People will still continue to cash to feel OP in other forms of PvP. 3v3 is nice but there are still insane TW/XTW and OPEN-PVP lovers out there that yearn for their precious even lately I've seen dudes go from basic R9 with vit shards to max arena gear, +3 shards, g17 helm, g17.5 weapon in the blink of an eye. So much god damn money spend. So don' worry. The majority of hardcore cashers never wanted to compete on even ground and they never will. They get stomped in 3v3 a few times and then either RQ the game or more likely, since their investment kinda binds them to this game, find other forms of PvP to get their acknowledgement. it has always been like that.
As for NR and faction being on one side only...that is the same thing. Most people here have a plathora of complexes and do not want to compete. That makes their spending habbits even far more questionable on a psychological PoV but welp, that is their own problem, I don't really care anymore. They can destroy the remainders of what could make this game fun outside of 3v3 if they want and if the game closes down in half a year..I dont care, I will have fullfilled anything I wanted in 3v3 on all my classes by then. People will still keep spending until the closure of the game is officially announced but I dont really think it will die down. They earn so much money with this game..its insaiyan from earth!0 -
▲ that guy looks like a moron. the game is not only about your 3v3 moronic event
Meanwhile in pwru ppl can't log into servers.... cause they are fk full.
It's not the game its PWE management.0 -
▲ that guy looks like a moron. the game is not only about your 3v3 moronic event
Meanwhile in pwru ppl can't log into servers.... cause they are fk full.
It's not the game its PWE management.
You seem to be rather inexperienced or just not a competitive player. 3v3 is the only place where gear doesnt matter and thus a form of balance is achieved. Anything else is imbalanced af. If you enjoy this, cool, you might as well go to any other RNG-Simulator then or keep being OP in PvE which there are plenty more enjoyable games for as well.
Anyone calling 3v3 moronic either has no friends to go with or not the capabilities to compete, either way, that's your problem, not mine. No glory for you! No one deserves even a tiny drop of praise for anything PvP related if its not on equal terms. Nothing. Nope. Never. People can stick their insane expensive gears where the sun doesn't shine and cry my a river about all the money they have burned. I don't care. I warned them. They didnt listen and now they pay up.0 -
I wish pwi would just delete the 'Mystic' class. That would be much more humane than to let the few players who still play this unpopular class believe that the 'next update' will finally do something better for this class. This update was the last facekick.
I agree with the above. I fell in love with the mystic when it came out and made it my main toon, but with this update, i'm looking to play another toon. My mystic is r93 and working on g17 gear, but as of this update that will stop. I've played this game since beta without a break. So right now my choice is to either quit, or play another toon.. SOB SOB SOB... i'm crying about this.0 -
cosmosia1989 wrote: »You seem to be rather inexperienced or just not a competitive player. 3v3 is the only place where gear doesnt matter and thus a form of balance is achieved. Anything else is imbalanced af. If you enjoy this, cool, you might as well go to any other RNG-Simulator then or keep being OP in PvE which there are plenty more enjoyable games for as well.
I like ur hype for the game, and if you having fun I ain't gna stop you.
But it's defo pretty clear that you're inexperienced in 3v3. I can tell you that the first 100 games are going to be really fun for you, but after a while every 3v3 battle will just feel like a scripted fight, everyone does the exact same thing, every single time, there's no depth and no skill expression, it's really 1-dimensional. Watch any YouTube video with 3v3s, they are doing the exact same thing every single fight like they are playing off the script they decided on the 30 seconds before the battle started. 60v60 and 80v80 has more depth because there's just more variables, too bad it's too expensive to play. That's eastern MMORPGs for you, pretty ****.
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cosmosia1989 wrote: »
You seem to be rather inexperienced or just not a competitive player. 3v3 is the only place where gear doesnt matter and thus a form of balance is achieved. Anything else is imbalanced af. If you enjoy this, cool, you might as well go to any other RNG-Simulator then or keep being OP in PvE which there are plenty more enjoyable games for as well.
Anyone calling 3v3 moronic either has no friends to go with or not the capabilities to compete, either way, that's your problem, not mine. No glory for you! No one deserves even a tiny drop of praise for anything PvP related if its not on equal terms. Nothing. Nope. Never. People can stick their insane expensive gears where the sun doesn't shine and cry my a river about all the money they have burned. I don't care. I warned them. They didnt listen and now they pay up.
Triple sparking then AD IG run into people with an Edgerunner isn't very skillfull LOL. The fact that classes can't change weapons and that seeker/barbs are devil stoned. Yes very equal gear and builds that people don't use.
Also dingo488 you are correct, Joe has never done 3v3 or pvp before the gear changes. He also just triple sparks AD IG's as an Edgerunner, Ulti, Horse skill all he has done every fight LOL
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its pretty clear that some classes have the upperhand on this new balanced 3v3 even tho its supposed to be balanced, if someone isn't paying full attention they gonna die right away with edgerunner halo and iw, or iw and multi hit skill from tech, depending on your ping you need to predict who's the veno gonna iw before you even see the veno animation starts thus wasting genie for no reason ( idk if its possible to cancel iw now, since the cast is almost instantly). I found kinda fair IW being a thing on old 3v3 since there were some people that had so much gear even if you went 1v3 for 1 min they wouldn't die but right now, sht is just ****, but that's my opinion on it, i'm sure some disagrees.
imho it won't take long till people realize the best comps and tryhard with specific classes to the top with good coordination, most people will be able to pull it since its clear that some comps can easily win from others. Players from my server didn't like the new 3v3 simple because it forces them to play outside their play style, which was made muscle memory along the years playing, mostly being clerics and support classes.
On a side note, if all factions join 1 single side on Northern Realm, the other side will receive a tremendous amount of Currency (forgot the name of the coin lol), i was able to get 85k with just 14k merit, meanwhile people who joined other side got less than 10k weekly reward with about 45k merit, maybe this will motivate factions to actually make this new area how its supposed to be.
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nowayoutgtx960 wrote: »its pretty clear that some classes have the upperhand on this new balanced 3v3 even tho its supposed to be balanced, if someone isn't paying full attention they gonna die right away with edgerunner halo and iw, or iw and multi hit skill from tech, depending on your ping you need to predict who's the veno gonna iw before you even see the veno animation starts thus wasting genie for no reason ( idk if its possible to cancel iw now, since the cast is almost instantly). I found kinda fair IW being a thing on old 3v3 since there were some people that had so much gear even if you went 1v3 for 1 min they wouldn't die but right now, sht is just ****, but that's my opinion on it, i'm sure some disagrees.
imho it won't take long till people realize the best comps and tryhard with specific classes to the top with good coordination, most people will be able to pull it since its clear that some comps can easily win from others. Players from my server didn't like the new 3v3 simple because it forces them to play outside their play style, which was made muscle memory along the years playing, mostly being clerics and support classes.
On a side note, if all factions join 1 single side on Northern Realm, the other side will receive a tremendous amount of Currency (forgot the name of the coin lol), i was able to get 85k with just 14k merit, meanwhile people who joined other side got less than 10k weekly reward with about 45k merit, maybe this will motivate factions to actually make this new area how its supposed to be.
The problem is the factions are small and probably had no idea. There's also no way they're going to spend like 600 gold? to get every single faction member neutral and then change sides. There needs to be a one time code for the item for everybody imo.0 -
The problem is the factions are small and probably had no idea. There's also no way they're going to spend like 600 gold? to get every single faction member neutral and then change sides. There needs to be a one time code for the item for everybody imo.
The changing will be free after month of sitting on one side. Changing faction will take fair bit of gold, was it 160? But if you dont have ton of land and dont mind skipping trials for 1 week, you can just make new guild instead.0 -
@lax I have never done 3v3 before? Roflmao...the dozens of videos I have on this matter surely show that I dont. Also I basically just started playing Edge..I basically 3v3ed on all classes, incl. the oh sooo weak archer and we still managed to beat some NP squads with it. So i will just ignore your comment beyond that point, unless you start making sense again.
Also, when it comes to Mass pvp, there is no other means to play a melee class. What do you expect? Show me another melee class that is pure damage built that can just jump into masses of people and just kill all of them/while tanking anything without the need to use any saves at all. That is the weakness of the edgerunner. It has powerful AOEs but no range whatsoever. Yeah, I can jump in, kill a few dozen people and get out unscathed, I can, but thats the exact same any other class can do with the exception of maybe being unable to get away. Doesnt matter tho. As long as pot/ulti and halo are on CD, I can't do nothing at all vs an overwhelming amount of people. But yes. A class that is REALLY STRONG every 5 Minutes!!! is indeed broken af and needs to be deleted. I agree. Also, the fact that I cant use any protective shield for a while once I used halo and none for a long time if I used 2 shields in a row, making me basically a glorified punching bag for quite some time makes it even stronger, right? Oh I have wings of desolation which is basically like the ulti, with the exception of not being able to attack at all, except ofc with halo. I wish people would play edge some more to finally understand it. Just because I make the best out of a mediocre class does not mean that it's broken. Broken is a class that any bonobo can play and still win with it with minimal effort, like sins used to do, you know? Stun port + eli and someone dies..that is broken. Anything that requires you to use a brain and still leaves you vulnerable in a way is NOT BROKEN BY ANY MEANS. And yes, sins are still much stronger than ER in 3v3. Why? Teamplay. Enemy used genie + pot? CJ + AA, 100% dead. Paralyze + Gap closers is the name of the game, and their own damage also isn't bad at all, still the highest of all classes.
I like ur hype for the game, and if you having fun I ain't gna stop you.
But it's defo pretty clear that you're inexperienced in 3v3. I can tell you that the first 100 games are going to be really fun for you, but after a while every 3v3 battle will just feel like a scripted fight, everyone does the exact same thing, every single time, there's no depth and no skill expression, it's really 1-dimensional. Watch any YouTube video with 3v3s, they are doing the exact same thing every single fight like they are playing off the script they decided on the 30 seconds before the battle started. 60v60 and 80v80 has more depth because there's just more variables, too bad it's too expensive to play. That's eastern MMORPGs for you, pretty ****.
Well, that is why I have my multitude of characters for. If it gets boring or people QQing about a class being too OP, I just use another and have fun again, changing our own squad dynamic tremendously, depending on the class that I chose. Ruby will also switch to wizard sometime and there we go. Finally it pays off that I am the master of alts because I can finally compete with all my toons on equal footing. Also, it is sad that the same strats work consistently vs certain players, it certainly doesnt vs us, we always try to switch it up, time it differently and focus on different targets if people, allowing us to sometimes catch people off guard. I agree tho in that sense. it is especially easy for us because people dont do this. Man there is a certain SB I won't mention that literally plays like a bot. Every. Single. Fight. The same skills and order of skills...even the same timing. It blows my mind, every single fight vs that squad.
I would also welcome it if people go in comps that they feel are the most broken. Yes, please. Tec, Wizard and edge are a close contender for that, just too much damage to handle and focusing each of those classes it not as easy as it may seem, especially considering you need to spam saves as well to stay alive, but I like that. Every little play matters in some matchups, just any small CC at the right situation can get someone killed. That is especially why I like it that people cannot hide in def gear and the fights are decided via mechanics alone. For each play, there needs to be a counterplay or at least you should be able to prepare and avoid the brunt of it, which is possible in most situations.
Currently there is such a massive outcry from Sins and SBs claiming their classes are hyper underpowered and tbh...that is just beyond ridiculous. If I would have played on sin these last 2 weeks people would still cry that sin is too OP, yet they cry that Edge is OP...yet my squad has not lost to an edge yet, at all...seems OP indeed. Overall, the class balancing is pretty OK now. I would have preferred if any class was max attack still, even tho some people are completely unable to utilize the damage potential of a class. But to be fair, that is their own inability to utilize the class to the maximum and no QQing about "oh I am not used to this" or "I would be more comfortable with more def gear" is going to change that.
Ofc most ppl are more comfortable with being more tanky because it allows for far more mistakes without instantly being punished for it. Sorry but not sorry, I do not feel with those people. Just git gud. People have no idea how a good veno, cleric and mystic and BM especially now could **** people with max damage gear. Easy solo kills on basically every class for those 4, without breaking a sweat, while still having a very good survival kit. Maybe its just easy for me to say because due to my low gear I was always used to being an insta-kill for almost everything but our recent 3v3 should show people that we can die too, pretty fast even if we mess up, but that doesnt mean that it is impossible to outplay, predict and stay alive, no matter which class you have. Ofc if people have used pot and genie we go ham on them, since there is no purify spell, once Untarget is triggered as well they are basically defenseless. Then you need your team to defend you with counter-CC or other support and its fine, the same thing applies to us as well. You can also try to kite, which most people dont even attempt which is ridiculous. With the average ping..especially vs melee classes..going into the air will most likely result in you staying alive. Welp anyways, I don't wanna explain PvP now, people should already know all this but somehow they are still stuck in their old meta, unable to adapt.
Again tho, just because something is different and you cannot brute force play the same way as before does not mean that your specific class is weaker now. It just means that you either adapt or you lose, that is what humanity is all about anyways, no? I will also never understand how people can think that switching from one g17 proc to the next has anything to do with skill, neither does switching from a full attack set to a full def set via macro. That shet is the most unfair BS in this game and that is one of the biggest reasons why 3v3 now is much more balanced than anything else. Fights have to be decided by skills and mechanics, not by swapping gear, especially if not everyone has it.0 -
I dno how much gear freedom you have in this ''equal gear'' 3v3 Arena, but I'm pretty sure that you can try to be as creative as you want, but an APS Barb and BM both with a defensive build and G17 Purge Claws (with 1 elemental shard), an interval arigora cape and sum interval G17 armor paired with an APS sin would clown on any comp doing literally nothing but stun/paralyze/disarm and auto-attack like a bunch of braindead monkeys.
You don't see these stupid builds in game cuz of how expensive it is to put that shjt together and it's literally worthless in mass PvP but imma be real with y'all, even average semi-braindead people would farm the everliving shjt out of 3v3 with their fingers up their nose. PWI isn't balanced nor skillbased, if your comp requires people working together it probably gets farmed by braindead auto-attacking. It's like a little minigame, the only thing that can save you is Absolute Domain, but if you use Absolute Domain you die.Post edited by dingo488 on0 -
I agree with the above. I fell in love with the mystic when it came out and made it my main toon, but with this update, i'm looking to play another toon. My mystic is r93 and working on g17 gear, but as of this update that will stop. I've played this game since beta without a break. So right now my choice is to either quit, or play another toon.. SOB SOB SOB... i'm crying about this.
Same here, i dont feel any fun anymore its like food uve to eat but you dont like this kind of food. i started to play already other toon. because i hate so much what they did to mystics. i wait since over ten years for example pwi make craggy finally usefull, and what the did beside **** nerfes? the added a debuff to craggy wich is same as on plant but the pet cost still senseless huge of chi ( about the timer i already stop to speak on THIS pet) i gave up to shake my head about. and am speaking about a char the is endgame. makes me speachless....
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I dno how much gear freedom you have in this ''equal gear'' 3v3 Arena, but I'm pretty sure that you can try to be as creative as you want, but an APS Barb and BM both with a defensive build and G17 Purge Claws (with 1 elemental shard), an interval arigora cape and sum interval G17 armor paired with an APS sin would clown on any comp doing literally nothing but stun/paralyze/disarm and auto-attack like a bunch of braindead monkeys.
You don't see these stupid builds in game cuz of how expensive it is to put that shjt together and it's literally worthless in mass PvP but imma be real with y'all, even average semi-braindead people would farm the everliving shjt out of 3v3 with their fingers up their nose. PWI isn't balanced nor skillbased, if your comp requires people working together it probably gets farmed by braindead auto-attacking. It's like a little minigame, the only thing that can save you is Absolute Domain, but if you use Absolute Domain you die.
Oh, no no, you have set gear in 3v3, there is no gear freedom, thankfully. If you could chose gear then yes, that would completely **** it over and allow people to for insanely broken BS. That is exactly why I love the restriction and there is no reason to QQ about it because ANYONE has the same restrictions, which many fail to realize so it seems. I also heard ppl complaining and saying 3v3 is imbalanced cause the genie recovery is can something ever be imbalanced if it is the same for anyone...welp, thats besides the point tho.
You cannot sport hardcore broken comps. Any comp has its weaknesses, even the most powerful ones, hence it comes down to knowledge and prediction and in my book these are some nice skills to have. Since anyone only has untarget proc and nothing else, you can even outplay that, fantastic.
@zoey4u12 Mystics are not in such a bad shape. Yes, the pets are meh..but at least devil does stun now and doesnt glitch out anymore. Yes, You cant spam it anymore but to be fair..pets were useless before..they are semi-useless now...but nothing much besides that changed. Mystic is still insanely powerful tho, especially in the new 3v3. If you have a mystic and 2x DDs, preferable a magic and a physical one or land a thicket with genie block on someone and they are silenced, frozen and genie blocked and those 2 DDs go ham on it...thats an instant, 100%, nothing-they-can-do-about-it kill. No one class can do that. Other than that mystics own DD is also not bad and their healing powers, plants, etc make them fantastic support. Mystic ult still is a nice protection, even tho the sporatic movement kinda makes it harder for it to survive but honestly...its not much weaker than before, just cant be spam-healed which is good.
Idk why people always need to complain about anything. Mystic is powerful AF, Sins are still powerful AF, Wizards are incredibly powerful now (but only if used right), Clerics are tankier and more efficient than ever, Archer deal more damage than ever, Psys have more utility than ever, BMs are versatile af and finally can make something out of all weapon types, Barbs are not overtuned anymore but can still deal great damage just like it was before glyphs, Venos are still insanely powerful but not impossible to deal with, Duskblades Quad-Combo OP, Seeker finally have more utility as well and much more CC, SBs have damage and debuffs for days and mobility, Edgerunner is a strong AoE-DD with some protections but blatant weaknesses and finally Tecs are crazy powerful (the most powerful of all classes) on max gear due to their Faith/leap and AOE-Spam.
None of these classes are hardcore broken vs any other class tho (cept for obviously DBs murder anything in 3v3 on their own but no worries, most ppl cant even play offensively at all anymore and are just CC-Bots aka useless) and if they are powerful in 1v1, it is 3v3 that is the name of the game now. Any comp can be overcome with good teamwork and knowledge of the game. Even full support comps like Mystic, cleric and BM can be insanely deadly if utilized in the correct way but welp. It is still much easier for people to complain. Yes, I did complain alot about RNG and gear difference, rightfully so, but now, when it comes down to gameplay reason for anyone to complain about anything at all.0 -
cosmosia1989 wrote: »
@zoey4u12 Mystics are not in such a bad shape.
true its worser than bad.(opinion)
Yes, the pets are meh..but at least devil does stun now
the stun war working already kinda ok like 90%
and doesnt glitch out anymore.
whats been also never fixed
Yes, You cant spam it anymore
thats the point.
but to be fair..pets were useless before..they are semi-useless now
it dosent matter, u could summon anytimes again what also gained chi.
...but nothing much besides that changed.
true this was already good placed hit. Dosent need much more(opinion).
Mystic is still insanely powerful tho, especially in the new 3v3. If you have a mystic and 2x DDs, preferable a magic and a physical one or land a thicket with genie block on someone and they are silenced, frozen and genie blocked and those 2 DDs go ham on it...thats an instant, 100%,
thicket dmg got nerfed by 5% whats already much since mystic dont have high hit range rather more constantly!
nothing-they-can-do-about-it kill. No one class can do that. Other than that mystics own DD is also not bad and their healing powers, plants, etc make them fantastic support.
Mystics neither have a great selection of dmg skills, like ALL other classes except clerics. No, wait even clerics got more.
Neither mystics have that heal selection same as clerics. So yea if ppls cry about this nerfes now based on the already weaker positions between other classes specially the lost stunlock, than i totally feel the same because its not fair that every other class got at least something good add on. Mystics came forgotten on every update to make a more positive different of the standard. So yea its frustrating. And, so far i have read iam at least not the only one the feel bad treated.
Mystic ult still is a nice protection, even tho the sporatic movement kinda makes it harder for it to survive but honestly...its not much weaker than before, just cant be spam-healed which is good.
As u said. Not much.. . Why not delate them. If the just can downgrade a already weak class.
Idk why people always need to complain about anything.
Mystic is powerful AF,
maybe the was. Let me also ask, if pwi want mystic more as being support (whats kinda funny) why the remove support functions from pets? Why the Shields and buffs for example from Salvation only works on master right now? And not on targets?
PWI made a real big step into skillfunctions of this class. And if i say am sad and tired about, I believe that's my prerogative to go in communication with the community, maybe someone feel same as me.0 -
I had my doubts about the skill changes for BMs. That it would ruin most builds beyond axes. But have been really surprised.
Axes are still main weapon for doing anything. And that's were there has been no change to the skills.
Poles giving a 20m distance on skills has been more helpful than I thought. Yes the cc is lowered and only single target, but you can close the distance and switch back to axes for full cc.
Swords have come back to giving chi, thankfully. I am disappointed in their skill change. The damage is negligible. Roar deals less damage than Ferocious. I would have expected a moderate increase for sacrificing the cc.
Fists are same as axes, no change. But I really only use them for aps, and makes me think I should learn the combined skill to get some more metal damage back.
Two more points of sad. Glacial Spike losing crit buff and Myriad Sword Stance losing atk debuff. Those made the skill imo.0 -
PWI made a real big step into skillfunctions of this class. And if i say am sad and tired about, I believe that's my prerogative to go in communication with the community, maybe someone feel same as me.
I dumped all my time and money into the mystic class years ago. I believe that Stormbringers were the class they were meant to be and PW gave up on them. They have never brought them to the forefront. They have never brought them to support and work with specific classes.
I quit years ago when the merge happened. The merge wasnt so bad for me but rather the class design. It was simply not fun getting new classes and not doing anything this one that they did not fully develop. After years of AFK, I am glad I did because the mystic is a waste of time and not fun.
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PWI made a real big step into skillfunctions of this class. And if i say am sad and tired about, I believe that's my prerogative to go in communication with the community, maybe someone feel same as me.
I agree. Full R9 mystic here as main and I am glad I quit/AFK after the server merge. No reason to come back for sure.
I would rather start Lv1 on another server than play my main. I am waiting for a server merge or service termination notice.
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they planning bring back the old ulfgard?
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Are we suppose to get 6 to 10 lvl magic/physical attack passive item from this expansion?
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Are we suppose to get 6 to 10 lvl magic/physical attack passive item from this expansion?
To answer both of your questions:
I don't believe Ulfgard is supposed to come back but they could find another purpose for it for all we know.
No, the level 6 to 10 Ulfgard passives are not available in this expansion. I don't think they are available in PWCN yet either, so it'll be quite some time before we see them. Lore-wise, the locals don't wanna give us the rare material required to make those books.Roxxannae - Twilight Temple
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I believe that Stormbringers were the class they were meant to be and PW gave up on them. They have never brought them to the forefront. They have never brought them to support and work with specific classes.
After years of AFK, I am glad I did because the mystic is a waste of time and not fun.
Yea i kinda thought the same. So sad but its 'worth' actually more to play any sb other class even technician. because pwi care about. am still the opinion the mystic player base was to low to make pwi care about them. If i see how often the modificate sins for example. Its kinda ridiculous. I think the should delate to make a clear step out of a class the not get modificate by pwi. (its my opinion) Am not asking someone to breaking swords now for this class, Just to say anything good about. The have good things guess thats why some still played myst. But thats it. nothing more. bad lovestory.
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@zoey4u12 Maybe you guys did not do much PvP with the mystic or much teamplay at that..but...who cares if thickets own damage is reduces? it was already low and served to tick def charms, nothing more. The CC and the genie block are the most important parts about Thicket and that is what makes this skill so incredibly strong. Some mystics dont even use the Argent glyph (genie block) on Nature's barrier, yet again I cant understand why. The genie disable is by far the strongest debuff in the entire game, hands down. So much so that a full attack built mystic...all you need is to be demon, 3 spark, Rapid growth, paramount genie skill, thicket and spam NV + AS and you auto-win vs borderline anything that isnt a tec or Edgerunner (cause they can use skills while being CCed). That is hyper-broken. Absorb Soul in general is still one of the, if not THE strongest skill any magic class has to offer. That is as far as damage goes.
Now lets look at the a real fight..if you even bother spawning any pet that is not your ulti for your own protection then you are either fighting ppl that are bad or are bad yourself. The pets are and have always been useless and thus need to be ignored cept for absorbing them maybe. Petals is by far the strongest heal over time that can carry someone on its own with a single cast. Vital Herb is also crazy powerful with the untarget glyph, essentially an AOE save, that no other class even comes close to. Top that off with an insanely powerful and crazy fast heal that mystics can basically spam to stay alive with no issue at all. Mystics didnt get any love because they are already EXTREMELY powerful. Maybe not all aspects of them...but jesus christ, if Mystics would have gotten the same level of Pet management as venomancers did than the class would be so broken, that I even would cry about it 24/7. It's a very strong class in the right hands, some aspects just need to be ignored. Really, all you guys are complaining about are extremely minor issues that don't make the class weak at all. Not in the slightest. Give me a max damage built mystic and I tear anyone apart with it, with ease.
@lv100togekiss The sword skills are crazy powerful if you have a decent sword to use it with, well Roar is kinda meh, but oddly enough the damage isnt pure physical, it is a DoT-Type damage just as shield of halo, absorb soul. Can be used to sneak a nice kill on def charms with 0def but ya, its usually not worth it with swords. The utility BMs have now is crazy good and forces people to basically play with all weapon-types. However, whats your issue with Myriad? Myriad is the highest DD skill BMs got now, deals crazy damage. If you combine it with either a blue glyph on HF or blue glyph on glacial than Myriad either has a higher crit chance or flatout deals more damage on a skill that is already crazy powerful. Ulti, Roar, HF, Myriad and chances are equally geared ppl isnta-explode. It's fantastic!0 -
I agree with the above. I fell in love with the mystic when it came out and made it my main toon, but with this update, i'm looking to play another toon. My mystic is r93 and working on g17 gear, but as of this update that will stop. I've played this game since beta without a break. So right now my choice is to either quit, or play another toon.. SOB SOB SOB... i'm crying about this.
Mystic unpopular? its so popular atm and brings plentry to the table in terms of healing dps and squad buffs i can think of two classes probally worse off and in need of some love (psychic and wizzard) more than the mystic0 -
I miss the attack debuff. Everything is basically nuke. That's fine most of the time. But when teaching people an instance, it's better to go slow and explain mechanics as it happens.
I usually run with some less geared people. There are aoes that can deal a lot of damage. I used MSS to lower that damage when we know it's coming around. Now I can't. Gotta rely on demon bell for better defense.
I've tried using MSS in combo. It deals very nice damage now. But still prefer the old skill.0 -
Mystic is amazing*
It's a way better healer than a cleric, and it can reduce charm cooldown, and it's ability to disable a genie is the most overpowered thing if paired with a paralyze it'll leave the target literally dead in the water. On paper Perfect World has consistently been buffing Mystics indirectly. But this is where the asterisk comes in, because Mystics have 1 glaring weakness as a class, which is that it doesn't provide any meaningful damage mitigation. It can heal the damage you take, but it can't do much to control the amount of damage you take.
To really explain why this is so important I'll slide some quick PWI history in there. Once upon a time everyone was JOSD and it was a great and happy time. But some people, including myself figured that you can get away with running an Attack Level build as long as you had the skill and awareness to not expose yourself too much, which would greatly increase your ability to punish bad players and thus was the most effective build available. But PWI players being PWI players all read this and think to themselves ''hey that's me.'' and it came to a point where everyone and their grandmother figured that getting an Attack Level build made them better. And that exact day was the day when Attack Level builds stopped being meta and JOSD was significantly better, because you no longer needed the extra damage boost from Attack Levels since your targets were all squishy now. But everyone still has the same mindset that doing a lot of damage must mean you're good so almost everyone stuck with their Attack Level build. Meanwhile PWI is very clear in their message to us: ''Here, we've increased everyones max HP, and look, longer charm cooldowns. Guys look you have way more time to kill each other now, you know what synergizes really well with that? Defense Level!''. Meanwhile just imagine the PWI players like a group of cavemen smashing rocks together while chanting ''One shot, one shot, one shot''. Now fast forward a couple years and I see YouTube videos where everyone is 1-shotting each other with 50k auto attacks and PWI looks more like Dodgeball Online, all while Defense Level builds have been the meta for years now but people have refused to swap cuz hitting 70k on people with 30k HP is somehow considered relevant. At the same time people are complaining Venomancers/Seekers/Clerics are OP... Hm I wonder what those classes have in common. At this point you're probably wondering what the hell any of this has to do with Mystics.
Let's go back to the big weakness Mystics have, they can't mitigate damage in a meaningful way. Mystics are completely busted but they require their teammates to take care of their own damage mitigation. Mystics and Glass Cannons don't work together. At all. And that's perfect, because the PWI meta is to run defensive builds and actually use the fact charm cooldowns are so long by having extended fights instead of trying to 1-shot people and then wait 2 minutes to do it again. And PWI has been forcing this meta for years now, but sadly the PWI community is still handshaking the idea that we're playing Dodgeball Online and everyone is just 1-shotting each other and then getting 1-shot themselves. And a Mystic is completely useless in Dodgeball Online, but on paper Mystic is an incredibly potent class, but the PWI playerbase just hasn't caught up to the proper way to build yet. But I assume that time will come and Mystics will shine when it does, and until then you should just play with the classes/players that do currently build JOSD. Remember it also took years before people caught on with the Attack Level build strength that by the time they caught on it wasn't even true anymore. Or maybe you'll be playing Dodgeball Online forever.
I also see people complaining about Mystic damage... If you read the Mystic skills and think ''Hey this class should kill people'' then I can't help you lmao. That's like seeing shelves in a fridge and thinking that a fridge is a great place to store books cuz it has shelves.
Thank you for attending my TED talk on why Mystics would be really good if people werent playing Dodgeball Online instead of properly playing the game.0 -
Dingo is partially right. Mystic can be an even better DD than heal tho, because aside of their "weakness" of not having that many direct damage reduction skills...if you say DD you need to compare to other DDs as well. A well played max damage spec'ed mystic, like I said, fodderizes literally everything that is not an edgerunner and tec and even then, if done right, can still wipe them out (just with a dif setup). Mystic has versatility that most classes dream of. You can go full genie disable and be hyper-support, which yes, requires some assistance from your teammates. The most optimal would be building a Squad around that mystic that forces ppl to focus on the other support because of damage threat etc, cause then the myst can do w/e she wants, never a good idea
But personally I have always run attack builts in literally any class in the game and not really any class is worse because of it.
The thing is that people still think of PWI as a static game, like they pretend clerics absolutely have not gotten a bit of massive extra DD with their UVD skill-set so that they can actually DD, better than most other AA. Is just that support is often more important than DD. Mystics and Clerics with max damage spec can be insanely dangerous and not at all squishy, IF you compare them to other DDs and their DD-Builts. Surely, if you compare them to max def spec'ed anything, they are squishy, ya but thats not a fair comparison, is it? One of the strongest teams in 3v3 right now prolly is Mystic, Cleric and BM...all 3 of which do have def gear and they require quite a bit of skill and teamwork to make it work but oh boiiii if they do...its borderline impossible to beat this comp. CC support, heals to no end, genie block, HF, AOE stun, SOG/Sleep, saves and more saves, especially for each other. This would be a comp that truly shines because of synergy, wonder why no one is playing that, kinda sad, that would make a really nice challenge for us indeed.
3v3 at this point is getting a bit boring already. When we lose we lose either to random massive bad luck or just **** up big time or rather said being too sure that anything will go as planned but other than that..I wish more people would come and give us a run for our money in 3v3. When you see the ordinary "broken" comps that were cried at before and dont even need to use half your saves of the entire team to win...welp...
Anyways, there is a reason why Mystics are not getting buffed at all.. Absorb soul is stupid strong and yes, while the ulti is kinda meh atm, it still takes some effort to kill it. Gives you enough time to trip spark, spawn ulti and go ham on someone. Chances are the enemy dies first, especially if Thicket fully hits (CC + genie block) cause then you either dish out oneshots on low pdef classes with the golden glyph or serious magic damage with the red one. Besides that, ever got oneshot by absorb soul in sog cause of 0 def? That's fun, cause you cant do jack shet about it. Cleric, myst, veno is also stupid broken. Soged and genie blocked you can just stand there and watch how you will soon meet your end, with nothing you can do about it. Especially now in 3v3..with any caster basically at cap chan already...that shet is so broken. So you people see, even if mystic wasnt insanely broken already (and I say it again, it is only if you know exactly what you are doing and what you can effectively do given any situation) the synergy it has with other classes is just bonkers. Ofc people wouldn't know about this, because they are not utilizing it but jesus lord christ our savior...if people knew the full potential of each class they would be crying broken about completely different ones right now.
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cosmosia1989 wrote: »Dingo is partially right. Mystic can be an even better DD than heal tho, because aside of their "weakness" of not having that many direct damage reduction skills...
I haven't played much over the past few years, but from what I can tell and others have told me is that nothing changed with this past upgrade to mystic pets, most likely the last update for mystic pets/plants. Many of us started a mystic for this reason not to glitch someone's genie in 3v3 or other meaningless pk.
Also thicket has a glitch where it can miss its target. Not sure if they have fixed that but I highly doubt things have changed. I had more success using bramble tornado to throw people off their combos than with thicket. If I need a BM to work with me, then I would rather be a BM class that has been always kept in the conversation by the GMs.
I don't want to have a long discussion about it. Years of getting dropped by sqds for an under-geared clerics, venos and even my race brother seeker because they are needed for better balance says it all that the GMs want. I shouldve spent my time and money on a cleric or veno or just waited until SBs came out if I was to play this game longer. When I quit, there was basically nobody playing mystic on my server. I don't buy the ppl just dont know what it can do line. I played it so I didnt have to be a cleric then my pets died, my plants died, I could not reduce incoming dmg, I quit. The server merge gave me a reason to move off. So far, a wise move.
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@nwdst The game changes, the meta changes. In some instances you need clerics Bubble, thats just a fact. And just having a mystic will be much harder, hence why ppl go with cleric. Ofc it would be possible for a mystic to handle it..but that would require said mystic to be a good player and have decent foresight, which, tbh, many do not have. Hence ppl go the easy route and get a cleric that literally has to use just one skill most of the time. Can't fk that up as much, am I rite?
As for usefullness in PvE as a DD, mystic still deals the most damage of all Caster classes, unless you are max max endgame at which point every class has close to cap channeling. A mid-level mystics demon spark + rapid growth skill spam (Absorb Soul mainly) deals absurd amounts of damage, even in PvE (tho now mostly the magic damage version, red glyph) and can easily out-DD literally any other Arcane Armor class in the game, if done right. Also, while being at cap chan due to demon spark and RG, you can also insta throw in some heal AoEs and produce massive heal-output, far exceeding that of the average cleric.
Sadly, the line "you just dont know what it can do" is still correct most of the time. Now more than ever. people are used to being pressed into certain playstyles, especially if their entire experience is as a pure healer in squads. How do people even learn anything beyond spamming heals then? How do they get the experience. PvP ofc or simply the need to find out the maximum damage potential of their class. Many do not strife for that cause well..."its a healer". I do not expect people to have the same level of insight into this game as I do, heck I play many other games in which I am still a noob, but frankly, they are also much more complex than PWI. In PWI anyone has but a handful of skills, just test them. Many people are just standing around for hours, chatting, yet only a minority takes the time to actually test stuff, PvE, PvP, doesnt matter, applies to anything in the game. Games like BDO and PoE for example are so much more complex than PWI...we are talking investing literal weeks to test out a fraction of what is possible but in PWI, sit down a day or two and test around and you are good.
As for the mystic is the same issue as it always was. I was one of the first to complain about the blatant bugs with the devil, even recorded a vid and send it in, yet they didnt fix the issues for YEARS. Now the particular issue that I had, namely that the stun/skills didnt go off instantly or didnt work at all depending on the position of the enemy and the devil itself, is fixed. Now the pet isnt spamable anymore and lost loads of the power it once had tho Mistress seal is still fine but you cant do the nice shenanigans you could do back in the day anymore. that sucks for me, too, I always loved the class and every time I played it, people called it stupid broken, in every regard. Even now. Cause it is a stupid broken class in every aspect and does not need further upgrades. If they, lets say, add the defensive capabilities of a cleric on top of a mystic now...I don't even. Most other classes already cry in front of the power that is Mystic but you got it right, there are not enough people playing mystic, hence 99% of the current playerbase doesnt even know the first thing about their true strength. It's all logic, really.0 -
cosmosia1989 wrote: »@nwdst The game changes, the meta changes. In some instances you need clerics Bubble, thats just a fact...
I was down this road many of times and it is just not true. For R9+12 everything nuema portal you might be correct. Sure dump 100% into offense and be able to do something...that is...if you want to be another wizard.
But for a +10 mystic that spent most of his life with G16 and at one time enjoyed the game it is now time to run far away.
PWI has had a long time to modify pets and to deal with the constant problem of not having a cleric around for a sqd. They could have made these things actually work how you think they would for support. Here was their long awaited shot to improve all of that. And here is the big nothing.
They are too stubborn to admit they dont know how to balance the classes and make support chars, support chars and DDs, DDs then no one has any fun anymore. There is the cleric and that is it.
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