[9th Anniversary] PWI Memories of PWI



  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    Server: Tideswell
    Name: CivillioN
    My Memories:
    few SS about it_
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    Server: Tideswell
    Name: CivillioN
    My Memories:
    few SS about it_
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    Server: Tideswell
    Name: CivillioN
    My Memories:
    few SS about it_
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    We're so close to hitting the 100 mark we're at 75+
  • Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    I dont have a "best" memory from the game, just memories in general, some better than others.

    One of those better memories is the10 venomancer Dawnlight Hall run we did sometime ago with Echo mains/alts. Was a fun experience and proves that the floofs will rule the game. tiger-35.gif

    Character: Nettaya
    Server: Twilight Temple

    Post edited by nene#6448 on
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    My best memory of this game is that every update for 7 years in a row came in whit major bugs, and it took months to fix any thing, and last year was maybe the 1st major update that came without an itch and ... wait a minute this is still going on !
  • Posts: 19 Arc User

    I've been playing far too long to fit all of my best memories into a single post, so I made a collage of a few. I've met lots of players over the years from all over the world. A friend convinced me to play 8 years ago. I remember logging in and creating an Assassin as my first character. Once I got my first quest, I was completely confused as to what I was doing, lol. Eventually, I picked up on things. But back then, I was putting Str and Vit (along with Dex) on my Sin (I eventually fixed this with a point reset, lol). I remember meeting some other Assassins south of Hidden Orchid, also questing, and they asked me what my "build" was. I was like, "errrrr ummm, idk?". I remember being so new to everything and the fun you could have with complete strangers. All the hard work put into instances with friends and strangers was some of the most fun you could have, even the dreaded instances like Valley of Disaster and Gate of Delirium. PWI is always adding new things and updating, and I hope they stay around for a long time so we continue to make more memories.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    lol hunting for the skill trainer to actually learn your skills. old days of pk when TT90 +5 was op enough to 1v1 anyone and took full squads to complete and TT instance lol
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    Was the 'birth' of Tideborn when i made this
  • Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Character: Wyvelin
    Server: Twilight Temple

    I have a lot of good memories in PWI, and I've been playing since October 2008 with various month-long breaks now and then.
    It took some thought but I've finally picked a memory for this contest.

    Man divorces wife. Claims fraud.

    My game husband decided marriage parties are too cliche, so we should have break up parties instead! The link above is a Prezi presentation we made for fun for our break up party. We had to make our parties memorable! You can navigate it using the arrows but you can also just use your mouse to zoom in and move around the presentation as you please.

    We also held a party in-game (as seen in the invitation in the presentation) where we dropped things for people to pick (supposedly my husband was dropping my belongings after we divorced) and yes, we did indeed drop valuable items like Dragon Orb Ocean and Medal of Glory etc.

    This was actually our second break up party, and also our last because we couldn't afford to keep doing these parties and dropping valuable items lol. Ever since then we joke that I'm a bad/disobedient wife that always makes her husband mad. Whenever one of us is busy or we don't play together much, we pretend we had a fight or let rumors spread. Though I guess at this point nobody believes it. mouse-2.gif

    We don't play those characters much anymore, but we are married on our currently active characters. fox-25.gif

    Post edited by catgirldesu on
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Character: PlayfulSoul
    Server: Etherblade

    What has given me most joy in pwi is the community. There are some very kind, incredible people out there. I cannot mention them all, I can just give them my thanks. For those of you who know me in the game, skip this post, I tell my stories over and over to all who want to listen.

    I began playing pwi after my best friend died. At night I could not sleep, I was crying so much I kept my husband awake. So I spent my nights crying at the computer in another room, and a friend reccomended pwi to me. I spent most of my first year in pwi exploring the map, looking at the landscape and sometimes chatting with other players. Many of them were very kind to me, and showed me beautiful spots in game. I remember sitting under the cherry blossom trees just outside Sanctuary, looking up though the flowers and seeing huge butterflies. I sat by the shores of rivers, lakes and sea and looked at the sky, the sunsets, and sometimes I sat with friends who told me stories or jokes. Sometimes they showed me fashion, and some gave me gifts. I listened to music, and slowly I felt better.

    After a while i took more part in the game, and I really enjoy it. Real life has had its ups and downs, but whenever I need it, my friends here have always been very supportive. Also in the game, to complete quests, I have had tons of help, from friends and others I met along the road. I sometimes am surprised at how kind people can be. I try to learn from them.


  • Posts: 127 Arc User
    Name: Snow
    Server: Twilight Temple

    My best memory when we took the very first last land across all the servers. Being part of Conqueror was the best ever especially since we made the map red all over too. We took over the whole map and after we accomplished that we agreed as a faction to disband to allow for Lost City to balance itself and have several strong factions rather than just one. This made the game extremely fun because we always had active pk. We knew the other stronger factions out there would grow from our achievements and we wanted that, and it did. I attached a video of the excitement and enjoyment that PWI brought us all. Just listen to the emotions they will make you smile because this brings back several memories. A lot of these players have quit but a lot of them are still here today. I can list the character names of all the people talking and I believe all of them have retired from this game but you can see several of the players on screen that still play. This is what PWI is and this is what it needs to always be. Happiness :smile:

  • Posts: 1 New User
    edited September 2017
    ''Memories of PWI''

    Very good title. I have come back after many years, this game have change so much! I do remember all those crazy good times with FB's, FB 29,39,...with Taurocs and all those places, they was full of people and so muuuch fun,...you could meet in this game so many friendly people,..I think memories of those times & people have bring me back, now is everything a ghost place. I have started a new char, I have forget my old log in details,..i'm lvl 23 or 24 now, and wherever I go - is a ghost place. No soul around. The only one with who you can talk to are npc's. I see in world chat,..it seems only high lvl people are still playing this game - veterans. I didn't notice anyone would look for lower lvl squads, or TT's or whatever, mostly 90+,..I assume memories of PWI are really the only thing left for me
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Name CarelessRebel
    Server Etherblade

    Running barb and clericless UP runs ( while bullying Tigga and being banned from red bull ).
    The 4hr tws against Perservia back when I was in Livony on Archosaur and getting told to live mix music as we did ( the deaths and red bull cans after those wars XD but the mixes survive ).
    My countless waifus in game ( <3 u girls ) my obnoxiously arguementive bestie Peachcannon ( IHY IJS u nab BM ).
    Annoying ODivineAngel and faith on a daily basis with my feral kitty attitude ( yes, Chris the blog is on my to do list).
    the 147 FWs I run just to get my venos RRR9 weapon mold ( go figure, my seeker gets weapon mold for her RRR9 on 1st ever FW run for her )
    Having to teach Silkss to navigate JFSP without hitting every wall and tree stump in the instance ( I still <3 u waifu ).
    Having to shove BlackMeat into my pet bag as a daily quest to protect the servers female population from his quest to marry ( he became immune to the sleeps and tranq darts ).
    The list goes on ...

    Post edited by ruechen on
    Sage Veno - 105x3
    Demon Seeker -105x3
    Sage Cleric/Mystic - 102-101-101
    Sage Sin/SB -101x3
    Sage DB -102-101
    Demon Barb - 101-100
    Demon Psy 102
    Demon Mystic/BM/DB - 101
  • Posts: 573 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    I have so many memories of PWI and it's been a huge part of my gaming life. I started out on Delphi (wiz) after I was given a link by a guildmate on Runescape and since that day, PWI has been the main online game I focused on. I then started out on Lost City, again as a Wiz before making a Veno on Archosaur the day that server went up. I played between both servers evenly and when Raging Tides expansion came out, I made an assassin on both LC and Archo to help farm gear due to the APS capabilities. Made a Seeker on Archo and used my sin to gear it. My Seeker is the highest geared toon I have but I spend most of the time on my Sin and that's the toon I enjoy most and where 99% know me. Closest friends know me and all my toons on all the servers (I have a lot to list).

    Celebrating with Kitamura on LC, around Halloween time I think it was, when she became the first 105 on any server (via the Cyclotera glitch in FF) which was amazing as many thought 105 was near impossible to get before that due to the massive exp grind needed (if you didn't know about the Cyclotera glitch).

    Winning the first ever TW on Archosaur server with Ravenz faction.

    Have met many wonderful and amazing people in PWI from many different cultures, races, religions, personalities etc and each one creates their own unique individual memory. Even if its only briefly, it becomes part of your PWI story.

    Greatest memory is meeting my in game wife and soon to be real life wife, in game on Archo server. Been 3 years since we met. She invited me to join her faction and then around 6 months later we got married in game and it progressed from there. Was never actively looking for an in game wife or girlfriend but after becoming best friends, speaking daily and helping each other and guild mates, I made it out of the friend zone and we fell in love. Now here we are, living together in our own place in Norway after I sold up and moved to be with her.

    On a side note, as someone with autism, I have mild Asperger syndrome, I found PWI to be a perfect platform to improve social interactions as I could freely chat to others without feeling a need to be defensive due to not being face to face. Also in the game play, there was a daily routine of repetitive daily quests which could always help me settle if I was having a rough day. If I ever got quickly bored, there was always another instance I could go farm or people lower gear/ level I could go help.

    A post like this is extremely difficult to choose just one or two memories when after playing for so long and across all servers, albeit briefly on a couple before merge, that you just collect so many memories and fond moments that it becomes impossible.

    Here's to many more years and memories of PWI *raises cup of tea*

    Moonshine drinker
    In a world of 10s, be an 11.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    80+ We Only need 20, And God knows when the code will be out.
  • Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Alright. I'll post a few of my best.

    Oh, yeah...

    Character: Sarrafeline (or SarraCrit, for the TW one)
    Server: Sanctuary (or TT, as it is now)

    Let's flash back to 2008. A friend of mine was telling me about a great new MMO coming out, that would be free to play. My friend wasn't feeling very good on launch, so we waited a few days while she got better. I got antsy, and downloaded the client, patched it up, selected a server (I picked Sanctuary at random), and rolled my Veno, Sarrafeline. I played for about an hour, and logged off.

    A few days later, my friend asked if I wanted to play. So, I said 'yes', told her the server, and she rolled a Cleric. A second friend joined us the next day, and together, the three of us leveled up to level 8. We were having a blast, two Venos and a Cleric, we'd bring our friend to Lost and quest there for a while, then head to Plume, and do the quests there, while taming pets and having a good time.

    The level 9 culti wasn't bad. We put our coins together, and formed a faction, WhiteHrts, which I still have on my catshop, to this day. We had a fourth friend join us, along with some other people we liked, and had about 30 people in our little faction.

    Then, we hit level 19. Now, the real story starts!

    So, my cleric friend and I went to go try FB19 together. We were both level 19. There was no way we could afford teles, and the highest level person on the server at that time was around level 60. There were no Sins, Psys, Seekers, Mystics, DB's, or SB's, and we needed to do FB19. So, the two of us called our other veno friend, and she logged in at level 18. We helped her to level 19, got pots, and invested in the best NPC weapons we could find (basically, we got stuff from the Blacksmith).

    Then, we recruited a bunch of random Venos from around Lost. There were 4 venos, and the cleric, and we headed into FB19. Three of us had the starter wolf, the other had a cactus thing she tamed, and into FB19 we went. Or... Not. We got facerolled by one of the wolf mobs outside the entrance to FB19.

    So, we very carefully made our way back in, and the 5 of us started killing the mobs in FB19, one by one. All of us died repeatedly, but we never gave up. The cleric leveled up to level 20 a few mobs past the big open room, and all was well.

    Then, a Sacrificial Assault mob wiped us. We came back, dejected, thinking we would have to start from scratch. We were happy that the instance hadn't reset! So, we ran back, found the offending mob, and very very carefully went around it.

    Finally, after 2 hours of killing, dieing, and sometimes taming, we made it to the boss. We selected one Veno, and the others put our pets on manual, and her wolf, which was 19, was our designated tank.

    It died.

    And so another wolf was sent in.

    It died.

    So, one of the other venos, with the best random drop gear, attacked and took aggro. Our cleric friend started spam healing her, as she tanked. Once we realized she wasn't about to just go 'splat' all over the floor, we all joined in.

    And 3 hours, 42 minutes after we started, 4 of us had completed our FB19, and went to turn in at the elder.

    We celebrated for like an hour at our shiney, glowing FB19 Patakas.

    We then begged a level 20 barb to help us with our cleric friend's FB19, and repeated it again, in closer to an hour, and her's was done. We then did FB19 a third time for the random barb.

    And that was the first FB19 I ever did. There was no APS. No Blood Paint. No level 105X3 R999+12 anything to oneshot the entire cave, and make this task into a trivial nod-fest. There were 5 of us, synchronized, with specific tasks to do, timing to perfect, skill to obtain. We had a ton of fun, we made a ton of friends, and in 2016, my Veno finally made it to level 100, and RBed. This last weekend, I invested the money into getting my Veno R9, both the weapon, and the armor (I came up a little short, just have 3 pieces of armor and weapon), and I'm in Kakumau, a faction I've been in on and off since 2011, and I'm still having fun playing. :3

    I have a few other, much shorter, stories...

    Let's see... I was on TeamSpeak with a new player. We were helping her to level up her new character, I think it was a seeker. We were going to help her level up a little faster, so we went out to a place where she would be a bit lower level than the mobs. We had her fly out, at high level, and told her to drop down. Right over Hill of the Swarm.

    She dropped down, and then I heard screaming on TS. I heard her jump up, throw the headset off, and run screaming out of the room...

    Her dad had to come in and move her character for her... None of us knew before that that she was Arachnaphobic. Yeah, leveling up on some 10 foot tall, brightly colored spiders wasn't on her bucket list, apparently.

    The rest of us were laughing on TS for like 2 hours over that. She did forgive us...

    Another one from 2009.

    Nefarious was doing a TW, and they attacked Silk Ridge. Being a total noob, I thought TW happened on the world map. As the time grew near, I freaked out, thinking an epic battle was about to happen right on top of me, so I ran back to Lost City as fast as I could. It was only much later that I realized that TW was in an instance, and I wouldn't be an innocent fox, slaughtered on the map...

    One about TW.

    It was in 2011, I had just joined Kakumau, and I had just invested in a set of APS gear. I farmed most of it myself, and spent a ton (for that time, anyway) of money on Vit stones for it, and +8 to +10 refines. I had an R8 bow, which was +5, but I had around 12k HP, which was really good for an Archer. R9 was the big thing, but too expensive for me. Kakumau did a TW, we had no territory, and I had never done TW before. I was hesitant to even go along, but someone talked me into it.

    So, I loaded up with some pots, and went in... My experience was pretty good, I did a lot of pew-pewing, and I even used my +8 GV's on a Barb, which back then, wasn't as fail as some people seem to keep saying. With my bow, I couldn't even tick his charm, but he went down pretty fast when I 5.0ed on him.

    A sin popped on me, and poked me, and... I was still alive. So, I grabbed my GV's and 5.0ed him as well. And he died. I didn't.

    After a little while, we got a cata in their base, and after a long, hard struggle, their crystal succumbed. I think it was a 2 hour 10 minute TW... I had done some dieing, and a lot of killing. We won, and got Thousand Wood Ridge. We all ran up there, bought the stupid 1k Wood Fireworks, and celebrated for like 3 hours! I still remember one of the sins that sometimes managed to kill me, but more often, I killed him, coming around to congratulate us. I remember peeking at his gear, and he had an R9 dagger, R9 armor, and some APS gear. I was shocked, I couldn't figure out why he couldn't just kill me... His dagger was only +3, and that was the main reason. A +3 R9 dagger didn't do much against +10 APS armor, apparently, considering I had a bunch of Vit stones in it as well.

    One last one, from 2008...

    I remember getting the free flier for my Veno. The Skyray thing. It was so cool, being able to fly! But it was ugly, and... Yeah. I didn't really like it, but there literally was nothing else. I even considered rolling a Cleric or Archer, just for cooler looking wings.

    Then, they added something to the Boutique. I had money, I had a job (yes, kids, I'm freaking old QQ), but I didn't have a credit card. So I borrowed my Dad's, and charged the $30 for an Israfel. I gave him cash, of course.

    I loved that Israfel. I idled at the bank on it, I idled in Archo on it, I flew EVERYWHERE on it. I was annoyed as heck that the movement of my character wasn't synchronized with the flier, and almost wrote to PWE to ask for a refund, but meh, I got over it. Well, pretty soon, faster flying mounts came out, but they just didn't look as cool as Israfel. And finally, they released upgrades, the Wind Widgets. I bought enough, and upgraded my Israfel to the max, and kept it. I even shared it between my Barb and Veno, for a really long time.

    Eventually, I sold it. I bought another mount, but... I don't know. It didn't... Look as good. I saw my old one up for sale, so I bought it back. I even got it cheaper than when I sold it.

    And even though I have a Fallen Roc on my Barb and Dracocuda on my Veno, I still have that Israfel. It has my name on it (minus the e on the end, because everything I made had a chinese character on the end of my name instead of an e), and I barely ever use it anymore, but I just can't bring myself to get rid of it. In faction pics, when we do them anymore, I always grab that thing for my Veno or Barb.

    And yes, I'm a pack rat. We won't get into that here, though...

    Sorry for the length. Thanks for reading the entire thing, if anyone did... :3
  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    I don't have much stuff left from my old PWI days, but some old Video's which i made :D
    That was still on the old German Server Momaganon, short before the merge with Lothranis to Morai xD

    from 2012:




    And a bit newer stuff from the days as i came back to PWI after almost 3 years \o/
    From Morai, before the merge with Harshlands.



  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    from 2009
    i was watching TV while i was doing the quests (kill 80 or 90 mobs). Now when i see the tv show i get the memory of the PWI area.
    and if i go to area of the PWI i get memory of the TV show.
    I dont know if its good to have such kind of associations.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    Favorite memory...

    Character: Edrini
    Server: TT

    I have far too many to choose from, but here is one simple but pure memory(s) that I have:
    One evening, once we had finished all of our dailies, my friends and I simply removed our weapons, switched to walking instead of running, and simply walked. We've walked all across the map, admiring the design, music, sounds etc that PWI has created. We talk in general chat, sometimes picking up strangers to join us on our walks. Our 'Divinity Walking Club' has tried our hands at many things, like mountaineering (We tried to walk up volcanic purgatory. It didn't work out. Pro-tip, don't climb moutains in heels!), swimming from etherblade to arch and *bravely* walking into arch through west-gate. We'll stop at random towns, sit down on outside seating, fake ordering the most outrageous cocktails we can think of (Arrow head mannor makes mean mimosas. Who needs a pick up after farming Lunar? I know I need a few ahaha). If we find a world boss, or any boss, we try to punch it to death. We've also spent the time forming head-cannons (Theory: there is actually a drug-cartel run by a rabbit in and around plume. Those random crates you see around the place? yup. Filled with the pwi-equivalent to coke.), developing our character back story, talking about cute toons ( :p ) and general chit-chats to warm the heart.
    Anyone who knows me knows how obsessed I am with fashion, so I naturally have an outfit for every occasion, every weather type. Yet to find a good pair of shoes for cross-country hiking through.
    So far no one has died whilst doing this. We've walked the entire map, and hope to move to walking to primal, nf etc!
    These simple walks have been a great help to me during really stressful times in my real life. Logging in and suddenly getting Pm's asking me to come on a walk, to just walk through beautiful pwi. It's always a soothing time, especially when my favorite game music plays (City_G1. This track I shall unashamedly say has made me cry with happiness as to me, is the track to summaries my love for PWI). If anyone wants to join the divinity et al walking club, shoot me a PM on Edrini and ask when we're doing our next walk, 'cos we'd love for more people to join us!
    Thank you PWI for helping me create so many fond and happy memories, with new and old friends.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    my best memory was about 2 yrs ago dueling in North Arch on etherblade server with a sage sin
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    In 2001 I was 19 y/o and had just lost my HS sweetheart and love of my life, when her inner demons and traumatic abuse at home became too much for her to cope with, even with my full hearted and devoted support, and she took her own life. I was devestated and the light at the end of my tunnel seemed to blink out of existance. After months of mourning a concerned friend of mine sugguested I join him in playing a mmorpg he had been playing for awhile called Everquest. The commitment and fraternal nature of the game allowed my brain to stay occupied, and the friends I made in game that counted on me on a daily basis was just the environment I needed to allow the wound to my soul to scar, and gave me the strength to go back to college and become a productive member of society again.

    Then in 2010 it happened again. The only woman, since the loss of my HS sweetheart, whom I had allowed myself to love again, planned to start a family of our own, and spend the rest of my life with was taken from me and this world by a drunk driver in a fatal car accident. Again, after finally being able to entirely open up to a gf emotionally only to lose her to fate, I found myself crippled and almost completely lost. Remembering my past experience with the mmorpg world I reached out and found PWI. I dove head first into the Raging Tides server and immersed myself in the game in order to keep myself occupied with the hope of being able to heal the rehashed hole in my heart. I even started my own faction as a lvl 40 noob named "DvineSoul" in honor of her memory. Over time between occupying my brain, making new friends, and the fraternal/social aspect of the game PWI allowed my rehashed emotional wound to scar over once again, and eventually renewed my vigor to rejoin the real world as a positive contributing member of society. My brother and I started our own very successful waste-to-fuel recycling company in 2011. I have played off and on since 2010, when time in rl allowed for me to do so, and I recently rejoined the game in 2017. Most of my friends that I made when I started no longer play, but the few that do, and the memories of the times when all of them were the only ones i felt i could turn to during the darkest hours of my real life, I am forever thankful to and for. If it wasn't for their support, there is no doubt in my mind that I could have very well let the darkness devour me and extinguish what was left of my light at the time. In a sense, PWI truely saved my life; at the least from a dismal life void of positivity, vigor, and love; at the most from giving up entirely.


    David aka

    lvl 102 Wizard
    lvl 101 Barbarian
    Raging Tides Server


    rb2 lvl 100 Wizard
    Tideswell Server

    "Varden" at heart, "Prophecy" in rebirth, and a "DvineSoul" forever.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    This video was recorded 6 years ago LOL My skills lvl 2-4. Memories *-*
  • Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Short backstory to this video. Me and my friend loved to tease our in game spouses how we are the true lovers and they are just there, which inspired me to make a video along lines "How can I troll this further?". Sadly, the quality of video left things to be desired for but it was extremely fun and memorable video to make, making this one of my favorite memories regarding this game.


    Server: Etherblade
    Character: WnbSami
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17

  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    As another update we have around 90 memories.
  • Posts: 79 Arc User
    Back when rank8 was a pipe dream for every class and deity quit because he got in trouble for racking his parents credit card.
    wadzio dropping +10 cv wand twice.
  • Posts: 152 Arc User
    I'm REALLY surprised nobody is jumping on this. Takes a few minutes to do, and you could potentially win a CoM? What's wrong with people?
  • Posts: 2 Arc User

    Favorate memory was doing HolyAxe's FB 89, with my long since deleted lvl 60 cleric Druid_Shaman with zxcleric keeping me alive on Dreamweaver server back in 2010.
  • Posts: 63 Arc User
    Server: TwilightTemple
    Name: gundameister

    Here i go:
    PWI was my first and only mmorpg by the time, i started to play at 2009 , this game really got me into, of course it was my first mmorpg and still play and try to play each day, because its lets say part of me, i have good memories from this game sadly my old screenshots got lost QQ, anyway i love this game so much, i got pretty excited with new content , weapons and dungeons like the first days even if i dont have uch time to play i enjoy the short time im in, im going to bring some memories for every one and i hope you had enjoyed this moments like me tiger-4.gif

    The Old Bosses
    Not many ppl remember but back in the days you could get a Sacrifical Strike boss on Wraithgate, if you got 1 of them your squad pretty sure will reset instance or get squad wipe xD, they were removed a long time ago and now you get bosses with no special buffs (until now)

    Meeting Poison

    If you were a low level and had to kill Dismal Shade you maybe remeber beign killed and nothing can save you unless you had a cleric with you the Poison of this bad guy could kill you in a blink

    The Money Path

    Ahhh pretty good old days spending time like 2~3 hours by day making money... there is a path that was famouse for letting you get the mats for make Ultimate Substance i remeber to make some good coins there, the path was so special that let you dig all the maths in perfect 10 mins loop, if you were the first to start running the path you canuld get at 2nd loop all amts spwning just as you get there making impossible for some one else to take mats tiger-1.gif

    Zen Partys

    Before the BH times there was some special places to make a party and kill mobs for exp this one was a good place

    The Bad Timing (Hallucinatory Trench)

    As Blademaster was pretty hard to survive vs this bad guy, specially if some one of your squad got inside instance before you, if you got bad luck you could get agro of this archer mob as soon as you get teleported inside instance, i remember many arcane guys getting killed tiger-14.gif

    The Door Problem

    Lest go move to the BH times, Hallucinatory Trench (BH79) was a challenge some of you maybe remeber doing this for check if the right door was open, the best path was for Kill Stygean First then Linus or Brigand but if you got the wrong door open, you were forced to run the whole instance and next get back for Stygean

    Kill those mobs
    Getting close to this corner
    Finally use camera functions to see wich door was open

    The World Traveler

    As low level player you used to think, "im goona explore the map and watch High level monsters" until you find the Nightmare Mob xD aka (harpy Wraith) imagine a low level player (40 or less) in a low level flyer with low level gear and like 3k Hp or less
    and then you enter ina field were cant see any mob and suddenly this Queeeeeeeen start moving and you dont know what to do until she gets close to you and devour your soul tiger-20.gif
    OMG OMG OMG HALLLLLLLLLLLP tiger-11.giftiger-41.gif

    Fantastic Creatures and Where to Find Them

    We call them World Bosses they were the most powerful Monsters in the Perfect World and was pretty hard to find one alive, back in the days i remeber seeing factions organized to kill this beasts (30 ~ 40 ppl) they had to fight for like 40 mins to 1hr to kill of of them you had to be a decent geared barb to tank 1 and need a lot of heals, they were so Majestic to see that when some 1 world chat or say that a faction was killing one , hundred of peoples were to see them fighting :D sometimes 2 or 3 factions were fighting for the kill and sometimes all squads got killed (1 Shot)

    The Ellite

    In the old times of Perfect World an easy way to identify a Ellite Player was the Glowing Weapons i remeber to be excited to see people running with Green Axes, Swords, Glaives those weapons were like a Signature for Good or High Level Players Twilight Temple was one of The hardes Instances and Those weapons and armors were a pain to get them

    Another particular thing about High level players was the Fairy , there was no genies the only fairy was the one you get at Level 89,99,100 Demon/Sage Cultivations

    BONUS Memories

    I dont own this video , i tried to contact the owner but got no response, this is and old video and it was one of the reasons to be Proud for being a BLADEMASTER

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh old memories tiger-12.giftiger-13.giftiger-14.gif

    This one was the first Trailer i saw

    I hope you all got a good memories abnd keep Playing PWI tiger-29.giftiger-46.gif​​
    I will change the world..........
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Setari - Dawnglory

    PWI Memories~
    In the Fan Appraciation Post I have already mentioned one story from past, so here I will share some other bits :smile:

    Sadly I don't have many of screenshots I have made years ago...changed computers many times :,) BUT!

    1. Meeting one of my best friends in-game, SolidWolf (who I still play with) and fooling around in those low level instances :D
    2. Joining Heartless where I could be helpful to other people and learn more about higher level instances like...TT! (haha that was such a big thing back in the days!)
    3. Joining Watchers ! Faction where I made most of friends that I am still in contact with, my beloved singing wife Wynni who we came to visit in Germany <3 , my first TWs and faction base challenges! Where as a surprise, all faction worked hard to make for my barb the upgraded r8 weapon! (With which I entered "Draw my character" contest XD )
    4. Playing around after Morai expansion with new epic morai skills!
    Check short video here!
    5. Returning to game to learn about server changes (joined Dawnglory as I have been in Harshlands previously and from Europe), all the updates from Elysium expansion and VERY soon Neverfall expansion! So much info but boy, so much fun upgrading my beloved barbarian again!
    6. Joining Infamous , I love that faction to the bits, taught me so much about new xTW, xNW and all the other new instances I didn't have chance to see by myself! For someone who never got to be good geared, entering top-tier faction is always an amazing experience. Now after all expansions its so much easier to...
    7. ...get r9 ! After all these years finally reaching the point when you can grasp that dreamy gear <3
    8. VERY RECENT ! just after I came back to game, I checked out whats new in my obsession department - mounts. And there I have seen it...badass, big, dragon...amazing design, dream to have and yes, I did finally get it! Precious, recent, but precious, memory :D
    9. Any time now, my Setari (lol also recently learned that my character name means Settings in Romanian XD) will become Lord of Neverfall which will also be one of my goals so hopefully before contest end I will post an ss ;)
    Post edited by panttahti on
    signature.png ~Setari

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