[9th Anniversary] PWI Memories of PWI
hello everyone ty pwi for this event its looks fun
ok so my first memory
pwi was my first MMO never played anything i was 16 when started this game and truth to be told i dident know english more than yes or no lol i see pwi on some site i cant rember there was a guide for each class i look at veno and told my self i want to get that (she had a herc) its look cool and cute so i download game but i made a bm cuz swords looks cool bump starting area ok wth should i do now press M omg such big map i want to see all of it press all key on keyboard to see what they do at C key what hell is this there is a magic in there i want to use magic how can i make it more lets kill stuff ok press auto atk key omg i hit it i think if i press that more i hit faster lets do that i hit lvl 20 that way xD ok im at Etherblade wow so many play wth that guy got a sword Glowing in blue i want that but i can speak english so fk it i ifind out how after long try i find Player info xD look his sword got socket it might be that lets get Socket where can i get that hmm no idea press M that city looks big (arch) i run to there die 3 time in path with mobs there lol wtf im lost lets go back back by walking again died less this time Pro lol ok finaly a mob droped a sword it was pink i was wow i got a great item lets use it but its need magic so lets put my point to that in the end i had a lvl40 pure magic bm with a glowing magic Sword.
my 2nd memory is my 2nd
well after bm i learned about point so i know what to use now made my veno well i love it really taming getting pet it was fun i dident fk up point this time reached near lvl 86 that was time when fc and sin came out ok this was a normal memory but when fc came out my English was better i could read lol i see ppl say forming BH29 BH39 ..... i was always like wtf is that leave it be i dont know i lvled my veno to 86 before i know i can do BHs FBs Crazy Stones just did quest i can killed mobs for all day lol i still got pet at lvl86 on veno so i find out about fc went there some ppl told me amp i wasnt talking in chat i was like what fk is thatgot tired of getting asked for amp and purges dident know what is that lets change class and make a sin since everyone wants one in squad . thats how sin become my main (Got Herc on my veno so made my first dream come true)
hope you all best day sry my English still sux0 -
I started playing May 2011 when Genesis was the big deal. I came to PWI because a group of friends from my former game told me how exciting and different this game was so I said heck why not give it a try? This is one of the 1st screen shoots I took when I started playing
I was a very noobie wizard back then as you can see on the skill bar. A year later I joined QQme of Raging Tides I stayed and made some meet intertesing people of all different background. As time went on I kept playing improving on my gear to get better keep up with the PvPer's. Not too long after my little server Raging Tides merged with Dreamweaver and bunch of new friends Ive made. I keep playing this game for friends, PVP and a sense of belonging I feel that Ive made a bond with certain people and it hard to let go and move on to something else.
~Formerly Breanna
I'am Republican of Tideswell
Post edited by whipmaihurr onThe only GOP0 -
My favorite time in PWI was when the Heaven's Tear server had a DJ and everyone was always requesting the gummy bear song.
https://youtu.be/astISOttCQ0?t=8s0 -
Uhm, Nice event, here we go.
It was my memories back in the day when PWI just opened, maybe 4-5 months after.
My friends and I, decide that we should get into this game, so we started, we did goo until kinda 50s level(its kinda hard that day) we think we are able to create a Guild or faction at that time, so we gather coins day by day, turns out we made it, we have our majestic faction at that time, we recruit more more and more.
After gettin like 70 members online in a day, we decided to join the territory war, we THINK that we are strong enough.....
NOPE(the mobs said) NO CHANCE, we cant even beat the MOBS, we tried over and over and over again, we keep failing. that memory stays in our memory, until now, we can easily 1 shot them.
Hmm, i think thats it for now, its a whole lot of memories though, but for now, i think that's enough XD
And also, one of my friend died while playing this game, he passed away in front of his pc, RIP my friend0 -
Server: Tideswell
Name: CivillioN
My Memories:
few SS about it_SpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoiler0 -
Server: Tideswell
Name: CivillioN
My Memories:
few SS about it_SpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoiler0 -
Server: Tideswell
Name: CivillioN
My Memories:
few SS about it_SpoilerSpoilerSpoilerSpoilerPost edited by boot777 on0 -
I started playing in 2007 and joined a guild with my best friend. I made a lot of friends, but one was very special. I married Mac in the game in 2009 while he lived in Connecticut and I lived in Florida. I married him in real life in 2014. I met my soul mate on PWI and that is the best it can be.
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Wow - 9 years already. Here goes.....
First toon - archer - thrilled to see we actually needed to stock arrows to play after coming from another MMO where archers had infinite ammo lol; Had no clue what an FB was or what tabs were, but knew that those undines at the start of Cave of the Vicious were impossible to kill solo.
First TW on that archer - at level 38 on, then, Sanctuary. Got wiped real quick, but was fun.
Re-rolled to a cleric since I didn't know a thing about builds and am sure I screwed up that archer. Deleted her before I realized she'd probably be a good bank toon; when you passed gear to alts by drop trading them in some remote spot in hopes no one would grab your loot and before multiclienting was the way to go.
Getting a world chat squad to do my FB (now that i knew what that was) and having to ask what the tabs were. Being told "don't hit anything, just follow" as the high level squad (all 6x) ran me through Cave of the Vicious - elf FB19. Being told to drop squad so I'd get a timer to get out of the cave. Forgetting to tab FB29 later because I had no clue where the pillar was. 3*'s and molds went to the tabber and you lived for dropped gear with all elements and a decent stat or two.
Quests required a number of mobs approximately equal to your level -- including, much later, 85 drops from etherocelot guards in heaven. OMG - rolls eyes - no way. Most mobs aggro'd at some point, particularly those horrid wolves for the neverending 29 culti and the werewolf spearmen that were everywhere.
One-man armies were important for rep and a way to grind exp when I couldn't just blindly grind on mobs. Justice orders gave decent exp and rep and were the only way my cleric made it through the endless 60's. You couldn't wait to get to 70 since you got to do world quest and it was great exp.
Wishing I was high enough to join Nefarious on Sanctuary but they were recruiting 65+ at the time. Joining Calamity on Dreamweaver at 55; trying desparately to level fast enough to be one of the top 80 who got to go to TW and always just a little behind the cash shop 24/7 pro players, but getting the occasional spot as a cleric. Seven plus years in Vindicate as the official faction dead person and noob cleric. A great group of people that I enjoy to this day.
Getting my sister-in-law addicted to the game and watching her become way more pro than I could ever hope to be. Five years in game married to the same barb and our sins married as well; with the sense to know that marrying any more toons was too much work. Helping a friend with his - had to be 20 - marriage quests when his wife couldn't be on to do them. Marriage quest just about every single day with my barb/sin husband and it's still fun and a good laugh -- as long as he remembers that the pink things (Love Forever) are for GIRLS!!!!! Almost at my new tome.
All the changes in the game over the years - new classes that I can't resist; new servers; new instances; new dailies; easier leveling; fewer mobs in every quest (ty ty ty ty ty -- after all, how many do you really need to kill to know how to kill them???); RB, Morai, primal, now neverfall and watching them change and evolve; the never ending world chat drama that is so often the same and only the names are changed. The factions that fade and resurrect and turn over and still welcome old and new players. A certain psychic on Tideswell that is constantly in world chat to run dungeons and minibosses for people and helping get squads formed while he multitasks through all the different runs. The faction boss runs of old when you needed squads to do them - slither (Tai Chi island), manatavip (nightspike bloodguard??), dragon of the depths, krimson, guarantakong king. kimsa, jewelscalen, viridis stormhorn, etc - and now being able to go back and one-hit them all in revenge. In fact - being to solo viridis on my lvl 55 mystic in Royal gear -- or just having the guts to try now.
Okay - gone on long enough -- needless to say, it's been an amazing 9 years. I have every class and most of them RB'd and geared. I love playing just about all of them, although I'm a really lousy barb and not smart enough to get hang of playing the duskblade. I have enjoyed a wonderful player base, fabulous factions and friends, and am looking forward another 9 years of fun and frustration (can we get some of the old glitches fixed, maybe??).
As I saw in another thread recently - PWI has a charm that I've not been able to find in any other game so far. It's the best of the PWE games (since they ended Heroes of Three Kingdoms which was a wonderful game). See you all in game; take care; have fun; and - be careful out there!!
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Meeting a bunch of people who I now call friends and having the continued opportunity to form more relationships.0
ohh when morai skills was the best of best i had my bm in nirv farming these good days. but some ppl were scaming in nirv with chest so i was QQing when a sin uses that skill to watch inventory of target i was like WTF! it helped to stop the scaming and i just made a sin after of it i was like spying i was like wtf im gm hahhahaha good days in nirv made alot of friends and gold was like 2m around
player Db Kougami
Server Dawnglory
Post edited by uchijawar on0 -
Short story that is proving everything is possible if you got the fire inside youhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQNynbui4VY
Small guild took 1K from strongest and most geared up guild
Took 3 squads and brave heart0 -
Played from January 2010 - March 2013. Returned February 2017.
Main: Feferton (now Anasutra)
Server: Heaven's Tear/Etherblade
Around 2011-2013 (until the introduction of NW), Nirvana was the instance to farm. So much of my time was spent in Nirvana with friends when it was 2x exp/drops. I remember having a main squad of friends that I’d normally run with. We’d spend many hours, like 7-8 hours a day if possible, farming, talking, and just generally having fun. World chat was always busy with groups looking for Nirvana openers for 150k each. Looking back, this is one of my most beloved memories of PWI. It was like everything else in-game was on hold while 2x exp/drops to make plenty of time for Nirvana, and it seemed like this was the case for everyone else on the server. At times, it did seem repetitive and boring, but once it became obsolete, I realized just how much I loved this instance. I recently joined a group of nice folks who needed to run it for a title quest, so I went along; it was very nostalgic. We reminisced and talked about how we used to farm Nirvy. I still miss it very much, and I hope it’s able to make a return like FF/FC just recently did (by the way, thank you so much!).
Frostcovered City
I practically lived in this instance. If I wasn’t doing Nirvana runs, I was most likely in FF. Reaching 105 was one of my goals back then (non-glitched), so I spent a lot of my time in this instance doing solo runs. I got so tired of this instance, like I did with Nirvana, that I didn’t realize I’d miss it when it became obsolete. Slowly but surely, I reached 105. Most of my close in-game friends knew this was one of my goals. Below is a picture of when I reached 105 and my friend having congratulated me in world chat. Seeing that hypers were going to work in FF/FC again in the recent patch notes brightened my day tremendously. I was so EXCITED to do FF runs again. This instance will always have a special place in my heart (I know, sounds cheesy but it’s true! ^_^)
The biggest aspect of the game that I missed while I was gone was playing with friends and having fun with others. The community here can be wonderful and loads of fun, as it can be bad at times as well. I was fortunate enough to make lots of friends, and some I still talk to frequently even though some of them no longer play PWI. From farming instances to TWing and PKing, lots of my good memories stem from hanging out with others in the game. One of my favorite memories was when a bunch of clerics on the server started making a BB chain up into the sky in South Arch. More and more clerics, including myself, joined. As stated above, I recently returned to the game and, interestingly, a lot of the people I once played with are also returning. I don’t really know how to describe it, but it’s a really good feeling being back in the game and seeing other players from a long time ago.
On a final note, just want to say a big THANK YOU to PWI for bringing FF/FC back. I have been in there a lot since the update, and it’s like taking a trip down memory lane. It gave me something else to do and it definitely made me much happier! Much appreciated!
When I finally reached 105
Another day in FF/FC
When I finally got the Brilliant Plumes flyer, I was SO HAPPY
A good in-game friend of mine made me a signature pic
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Removed. Not sure why when I posted my response it was posted twice.
Post edited by annasutra on0 -
One of my best memory was on Harshlands server, few weeks after the server was launched in 2009 TWs were already going on. Back then i was in faction called Kingdom. Since everyone in guild was 40-50 lvl some who played hardcore managed to get level 60-70 but there were only few. So for TW we needed as much people as possible and we had to be very coordinated, since PVE TWs at that level are very hard. So, when we were at the base, my friend Wolfy-barb(who was drunk irl back then) decided to run in base without any orders or giving any notifications he is planning. Everyone on Ventrillo reacted like "what this guy is doing, cmon we werent rdy."So, many squads got wiped, but we managed to beat the monsters.
My second best memory is about guild called QQme on Harshlands server. The guild was fast growing and we already did many TWs, we had strong members in faction. 1 day director named ASCII(or something like that was his name) went mad, and he decided to kick everyone out of the faction, if i remember right, he also left it after kicking everyone. So our brave leader think the name was AntiHero - the archer, did some great TWS alone to defend our lands.
There are many more great memories about PWI, if i find a little bit more time at work, ill post some more.0 -
had to edit this post hahaha. **NO offensive.Post edited by sleeper1#0704 on0
Short story that is proving everything is possible if you got the fire inside youhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQNynbui4VY
Small guild took 1K from strongest and most geared up guild
Took 3 squads and brave heart
try to do that now with just 3 people with r9+12 2k spirit
you have g16+5 1.5k spirit. hahaha even with 30 people u wont be able to kill those 3 people.
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Favorite memory....
This is before the rebirth system, when 105 was the Max. It was my first toon ever in pwi, the Mystic class, and I had managed to solo grind my way from lvl 1 to about 77. That was when I realized i needed a better cape, and the Lvl 101-103 tanks were spamming the TM69 runs. As a mystic, that was when i learned the timing trick to protect and heal the tank, and not draw ANY healing aggro.
That moment when the mystic out performs a cleric for healing and protection...priceless0 -
remember wen i was a wee lad in my fist fation acid rain it was wanderful then like evey faction it destroyed it self after the first sing of drama0
Absolute best memory? Completing my first ever full RB on Veno for culti. Running the tickets for extra beans for auras, being in RB for over 3 hours and countless deaths and completing full RB on my Cleric, 'tanking' first 2 waves bosses while the rest of the squad dug the beans ....Fun times0
forbiddenwords wrote: »It's 2017 so what better way to express my feelings than through memes?
Needless to say, those are some of the (many) aspects of the game that have marked my playing experience so far.
LMAO im dead!!!! The only thing which i miss is that question "What is Zen Party?" ... Sadly, no one of the new player know it ... but LMOA!!! That Memes0 -
Well so far we have around 55+0
well when my dear friend told me about the game for the first time it was when seeker was just released we made accounts n started to play together used to have alot of fun really n help each other and we started getting to know more friends and finish quests together helping each other although we were pretty same level n none of us had special or strong gears then i met a very nice n helpful sin he was like a bro n explained to us alot of things and helped me with everything when he was online n helped me to gear up as well..... damn those ppl i met when i started the game are the reason that im in love with pwi till now though none of them around anymore sadly but yet they made the best memories i still remember everything n every situation like it was yesterday0
Hi started playing PWI 30/9/2008
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Server: Dawnglory
Char: GrimJack
PWI was/is my first MMO, so I have many sweet memories about meeting people from all over the world, getting to know them and the world they live in. It was educational and fun to work together ingame towards a common goal.
Beside these memories, the one that stands out is running a lot of FC in a full squad as an assassin. Stealthing and jumping from room to room, soloing the first boss, starting the second, killing door mobs so barb could do a big pull. It really felt like you are on a mission, a real assassin. Also getting slowly your aps gear, piece by piece, which made the runs noticeably faster and faster, a sense of progression and feedback that I miss nowdays.Post edited by shaman203 on0 -
when everyone still calls me a "pill baby " from the gift to get level 95 instantly.0
The memories is about how the PWI evolved from just 3 race to 6 race, A whole new thing happened during these one phase.
Started from learning the new race's skills and stuff, even I remember i was abandoning my main char(which is lv 80s at that time) just to create a new character with a new race, LMAO. That feels good to know stuff from scratch that not really everyone knows. Like how an Asassin Assasin ah dont know how to spell that, but naah, you know what i'm talking about.
Like how an assasin could farm easily without really spending too much on buying POTION, remember that time when auto-potion doesn't required any item to be in our inventory(just like what we got atm).
And other thing like PVP, HELL YEAH..
No one have any idea on what those new class are capable of. Clearly no one, At those TW the new sin with enough gears just missing from sight, it was like, what the hell ???
All faction chat keep complaining about how the hell we gonna beat this new classes? really ?? they just disappear and LMAO
no one have any idea what to do..
And the anti-stun skill, the whole party threw their stun skills, and no one really put the stun, confused as ... xD
also with the seeker job appearing, their cool skills like everybody that want BM to be a bit stronger, and a barb that wanna have more damage combined together and became seeker xD.
Well, a lot of thing really, but i hope whoever read this got the point of my memories xD
Splendid work on the game by All the crew, All of em,,
about bugs etc, enclosed by the update that keeps running, even after like, 9 years now?? xD
consistency, Splendid work ladies and gentlemen (y).0 -
Lots of good memories from back in the day, but only one stands out for me of which I actually still have some footage. For a school assignment I created a machinima clip using PWI, was fun times getting friends to help in it and kind of embarrassing in hindsight
but I can still look back on it with a smile.
Worst part about this was to film it, I had to drop my pan gu axe in the lake and hope nobody came by to steal it. Luckily nobody did, but was kind of an exciting moment at the time. There are definitely more good memories that I've shared with friends in the game but we lost most of the footage of those times unfortunatelyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqKXUOqu8aMD
Post edited by soulnav on0 -
Name: Kymsplat
Server: Etherblade
My favourite memory is when I first started playing in 2008. I created a cleric as my first character, and as soon as I got into the game, there was people everywhere! I would group up with others for a full squad and just spend my day doing any quest I could find with my squad and we would all chat and pwn some NPC's! It was just great to squad up with others as new as me and roam the vast landscape (Getting from Plume to Dreaming Stronghold was an epic journey!) exploring all that we could find. Even after a few months I was still around level 50 and would just hang around to help others with mob counts and FB19. Everyone was so friendly and we all had so much fun just mindlessly grinding!Kymsplat - Sin -
103 - 103 - 102
My Gear: http://mypers.pw/10/#543295
My Youtube Channel: youtu.be/zyiaSCxQ_KY0 -
My favorite part of PWI was when there were not so many over powered people in the game and everyone was nicer to each other. Groups would spend hours workng out instance mechanics without getting an attitude or rage quitting.... those were the days!0
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