unintended DMG to TW HQ Crystal without catapult

Posts: 328 Arc User
apparently seekers edged blur, if stacked with enough debuffs (e.g. stormbringer ulti, perigian tide, seekers ion spike etc) can deal more damage to TW crystals than a barb with catapult, so a squad of 8 seekers can literally kill a crystal in 2 minutes.
i remember back then seekers were able to use quid pro que to transfer hp debuffs to crystals and deal massive dmg like that and it was hotfixed.
can we bring this to the chinese devs attention and request a fix that allows players to have proper TWs again?
(inb4 "bro
" )
i remember back then seekers were able to use quid pro que to transfer hp debuffs to crystals and deal massive dmg like that and it was hotfixed.
can we bring this to the chinese devs attention and request a fix that allows players to have proper TWs again?
(inb4 "bro

What's the point of TW / XTW anymore when it's all focused on PvE, no need for objectives lol. Rush to dragon / crystal and just use DoT skills ggwp0
wasn't win TW by other means rather than pushing catas being a bannable offence?
i am quite sure some people that were glitching cata pullers had been banned so this should be treated the same way perhaps?
@kalystconquerer#08760 -
wasn't win TW by other means rather than pushing catas being a bannable offence?
i am quite sure some people that were glitching cata pullers had been banned so this should be treated the same way perhaps?
The line goes along way of "Deciding winner by non game mechanic is not allowed", which meant you cant noshow wars aka lose on purpose. The one exception was multiple defenses where you could pick and choose where to show but attending least one of the defenses.
I dont think there is anything in TW rules, which would consider seeker glitches as bannable offense but you have that clause in general ToS where you are warned against abusing glitches. So any banning would come trough that way of thinking.
I think its obvious this is a major glitch and needs fixing, any and all abusers also need to have consequences for it. But I wont be holding my breath for either knowing PWEs history with such issues.0 -
The line goes along way of "Deciding winner by non game mechanic is not allowed", which meant you cant noshow wars aka lose on purpose. The one exception was multiple defenses where you could pick and choose where to show but attending least one of the defenses.
I dont think there is anything in TW rules, which would consider seeker glitches as bannable offense but you have that clause in general ToS where you are warned against abusing glitches. So any banning would come trough that way of thinking.
I think its obvious this is a major glitch and needs fixing, any and all abusers also need to have consequences for it. But I wont be holding my breath for either knowing PWEs history with such issues.
i am sure people on tt and da had been temp banned for embeding cata pullers into ground0 -
In order for players to have proper TW again how about we first finally change saturday 7pm TW time slot because on Dawnglory it AGAIN overlaps with XTW time slot , TW that lasts 100min ends at 8:40pm while XTW starts at 8pm.
@kalystconquerer#0876 This is the first thing we should FINALLY get fixed because EU factions 2nd season in a row gotta choose to either fight in TW or to fight in XTW abandoning one of the other if they get stacked (which factions can abuse to force TW and XTW at same time on dawnglory to hurt another factions chances at either wining TW or XTW).
Regarding seeker edged blur dealing dmg on crystal , its not just edged blur , there is MORE skills from different classes that actually do dmg on the crystal just no1 bothered to check until now , so we can argue that since its not just 1 skill that works its not a bug but maybe even intended mechanic.
Also barbs having 1min faith skill can easily avoid towers movement debuff with no penalty and just walk past towers and whole faction because they cant be cced or transpositioned effectively "ruining" TW aswell, we should ask china to make a fix to this also so we can enjoy proper TWs once again.
Oh and comparing seeker transposition glitch to this is just funny because people were abusing bugging catapulers into walls so they cant approach the tower or crystal , this cant be compared to it because no one is getting glitched in terain or walls and having their gameplay ruined with no way or leaving the bug.0 -
Have half of the TW cristal down to 50% hp in the first 2 minutes of TW by other means rather than cata being pulled, isn't that defeating whole TW objectives gameplay?
Is TW meant to last just few minutes?
What's the purpose of catapults if you win faster and easier by other means? Why is their presence needed in the instance?
What was the purpose of PWCH hotfixing cata pullers so they can't be embed in terrain, if now you can win TW faster without the use of catapults?
In 9 years nobody had ever spammed DoTs to successfully kill TW crystals just because no1 bothered to check until now?
More like you can do that just now thanks to all those heavy debuffs you can stack on something that shouldn't be able to be debuffed?
Debuff to the ground something that shouldn't be able to be debuffed is an intended mechanic?
I'd say more like an exploit
0 -
I think this should be fixed, yes, but it is not a glitch. It works as intended: Here is why. You could attack/Debuff the Base crystals ever since this game was created. If player damage was not a factor then the base crystal would simple be immune against anything instead of just having a plain damage reduction that can easily be bypassed by Debuffs and DoT-Type skills. It is a flaw in the system but no glitch in the long shot.
And yes, the most important part is getting the timeslot fixed for DA or, at the very least, move the MAIN TW-Slot to another time. Why does the Sat 7pm timeslot have to be the main one? This is so easy to fix ffs..just move it to the 5th and beyond slot and you are good to go or actually let it start at 6pm in the first place. I have made a post about this INSTANTANEOUSLY When the old 8pm timeslot was announced and I also made a post about it when they "fixed" it to 7pm. I am patient and I forgive many things..but this is just a slap in the face and then some, on top of making no sense and being stupid af. This kind of thing makes you question the mental state of those responsible..but welp, it is what is it.
I swear tho, if by this, Vindicate wins by 10 points or something close to Crisis and we get our helmets denied then there will be Riot. Not from me, idgaf, but many others that will be furious. Ofc, if we lose with 100 points less, no one cares. We lost a potential chance to fight and win vs Vindicate and that's already a bigger difference than 10 =P0 -
omg idk why ppl qq now
oh i forgot infa lost
who cares man
infa and vindi had a deal to fk crisis up (this isnt abuse???)
im happy i dont play on DA so many **** there
all this fking hate to e/o tells me u havnt RL u take the game to serious
atleast GJ to Crisis for legit win (we use edge months and its funny to see on other server ppl found it out too)
and GJ Infa for QQ like always
0 -
i am sure people on tt and da had been temp banned for embeding cata pullers into ground
And like I said, banning them would come from abusing a glitch, not from anything specific to TW rules.
This is obviously a glitch, crystal is not supposed to take dmg from anything but catapults and as such damaging it by other means is unintended aka ability do so is a glitch.
But I dont hold my breath over PWE actually banning anybody, their history dealing with abusers is absolutely pathetic.0 -
And like I said, banning them would come from abusing a glitch, not from anything specific to TW rules.
This is obviously a glitch, crystal is not supposed to take dmg from anything but catapults and as such damaging it by other means is unintended aka ability do so is a glitch.
But I dont hold my breath over PWE actually banning anybody, their history dealing with abusers is absolutely pathetic.
yea, i mean they started to punish that so late people already dropped TWs because of that reason...
3 hours (now 110minutes) territory wars ARE THE GAME!
They always had been...
TW is strategy, it's pvp, it's objectives, it's commitment, it's outsmarting the enemy.... not 2 minutes DoT rush on crystal...
Victory or defeat nobody cares if the TW lasted 110minutes... because it had been a whole load of fun, it had been the final reason people put thousands of dollars\thousands of hours of gameplay in this game....
TWs should not last 2 minutes because of a glitch.0 -
And like I said, banning them would come from abusing a glitch, not from anything specific to TW rules.
This is obviously a glitch, crystal is not supposed to take dmg from anything but catapults and as such damaging it by other means is unintended aka ability do so is a glitch.
But I dont hold my breath over PWE actually banning anybody, their history dealing with abusers is absolutely pathetic.
As I said, not quite a glitch by pure definition. You say the crystal isn't meant to take damage from players when he, in fact, always took damage from players since the game was released. Sure, the damage was extremely low but nowhere does it say that you are not allowed to bypass Damage-reduction mechanics with new implemented game mechanics. That is done daily in multiple instances. Works as designed ijs and thus -> It's a design flaw on PW's end but it's far from being a glitch. I do hope that they fix that tho xD
TBH: As a DA player...IDGAF. Whatever cuts down the stupid TW time is very welcome, no matter which side does it. I couldn't care less.0 -
As I said, not quite a glitch by pure definition. You say the crystal isn't meant to take damage from players when he, in fact, always took damage from players since the game was released. Sure, the damage was extremely low but nowhere does it say that you are not allowed to bypass Damage-reduction mechanics with new implemented game mechanics. That is done daily in multiple instances. Works as designed ijs and thus -> It's a design flaw on PW's end but it's far from being a glitch. I do hope that they fix that tho xD
TBH: As a DA player...IDGAF. Whatever cuts down the stupid TW time is very welcome, no matter which side does it. I couldn't care less.
For all intents and purposes it works as a glitch. Chances are the only reason why we been able hit crystal for any dmg has been because they were unable to code it better at the time or to allow some sort of debuffs like souldegen to be placed on crystal. I suppose one can argue like you but its a silly argument to have, there is no way this is intended mechanic and even if it werent a glitch technically, it should be treated as such and abusers should have consequences in order to try to combat the issue till we get actual patch to fix it. To me this requires a serious threat of consequences in order to combat the issue now that its "well known" - ppl will abuse it if they dont think they are losing anything for it.
While I am sympathetic over DAs TW timeslot issues, combining these two issues is both selfish and silly. Sure, you want short TWs in order to make it to xTW but you guys are 1 of 4 servers. Not to mention this is an actual gamebreaking issue, just because it happens to favor you doesnt mean it shouldnt be fixed asap, even if timeslot would not be fixed.0 -
Very true, but as someone already mentioned..this game so went out of balance for even TW...I can't imagine them fixing anything for that regard. I would be happier if the Dragon in XTW gets a push in survival power or at least that his HP recovery rate gets pumped up by a huge margin so that faction can't just keep rushing the dragon. At the times if insane PvE damage..recovering 1m HP every 5 seconds is not too wild. Then, if you can keep ppl out of your base for 5 minutes, you would at least have regained 60m HP on your dragon and make it possible to fight back.
But w.e, I would be surprised to see a fix to that. Besides, there are many more gamebreaking issues...yet we have them since forever xDD0 -
I swear tho, if by this, Vindicate wins by 10 points or something close to Crisis and we get our helmets denied then there will be Riot. Not from me, idgaf, but many others that will be furious. Ofc, if we lose with 100 points less, no one cares. We lost a potential chance to fight and win vs Vindicate and that's already a bigger difference than 10 =P
First i completly agree that normal tw and txw shouldn't overlap !
However they do and everyone has to deal with it until they eventually change it. In that case crisis had a choice to leave early despite winning in favor for xtw but your faction choose not to and lost xtw points over this. While that sucks big time for crisis, from a strategic perspective it was a mistake to duke it out with infa and if that 10 points will be the factor for being no1 or just no2 at the end of the season nobody but your factions decesionmaker are to blame. It was a gamble and you could have pulled it off and won tw + being not late for xtw but the gamble went south and it is how it is. Nothing to riot about here imho.
The heavy damage from non catapults on the towers and the crystal are most likely unintended but i agree with joe here its nothing to ban people over it until the second a gm/cm step in and declare it an exploit. Until this moment its just the clever use of a game mechanic and im again stunned and impressed how creative some people are to figure out unintented features and put them into use.
From pwi i expect them to adress the XTW dragon rush BS and the Tower/Crystal tw damage issue quickly to the china devs and make them deliver a fix to this. Tw/Xtw are an important core of our game and all the issues above can be revieved as "cheap tactics" from individuals and grew discontent inside the community far over the competetive banter you can expect and it hurts the game and our playerbase as a whole.
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100% agree,
xTW dragons and TW crystal need a fix0 -
intention of this subforum and this thread is to get a fix, not to argue about the oxford definition of the word "glitch" and not to get people banned.
or do you guys not want TW/xTW anymore?0 -
splendideyes wrote: »intention of this subforum and this thread is to get a fix, not to argue about the oxford definition of the word "glitch" and not to get people banned.
or do you guys not want TW/xTW anymore?
The problem with no ban threat is the fact everybody and their mothers will abuse this glitch to death with no consequences. We all know PWE wont fix this fast and I would rather not deal with the glitch till they actually fix it but maybe thats just me.
I am trying to advocate situation, where the impact of this is minimized till actual fix arrives. Do I want to ban ppl? No, but I dont really see other incentive for ppl to not abuse this than out of fear of the consequences if they do.
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Removing jones blessing from the game would help with these "exploits" also players destroying towers and not catapults is something that should be addressed.0
oh thats cool Heero, remove my "bump" cause why would anyone want a proper working TW and xTW, right? lets play the game to anticipate the weekly fashion update instead.
well i tried - expected nothing - didnt get disappointed.0 -
This content has been removed.
so Tw atm is who has the most seekers wins by this exploit...
time to swarm the tickets o/0 -
and this is now fixed. took almost a year0
What is fixed? DC dragon? TW towers getting nuked for 2 sec? or just edged blur on crystal?0
topmasterseller wrote: »What is fixed? DC dragon? TW towers getting nuked for 2 sec? or just edged blur on crystal?
towers and xstal aren't taking damage from players anymore0 -
I also noticed that when the person dragging the cata dies at towers or crystal. The cata still hits and does damage0
till the cata died but did alot of dam
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too bad they didn't fix the focking dragon it's still a **** rushing **** show0
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