Game kinda dies at 40+ doesn't it?



  • darkbeowulf
    darkbeowulf Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    im still new to the game but collecting limestones early in the game is very helpful they drop alot in the newbie area were im at and they sell for 120 gold each and getting 99 of em takes less then a hour so
    120x99=11880 so in less then a hour you made almost 12K gold and im only lvl 7 now and i have around 60k gold so i think for a newb im doing fairly well :p
    Darkness Arise and Darkness Fall.
    Stary Night And Cloudy Sky.
    Evil Will Never Stop.
  • Sevendust - Lost City
    Sevendust - Lost City Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I believe at one point in time (like 2 days ago) I was the richest man in PWE. I hade about 3.2 million coins but then I bought a horse and condiments for my character. Im still sittin on about 600k though.

    I did buy 70 bucks worhth of zen and spent it on stuff. I encourage everyone to buy some Zen at least one time. It will give you the boost in money you need. 10 bucks can go a long way.

    Besides its only ten bucks.
  • Ren - Lost City
    Ren - Lost City Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I believe at one point in time (like 2 days ago) I was the richest man in PWE. I hade about 3.2 million coins but then I bought a horse and condiments for my character. Im still sittin on about 600k though.

    I did buy 70 bucks worhth of zen and spent it on stuff. I encourage everyone to buy some Zen at least one time. It will give you the boost in money you need. 10 bucks can go a long way.

    Besides its only ten bucks.

    It will attach people to game, and tell PWE that their marketing tactics work on us because we don't understand economy.
    No thanks... I'll buy gold ingame while it's practically free, then I'll quit when it's expensive and I run out.

    Or sooner. All my friends left or refused to play in the first place. And guild members aren't happy either.

    Zoe is so full of it, that he must be Karmelia.
  • shadowanti
    shadowanti Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hm well i find making money in this game easyit depends where you chose how and what you sell and getting ideas from friends.
    This is where ill start
    1. At about level 10-15 i had 10-20k at all times i picked up everything coins potions anything and sold to do this
    2. At level 16-20 i went to all raids i could as a veno i couldnt do much at many events at that level but whatever i saw laying around coins potions crud equips were somthing so i looted(Trying not to take what som1 wanted)
    3.level 21-30 i found grinding and questing good exp depending and what i felt i could kill and doing DQ a bit earned a bit of EXP also while grinding i got alot of DQ i saved those til i went to town mostly NPCing altho NPC dont give you what you want for an item they dont require time to sell somthing giving you time to get more
    4.30+ I currently lvl 35 finding this game still fun countless hours grinding CAN be boring but as a member of the Dragons faction i find at times i can talk at the same time at times not noticing my EXP i found that DQ is still a good source of money depending on what you want to kill depends on what you make at level 27 i had killed level 40s for a while This being somewhat easy do to being a Venomancer altho i have not reached level 40 i know what to expect my suggestions for a few things are
    ~1.FB19 for exp,altho this takes a while and is not my suggested method it can turn out its share of EXP and if your lucky you can get a few good items
    ~2.Try killing somthing around your level with decent drops and a decent drop rate it seems that people have found money killing multiple things get a decent faction to find these areas
    ~3.ask around see how people make theyre money this has been the best way for me a Venomancer you have the ability to tame at level 7 and catching rares while time consuming can be a source of money
    Tameable rares
    ~Frog *Currently Unknown for me*~
    ~Kitten Level 20~
    ~Snow Hare Level 20~
    ~Shaoda Cub*Bear Cub* Level 20~
    ~Level 30 Flying Piglet~
    ~Level 40 Pup*Dog*~

    there are others but im unsure about names/levels~I did not list locations or Coords because this may ruin economy of these rares and many have spent countless hours getting theirs
    Altho this may not turn out the desired amount of money it can give enough to sustain more questing altho at sometimes you may not have a quest i also find it a good time consumer when talking to friends as it doesnt require as much loyalty as grinding

    Questing can be a source of equiment but lets face it we dont know whats good and whats bad somtimes i find my rank equips useful enough at level 35 i also have equips i find at raids and more if you do not have the reputation for a rank you have 3 options quest or go to raids for Dog tags theres also doing fb with the chance of getting darkness stamps for rep
    i find questing the main source for rep
    Crafting equipment can turn good items or create a fail and make you lose money

    ~Sustaining money~
    Altho it is hard to afford potions you do have a few choices
    Pick up ALL potions no matter the heal rate as they can help
    Get a Cleric(Altho a less likely way it can be effective)
    Charms~Expensive but useful
    Finaly you have somthing that seems unlikely
    Buying Less potions and spending less on equips altho this is extreme try to go by stats not looks as i have not seen som1 seduce a monster to stop attacking if you care about looks try cash shop or having a set for walking around

    Altho i have probably made many typos in this i hope it can help
    This may be useless to many but it can help

    ~DemonWings 35 Veno~
    ~Heavens Tear PvE~
    ~If you want you may add me i do prefer a Whisper or squad Invite to know who you are first :p
  • shadowanti
    shadowanti Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Wow im slow everything i typed ther e took me near an hour :eek:
  • Kyou - Heavens Tear
    Kyou - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Are you all... 9? :confused:

    Play if you want to, if you don't like it, go play something else.
    Bitching won't help you even if you think it will.
    Move on, nothing to see here, right?
  • timmsen
    timmsen Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    nope, you failed.

    This man speaks the truth.
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Are you all... 9? :confused:

    Play if you want to, if you don't like it, go play something else.
    Bitching won't help you even if you think it will.
    Move on, nothing to see here, right?

    I was actually wondering the same. Some people speak with such venom about the game I wonder why they spend time on it at all.
  • pabling
    pabling Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    actually the game becomes interesting at 40-60 (70+,now there's where it became boring)..cause it's becoming harder and harder..
  • Wave - Heavens Tear
    Wave - Heavens Tear Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well in every MMO ther r winers that wine for every small thing that they cant pass in game, there r stuborn ppl who dont mind hardness of game and its fun for them......

    now most of ppl in between of that....simpleit is somany games today to play, so if u dont like, dont play......

    i find PW best MMO i played so far...better then WoW...

    i ike PW as game spended few $ so far and will prolly spend more in future(still hoping they gave more zen for $)

    And yes boing in guild with freinds realyl gives major boost....not a single boring moment....well for me..
    Elysium Guild "Let the fun begin" :cool:
  • supefly
    supefly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    no its not die at 40, just there less quest todo,
    this stage ustart learn grind in teams, after 59 culti doom something called Zen aoe pt (can possible do it before but just after this culti iknow preist has aoe cureing ball) , or something, But its good for people maybe is 20 to catch up those who is 60 take longtime get 70 even longer after 70, Just like many say join FB so often ucan GM maybe do someday lvl Event rate goes x2 but that there own choise but maybe not impossible. just play game in ur speed dont race don try be highest lvl in game resualt will end be boring.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    There is SO much to do, and places to go in this game, even at level 90+

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  • Daoso - Heavens Tear
    Daoso - Heavens Tear Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    If your having trouble buying potions, make some pharmacy pots. The ones that give 50 or 100 HP/MP a second. The good thing about those pots is that they last 10 minutes.
  • Paige - Lost City
    Paige - Lost City Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Actually 40+ is when the game gets good, but at 60+ it gets way better. My suggestion is get in a good guild, that may help the cash flow issue.

    i agree :D

    pking gets way better in the 60's
    most ppl dont like grinding cuz it takes a long time, but if u play most mmo's, lets say like.. runescape.... in that game, is alllll grinding
    grinding is fairly good money 2 =]
    glad to be back =D
  • lcnhitter
    lcnhitter Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Kinda funny how peeps can flame the game cause they can't make coin. I personally am lv29 almost 30 and have had over 160k more than once. I'm currently at around 65k after upping some of my skills. Learn to play the game then find something to flame about.
  • marccc
    marccc Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    160k is nothing, i burn that in just my skills, my pot moneys gone already.
  • Daoso - Heavens Tear
    Daoso - Heavens Tear Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lcnhitter wrote: »
    Kinda funny how peeps can flame the game cause they can't make coin. I personally am lv29 almost 30 and have had over 160k more than once. I'm currently at around 65k after upping some of my skills. Learn to play the game then find something to flame about.

    Get to your 40s and you'll realize why people are flaming.

    Things begin to get more expensive at that time, and you really have to go out of your way to make money if you don't use cash shop.
  • garblebeast
    garblebeast Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    As far as a F2P MMO, I love it. I think it is great game and heck, doesn't cost me anything but my time :D Which I would just waste doing nothing else but watching TV or picking on my kids. I'm not sure how you don't have cash, after lvl 25, never dropped below 200k. Of course, I pick everything I possibly can, and sell it thru my shop. Just an idea.
    AKA Nikobug :D
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    611032 wrote:
    omg you have to be a no lifer to play MapleStory...that game takes for freakin ever to even get to lvl 20..I got to level 45 in Maplestory and that took me MONTHS!!

    I think PW should increase the exp rating once you hit like lvl 30-40 or at least have EXP events
    lol maplestory took me 1 year to reach lvl 44 (after all the hacking and just chilling)
    wrote: »
    Immature little brat, don't you dare assume **** like that about me ever again.
    I spent one year of casual playing to get a lvl 72 priest. Then quit.

    I have a life, I have a full time job. Thank you very much. Idiot.

    that made my day:D
    haha in the world of f2p MMO you can brag about having a job.

    awesome. :D

    i have part-time job, part-time student thing going for me T.T, and the game did get boring for me in CB (and im in a guild), but now that school started and i can only play friday-sunday (dads rule T.T) so it is fun, plus we just did TW and were first to hold land in PWI:D and im only lvl 10:cool:
  • garblebeast
    garblebeast Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I find that I only spend money on Mana potions, being a barb means no mana regen for me :D but I find this game fun, not because the constant, go kill this, go kill that, but the people I have ment and the guild I am in. It just makes it all the more fun.
    AKA Nikobug :D
  • Ren - Lost City
    Ren - Lost City Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lcnhitter wrote: »
    Kinda funny how peeps can flame the game cause they can't make coin. I personally am lv29 almost 30 and have had over 160k more than once. I'm currently at around 65k after upping some of my skills. Learn to play the game then find something to flame about.

    Have fun spending 500k per gold once people are level 70+.

    Zoe is so full of it, that he must be Karmelia.
  • Yukimizuno - Lost City
    Yukimizuno - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    XD maybe i am the wierdo then, because i am excited for 40+ just for the fact i can finally start grinding! i hate doing quests, they are extremely boring and pointless to me, so the thought of being able to grind out my lvls after 40 is b:dirty lol
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You'll miss quests after 40+
    Well the quests turn out to be kill this monster 50 times or get 50 drops from that monster, so you just grind on them and get a exp boost from quest.

    Ppl whining about grinding ? why the heck are you playing a mmo then ?
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D