PWI Wonderland: Bugs/Problems/ & Likes and Dislikes.
Checked my alt barb for lulz and, well. All I can really say is "classic PWI" at this point. It is a huge disparity and the lack of clarification is slightly worrisome.
Regarding this expansion, I haven't had much that really makes me disgruntled. I can live with it.
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"Ten-Dimensional Server First" the title for a first Faction to complete the Ten-Dimensional Domain on the server is displayed wrong and I think it should be like >> THIS <<
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Major Dislike: Guild Base Lockout-small guild like mine can't open base at all we do not meet requirement (only 4 lvl 100+ in my guild) we used to have a base. Now no one will join our guild because we no longer have base available.
Dislike: Removal of Guild Base mob quests in terms of Active Points-Lower Levels don't even matter anymore. I assume. Lower levels helps us by doing BQ everyday.
Dislike: Chivalry points only available to the higher level players without acknowledgement of the lower levels Note 5
Dislike: How i spend all my time and money for a base that was going to be lock anyway. I spend a month farming Warsong Badges and bought all does sub.
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Like: Functionality of Faction Application through the Faction Supervisor
Dislike: Bugged Faction Application settings (factions listing a level cap do not show up to anyone). Also why is it a level 'limit'? That suggests we do not want to recruit players 'above' a certain level. Shouldn't it be a level 'requirement'?
Update: I sent a ticket to Customer Support and they told me they cant help with my issue.Hi,
Just wondering how the faction recruitment settings work.
My guild wants to recruit players level 60 upwards. So we selected:
- Level Limit
- Moved the up cursor till Level reflected 60
However, players who are level 60 upwards, looking Faction Supervisor > Faction Application cannot see our guild listed.
We have to make settings 'No Level Limit' in order for the guild to be listed. However if we change the level to 60 with this setting, it does not save the level minimum. Instead, when we post under the 'No level limit' setting, the level setting will automatically revert to 0, no matter what we saved the number to.
How do we set a minimum level requirement and still be listed on the list of recruiting guilds?
( Support replied: )
Thanks for taking the opportunity to contact us!
As much as we'd like to help you further, we regret to inform you this is not a subject that we at customer service can assist you with. We only handle only account issues such as email changes and missing items. If you would like to find more information on this subject please refer to our Official wiki page, our news page, or our forums, linked below:
Keep in mind that we are unable to assist in providing hints, NPC locations, game strategies, etc. We leave actual in-game strategies up to the players to figure out themselves, so that they can enjoy the experience of discovery.
Dislike: Colour of new Faction (G) interface. Painful to read. Can't it follow the same black background format of all pop-up windows?Post edited by lottie#8801 on0 -
Major Dislike--The Base being locked, the least you can do is reduce the amount it takes to open the base, New Guilds and old Guilds alike might not have the member base to do those high level runs, be it level/reawaken or just not enough members it would be hard for them to reach that goal of a 1000 points in a one weeks time.
Dislike--The lack of content for newer/lower level players,not just content, but a lack of items, because of the base lock down players cant get Base Arrows, HP/MP,Chi Pots.
Please heed the words and comments from your fan base, many of whom such as myself have countless hours put into the game with an account years old.0 -
Major Dislike: (Guild Base Lockout-small guild like mine). I lost over 100k merits.
Can't open base at all we do not meet requirement.
Like: (NOTHING). The home screens in the beginning seems childish, maybe good for 5 year old kids.
When I was playing the game I kept the curtains closed to protect me 'my neighbors would maybe think I was on a pedo site'.
This expansion was for me the perfect time to stop this game and to say goodbye to my friends.0 -
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Major like: Faction trials, it's a real challenge and something fun to do.
Faction talents are a like as well.
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Like: every faction base is "max level" at day 1, faction members can obtain base helm, potions, base arrows or +12 vit stones without leveling the faction and without upgrading the buildings
Like in addition to the previous "Like": you dont have to leave your faction/"family" for a few months just to farm items like base helm because all bases are maxed now (this is mostly a problem in small factions)
Like: huge discount on base helm and faction base (to upgrade buldings and the fee that comes with it isnt needed anymore)
Like: you dont loose "Merit" after leaving faction anymore (only the "Merit" of the current week) because its a bound item now. You can freely change factions without worrying to start from the scratch when you want to farm items such as base helm.
Like: new permanent/passive buffs for faction members such as increased mount speed, pve/pvp damage or exp/spirit/vitae buffs
Like: new challenging base trials added with updated rewards such as star chart materials. But its debatable for how long these trials will be challanging. It might be just a normal routine after a while like UP/DH.
Like for endgame factions: every faction member helps gaining points for faction now if they want it or not because dungeons like fsp/up/dh are part of their daily routine and the chance to have at least 1 faction member in squad isnt that low. This was a problem before because most endgame players just didnt care about base quests and never did them. This resulted in slow gaining of construction points and slow upgrading of faction base.
Like: its easier and quicker to collect "keys" for QSM, UP and DH now cause of new faction npc which can be unlocked via faction talents
Like (just personally): new back-to-archosaur teleport skill aka Teleport to Faction Base, this saves me lots of time and teleport fee
Dislike: the fond of some new titles is...not so beautiful..if not to say ugly
Dislike: the new sin skills dont add Hit Charges without Glyphs attached to them, all old neverfall skills added Hit Charges regardless of Glyphs attached or not
Dont get me wrong. Its not hard to obtain 1000 Loyality Points per month as long as you got 4 strong members doing fsp for the whole month but still:
Dislike: no ways to obtain Chivalry Points, Loyality Points or Loyality Fund for low levels and/or non-reawakend Characters. Here some ideas which came into my mind:
10 Chivalry Points for killing Qingzi, Hercule Trioc, Myriadtail Wyvern, Zimo, Damned Gaurnob, Brigand Transient, Phlebo, Ethereal Abomination, Hauntery Queen, Ghost Wing, Aurogon
A level requirement and special adjustments must be added to prevent endgame players from just killing Qingzi etc. To gain points should still be a bit challanging but still possible to do for everyone for example:- faction members have to be in a certain level range to count as a "faction member" in squad like level 90-99 for Phlebo
- 2+ members for 10 man squad and 1+ member for 6 man squad to complete normal goals
- 8+ members for 10 man squad and 4+ members for 6 man squad to complete faction goals
New faction goals:
Goals where everyone can participate:
Bounty Hunter I has to be completed 50 times
Bounty Hunter II has to be completed 50 times
Crazy Stone has to be completed 50 times
Goals where low leveled players can participate:
Jolly Old Jones Quests have to be completed 100 times
Goals where high leveled players can participate but no strong gear required:
Paperclip has to be completed 50 times
Cube of Fate has to be completed 50 times
0/5 Kill Vanished Ancestor (Nirvana) with at least 8 faction members
Add some special daily faction goals simular to nuema farming like
0/1 Kill Qingzi with at least 4 faction members
0/1 Kill Cyclone Dragon Miraxes (UCH) with at least 8 faction members
Ofc, level requirement is needed here as well such as the kill Qingzi faction goal.
This game is full of dailies and even outdated and not used dungeons which could be revived this way such as Nirvana, Lunar (its a ghost town without 2x drop), Morai Dailies, Primal World Dailies, Neverfall Dailies. I dont expect better rewards now but they could at least be used to create more faction goals.
Like i said this are just ideas which came into my mind and there is tons of content, dungeons, dailies which i didnt even mention and could be easily added to the list but i think it would be a great start to add more ways to obtain points then we have right now or small factions will have a hard time to stay alive / use faction base for pots and other stuff.0 -
Another skill tooltip with typos:
ΨTradewinds: The name of the tooltip simply says "winds", and the font color is blue when it should be orange. This name error occurs in all glyphed versions as well. The skill also has an extra "by" in the description. The extra "by" also occurs in the Verdant and Golden glyphed versions.Roxxannae - Twilight Temple
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Ive been having trouble with my internet...
Really good timing. Working on this now and later should be up to date.
so please dont thinking ive left this.
EDIT: Sorry have been having problems with my internet over the last few days. Will catch up when Im back online.
Thanks.Post edited by heerohex#3018 on0 -
@heero200 Note 3 is incorrect.
The way all hitcharge based skills on assassins function is once glyphed you get the first level of the new effect by default meaning 0.7 paralyze time. and then 0.7 x ( the amount of hitcharges you've gained) for a MAX sum of 5 hitcharges
0.7 + 5(0.7)= 4.2 Seconds paralyzation at maximum hitcharges.
All of our skills based on hitcharges function like this - As such this is not an error. If anything - The error that does exist with the skill Sanguine Glyph (Red glyph) is that it does not give the default base of 0.7 until you get at least 1 hitcharge then activating the base.
0.7 +1(0.7) = 1.5 Seconds of payalyzation at one hitcharges.
The current actual Issue with our teleports is the skill Shadow Jump
, It currently stops all game physics of gravity and leaves the assassin floating in the air at any level it is used on. This was a bug before years ago and was fixed.
But somehow it has been overlooked, I hope that mentioning it here will assist in getting it fixed.
Assassin - SyntherosX - 105, 105, 105 Calc :
Loyal Perfect World Player 9 Year Vet.
Youtube&LiveStream @ OROCx24
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
OK so just logged on after 10 hours of Mat.Bases still locked and missing Npc's dont see where anything was fixed.0
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I don't think I understand what you mean by "gear creep". Everything else you said seems to be on par except the whole grinding thing. PWI has a rediculous amount of daily quests. I haven't seen a grind party in years.
Faction base requirements really do need to go tho. These new features are great, but not everyone is the same lvl of OP as the 3 factions on every server that can do the 1k points without breaking a sweat. And lets get real, there are afew other factions other than the top land owning factions i've seen that broke their backs (and the backs of their MANY alts) getting their base opened, but with the whole 1k loyalty point average over the next 4 weeks thing, those bases ain't gonna be opened for long... and once they realize that, we're gonna have another wave of "goodbye" threads...0 -
adrian#7201 wrote: »@sontzu
I don't think I understand what you mean by "gear creep". Everything else you said seems to be on par except the whole grinding thing. PWI has a rediculous amount of daily quests. I haven't seen a grind party in years.
I could be wrong but I think what he means is power creep. Power creep is when updates bring new content to a game in the form of some sort of empower (gear as example), this usually make old content obsolete. Also when he said grindfest, I think that he is talking about the amount of dailies and stuff you need to do to progress in general, and not about grinding mobs.
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Likes:New lay out and skin for faction interface and recruiting
Dislike:Loseing 400 mill coin mats merit a lv 3 base lv 16 and the feeling of being extorted weekly to use someting we all already paid for that my feelings on it,
Second dislike being handy cap because our factions are older and been around as loyal players instead of newly made faction that locks once a month instead of old bases lock once a week seems back wards to me.0 -
Another typo in a tooltip I think, I can't test it but guessing it might be a typo so it needs to be checked.
ΨMortal Reversion (Verdant): Glyph effect says it increases the cooldown of the target's next skill within 4/6/8/20 seconds by 120 seconds. The level 10 glyph effect should probably state 10 seconds instead of 20 (basing this on the pattern), however I cannot confirm this.Roxxannae - Twilight Temple
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The removal of loyalty points was a big blow in my oppinion, as well as the obvious point system on the base as pointed out numerous times. I knew many, including myself, who put hours into getting the points and were either just shy of a base helm, or waiting on a faction building for the helm. I would love to see the points restored.
The removal of farming for those not wishing to spend money on the game, like the glyphs from stepps, was also a bad call, and I would want to see more farming oppertunities not just for the end game teir players -cough- fix DQ items -cough-
ThanksPost edited by eytheranea on0 -
Like: New Faction Recruitment List from Faction Supervisor
Dislike: Colour of new faction interface (G) - hard to read
Dislike: Faction Recruitment system is bugged for those requiring a level requirement (and should be level requirement not level 'limit' right?
Level Limit implies the max level you are willing to recruit. Who really wants to set a level limit? "Uh.. we only want players level 60 and below. If you're above level 60, we don't want you"
Level Requirement implies the minimum level you are willing to recruit. "Oh you're level 60 already. Yes you may join us!"
I sent a ticket to Customer Support and they told me they were unable to help on this query.Hi,
Just wondering how the faction recruitment settings work.
My guild wants to recruit players level 60 upwards. So we selected:
- Level Limit
- Moved the up cursor till Level reflected 60
However, once we set the level limit, players who are level 60 upwards, looking Faction Supervisor > Faction Application cannot see our guild listed. In fact, I think even players below level 60 cannot see us. Where exactly are we listed once we set a level 'limit'
We have to make settings 'No Level Limit' in order for the guild to be listed. However if we change the level to 60 with this setting, it does not save the level minimum. Instead, when we post under the 'No level limit' setting, the level setting will automatically revert to 0, no matter what we saved the number to.
How do we set a minimum level requirement and still be listed on the list of recruiting guilds?
Thanks for taking the opportunity to contact us!
As much as we'd like to help you further, we regret to inform you this is not a subject that we at customer service can assist you with. We only handle only account issues such as email changes and missing items. If you would like to find more information on this subject please refer to our Official wiki page, our news page, or our forums, linked below:
Keep in mind that we are unable to assist in providing hints, NPC locations, game strategies, etc. We leave actual in-game strategies up to the players to figure out themselves, so that they can enjoy the experience of discovery.0 -
pwi used to be a great game and fun, now it is not fun at all and I give up, this last update is the last straw I won't be spending more money on a game that is just agrivation and no fun at all, my base is locked and will probably stay that way, its over0
ankfaearie wrote: »Like: (NOTHING). The home screens in the beginning seems childish, maybe good for 5 year old kids.
What do you expect from a Chinese amusement park?
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What's up with this 10-15 minute loggin if you dc??? How many morte things can we expect, that will further **** everyone off. Damn you guys, get it together.0
Ever since the update of client 1062 I can't access game. (problem)
Like (The ultra clean UI. of everything)
Dislike (the mega hard lv 19 PQ. easy af at later lvs tho)0 -
Got the Faction Blacksmith today, noticed he's uh missing a few things...
His hair also doesn't seem to be working as intended, his beard looked a bit weird so I investigated further and- oh...
I think he's trying to hide somethingfor real though, looks like his hair's going in directions it shouldn't go, or something.
Roxxannae - Twilight Temple
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I hate the base lock out and think pwi should refund the money I spent on building the damn thing its disaster for for any lvl factions like mine and totaly unfair to players who have played this damn game for 9 yrs as I have, am totaly disalusioned with pwi.0
I don`t know why PWI **** us.
I have a small guild and now lost my guild base which i did guild base for pots arrows buffs exc. Now after years of hard work it is gone.
I also have my main in a big guild and was save for a guild base helmet and now all my merit points are gone if PWI would told us we would LOSE MERIT POINTS i would use them on pots and stuff.
I sent a TICKET and PWI refuses to answer my ticket so i send another ticket and they just never answer.
PWI your service is garbage.
There are many games else where my wife and I decided to go to diffrent game after 9 years of PWI and we work so hard on gear and home stead. Who knows what other updates will they bring ? take out home stead? Timed R9 gear for 30 days? Timed toons for 30 days? PWI DOES NOT CARE about the players. Thank you PWI for **** all the players we never play any game again that`s associated with PWI.
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Just came out of wonderland and have decided that titles be darned, I wont be going back up there again. IMO Stupid waste of time. If I wanted this type of game, I would play on facebook. Honestly I dont know whether to stay playing PWI or after 9 years or more leaving and finding something else to play. I love my PWI but I dont like what it is turning into.0
WHAT IS UP WITH THE ADVENTURE KINGDOM TITLES? Are they even obtainable or do we waste our time riding those rides??0
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