The Barbarian Guide!

Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2014 in Barbarian
In Perfect World barbarian's are basically the meat shield. High HP,moderate physical defense, low magical defense, and low damage. Though it can be a relatively easy class to play if you stick to the rules.
Whats that? What rules you ask? Well little Johnny there a 3 rules to being a WB:

1.Never run when tanking bosses or difficult mobs when in a party. Unless that is of course your slow poke healer is out of casting distance and your hiero/pots are on cool down and you need a heal ASAP.It's a known fact that if you get stupid and try and run from a boss the parties going to wipe.

2.Tanking bosses is simple. It's basically a combonation of Ripping Bite(Spam like theres no tommorow),Bluster(Personally i only use this when i lose aggro),Raging Pounce(Time it to cancel bosses skills),Frighten(Aggro's and makes your life a little bit easier).

3.There is only one way to build your werebeast and thats with enough strength and dexterity for dual axes and heavy armor and every thing else into constitution. Dex or Str based werebeast's just get **** in PvP not to mention their perdition is useless.

Levels 1-19:

At earlier levels playing a WB is a cake walk. We have high HP to start with and if you go with the build i mentioned above you will have around 1k HP by level 15. Not to mention 99.9% of the mobs you'll be facing at this level will be physical and you wont have any magical mobs until at least level 20.

You will only have one skill to start with which is Beast Lords Whomp(Bestial Hammer). Use this to quest and grind your way to level 3. By which time you can go into vanish and can learn Garrote(Strangle) learn it. It's a good soloing skill at lower levels. I highly suggest that you don't waste any SP on upgrading BH(Yes,bestial hammer. Try and keep up with the acronyms). This skill will become obsolete at higher levels when you'll be needing all the SP you can get to get a skill which is actually useful. Once you get to level 9 go to your skill master and learn your transformation skill this will transform you into a tiger which will increase your movement speed,and physical defense, while decreasing your attack. Always level this skill as soon as you can even though it only goes to level 3.

Continue on your way to level 19 while putting only enough points into strength and dexterity for your dual axes and heavy armor and everything else into constitution. Once you get to level 19 you'll get your iron blood tablet from the vanish elder. Make sure you do this quest it's your first FB and you'll get an awesome blue Poleaxe which you'll likely use until level 35 or so. You can probably find lots of people willing to help you and earn some rep for themselves.

Level 30 Humanoid Skills Overview:

Once you reach level 30 you'll have noticed that there's several new skills available to you. I'll give you a quick run through of each skill and how high of priority it should hold for you.

Bestial Hammer:
This skill is basically worthless if you ask me. Due to the fact that when it's at level 10 which can't be achieved until somewhere in the 40's and even then it's only 7xx damage. There are plenty more useful skills that you could be using instead of casting this.

This is a pretty useful skill which does your normal damage plus an additional 15 seconds of bleeding damage. I tend to use this when soloing. It's not super important but it can be fairly useful.*Note: Only use this in PvP when trying to build up vigor for a more useful skill seeing as once the poison damage is reduced it only comes to about 200 or so over 15 seconds. Or if your willing to stack it continuously.

Thousand Ton hammer:

This skill is your bread and butter. Both for PvE and PvP, it does fairly decent damage aswell as a chance to stun your opponent. This is one of the few ways you'll be able to finish off an archer,werefox,or mage in PvP and you better hope your lucky since it only has a low chance of success. Level this skill ASAP.


This is a great skill to use when soloing mobs or even when your PKing alone or sometimes in a group if the WF is too slow to use their dispell with the same effect. The only downside of this skills i that you wont be using it at all during FB's. Level it as best you can.

Funeral Bell:

This is the first AOE you'll get and let me tell you, It's not all that great. It only attacks in a fan radius and does relatively low damage.Theres no real need for this skill but you can invest a little bit into it if you feel the need to.

Flaming Wind:

This is a pretty decent skill even though it only has an 8 meter or so line radius. Though it does cost 1 chi which you will be wanting to save for much more useful skills at higher levels. Level it a bit, it can come in handy for AOE parties at lower levels if the mage is taking abit too much damage.

Swimming Mastery:

Max this it`s self explanatory. Since it only has one level and it`s extremely cheap while increasing your swimming speed by 50%.

Bestial Strength:

Level this one ASAP since it`ll make your job a lot easier and it`s pretty cheap too.


Always have this at the max possible level since you should have it on whether your soloing,AOEing, doing FB`s, running HH, or PKing. Not to mention this skill has effect on your entire party giving everyone 30% more HP at level 10.

Burning Blood:

This skill is absolutely 110% necessary if you wan`t to PK. Though the only turn off with this skill is the fact that it`s alot of HP to trade in for 10% more hit rate at lower levels. But at level 10 it`s 200% hit rate for a mere 16% less HP. Trust me at higher levels if you don`t use this you`ll have alot of trouble killing dex based builds.

Tiger Based Skills:

Roar of The Tiger:

Like i said level this up ASAP. Always use this in HH,FB`s, Luring for AOE parties at wolves or spiders, or even for running forest ruin.

Raging Bite:

This is your main aggro tool. Keep this at the highest possible level. This is also a fair bit of damage too seeing as you can stack it.

Wrath of The Tiger:

This is a great skill, Make sure that when fighting bosses you time it correctly to cancel their skills. Especially on higher level HH or FB bosses like asura and you can save your hiero. I suggest keeping this at a moderate level since the skill cancel is effective at any level of the skill but it does do fairly decent damage.

Tigers Maw:

This is a pretty helpful skill, but the only problem is that it`ll cost you 35 chi to use it. So the only time you should really be using this when in a party fighting bosses ``IF`` the WF doesn`t have their armor break at a decent level and is willing to use vigor transfer on you so that you can use veil of shadow or sundering heaven.

Bestial Fury:

This is a great skill to use when tanking bosses since they`ll be focused on you without interruption you can just cast this every 30 seconds to build up your vigor. Needless to say just learn it.

Poison Fangs:

This skill is pretty controversial but i have to say i did test it on a fellow guild member on PW-MY to check the damage difference with it at level 10 and i did an additional 300 damage with it consistently. I think it`s worth leveling so long as you have the money and SP for it.

Axe and Mace Mastery:

This is basically common sense. Just keep leveling it.
Post edited by xkwisite on


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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    During your onslaught from level 30 to 40 you will notice that you have received only 3 new skills. Yeah, You may find this some what disappointing but seriously, Deal with it. Two of these skills will become very important in the future and the other a useful filler.

    Level 40 Humanoid Skills:

    Splitting Earth:

    This is the only new humanoid skill available to you levels 30-40. But trust me this one was well worth it, it will be our first decent AOE and extremely effective for luring end game. I highly suggest getting this skill to at least level 5 by the time you have reached level 70 as while luring in human form you will use this to keep the mobs aggro. Also this will be one of your few useful skills in TW seeing as you can use this then perdition or vice versa. Note: The higher level this skill is the further the knock back range. So it'll save you a lot of pocket change on hieros.

    Level 40 tiger skills:

    Turbulent Seas:

    To tell the truth this skill isn't all that great. Though i do recommend investing a little bit into it as if you master the ability to lure in tiger form it can also be quite a hiero saver due to it's slowing effect. Though i do not suggest upgrading this over frighten which should be maxed well before investing in this and is a much more effective skill as it is a 360 degree AOE and also reduces the mobs attack power.

    Tigers Challenge:

    This is a great skill and is highly effective when used at the right time. I suggest trying to keep this skill at the highest possible level, though it's alright if you let it lag behind a level or two so long as you can effectively use ripping bite and frighten to hold aggro. Also never think that this skill is completely useless in PvP seeing as after level 89 whether you go heaven or hell it will be useful for you while pulling catapults in TW.

    Level 50 Humanoid Skills:

    Divine Strength:

    Simply put, This skill is self explanatory. Max it and it's as simple as that, just don't forget to always buff yourself and your party with it.


    This is a really great skill, remember how were always complaining about our hit rate? Well second only to blood bath this is the cure to that problem. Not only is this skill great because it reduces our opponents evasion by 50% but also because it's our only ranged skill as well as being one of our highest single target damage skills. But wait! It gets better if you decide to go heaven this skill reduces your opponents evasion by 100% or if your hell then it'll give you an additional 35% crit rate for 6 seconds.

    Level 50 Tiger Skills:

    Tigers Presence:

    Honestly this is one of my favourite skills to use as a Werebeast. Probably because of it's triple debuff effect. Trust me you'll want to max this skill ASAP. Once it's maxed it'll reduce all of targets within the 12m radius's attack power and attack speed by 30% while reducing their move speed by 50%. I tended to chain this with bluster and (when i had the vigor) sundering heaven. Also this skill is a great way to gain vigor. When tanking bosses or even elite mobs always cast this every 15 seconds.

    Level 60 Humanoid Skills:


    Just to tell you guys the truth, I never really liked this skill. Partly due to the fact that i had around 15k HP and every time i used it 7.5k HP would tick and my hiero would go down a considerable amount. But if your really into PKing or have a need to crash zhen parties this is the skill to do it with. The only downside of this skill is that werebeasts have an excruciatingly low hit rate. Which means we needed to use bloodbath if we wanted to make sure they weren't just gonna turn around and PK us. Therefore reducing our HP and our damage, though the damage should still be sufficient with a pure con build. Also if you can get your hands on a ling yun, this skill can be used without blood bath and is basically GG. Note: This is a very expensive skill to level up but in the end is worth it. Though if you don't crash AOE parties or aren't involved with TW at all don't bother with it.

    Level 60 Tiger Skills:

    Sundering Heavens:

    I really like this skill, It's great if you can manage luring for AOE parties in tiger. Also this skill can be useful when tanking bosses and your doing fine and have no need to use black tortlen, just use this to get the job done a little quicker and save yourself and the healers abit of trouble. If your the kind of guy who likes to lure in tiger form you should level this up quite abit.

    Veil Of Shadow:

    Whether your tanking tough bosses, or trying to get that last few second on the crystal with your catapult this skill is amazing! Not to mention it only has 1 level and is very cheap to learn. Just get it.


    I will not be giving any information or be talking about the 3 new Werebeast skills due to the fact that i never did have the chance to use them and never will. Also because these skills only have 1 level it's easy to see that a little bit of commonsense will tell you what you need to know to be effective when using these skills.

    Finally now that were through with all that skill hooplah we can get on to the real core of what it means to be a Werebeast, That's right party etiquette:

    Party Orientation:

    Now, Im Sure that some of you are wondering "Hey, i have all these great skills but how and when do i use them when in a party? Being in a party is fairly simple for Werebeast's so simple in fact that i can divide it up into 3 sections. Now there are however a few rules which apply to all sections:

    Rule 1-Never ever run when tanking a boss.
    Rule 2-Always buff your party with Divine Strength and Inspire.
    Rule 3- Aggro,Aggro,Aggro.

    Section 1, Running HH and FB's:

    There's one main differences i have noticed between HH and FB's, Simply put the difference is that HH bosses take a whole lots longer to kill while FB bosses tend to be quite a bit quicker. Either way you should follow the guide lines listed below to safely get your party through this ordeal:

    - Usually i like to start off bosses with a few quick raging bites. This will insure that you get early aggro coverage, while still having Tiger's Challenge to grab that aggro back in the case that you do lose it.

    -Usually after i feel that i have built up sufficient aggro ill begin casting Tiger's Presence which will make the healers job a lot easier and if the boss has AOE skills which he manages to get out it can make the difference between having your entire party laying dead or vice versa.

    -Some bosses as you may have noticed have skills or special attacks, I believe the first boss that you will encounter with skills is located within FB29, This is where you should begin to practice your timing with wrath of the tiger to cancel those attacks before they end up killing you. On the MY version this was a very difficult practice due to the 3-5 second skill delay but here it should be fairly easy for you. By the time that you begin running HH you should have this ability perfected so that you can cancel AOE's from bosses like Drums which possibly can wipe out some of the squishy's in you party.

    -Sometimes you will be required to lure a boss towards your party or away from your party ill use Armorer Ko. as an example. Usually you'll have to lure this boss towards the wall because if not the 4 territory war bosses that spawn will kill you. I find that the most efficient way to lure a boss is to have everyone else in the party stop DPSing while you hit it with ripping bite once and run to where you want it to be. Then once it has reached and you've resumed your aggro routine it's safe to commence DPSing.

    Section 2, Zhen or AOE Parties:

    Now depending on where your leveling at there will be 2 distinct types of mobs, Aggro and Passive. Aggro mobs like spiders or wolves will aggro you as soon as you walk into their radius. This means easy work for you since you'll just have to run by the mobs, collect a few, and then return to the party. Though your going to have to be a lot more careful when AOEing at aggro mobs and make sure that the Priest,Mage,or Archer don't get overwhelmed by mobs and die. If you notice this happening your probably gonna want to run into the middle of their AOE's and cast Tiger's Challenge.

    If you happening to be AOEing on passive mobs, Well your job just got a little bit more difficult. There's 2 ways that you can do this either in Humanoid or Tiger form. While in humanoid you'll want to just use Splitting Earth every 8-10 seconds or so after you've got some mobs following you. Even though while in Humanoid you only have to use 1 skill, the downside is that you wont have as much speed as in tiger as well as your hiero taking a slightly heavier beating. If you decide you want to lure while in tiger what your gonna want to do is aggro the mobs and cast tigers presence. Depending on how far you need to lure the mobs you may need to use either Tigers Challenge or Sundering Heavens to keep the mobs going. I however highly suggest using Humanoid to lure until you've figured out how to micro manage your barbarian very well.


    -Always keep an eye on the Priest,Mage, and Archers health.
    -2 mob types, Passive and Aggro as well as luring strategies for each.
    -2 luring styles, Humanoid and Tiger.

    Section 3, Territorial War's:

    Once again, you'll want to make sure that you've fully buffed yourself as well as your party. If not do it. Anyways well start with TW, In which from my experiences Werebeasts will be put into 1 of 3 parties. 1. Perdition Squad. 2. Mixed. 3. Catapult. Below ill break down each party type for you.

    Perdition Squads:

    This is a rare tactic in territory wars but it has been done. This squad usually consists of all Werebeast's but a priest can be thrown in as well for good measure. Most members of this party will be given spark pots so that they can use perdition. Usually the party will break up into groups of 3, each including 2 Werebeasts. The idea is that the Werebeast's will run into large groups of people, perdition at the same time(Probably killing everything caught in the radius), and then regroup. This can be a highly effective tactic during higher level territory wars.

    Mixed Squads:

    This is basically your normal group with a Warrior,Barbarian,Werefox,Priest(Or Two), an archer, and/or a Mage. The basic goal of this party is usually to frag and defend the catapult teams, though they can also be used to cause distractions or to escort a perdition team into the fray. Also depending on how the battle is going it may end up becoming a defense team. The werebeast's sole role in this squad is his buffs, After that he should just try and frag to the best of his ability or to aid others in the party once they come under attack.

    Catapult Teams:

    This is the kind of squad that only the very best of werebeast's will get into. Usually the 3 highest levels in the guild. Possibly even only the 2 highest depending on the guilds strategy. Catapult teams tend to consist of 1 Werebeast, 1 Werefox, 1 Warrior, 2 Priests(Possibly 3), and maybe an archer. The classes all contribute certain buffs and heals needed to keep the werebeast alive. When pulling catapults you need to know when to use your pots, special pots, black tortlen,and or sundering heavens, as well as skills like frighten.

    To be finished soon.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Great Guide! Thank you. I've always liked playing the tank classes. Looking at the poll results on the front page, it appears there won't be many of them compared to other classes.
  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i have aleardy used my stat points. Do you got a tips of how i need to grow the stats, how many for str and dex? I have till now lvl 4, i had to leave the game, but i put 3 for str and 2 for dex.

    Is it good for now? tell me how to build the stats.
    and what is constitution? is the the rest?

    please reply.
  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i know i can reset it after. Till when do i get that option?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yeshua wrote: »
    i have aleardy used my stat points. Do you got a tips of how i need to grow the stats, how many for str and dex? I have till now lvl 4, i had to leave the game, but i put 3 for str and 2 for dex.

    Is it good for now? tell me how to build the stats.
    and what is constitution? is the the rest?

    please reply.

    Basically you want to build it like this:

    Str:Enough for heavy armor and dual axes.
    Dex:Same as above
    Con:Dumpstat(All extra points)

    Note:At higher levels you can switch to a dex/str build for PvP if you have really good gear.
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    what imma do is 3 con 1 str and 1 dex..that should work out niceley
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    You need around at least 3 str points per level to keep up with weapon requirements. I think what it should come out to is 6 str 3 con 1 dex every 2 levels. Take a look at equipment reqs first though, as I'm not entirely sure about this.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    senovit wrote: »
    You need around at least 3 str points per level to keep up with weapon requirements. I think what it should come out to is 6 str 3 con 1 dex every 2 levels. Take a look at equipment reqs first though, as I'm not entirely sure about this.

    That sounds right, though i never did follow a preset build i just checked weapon req's added what i needed and put w/e else on con.
  • Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Not reading the whole thing, did you mention that only 2 builds are good for wb?

    either agi or consti guys dont go hybrid that would suck in both pvp and pve. :P
    :DBFME2 on PW (Oracle lv 89WB+lv 71EP):D
    wargasm1 on FFR rank top 200/1.5 million players
    :):p:)TO JOIN PVE GUILD PM ME:):p:)
    Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie? Or are you gonna bite?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wargasm wrote: »
    Not reading the whole thing, did you mention that only 2 builds are good for wb?

    either agi or consti guys dont go hybrid that would suck in both pvp and pve. :P

    I did mention that, though i said that Agi build is only good after you can get some good gear.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Nice guide! Just might wanna edit the skill names to match PWi.
    I agree that STR builds suck since they have both low accuracy and HP. DEX builds don't have enough HP, defense, and base damage..
    Hmm, I know tanker build is the most common and recommended, but is a hybrid build really that bad?

    I'm trying out this build in closed beta: 1 VIT every level, 5 STR/3 DEX every two levels
    might add more VIT later whenever I feel my max HP is lacking. So at lv 9x, I would have around 90+ VIT, 240 STR, 140 DEX.

    With this build, I could also switch to light armor when dealing against magic. More hit/crit/dodge rates are nice too. Isn't it easier to raise HP instead of accuracy with gears? Plus with a higher base accuracy, the +% bonuses will benefit you more.

    And I found this quote (from AsiaPWorld forums) about the benefits of more DEX (or Agi in other PW versions) in a Barbarian/Werebeast build. I found it interesting:
    Now I know the general consensus on Tank builds tends to a bare minimum Agi, using the reasoning that "tanks don't need to dodge or hit often" and "more HP = better tanking, and necessary for magic tanking" however I chose to stray from this build *for* tanking rather than PVP purposes. My reasons for doing so were:

    a) due to WB accelerated HP progression(lvling bonuses & HP:Con advantages), as well as Max HP buff, Tiger Transform HP bonus, & HP recovery rate increase, I can afford to put less points into Con & *still* come out far ahead of any other class. I've come across WR my lvl who had far more Con than myself, yet far less HP(even if I was in Human form, and unbuffed).

    b) the ability to switch to light armors as needed greatly increases my magic defenses. The key is knowing what you're going up against ahead of time so you equip yourself properly. I personally find light armor to be much more effective in tanking magic than simply throwing more HP at it. Additionally Tiger form's Phys Def bonuses(via Shapeshifting Intensify) allow it to maintain defense similar to your Human form(in heavy armor), while equipped with light instead(thus greatly improving magical defense while minimizing the loss of physical).

    c) so tanks don't need accuracy? Obviously the opinion of someone who doesn't tank in Perfect World. How are you expected to maintain enemy aggro on you(thus sparing the lives of fragile MG & EA) if the skills you use to focus their attention miss at a crucial moment? One unfortunate EA crit connecting while you wait those precious seconds through cooldown for another attempt can cause havoc in an otherwise smooth bossfight. I know Blood Bath has been mentioned as an alternative, however my experience in bossfight situations is that unless you greatly outlevel the boss you're up against, the Max HP reduction that Bloodbath sacrifices for increased accuracy is simply an unacceptable amount.

    So what are your opinions on adding more DEX to a Barbarian build, and using more HP increasing gears instead of accuracy bonus gears? I haven't tried a high VIT build yet, but I'm really thinking of being hybrid.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Nice guide! Just might wanna edit the skill names to match PWi.
    I agree that STR builds suck since they have both low accuracy and HP. DEX builds don't have enough HP, defense, and base damage..
    Hmm, I know tanker build is the most common and recommended, but is a hybrid build really that bad?

    Yeah, i still have to edit the names. I used the skills database to get the ones for PWI. Because i don't know what they are here, but apparently those are wrong as well lol. Hybrid builds aren't terrible, but their not great either.
    With this build, I could also switch to light armor when dealing against magic. More hit/crit/dodge rates are nice too. Isn't it easier to raise HP instead of accuracy with gears? Plus with a higher base accuracy, the +% bonuses will benefit you more.

    True.But in the heat of PvP wars or TW. You wont have time to switch back and forth, and at higher levels when mages start nuking you your gonna go down quickly either way.
    So what are your opinions on adding more DEX to a Barbarian build, and using more HP increasing gears instead of accuracy bonus gears? I haven't tried a high VIT build yet, but I'm really thinking of being hybrid.

    I also don't think that going with dex and trying to use HP stones to offset the lost HP will be effective, I think if you wan't an AgI/Dex build then warrior is the way to roll. Since most werebeast's at higher levels will use con stones even if they are a tank build. So that they lose minimal HP when using bloodbath, and get the maximum damage out of perdition etc. While easily tanking bosses.
    b) the ability to switch to light armors as needed greatly increases my magic defenses. The key is knowing what you're going up against ahead of time so you equip yourself properly. I personally find light armor to be much more effective in tanking magic than simply throwing more HP at it. Additionally Tiger form's Phys Def bonuses(via Shapeshifting Intensify) allow it to maintain defense similar to your Human form(in heavy armor), while equipped with light instead(thus greatly improving magical defense while minimizing the loss of physical).

    I don't recommend this as it seems that he is pointing at tanking magic bosses in human form? This would be an extremely bad idea because you'll lose heaps of HP, while also losing the ability to use raging pounce which is great for magic bosses and if timed correctly makes killing them very easy.
    c) so tanks don't need accuracy? Obviously the opinion of someone who doesn't tank in Perfect World. How are you expected to maintain enemy aggro on you(thus sparing the lives of fragile MG & EA) if the skills you use to focus their attention miss at a crucial moment? One unfortunate EA crit connecting while you wait those precious seconds through cooldown for another attempt can cause havoc in an otherwise smooth bossfight. I know Blood Bath has been mentioned as an alternative, however my experience in bossfight situations is that unless you greatly outlevel the boss you're up against, the Max HP reduction that Bloodbath sacrifices for increased accuracy is simply an unacceptable amount.

    Simply put, i think this guy is clueless after reading this. I played my were beast to level 76 and had very little trouble keeping aggro from bosses even with the 5+ second skill delay. And the chances of you missing when an archer or mage crits will make very little difference as it's not the damage your doing that matters it's the hate that you build up with skills like ripping bite,frighten,and bluster. Also if you do happen to lose aggro it can easily be recovered by using bluster(Never misses), Or by quickly using ripping bite. Also if it comes to it and you roll a pure tank build you can easily gain 30k+ HP at level 100. Also if you go with heaven at end game like most werebeasts do you'll only have your max HP reduced by 10%. 3k HP when you have 30k HP. Very minor stuff.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Thanks for the detailed reply. You convinced me to go tanker build :D

    And regarding the skill name translations, was recently updated. A lot of them are completely different; so when referring from other versions, it gets really confusing without the skill descriptions :P

    Bestial Hammer = Stomp of the Beast King
    Strangle = Garrotte
    Thousand Ton hammer: = Mighty Swing
    Shatter = Penetrate Armor
    Funeral Bell = Swell
    Flaming Wind = Firestorm
    Bestial Strength = Feral Regeneration
    Inspire = Beast King's Inspiration
    Burning Blood = Blood Bath

    Roar of The Tiger = True Form
    Raging Bite = Flesh Ream
    Wrath of The Tiger = Alacrity of the Beast
    Tigers Maw = Devour
    Bestial Fury = Beastial Rage

    Splitting Earth = Slam
    Turbulent Seas = Surf Impact
    Tigers Challenge = Talk is cheap

    Divine Strength = Strength of the Titans
    Defiance = Beastial Onslaught

    Tigers Presence = Frighten

    Armageddon = Perdition

    Sundering Heavens = Sunder
    Veil Of Shadow = Invoke the Spirit
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Very nice i bookmarked it!
  • Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Very nice i bookmarked it!

    lol nice

    yeah its a nice guide, being a WB myself i can only approve. Just don't commit the mistake to follow it blindly, make sure you understand everything so you don't end up doing a build you don't want to. And for agi i personally only put the minimum and i get 2 rings of Lang Lui (+50% agility each) to compensate but they cost a bazillion $ :eek:
    :DBFME2 on PW (Oracle lv 89WB+lv 71EP):D
    wargasm1 on FFR rank top 200/1.5 million players
    :):p:)TO JOIN PVE GUILD PM ME:):p:)
    Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie? Or are you gonna bite?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wargasm wrote: »
    lol nice

    yeah its a nice guide, being a WB myself i can only approve. Just don't commit the mistake to follow it blindly, make sure you understand everything so you don't end up doing a build you don't want to. And for agi i personally only put the minimum and i get 2 rings of Lang Lui (+50% agility each) to compensate but they cost a bazillion $ :eek:

    Those rings aren't +50% agi, They're +50% accuracy but still very good. Though hard to get.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    question here, is it important to max out white tiger transform?
    Server: Lost City
    Barbarian 3x
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    could you list the skills you recommend and how many levels we should get for them?

    this is what i got from your guide so far. i think some skills are missing that need to be leveled up.
  • Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Thanks for a well-written guide. I'll be following it.
    "there is still much to be done"
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    daveee wrote: »
    question here, is it important to max out white tiger transform?

    Yes, It'll increase both your move speed and HP massively, While only reducing your damage marginally. Not to mention you'll likely only be using this when in parties for HH/FB's/etc. Where the damage you do doesn't matter.

    I'd love to update the names to PWI for you guys, but i can't edit those posts any more. So i'd need either a mod to give me the ability to do so or, have a mod do it.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    daveee wrote: »
    question here, is it important to max out white tiger transform?

    I believe that white tiger transform's damage goes down as you level it, which is not good if you are intending to use it for fighting.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I believe that white tiger transform's damage goes down as you level it, which is not good if you are intending to use it for fighting.

    There is no way that would be dumb as hell. But besides the point damage still shouldnt matter cause all u need is hate/aggro.
    "Avarice, Envy, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony"

    "We 7 shall corrupt this Perfect World..."b:sin
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I believe that white tiger transform's damage goes down as you level it, which is not good if you are intending to use it for fighting.

    Which is why you don't use it for fighting, level 3 transformation will be needed for tanking bosses etc.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    question about con... if you add your points into con at say lvl 2 rather than later like rather 5 where the outcome you will have the same points in con at lvl 6.... would you have the same amount of HP's or would you have more HP's from adding them early
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    my barb lvl 12 has 36 vit, 27 str nd 8 dex. is meh build going alrite?? or should i add more strength and dex.

    ima hoping 2 be a tanker soo...

    any help b:thanks
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    quashieshh wrote: »
    my barb lvl 12 has 36 vit, 27 str nd 8 dex. is meh build going alrite?? or should i add more strength and dex.

    ima hoping 2 be a tanker soo...

    any help b:thanks

    Your numbers are not right the only way could have 36vit, 27 str, and 8 dex at lvl 12b:surrender is if you reduced your int to is it a typo?b:question
    "Avarice, Envy, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony"

    "We 7 shall corrupt this Perfect World..."b:sin
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    dude , can you change the name of the skills to this PWI version?
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    so barbarians are the best ?
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Hi guys i wanna know what u guys think about my stats?
    im lv 63 barb
    it has
    str- 185
    vit- 85
    magic- 5
    pls gimme your feedback cause im not really sure if it is how a barb should be xD
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    great guide!


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