling all the mobs alone then you deserve the KS'ing! There are 1000's of ppl on the server you are just one, try to get along and party or get lost.

    oh yea? and why is that?

    Since when cant a player post how he feels about other people stealing his kills?

    You reply like that and says he is antisocial? lol how bout you grow up? get some higher IQ?

    Its players like this we can live without!

    To OP, its sad that so many lil anoying kids have no respect for other players!

    Wish they made a rule about KSing.
  • icebreath
    icebreath Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    First ppl run from PVP servers, now they complain about KS?

    There are some off-line single-player games that will suit better this kind of players.

    WOW, sweet another lil kid troll from lost server found his way to forums!

    OP is doing nothing wrong with this post and he has every right to make one!

    And people has every right to post how they feel about the TOPIC and not about the poster!!
  • Suroboru - Heavens Tear
    Suroboru - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i think the current system is 'whoever hit it first', and that makes total sense i think.

    u just have to get in there faster i guess. but don't say "it will be the death of the game"

    i was waiting for this to start, lol. whoever reads this post:- watch the forums. they will begin to fill with people complaining about things they dont like and all of them will claim 'everyones mad about this' or 'its killing the whole game' or 'me and all my friends are leaving now and soon everyone else will'

    mark my words ! XD
    IGN: Suroboru
    SVR: Heaven's Tear
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i think the current system is 'whoever hit it first', and that makes total sense i think.

    u just have to get in there faster i guess. but don't say "it will be the death of the game"

    i was waiting for this to start, lol. whoever reads this post:- watch the forums. they will begin to fill with people complaining about things they dont like and all of them will claim 'everyones mad about this' or 'its killing the whole game' or 'me and all my friends are leaving now and soon everyone else will'

    mark my words ! XD

    It's an established fact that whoever does the most dmg gets the kill, not whoever hit it first.

    @OP: As you can see I'm a caster, and the only point you made that I disagree with is the "They don't see you is BS" point. When I'm on a quest I get tunnel visions. I try to kill as fast as possible, complete the quest as fast as possible. I don't constantly look around to check if a melee looks at the mob I'm about to attack.

    I hate KS-ing, I try not to as much as possible but I have an example for you that might get you to see it from another POV.

    I was on my veno earlier, I had a candle quest. There weren't many players there, it was relaxed. Now, this might not be common but I do not send my pet ahead, it starts moving to a mob when I start casting, more often than not my cast hits it shortly before my pet reaches the mob.

    When I start to cast - you might not see it. You start running towards the mob and BAM! the veno over there just hit "YOUR" mob, that wasn't really yours because you were not even close to it when I started casting and you JUST reached it when my channeling was over...
  • roman6
    roman6 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    your awesome man...Good LUCKKKK with bloodlust...
  • Deathhowl - Heavens Tear
    Deathhowl - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Here's what usually happens with me as a barb.
    Barbs don't really have ranged skills, and their damage output is much lower than other classes (since they're tanks and not expected to do damage).

    i see a mob , start running towards it.
    Archer shoots the mob while i'm 2 feet away and OBVIOUSLY heading for it.
    Then Archer accuses me of attempting to KS (attempting since obviously, he hits it first, and does more damage, so i never get the kill).
    Different Scenario
    I see a mob, start running towards it.
    Venomancer from behind me sends pet in while i'm running towards the mob, pet runs much faster than i do... then suddenly pet attacks mob, and i'm the one attempting to Ks it.
    Different scenario
    I actually DO get to the mob before someone screws me over, and start attacking it, i get aggro... suddenly a venomancer or squad, freaking all but one shot the mob. they get credited, i don't.

    yeah, that's how it works.
    usually i just squad with other people doing the quest, but it DOES get very annoying.

    and you know what... those players can kiss my tushie when they need a tank for future fb's.
  • Aqualayer - Sanctuary
    Aqualayer - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    People do not normally attack the same monsters which I do after I have started to attack them.

    Sometimes though, I send my pet towards a monster and there could be another person which comes out from my view and starts to run towards the monster as well.
    So I will normally just click on the stop button to stop my monster from moving so that the other player can get the monster.

    The same goes for if a magic attack from another player hits a monster first and then my pet only just starts attacking.
    I press the stop icon and then the follow icon so that my pet comes back to me.
  • temptations
    temptations Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    AS 40 Barb i given up the ghost on KSers, all screaming, shouting, abuse that goes on over a ranged more powerful, more distance class on a mob before myself, well what can i say enouge is enouge i quit tanking, which is something i do like.

    Now before the QQ carebares more etc come out, yes we all relise.

    Mobs do not belong to no one till its dead, fair enouge same as nodes ur names are not on it so u cannot really complain.

    Ranged ppl are no skill, just want play dont care ppl (normally under 25 yrs old).
    Ranged get least amout of LF (Insert ranged class here)
    Then ther is also the damage clerics who expect all groups and loot but cannot heal FTL then will run off QQing.

    Come TW,FB,World boss oh where are all the tanks QQ we need tanks,
    well to that i say rember that tank u KS from for 10 lvls well they got pissed and rerolled, it is your fault for Ksing from non ranged u deserve to not have tanks for ur abuse again.

    I hear you saying well move to quite area, well ther are no quite areas, as games gets more populated even less space for non ranged even more frustration even more ppl dropping tanks.

    Tanking is a skill and art form many cannot graps it, if u do well u have lots of repsect gear choioces and paitence, aswell as my respect.
    Hence i see tanker going for mobs i leave well alone they deserve it just as much as you do as ranged and @ least they have guts to tank and not just be pew pew 3 shot move on.

    SO i say nxt time you see tanking class go towards a mob wait a min ,if they hit what u have in ur sight let them be u can move faster (mobs t mob) ,kill faster, GIVE us tankers a chance or one day u may find that you will be tanking and not enjoying the game as a pew pew wizard archer and haveing to spec a heavy armour spec . meaning low pew pew with gems gear skills to give u HP to tank but zero fun.

    OR just get programmers to write the code (wow style) where 1st hit tags it , mob greys out it belongs to 1st hitter, this is alway an isssues the more game programmers notice and relise this then the faster we get the 1st come 1st serverd rule on mobs.

    SAVE US TANKS hold ingame sit down protest in Arch for 2 days, zero tanks,zero help,zero bosses downed etc its only way u get this problem noticed as they did in WoW.
  • Poison - Heavens Tear
    Poison - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,444 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I, a veno agree with the tanks. Mistakes do happen occasionally with so many people in a tiny area but more than once is intentional. Myself, if I see a melee class running for the mob my spell is charging up to hit and my pet is running for, I'll escape out of the spell and call off the pet. I'm just surprised there's not near as many people who are willing to party for the mobs like happened in the MY version. I'm constantly asking if people want to party to avoid potential KSing and make it easier for us to finish the quest but get very few people even bother to reply. In MY I didn't even need to ask, if someone was in the area and saw me kill something they were after, they would just party me.
  • Drtmaverick - Sanctuary
    Drtmaverick - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I see people getting mad over single accidental KSing all the time. I think we should come to an agreement that if someone kills one of your creatures, apologizes and runs the other way to find a monster that's not being attacked, and doesn't continually persue to kill the monsters you are hunting, is just a normal thing that's going to happens in the game, it doesn't technically make someone a KSer just because the two of you attacked the same monster.

    I think what defines an actual KSer compared to these little incidents people are throwing hissy fits are that KSers actually target weakened monsters and do it in consecutive attacks. If someone's out on the field hunting monsters and then after 3-4 minutes somehow the two of you run into each other, that's just something that will happen.

    Honestly true KSing isn't much of an issue as far as I'm concerned - you should complain about the size of the world and areas the monsters are located rather than people 'KSing'. I find that too loose of a term.
  • sanai01
    sanai01 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I see people getting mad over single accidental KSing all the time. I think we should come to an agreement that if someone kills one of your creatures, apologizes and runs the other way to find a monster that's not being attacked, and doesn't continually persue to kill the monsters you are hunting, is just a normal thing that's going to happens in the game, it doesn't technically make someone a KSer just because the two of you attacked the same monster.

    I think what defines an actual KSer compared to these little incidents people are throwing hissy fits are that KSers actually target weakened monsters and do it in consecutive attacks. If someone's out on the field hunting monsters and then after 3-4 minutes somehow the two of you run into each other, that's just something that will happen.

    Honestly true KSing isn't much of an issue as far as I'm concerned - you should complain about the size of the world and areas the monsters are located rather than people 'KSing'. I find that too loose of a term.

    That's a very good observation. I guess potheads do have a lot of common sense, isn't that right maverick?

    Love. Love. Love. I'm a trigger hippie.
  • Tvali - Lost City
    Tvali - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm amused at the multiple times people have called other people "lil kids" on this forum. XD

    Amused....and a bit disturbed.

    Tvali - Director of the wonderful guild Epitaph.
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I still don't get it, if u get ks'ed just party the ranged class and live happily ever after.

    I see a lot of tanks going "We hate range clases and we refuse to tank" But here is the reality, you(tanks) depend on the range clases(clerics, venos) just as much as they depend on you.

    I for one have a particularly bad connection with 1-2sec lag sometimes and its not always possible for me to cancel casts. It really annoys me further when im trying to apologize and party the poor guy I ks'ed by accident, but before i finish typing i receive a torrent of cussing and "ima report yoo noob f******". Everyone seems to have his own agenda of hating on everyone else and trying to do it all alone.

    Where is the love???????????
  • Eislynn - Sanctuary
    Eislynn - Sanctuary Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm an archer, and I tend to solo most of the time. I have accidently KS'ed someone, it was just on pure accident, and I do apologize if they're close enough. The only thing that is that as soon as I begin casting my archer skill, and I see someone take a monster I was casting on, I just try to call it off as quickly as I can and just grumble about wasting my arrows and move on. It's annoying, but hey, it's always gonna happen in any MMORPG with casters/ranged and melee.

    I honestly don't get why so many people get so angry about KS. If there's someone doing it on purpose (IE, following your behind and going after whatever you're going after), just report them for harassment or outsmart them somehow. If it was accidential, then just go "oh wells" and move on. It's not THAT hard to do.

    (And btw, I AM 25 years old and I play an archer class. OMG!)
    A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity. -Robert Frost
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hate to say "I told you so" ;D
  • Onishi - Heavens Tear
    Onishi - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Personally I usually solve all problems myself, particularly one's I'm not even in. Quite a few times I walk into an area and there's 2 people arguing "WTF STOP KILLSTEALING ME".
    I invite one to party, invite the other to party, fly overhead and AFK. 2 minutes later all 3 of us are down with the quest 8P.

    (just kidding on the afk part, I usually fly back and forth between the 2 healing and buffing)