Strongest class

robertjanvaneijk Posts: 129 Arc User
edited August 2011 in General Discussion
What do you people think thats the strongest class for level 1-20 and on higher level?
Post edited by robertjanvaneijk on


  • sealed
    sealed Posts: 781
    edited August 2008
    Strong at What??
    Strong Damage?
    Strong Defence?

    Every class is Strong in their own way.

  • robertjanvaneijk
    robertjanvaneijk Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    sealed wrote: »
    Strong at What??
    Strong Damage?
    Strong Defence?

    Every class is Strong in their own way.


    With most damage.
  • sealed
    sealed Posts: 781
    edited August 2008
    Blademaster = Most Physical Damage
    Wizard = Most Magical Damage

    Hope that helps:p

  • bictor
    bictor Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    isn't Archer have highest Pattack?
    Mage have strongest Mattack
    79 WR - Oracle
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    bictor wrote: »
    isn't Archer have highest Pattack?
    Mage have strongest Mattack

    Not at lower level, but yes due to their high crit rate they do the most Patk.

    Just run a Venomancer, if you pr0 you can easily hit 30 in 11-14 hours.
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • robertjanvaneijk
    robertjanvaneijk Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    bictor wrote: »
    isn't Archer have highest Pattack?
    Mage have strongest Mattack

    I played till level 10 with a ranger and a cleric and the cleric dealed around 2-4x more damage then the ranger. the second problem of the ranger is that i missed 1/4 times and with the Cleric never.
  • tdreamer
    tdreamer Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I played till level 10 with a ranger and a cleric and the cleric dealed around 2-4x more damage then the ranger. the second problem of the ranger is that i missed 1/4 times and with the Cleric never.

    Granted, I've only seen the first 15 levels or so myself, but I imagine that the next 30-40 levels would see quite a change in the above scenario.
  • gin
    gin Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    It also depends on your build. I've never played Wizard, but I know they do damage my con-str-int-build Venomancer will never ever do even with Amplify Damage + strongest skill + crit XP
  • russel
    russel Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Define strongest.
    Go for WB if you don't want to be ganked. a WB with Hiero hard to take out alone.
    If you want to kill fast go for WF. In future patch WF can buy godly pets. Heard it's overpowered as fu ck.
  • wabbitt
    wabbitt Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Mages can level insanely fast, but it is gear dependant, so it might no be so good for a first character.
    Mages also take a bit more skill, since you need to kite most monsters. Plus a decent connection, though I doubt that will be a problem for anyone with this server.
    I used to suffer trying to play a mage on MY-EN with a ping ranging from 300-450.
  • devotion
    devotion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Archer is terrible the first 20 levels because you have little skills and low crit. You pretty much have to kite the first 20 lvls if you are soloing. Once you get your blue weapon and knockback skill, if you play it right the mobs wont even hit you.
    I like to rub it in. Enjoying the game?
  • robertjanvaneijk
    robertjanvaneijk Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    devotion wrote: »
    Archer is terrible the first 20 levels because you have little skills and low crit. You pretty much have to kite the first 20 lvls if you are soloing. Once you get your blue weapon and knockback skill, if you play it right the mobs wont even hit you.

    They also miss around 1/4 times.
  • sandwitch
    sandwitch Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    they are AGI/DEX build i doubt that they miss that much ? would be kinda weird even axe WR don;t miss that much
  • cellie
    cellie Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    russel wrote: »
    If you want to kill fast go for WF. In future patch WF can buy godly pets. Heard it's overpowered as ****.

    Care to give a source + more info on this one?
  • robertjanvaneijk
    robertjanvaneijk Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well I missed with my lvl 5 ranger 1/4 times sometimes 5x after eachother vs same lvl target.
  • ara
    ara Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    physical classes will always have to deal with misses, archers less than blademasters and barbs.

    a full dex archer should only have like 6-8% miss on mobs his level.
  • robertjanvaneijk
    robertjanvaneijk Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    What class does most damage and levels/kills fastest. A werefox, werebeast or cleric and why?
  • kaeriin
    kaeriin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Werefox by a mile, even if they didnt have any attacks, the pet alone kills almost as fast as a warrior, that should tell you how overpowered they are up to 50

    Plus their magic attacks deal almost as much dmg as cleric and mage... I got mine to lvl 30 on the first day of the beta (Kyurii)

    Started making a warrior yesterday, shes 20 now after about 8 hours, my fox got to 20 in 4
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    The classes spread out after a while. At endgame, Foxes aren't anywhere near as powerful as a Wizard. The multipliers and the mag-dmg and the skills and all of that make all the difference. In the beginning, though, foxes are overpowered.
    As a Guild,

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  • zyankali
    zyankali Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    cellie wrote: »
    Care to give a source + more info on this one?

    I cant give you a link etc.

    What I can tell you though is, that I played on a private server, where the item mall was patched up to chinese version.

    The 2 most powerful pets are the Hercules (ground pet) and the Phoenix (Flying pet)

    Those are extremely powerful. But itll be forever til we get that in official versions.
    Those are nice though, hurt alot those pets, pretty lovely.

    However cant provide you a link/source but if i manage to get some screenshots i will pm them to you
  • xauss
    xauss Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    another dumb thread

    there is no strongest class - all classes have their strengths

    the strongest character, is the one where most points are distributed to the STR stat
  • sealed
    sealed Posts: 781
    edited August 2008
    Thier is a "Strongest Class"
    But the question is, at what??
    Each Class is "Strongest" in their own categorie, depends what your looking for and your taste;)

  • robertjanvaneijk
    robertjanvaneijk Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    sealed wrote: »
    Thier is a "Strongest Class"
    But the question is, at what??
    Each Class is "Strongest" in their own categorie, depends what your looking for and your taste;)


    Yeah but I still think there are some classes that are more powerfull then others. Im a lvl 9 cleric now and grouped with a lvl 10 ranger. I constantly took agro since I dealed lots more damage then him.
  • russel
    russel Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    cellie wrote: »
    Care to give a source + more info on this one?

    I get this onfo from the MY forum. Some ppl there also play the Chinese version. Several times it has been stated that WF's can buy certain pets from item mall which totally screws up the balance. These pets are very strong, but I heard you can't feed them water. Green Grass can be fed, but considered GG is a drop it is not only an expensive pet to buy but also expensive to maintain.
  • dayzd
    dayzd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Werefoxes are equivalence to Summoners in 2Moons.

    Everyones goes them at first and the own up until midgame and then they suck big balls and everyone that plays them quits.

    Well it's not that bad in this game but you see my point.
  • anima
    anima Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    russel wrote: »
    I get this onfo from the MY forum. Some ppl there also play the Chinese version. Several times it has been stated that WF's can buy certain pets from item mall which totally screws up the balance. These pets are very strong, but I heard you can't feed them water. Green Grass can be fed, but considered GG is a drop it is not only an expensive pet to buy but also expensive to maintain.

    Some official severs decided to sells those two pets. In Viet PW, I quit before they sold those pet in LUCKY BOX (buy some in MY EN and see what you got). My friend has thoe pets (worth only 50 bucks :D ). About Hercules, its PDef is more than a WB same lvl ><, can tank every boss in HH, except one boss in 3-3. About the phoenix, first it is cute, second it did 3k dmg on a EP with 5k Hp, which means... The info is not base on any private server. If you can read Vietnamese, check at . About their food, they must sell it in item mall too ^^. It's sad that DEC Vietnam is that greedy.
    There is a way to get those pets without buying, which is just like collecting rep. points ^^. Hope PWI won't disable this feature.
    Yeah but I still think there are some classes that are more powerfull then others. Im a lvl 9 cleric now and grouped with a lvl 10 ranger. I constantly took agro since I dealed lots more damage then him.

    Yeah, it seems so around the first 20 levels. But after that... another story ^^. High criticle hit make Archer famous for taking aggro. Later, MG and EA do more damage than other classes.
    And about WF and Summoner in 2moons, WF has no fame like summoner in the frist 70 levels, and after lvl 59 skill no melee class dare to look down on WF ( I don't consider Archer a melee class) ... They are not sux like Summoner after all, the more you play it, the more you like it.

  • ranthe
    ranthe Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    hah, i think someone accidentally justgave me two cool names for my OB main characters. Pattack the Blademaster and Mattack the Wizard :cool:
  • keithtan69
    keithtan69 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    There isn't stronger class but strongest player

    If you like PVE -Best Tank is WBeast, Best PvE solo is Wfox, light spec WF is third tank in PVE. If you like PvP-Best is Worrior, second in PvE tanking. sniping goes to archer/wizard. Many time it voice down what your stats is.
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    There isn't stronger class but strongest player

    Wrong. Both the player and class come into play. An Archer will do better in PK then any other class, hands down. The differences aren't huge(though the methods used to kill are), but some classes have advantages over others... definitely.
    As a Guild,

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  • robertjanvaneijk
    robertjanvaneijk Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ark wrote: »
    Wrong. Both the player and class come into play. An Archer will do better in PK then any other class, hands down. The differences aren't huge(though the methods used to kill are), but some classes have advantages over others... definitely.

    If I look at the talent calculator wizards aren't better in damage then clerics...