Concerns About Cash Shop Pricing



  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    russel wrote: »
    I understand the feelings of the mayority here.
    A new PW publisher is coming out and they will be based in the States. Less lag and better translation was expected. Ppl fed up of the lag and the support of Cubizone ditched their char and waited anxiously for CB.
    Wow even a PVE server is coming up, this publisher is the best!!! Wot??? Publisher is linked with the makers of the game. Now we expect real cheap prices. And due to the IP block we don't have to face those damn asians. Yeah a game for us Westerners, I didn't understand why they had to play the MY-EN version but now
    we finally have our own version.
    Wow they said they have a business strategy where PVE is profitable.... This publisher is the best!!!
    What??? 4 servers are cming out. Man this communbity rocks. No buggy game anymore and let's start topics to predict the Cubi prices. I'd say they will be cheaper than MY. Why else I sold my lvl100 WR.
    WTF WR is blademaster? But I plan to make a fist blademaster......
    Dumb translation but who cares. This publisher rocks, all those nice admins here promising us the world.
    OOhh CB is out. WTF!!!!!!!
    No PVE server.... Damn those bas tards. Uuuhh what? When CB almost closed we hear a price is rewarded for ppl reaching lvl40.....
    Fu ck that. I created different classes to determine if I should continue with fist blademaster or switch to other class..... Wut??? Zhen is freaking expensive. Slver Hiero cost me 3 box??? Hell no let's complain.
    Oohhh luckily the admins reassure us these prices are not fixed yet. But how about their business model?? Oohhh who cares prices will be cheaper when OB goes live.
    OOh man OB is finally live... Where is my promised Zhen??? What Silver Hiero cost 2.5 dollars.........
    ??? Only 2 servers instead of 4...

    Mmmhhh looks like it was too good to be true afterall.......
    Or were my expectations too high??
    exactly my state of thoughs and emotions in last 2 weeks. from where all my present frustration comes.
    There exist only three beings worthy of respect:
    the priest, the soldier, the poet.
    To know, to kill, to create.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    xarfox wrote: »

    The cost of operating and maintaining an MMORPG in the US is much higher than it is over in Asia.

    The average salary staff members is much higher.
    High speed bandwith costs money.
    Having enough staff to maintain optimal response times on e-mails costs money.
    Having enough staff to monitor in-game for bots and gold spammers costs money.
    Having GMs that are not corrupt that do not favor players or guilds costs money.

    We just want to provide you guys with a glimpse from our side. We want you guys to understand our perspective on the matter.

    A simple response really summarizes why you should still drop cash prices asap:

    Where do you plan on getting all that money if no one wants to buy from an overpriced CS?

    If things really are all that expensive you're shooting yourself in the foot here. Now if you'd opened up the CS with like a 2 for 1 sale on Zen for the first 2 weeks or so things might be different but as is...*shrugs* It'll be sad to see the server close so soon because you guys lack money due to refusing to lower prices.

    Edit: P.S.: Quit **** Paypal users. I'm not paying you til I get equal bonus Zen as everyone else. Do that and even I might be convinced to pay current CS prices. There's more food for thought for you.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    A simple response really summarizes why you should still drop cash prices asap:

    Where do you plan on getting all that money if no one wants to buy from an overpriced CS?

    If things really are all that expensive you're shooting yourself in the foot here. Now if you'd opened up the CS with like a 2 for 1 sale on Zen for the first 2 weeks or so things might be different but as is...*shrugs* It'll be sad to see the server close so soon because you guys lack money due to refusing to lower prices.

    Edit: P.S.: Quit **** Paypal users. I'm not paying you til I get equal bonus Zen as everyone else. Do that and even I might be convinced to pay current CS prices. There's more food for thought for you.

    exactly ...u guys are forgeting one big rule of marketing...with low prices people will buy more zen thus inceasing income, even more then having high prices...example:
    -> if 1 person buys 1 zen for 1 USD , and 2 people buy 1 zen each for 0.65 USD , 2 * 0,65 = 1,30 ...thats 30% more income
    not to mention the high amount of ppl hungry for zen in the game but cant aford it right now
    if people are happy with zen prices they will buy more its as simple as it gets
    at least make it as same as PW MY
    i would hate seing this game die right after OB started
    why not they ask...
    is cool they say...
    damn internetz
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    fuzzles wrote: »
    Ehh.. the whole "non-corrupt GMs" part in bold makes it pretty clear that they've been looking at PW-MY in an effort to avoid making the same mistakes.

    Some of them were players of PW-MY. With prices like this though I refuse to call them "non-corrupt" which is why I said "nice" in my post that got ignored. Oh well, we'll see what happens when the EoM revenue report comes around. Maybe they'll care about what we have to say then.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Explaining things by GDP misses one crucial factor: you don't really have a choice where to buy your dinner when you're living in USA. We have a choice where to play. In this particular case, product differences aren't so far that big. It's not like we have to learn Korean to play on different servers, so we can just move back to where we came from.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yes it's a lame excuse. Supply and demand --> you have lost my demand.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    If PW EU gonna really put same prices as PW MY i join there
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    A simple response really summarizes why you should still drop cash prices asap:

    Where do you plan on getting all that money if no one wants to buy from an overpriced CS?

    If things really are all that expensive you're shooting yourself in the foot here. Now if you'd opened up the CS with like a 2 for 1 sale on Zen for the first 2 weeks or so things might be different but as is...*shrugs* It'll be sad to see the server close so soon because you guys lack money due to refusing to lower prices.

    Edit: P.S.: Quit **** Paypal users. I'm not paying you til I get equal bonus Zen as everyone else. Do that and even I might be convinced to pay current CS prices. There's more food for thought for you.

    I agree totally, but even if PWE notices the uproar within the community they probably won't respect it. They know there will be plenty (Most unemployed kids or basement dwellers) who will get money from their parents to spend in the cash shop, and also many working players who are willing to pay these 2.50 USD for hieros and don't take issue with these insane prices.

    Trust me if you decide to stay long enough you'll run into some players with 2.50 USD a pop hieros, +6 eq, and maxed slots (Most likely payed for by mommy. Btw if you're underage that's cool I guess). I mean I already see tons of world chat activity (most of it random I need attention spam), but that indicates either those players were level 40+ and received their zen or they opened up the wallet. By the post in this forum I'd think it was the latter.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    kinetikop wrote: »
    I'll just copy and paste what I had just posted in the other topic.

    You do understand things cost more in the United States for the Citizens aswell right? and we are definately in a hurting economy with high gas prices and high living costs to pay for. That means we can NOT afford to spend that much on casual things like games. And for those of us with money to spend on casual things are going to take that money to wherever we can get the most entertainment for our dollar.

    EDIT: and with that I am logging out of the game and spending the rest of today and tomorrow searching for a new MMORPG with affordable rates.

    I agree i work paycheck to paycheck as an IT admin. Cost of living in my area eats away most of my check. The money i do use for MMORPGs wouldn't come anywhere near what would be needed for these games. MY version was affordable. My clan will now be looking for a new game with these prices.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    nordia wrote: »
    .coz their eyes r filled with $$$$$$$!!!!!
    Exactly the same problem with the MY-EN GM's they don't listen to the players they listen to their wallet. We just have a promise that we won't have blatant hackers not being banned because they spend a lot. They just want everyone to spend a lot up front. When that doesn't work I wonder if that promise will hold true, just like the promise to listen to the players did not.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    xauss wrote: »
    additionally, like it or not, you are in competition internationally with other PW hosts, and indeed othe F2P and MMOs with monthly subs. when many percieve you are not offering value-for-money, they will vote with their feet.

    I have read through this whole thread and I have not seen it stated better than the above quote. In the end it does not matter why the prices are what they are. There are other places that offer the same game for cheeper, even if we do have to deal with more lag. I'm 41 years old raising a family. I simply can't afford, or justify spending this kind of money on a game. It would be much cheeper to play one of the fine pay to play games.To sum it up, base the pricing on what you will, but you have too much compitition out there to make current pricing work IMHO.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Some good things have been said by a lot of people here so hopefully the GMs and Admins will listen up. After all believe it or not this is a service industry. They provide a service and only if that service is deemed a value to its customers will we pay.

    I think there are three main points to consider here in a pricing decision (Some have been already said, but I'll collate them all here)

    1) Supply and Demand - About says it all here. There is an ample supply of MMORPGs out there that are free to play. As such since the supply is high it is a more competitive market. You can argue that PWI is a premium service, but in reality it is not. People will always weigh what is being offered and often times in tough times will go with a cheaper option if the quality is comparable. By offering the most expensive solution you price yourself out of the game.

    2) You are delivering a service. It is not a tangible object. By increasing the number of an already developed item in the game you are not incurring any additional expense. You have already developed and programmed the items in the game so you do not actually do "work" when new ones are bought. So it is no harm to you to make them cheaper to buy and allow more to be bought. It is not a direct correlation between product and expense. Also I wouldn't be surprised if you had programmers in India or Malaysia doing most of your offsite work anyways to save expenses. Incidentally I find it humorous in an example given that someone said that a top in game would cost $10 and a whole outfit $60. What's amazing is that at Walmart you could likely buy a real tangible top for $10. This is something you can touch and feel and actually has intrinsic value because you could also resell it or trade it for other tangible items unlike the game items. Kind of funny if you think about it. There's homeless people who don't have a real shirt, but we'll have $10 fake shirts. I'm sure the guy living in a Maytag box under the bridge would see the irony in that.

    3) Bottom line, and most important, in any market is that the market will only bear what the people are willing to pay. That's it. That's all it can do. If car manufacturers wanted to charge $500,000 for a car, which I'm sure they'd love to, they would see that the market is not willing to bear that price, few or no one would buy and the price would get driven down to a more acceptable level. Now similarly sometimes the price might be higher then the general public is willing to bear, but there might be enough people to support the product believing it worth a premium price. We will see I guess. Really a gamble here starting the price so high and hoping it will bear out given your consumer base.

    Personally I think it's funny that their entire marketing and pricing strategy is based off of GDP. That's really kind of amusing if you think about it. I mean who does that? Out of all the economic factors and strategies to arrive at a price point they pick GDP?? You gotta laugh at that. Hey though you have to also give them credit. They're sticking to it.

    Lastly I think dagny has some solid points. We are not in a recession no matter how you slice it. In fact if you look we're more in a period of inflation (Some might say stagflation, but I'm not sure I've come to grips with that overused term) Bottom line, any time you have high oil prices and high commodity prices coupled with gold prices being high you know you have something messed up. But don't allow the media to get you down. Life is not as bad as they paint it. After all sex sells. So the media sexes things up. No one wants to read or hear about how great things are. Humans by nature love drama and excitement so the media provides you with it.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Am I the only one that thinks the pricing setup is a little deceptive? $20 = 2000 Zen = 20 gold, right? I didn't see any mention of the exchange rate from Zen to gold on the sites I looked at. So someone who's new to the game would see the 2000 Zen as a lot more than it really is, possibly even thinking 30 gold is the same as 30 Zen if they haven't read up on it yet. Also, given that this is the only game PWE operates, why is there a need for both Zen and gold? Make it one or the other for clarity's sake.
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Some good things have been said by a lot of people here so hopefully the GMs and Admins will listen up. After all believe it or not this is a service industry. They provide a service and only if that service is deemed a value to its customers will we pay.

    I think there are three main points to consider here in a pricing decision (Some have been already said, but I'll collate them all here)

    1) Supply and Demand - About says it all here. There is an ample supply of MMORPGs out there that are free to play. As such since the supply is high it is a more competitive market. You can argue that PWI is a premium service, but in reality it is not. People will always weigh what is being offered and often times in tough times will go with a cheaper option if the quality is comparable. By offering the most expensive solution you price yourself out of the game.

    2) You are delivering a service. It is not a tangible object. By increasing the number of an already developed item in the game you are not incurring any additional expense. You have already developed and programmed the items in the game so you do not actually do "work" when new ones are bought. So it is no harm to you to make them cheaper to buy and allow more to be bought. It is not a direct correlation between product and expense. Also I wouldn't be surprised if you had programmers in India or Malaysia doing most of your offsite work anyways to save expenses. Incidentally I find it humorous in an example given that someone said that a top in game would cost $10 and a whole outfit $60. What's amazing is that at Walmart you could likely buy a real tangible top for $10. This is something you can touch and feel and actually has intrinsic value because you could also resell it or trade it for other tangible items unlike the game items. Kind of funny if you think about it. There's homeless people who don't have a real shirt, but we'll have $10 fake shirts. I'm sure the guy living in a Maytag box under the bridge would see the irony in that.

    3) Bottom line, and most important, in any market is that the market will only bear what the people are willing to pay. That's it. That's all it can do. If car manufacturers wanted to charge $500,000 for a car, which I'm sure they'd love to, they would see that the market is not willing to bear that price, few or no one would buy and the price would get driven down to a more acceptable level. Now similarly sometimes the price might be higher then the general public is willing to bear, but there might be enough people to support the product believing it worth a premium price. We will see I guess. Really a gamble here starting the price so high and hoping it will bear out given your consumer base.

    Personally I think it's funny that their entire marketing and pricing strategy is based off of GDP. That's really kind of amusing if you think about it. I mean who does that? Out of all the economic factors and strategies to arrive at a price point they pick GDP?? You gotta laugh at that. Hey though you have to also give them credit. They're sticking to it.

    Lastly I think dagny has some solid points. We are not in a recession no matter how you slice it. In fact if you look we're more in a period of inflation (Some might say stagflation, but I'm not sure I've come to grips with that overused term) Bottom line, any time you have high oil prices and high commodity prices coupled with gold prices being high you know you have something messed up. But don't allow the media to get you down. Life is not as bad as they paint it. After all sex sells. So the media sexes things up. No one wants to read or hear about how great things are. Humans by nature love drama and excitement so the media provides you with it.

    ↑ Agreed, but people are already buying zen. PWE won't change their prices as long as they have an ample market.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    tinkus wrote: »
    Am I the only one that thinks the pricing setup is a little deceptive? $20 = 2000 Zen = 20 gold, right? I didn't see any mention of the exchange rate from Zen to gold on the sites I looked at. So someone who's new to the game would see the 2000 Zen as a lot more than it really is, possibly even thinking 30 gold is the same as 30 Zen if they haven't read up on it yet. Also, given that this is the only game PWE operates, why is there a need for both Zen and gold? Make it one or the other for clarity's sake.

    That's something that has been part of PW for quite a long time. I didn't think it would be necessary for this version but apparently it is, at least we don't have to go through a third party to get a code to get the Zen to then convert into Gold. One less step to go through if prices ever drop to where I'll be happy with dropping money on this game. I'm ready to drop $100 on the game right now if I felt I was getting my moneys worth, unfortunately for PWE, I don't, so they won't get that. However, yes making it $20 = 20 Zen = 20 Gold would be less deceptive to people not used to the PW cash shop.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    In this thread we post the information that the Malaysian RM has experienced a 40% growth since 2005 due to a massively booming tech market, and a rise in salaries to 22k while costs of living remain at around 3.6k per year to live in Kuada Lampur, leaving a ~18k expendable income buffer even in the most expensive city.

    Compared with the US, where the PCI is 48k and the cost of living is close to 24k, which means they have very similar per capita disposable income rates.

    The US has close to 30% income tax. The GNPCI would pay 25% in Federal Income Tax (and then another 7.6% in SS/MC and some more in state IT).
    Malaysia has from 1% up to 28% (30% for foriegners!). The GNPCI would pay 20%.

    So in total, the US guy is looking at around 6-7k expendable while the Malay is still rocking out with like 15k.

    India and Malay are the two largest youth cultures in the world (meaning the majority of expendable income is in 16-25yr old male hands), thanks to the migration of the US tech jobs.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mas wrote: »
    ↑ Agreed, but people are already buying zen. PWE won't change their prices as long as they have an ample market.

    A few people buying Zen, while the majority have stated they won't at these high prices isn't an ample market. I would also like to add that in addition to Perfect World Europe, Warhammer Online will be launching in a couple of weeks -- And if the Zen issue isn't solved that's where I'll be heading -- If I really need a Perfect World fix, I'll find a private server with a free or in game cash shop.
  • Posts: 453
    edited September 2008
    xarfox wrote: »
    Having GMs that are not corrupt that do not favor players or guilds costs money.

    We just want to provide you guys with a glimpse from our side.

    We would be stupid to not listen to our community

    I agree with mostly all you said. But may i remind you that this a free to play game. If we pay your salarys, this sould be a game with subcription.

    Jhonathan balast(sorry if i do mistake in his name) said it by him self"if you dont want to pay, you dont have to pay".

    The small problem with cs, price its that no one will buy(only few will buy).

    And one other problem, pw-eu promiced that their price will be almost same as pw-my.
    How could they do that if its that much impossible.

    Ps: a free 2 play game, isnt supoced be gerate by cs items.
    And its logical, no one can garanti that there will be enough players buying cs items.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Wow, I was just about to buy some Zen, but after having a look at the Zen rate, I decided not to, these prices are too outrageous. Fifty dollars worth of Zen wont last a month. I really want to spend money on this game, but at these prices, I'll hold onto my money and pay for a couple months of WoW. Hopefully the people who run this game will realise that there are more people willing to spend $50 if it lasts longer then a month.
  • Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    suphoo wrote: »
    Wow, I was just about to buy some Zen, but after having a look at the Zen rate, I decided not to, these prices are too outrageous. Fifty dollars worth of Zen wont last a month. I really want to spend money on this game, but at these prices, I'll hold onto my money and pay for a couple months of WoW. Hopefully the people who run this game will realise that there are more people willing to spend $50 if it lasts longer then a month.

    Yup, and those of us who don't want it to last more than a month still aren't paying because we don't feel this is a fair rate when we could get more for our money other places. Fortunately we are all here on the forums showing them we WANT to support this game and company, but I am sure the number of us trolling the forums waiting for a change is becoming less and less as people find other games to play.
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    suphoo wrote: »
    Wow, I was just about to buy some Zen, but after having a look at the Zen rate, I decided not to, these prices are too outrageous. Fifty dollars worth of Zen wont last a month. I really want to spend money on this game, but at these prices, I'll hold onto my money and pay for a couple months of WoW. Hopefully the people who run this game will realise that there are more people willing to spend $50 if it lasts longer then a month.

    is it just me or is this guy someones alt....? thats rather stupid if yes...
    There exist only three beings worthy of respect:
    the priest, the soldier, the poet.
    To know, to kill, to create.
  • Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    irbis wrote: »
    is it just me or is this guy someones alt....? thats rather stupid if yes...

    Who's alt would that be? I would assume by his low post count he either doesn't come on the forums much, is a new player, or is in fact someone's alt.
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm a new player and have been looking for a game like PW for a long time. I've played a lot of p2p games and was happy with them, but the graphics and character customization for PW are really quite amazing. It's a beautiful game. I'm disappointed that there are no player houses (and no plans for them that I've seen). But I could live with that if the price was right..

    I've been playing for a few days on PW-MY. Having PWI give better customer service, better translations and a better connection are all things I'd be willing to pay extra for. But three times extra? I want a good value for my money, I want more items. The version of PWI is only 5 correct? PW-MY is 16..and their cash shop has more items..yet they charge far less for them.

    I understand about salaries and such, but do YOU understand that you are going to lose players and therefore lose money you could have made? So many have already said it. You'd make more money by dropping your prices since more people would buy items in the CS.If I knew I could get more clothes and rides and other special items, I'd spend more than I planned and that's good for you and me :)

    I'm from Texas but I would be willing to deal with crappier customer service, more lag and weird translations if it meant I could have more fun items to play with. Just food for thought ;)
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Finding the Equilibrium:

    This is the toughest part in marketing. Where do you set the prices that will allow the consumers to be happy and give the company the highest possible return for their product.

    If they set the prices too low, it might require an extremely high demand to make X amount.

    If they set the prices too high, it might only require very minimal demand to make X amount.

    Where is the middle ground? There exists a sweet spot that makes both parties happy and gives the company the highest return possible. From the posts we have seen, the prices are slighty higher, thus the demand is too low.

    Everyone is talking about lowering the cost, but nobody is offering suggestions on a solution. The fact is: It will be very hard to host PWI using MY Prices. The cost and upkeep of the servers and employees is higher in the States then it is elsewhere.

    We need to find a compromise.

    Here's my first suggestion:

    Lower Silver Heiro Prices to be around $1.50 - $2.00, scale accordingly. Heiros are a big backbone of the economy and most of the players are very sensitive to this particular cost. This will help retain more customers and make it easier. There is a high demand for this product and this item is very important is helping this economy grow.

    The initial startup of an MMO is very important and allows an economy to thrive and continue. The costs of Heiros allows players to continue playing for extended periods. Other items are luxuries and the cost can be higher. Players will adjust accordingly to whether they want those items or not, but Heiros are more necessary.

    Final Thoughts:

    Comparison to GDP, or Economic Recession, etc are fruitless when it comes to MMO/ Online Gaming. Past history has shown us that Online Gaming has never entered a recession and consumers are always willing to spend money online. But consumers know their limit when it comes to spending and they know that there are plenty of available options online. Players worldwide are willing to spend money on any company willing to make money. Video Gamers do not care about the maker of the game or the location being hosted, as long as the game is playable. So in truth, this game, PWI, is a rival of PWMY and many others, and must act accordingly.

    Private Poll:
    I suggest a private poll that only the Admins can view the results, but all users can vote. This is a good way to see how many users are currrently being effected by these high prices. The poll can be as simple as "Would you buy from the CS if the prices were lowered?" The amount of voters will be a great gauge on how many people are currently looking at this topic. The petition that was passed around was not so great, seeing it was done by a 3rd party.
  • Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    First of all, I do not intend to offend or insult anyone.
    Today I looked at my PayPal account because I wanted to get a clear view of how much I have actually spent on PW Malaysia. For all 4 months that I played there so far I have spent $460 (I'm not trying to show off or anything). This is over $100 a month..... I have over 20 fashion sets, 6 all-class pets, tons of materials and herbs which are worth millions of in-game gold.

    Unfortunately with the current pricing of PWI, I won't be able to buy anything different than hierograms, and i don't like the fact that because of overpriced item mall items I have to restrain myself that much. Without fashion, mounts, etc. to show off and make my game life more colorful, it is not possible to enjoy the game to the fullest, since I will only be able to buy items I can't do without - e.g. hieros and replacement dolls. No matter how great the community of PWI is, at a certain point this will make me quit, because without the fashion, etc. (stuff people can't afford due to overpricing) as a player I can't really express myself and can't enjoy this game the way I really want to. Not to mention that I'm consuming a lot of miji (experience scrolls) every day, because they are so cheap. I doubt that anyone playing PWI will have enough money to spend on miji everyday - an item whose importance greatly increases after level 60+. Same goes for hieros - in Holy Hall one can burn hiero in an hour, if you need 5 hieros today, are you going to spend $15 a day only for hierograms? I highly doubt it. And this is for silver hiero, I'm scared to think how much a golden hiero may cost......

    Regarding PW MY. Someone before me has said the community wasn't great. What is the meaning of this? The community is the same as PWI. It's not that poor people play PW MY and only cool and rich people go to US servers. I live in Europe and I don't have lag in either version, but I always felt very sorry for people from US, because they really seemed to lag, judging from forum posts and world shouts. And even in this case many of the US players will go back to PW MY, because I see the prices in the cash shop that should be most suited for them, localized, are too expensive even for them!! In fact the only thing I don't like in PW MY is that both servers are PvP. Yes, I may get PKed once in a while, but it's still 3 times cheaper to play there, since I can buy tons of replacement dolls and play PvP, rather than play PvE with overpriced items.

    I don't mind spending $100 a month for a game that is worth it (as long as I can afford it), and Perfect World IS worth it. But as every sane person I will prefer to spend those money in PW Malaysia, in order to get 3 times more fashion and mounts. (Not to mention PW MY is million times superior than PWI in terms of naming, fonts, etc.)

    It's not the first time in history when a good mmorpg becomes grand failure, because of a greedy company. PWI GMs, please do not let Perfect World, probably the most visually stunning mmorpg ever made, to become a failure due to ridiculous prices. American players will miss a lot. I'm already saddened to see people quit PW for a game like Wow......

    As of now I'm going back to PW Malaysia, hoping for a better outcome with the item mall here. I will still be checking the forums though. Good luck to everyone. <3
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hehe kinetikop you :P idk its just a side note. alt or not - making them is pointless. IP is visible to admins and making this thread artificaly to look as more popular and to make the post/views count is pointless. if people want the change they will post, if this action will succed it will. just do the best to support or disscus the mather here. any try to "cheat the system" is needless. at the end it will all be as it will be. ofcourse - that my view. and my atitude is like this because i gived up already. i am not comming back and i am on seach of other mmo i can play and have fun with. to be honest - its not the CS anymore, but the whole general mess. main point of playing game is to have fun. you dont instal a game for the need of frustration do you? theres no one big issue. theres many of them which i listed in some previouse topic. not fixed patcher issues, sudden lag, confusing quests, admins actionss(or nearly total lack of action i should say), the way they played all this till now.. and many other smaller and bigger one. most of this mess was needless and could be avoided now and back then. but its to late for me. so why i keep posting here? my own personal curiousity how all this will end.
    There exist only three beings worthy of respect:
    the priest, the soldier, the poet.
    To know, to kill, to create.
  • Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    irbis wrote: »
    hehe kinetikop you :P idk its just a side note. alt or not - making them is pointless. IP is visible to admins and making this thread artificaly to look as more popular and to make the post/views count is pointless. if people want the change they will post, if this action will succed it will. just do the best to support or disscus the mather here. any try to "cheat the system" is needless. at the end it will all be as it will be. ofcourse - that my view. and my atitude is like this because i gived up already. i am not comming back and i am on seach of other mmo i can play and have fun with. to be honest - its not the CS anymore, but the whole general mess. main point of playing game is to have fun. you dont instal a game for the need of frustration do you? theres no one big issue. theres many of them which i listed in some previouse topic. not fixed patcher issues, sudden lag, confusing quests, admins actionss(or nearly total lack of action i should say), the way they played all this till now.. and many other smaller and bigger one. most of this mess was needless and could be avoided now and back then. but its to late for me. so why i keep posting here? my own personal curiousity how all this will end.

    Well the admins can check the ip and see I do have 1 other account coming from this IP, which has never posted on the forums and is only in game. That is because my little brother plays this game as well and we are on a network, with only one external IP. I haven't given up hope yet but am very close, I will stay here with this game for years if the prices change, but if not I won't spend a dime and just save up for the next mmorpg. Maybe i'll go buy Warhammer or just wait for Aion.
  • Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You don't need to look for other mmo... You can still enjoy Perfect World Malaysia, it is 3+ times cheaper and you can buy a lot of stuff because it is AFFORDABLE, unlike PWI. ;)

    Unless the problem is solved soon, PWI doesn't stand a chance against PW Malaysia. I also get help every time I asked GM for help, I don't have a problem if GM is not a native speaker of English language (I'm not one either) and don't whine if he spelled <sayed> instead of <said> or the like. I'm still alive, enjoying the game 100%.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    khaai wrote: »
    You don't need to look for other mmo... You can still enjoy Perfect World Malaysia, it is 3+ times cheaper and you can buy a lot of stuff because it is AFFORDABLE, unlike PWI. ;)

    Unless the problem is solved soon, PWI doesn't stand a chance against PW Malaysia. I also get help every time I asked GM for help, I don't have a problem if GM is not a native speaker of English language (I'm not one either) and don't whine if he spelled <sayed> instead of <said> or the like. I'm still alive, enjoying the game 100%.

    This is true. I only recently started playing PW. I started on the Malaysian version and I was enjoying it just fine and there where plenty of friendly English speaking players. The only reason I switched over to PWI is for maybe a little less lag and the hope of maybe cheaper gold. Well I could very easily and happily go back to PW-My if this pricing issue isn't resolved soon.
  • Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The more I read the more its clear, If the prices at PWI don't change, once PW EU hits open, if theres less lag then MY there for the US players (which is most likely the case), PWI could possibly die out shortly after just due to more affordable items and less laggy servers for NA players.

    I know if its not laggy then I'll gladly move to EU servers just for affordability.
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