PW MY Sucks big with the new patch!



  • ara
    ara Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    the 1gold per petegg feature isn't actually TOO bad. Of course it makes it harder to have a WF alt to earn money for your main, BUT: It keeps to inflation a bit lower, because INSANE amounts of gold could be made by any low level WF all the time.

    You can still make a lot of money with WFs by soloing HH from lvl 60 on, but for this you need to play a WF to 60, spend a bit of gold in petskills and leveling the pet, have some equipment and know at least a BIT how to play the class.

    Basically: If you want money, don't play a WF too half-heartedly.

    WFs being able to earn money like no other class is still there, just not AS easy and botter/kiddy-friendly as before.

    You can also still make all class pets and sell them, another great source of income.

    If you want to play Archer, be prepared to be broke all the time. Relying of the fact that your WF alt could make money like hell in no time just sucked for any player having a WF as a main character, because it basically took one of your lategame advantages away.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ara wrote: »
    You can still make a lot of money with WFs by soloing HH from lvl 60 on, but for this you need to play a WF to 60, spend a bit of gold in petskills and leveling the pet, have some equipment and know at least a BIT how to play the class.

    The only ones who really makes money are the first one to reach that level. After a time, there are so many players farming HH that the prices of HH items drop drastically, while at the same time the price of mats to make the keys raise drastically.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • khaai
    khaai Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well, if PWI doesn't make prices the same as PM MY-EN, GMs will be the only ones playing International. :D:D:D:D
  • wabbitt
    wabbitt Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Taming pets isnt such a great money spinner. I did a bit of it on PW-MY and combined with the waiting to regen mana (or having to use pots/heiros) and getting no xp I just didnt find it worthwhile.

    Running around mining resources is probably quicker money once there is some sort of economy to sell to.
  • tomwl01
    tomwl01 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    khaai wrote: »
    Well, if PWI doesn't make prices the same as PM MY-EN, GMs will be the only ones playing International. :D:D:D:D

    The items here in pwi r substancially lower in most cases as compared to pw-my. Pw-my's economy is grossly inflated and u can buy legal gold there, so there are players walking around with 50-100 millions on them.

    Here the economy will be lower that is why the prices r lower..there is no legal way to buy gold here so the players will be walking around with alot less.

    In theory this should work...but the gold farmers r already gearing up for open beta..which will inflate the economy. So the players who want millions will have all the uber stuff while the rest of us will not be able to compete. We will eventually get tired of working hard to get 1 decent piece of armor while the illegal gold buyers have the best of everything...we leave the game...looking for something to play that fair..this game will flop, or be taken over by gold farmers. and the people who can buy the gold.

    I dont want to see this happen...I hope im wrong. Pwi big mistake was to not sell Gold.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    tomwl01 wrote: »
    So the players who want millions will have all the uber stuff while the rest of us will not be able to compete.

    From level 1 to 91 on MY-EN, I got a total of 2 molders i used in all that time. Most of my armor was 2 or 3 stars with 2 or 3 sockets with mid-level stones (+5 or +6). I got one weapon with 2 sockets in all that time, with a max stone in one of +7. I never was the faster leveller either.

    You can go along very well with middle grade stuff.

    And I probably enjoyed the game more by working to get the stuff I had than the guy who bought it all for himself.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • ara
    ara Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wabbitt wrote: »
    Taming pets isnt such a great money spinner. I did a bit of it on PW-MY and combined with the waiting to regen mana (or having to use pots/heiros) and getting no xp I just didnt find it worthwhile.

    Running around mining resources is probably quicker money once there is some sort of economy to sell to.

    uhm, well, 700-800k per hour at like lvl60, considering i actually leveld taming by accident.

    so it's like 1mil/hour if you're GOOD in taming pets and selling them.

    Not too bad actually.

    And to "only the first ones will get money from HH"


    see My-En: The prices may drop a BIT, but: more players reach lvl60 and want HH weapons (or lvl 70, 80,...), so ppl are willing to play higher prices for it, also more WF farm HH, so the prices stabilize again.

    There's always casual players reaching some HH level, ready to pay gold to get their items.

    1 WF can't outfit 200 players in 1 day anyways (maybe 100 :D)
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ara wrote: »
    see My-En: The prices may drop a BIT, but: more players reach lvl60 and want HH weapons (or lvl 70, 80,...), so ppl are willing to play higher prices for it, also more WF farm HH, so the prices stabilize again.

    Price check : when I started farming HH, I was able to sell Colossus blades for 250k, madcougar for 300k

    A few weeks later, i was hardly able to sell them for 100k
    There's always casual players reaching some HH level, ready to pay gold to get their items.

    1 WF can't outfit 200 players in 1 day anyways (maybe 100 :D)

    Problem is that as the game advance in age, you have more and more solo Venomancer and guild parties that can and go farm HH. There is more offer than demand, price plummet. The first WF in our guild back then to reach level 60 made a fortune selling HH mats. At that time, they were a handful to sell them. As time passed, price kept going down down down. In the same time, HH key price went up to 250 to 300k.... When I left MY, mid mat were selling 10k+ each...
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • ara
    ara Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i was playing WF on Delphi lvl7x when most highlvl guys were alrdy like lvl 100 (and a LOT were 9x) and i could still make like 2mil/h and more doing HH, selling Asura corslets and Madcougar Armor (so what if prices go down from 700k to 500k and 300k to 100k, still a shitload), also you get mirage stones (which actually paid for the wood you needed to enter anyways).

    Y woodprices went up and we ALL know the economy on MY-EN is ****ed mostly due to goldsellers and ****. If the economy is gonna be somewhat stable here, the prices will surely drop at first but stay the same for a LONG time afterwards, before maybe dropping a bit more.

    But what veno is gonna solo 2-1 to get mascougar armor if he/she can solo 2-3 or something else that gives higher lvl mats? so NEW lvl7x venos will do 2-1 and sell the stuff to NEW lvl70 players.

    Well, all theorycraft anyways, we have to see how it turns out ingame, but my point is: Veno can still make the most money in the shortest amount of time of all classes.